Comments posted by bigloud


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+9 1. bigloud commented 14 years ago on video mascot dunk fail

OMG I broke my ass
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-3 2. bigloud commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

Make children - your woman will be busy.
I swear, you will find her only in kitchen or bedroom, the perfect places for women.
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-6 3. bigloud commented 14 years ago on video The Charleston

#20 this is hardstyle - and what they doing is jumping around in stupid outfits, imho
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-2 4. bigloud commented 15 years ago on video Public-access TV Host Bombarded With Prank Calls

The guy sounds like Lars-Smart Ass-Ulrich of Metallica
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-5 5. bigloud commented 15 years ago on video Blown Away

It's ???????? + ?-13 - ? ???? ?????... (Legalyze + P13 - I know people)