Comments posted by bijuno


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+1 1. bijuno commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

So, I would've love to see the river overflowing!
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+1 2. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video A car stumbles on the street

The timing of the music is indeed PERFECT.
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+6 3. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video Fans showing the way

I wonder...that team must not be that popular having all that space for them to run so freely...Maybe the relation between the amount of arrows and the low attendance is a starting point... :D
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+9 4. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video The Columbian Prison Guard

Is it so hard to spell ColOmbia? This country's name isn't ColUmbia, for god's sake.

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+2 5. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video Mad dog

This is what the lady says:

"Make sure that nobody touches Coco, eh? (maybe the doll's name).

Please, only kisses to Coco.

Kisses to Coco. Little kiss to Coco.

Make sure that nobody touches Coco. -Raaawwwwrrrr- NOBODY. Do not let them, eh?

Defend Coco!

No! Don't let! don't let! Don't let!

They are going to take Coco. Coco is yours.

NO! No...

They are taking Coco! They are taking Coco!"
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+2 6. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video Dueling Banjos played on Tesla Coils

I hear dueling banjos and I see a heavy metal album cover... :P
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+1 7. bijuno commented 12 years ago on video He really trusts in his product.

I could watch only second 0:36 for the whole day.
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0 8. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Best Local News Bloopers of 2011

Isn't it wonderful to see that most of these bloopers are from Fox News? So great. :(|)
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-2 9. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Painting Timelapse

Snotr Y U NO HD ???
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+2 10. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Jahre Viking, the largest ship in the World

Can't wait it to be made into a level of a videogame!
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+1 11. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Dinosaur at school

0:37 is the best part.
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+2 12. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Footage Of Car Assembly Line In 1936

At 2:00 play this video and return here, turn the volume down and enjoy.
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-8 13. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Crocodile Attacks Elephant!

That´s an american crocodile.
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-5 14. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video why burgers looks so good at the pictures

I´d hit her...errr...I mean, i´d eat it.
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+4 15. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Robot Fight: Megabyte vs Brutality

In the future, watching this fights will be against robot dignity.
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-2 16. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video 320,000 Firecracker Salute

Spoiler Warning 0:42 >:)
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+1 17. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Trouble in the pool

Underwater fart!!! 0:03 :D
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0 18. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Bollywood Action Film

Couldn´t be complete without a Wilhem Scream at 4:18!!!
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+4 19. bijuno commented 13 years ago on video Icey Cables

I would´ve LOVED to watch the reaction of the person at 0:45... "Oh god, I´m almost the..whoa..almost ther...-SPARKSPARK KRAKSPARK -GODDAwhoaMIT!"
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+18 20. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Marching Band Forms Giant Football Player

And they were playing the instruments at the same time. Beautiful hand-leg coordination!
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+3 21. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Sum Ting Wong

Driving against´s super effective!
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+2 22. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Rat chases cat

funny... I sent this video like 3 weeks ago... in internet time I suppose it´s like 4 years... and now it appears! Well... :|
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+1 23. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video LES TWINS - World of the Dance 2010

The title of this video is mis-leading... to be frank, I was dissapointed >:)
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+7 24. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Archer Fish

I cannot IMAGINE the rig of cameras used to make this shots. Incredible.
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+2 25. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video The Cartoon Medley

I don´t know...but I think those were the golden years of Disney Cartoons... Rescue Rangers, Ducktales, Wuzzles (not in the meddley, but cool), Darkwing Duck, Gummy Bears, Tail Spin...Those cartoons were da shit. >:)
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+15 26. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Evil Hamster

In Soviet Russia cute hamsters equals ninja assassin little machines of horror
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+3 27. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Hey kick the bottle

That last yell... is hellish
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+4 28. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Nascar Taxi in Chicago!

