Comments posted by bndbnd


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+2 1. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video B-17 Flying Fortress Skydive with Chicagoland Skydiving Center

B-17, dropping joy since 1940's
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+1 2. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Strandbeest Bike

ladies and gents I present to you the Hipstercycle :D
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0 3. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Weird

I just closed my eyes and fully enjoyed the song, something I can hardly do on today's music... sadly
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+1 4. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video The Drone Wars

what was first? the drone or the droid?
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+15 5. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video World's Fastest Model Poser

He also holds the record for the fastest guy to start crying when getting slapped.
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+2 6. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

only if it was not fake...
saw this before of the actual video.
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+3 7. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Wintergatan - Marble Machine

this would make a great IKEA kit project >:) phone book size manual
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+9 8. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Twin Strangers - Unrelated Identical People

there was a glitch in the system
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0 9. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video We Took A DNA Test

heh, genetics, what do they know... I am 100% sure that I am 50% Adam and 50% Eve... the test results are from a old genetics book, in technical therms it's called Bible, the greatest minds from the scientific community contributed to make the ultimate genetics book. The science base is so complex that people over time tried to deny it coming up with logical explanations for every content in THE book. Awful guys that never trust the great scientist that made the book. :D
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+2 10. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Wind turbine is on fire

that's what I call "green emissions" >:)
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+2 11. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video Doing Your Nails and Hair in Space

I don't know about you, but I think that even if not so cool, gravity makes more sense during every day life.
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0 12. bndbnd commented 8 years ago on video FPS Russia paints with guns

ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Allen wrench bullets. I wonder what's next...
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+3 13. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Dogs Who Fail At Being Dogs

I see this "fails" more like a struggle to make their owners happy, after all dogs can't tell jokes do they?
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+6 14. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Would you ???

Pretty cool, but we have to appreciate that this kind of sports make jobs for people in the ER.
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+4 15. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Bikini Baristas: Coffee and Controversy in Washington State

I would say this is more of a marketing scheme but judging the name of the second coffee shop and I quote "SMOKIN'HOT ESPRESSO", that my friends it's more of a false advertising since that gal is like a Vittel mineral water, and here I mean FLAT >:) . Somehow I think that people these days have nothing else to do than find things to complain...
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+7 16. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Ethiopia

try putting this kind of crossroads in Russia :)) the population would go extinct >:)
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+23 17. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video How to prank your dog

If you can live without caffeine,
If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him or her,
If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,
If you can face the world without lies and deceit,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, gender preference, or politics,

--Then you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog!
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+1 18. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video OLEDCOMM shows Li-Fi, 10mbitps Internet by Light

In my opinion, light and gaming doesn't work that good together, so I will just stick to my humble wired gigabit network...
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0 19. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Stupid driver blocking an ambulance on highway

if I had that car, I would stop just to refuel or sleep...
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+4 20. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Bad Teacher

#6 That's the spirit!
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-9 21. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

I am not a fan of France or something but damn if it was up to me I would nuke the sh*t out of Islamic regions. btw if you love extremist I don't care if you down vote my post.
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+1 22. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Meanwhile in Japan...

somehow I saw that coming, it was too damn good at the beginning then the close up shot came and I was like, nope nope nope why would you do that for reals? Add or not this is weird as fk.
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+4 23. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Fake Bomb Detector ADE 651

this is even better than the oil change scam >:)
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+7 24. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Why you let sleeping snakes lie...

nope nope nope nope
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+3 25. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video How To Cool Down Your Computer

I lost my faith in snotr content, here was the last place I expected to see this guy...
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+7 26. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Lego Titanic

#4 at least as good as the genuine one >:)
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+3 27. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video World's Greatest Drag Race #5

and a Mazda, well, we needed 10 cars...
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+3 29. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video How Our Memories Work And Why We Lose Them

I think