That guy has the perfect name for a racing driver. His name is Scott Speed for god´s sake!!!!
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+4 29. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Falafel Juggler

Some people just have the wrong jobs...
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0 30. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video 240 mousetraps

Last mousetrap: "Hey! HEY GUYS!? whatcha doin´???? NO NO NO, GUYS! WAIT NOOOO!!! Oh...I´m so alone...what the hell... 0:08"
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+14 31. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video how to pack your bag

What we don´t see is that bag exploding on the airport leaving all his underwear scattered around...
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+6 32. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video The Indian Female Version of Chuck Norris

AND the funny thing is that this movie is from 2009.
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+1 33. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Son pranks dad with fake MacBook.

so much little done. A firecracker maybe? A car running over it? Dunno...creativity people!!! It´s free!
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0 34. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Danish Championships 2010 in Rabbit Hopping

such grace...just like ballet dancers...oh wait, they are from Denmark, right? Figures..
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+4 35. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video The Price is Right - Flip Flop Cheater

Darn kids!
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+6 36. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Back Massage

Hey, that looks quite comforting! I have a little sister that walks on my back from time to time...but of course...she´s no elephant.
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+23 37. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Steve, are you with me ???

"Ok! Here... we... go!" Zombie face... Now dead...blank eyes like a voodoo doll...aaaaaand now alive and back to the chewing gum.
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0 38. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Can Big Girls Fly?

Hey, they just judge the flying, not the landing. So...PERFECT!
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+11 39. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Food catching kitty.

Black Cat: "hey, waddya doin´? huh? *BUMP* -wtf woman?"
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0 40. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Watching The Sun Shoot Solar Flares

Solar pimples.
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+3 41. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Engineers turn robot arm into F1 Ferrari simulator.

So, how much? I´d buy 2. :D
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+2 42. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video The victim of wild dogs

Incredible shots. David Attenborough´s team must own a helicopter AND a satellite. I´m amazed at those shots.
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+3 43. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Traffic Cop's Got Moves

This guy´s in the wrong job.
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-2 44. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Riverdance

Riverdance...also known as the "dance where you only move your lower body"
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+38 45. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Kid from Hell

Kudos to the cameraman :D
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+1 46. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Lion eating a zebra

The stare at 2:40 it´s like "you know should NOT be filming this...I can eat you, you know? This is no picni...oh wait, it is!"
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+26 47. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Underwater Tornado in Aruba

I would´ve sticked my hand inside it just for the sake of it. :P
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+8 48. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Ever seen a real kung fu workout routine?

Don´t worry...While you do push-ups with your pinkies nuckles you just sing "uuuuoooooooohhhhhh.... chei-ya may-cha-ba-ya" repeatedly. I know this works. ;)
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0 49. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Sweden Helicopter Heist Footage Released

There´s no such thing as the "perfect crime". But I think this qualyfies as the "coolest crime" I´ve ever seen. Come on!!!! 3 minutes!!
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0 50. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Japanese scientists create touchable holograms.

Then will be touchable bullets. And holographic kills. :P
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+15 51. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Latvian girl...

The subtle "Plink!" is what makes this video great.
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+8 52. bijuno commented 14 years ago on video Kittens and an Easter egg

Jump at 0:38 is EPIC.
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+3 53. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video Fake TV spot recordings in Mexico

This is in Venezuela. The show is called "Que Locura" ("It´s Maddnes";) and it´s a hidden camera show.
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0 54. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video How to Shoot an Anvil

Pretty boring until 1:32
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+10 55. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video F1 Brazil fire at pit stop

Great seeing Brawn team help Kovalainen. That is sportsmanship.
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+2 56. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a bus on a bridge

Of course this would be usefull in a situation where you CAN´T go to the street to make a U-Turn...say, you have a horde of zombies running towards you and the only place you can do this is on top of a bridge... sadly...this can be done, by a PRO in 3 minutes... so, your brain would be eaten like 7 or 8 times.
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+1 57. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video Quadruplet babies laughing

This is just in the line between increidbly cute and slightly macabre :D
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-3 58. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video Instant Karma

Instant Fake. It clearly shows a fake slip. Maybe without the slow-mo I would´ve been convinced. That part just gave away the whole effect.
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0 59. bijuno commented 15 years ago on video Failing long-haired rollerblader

I thought he was a girl when I saw it first...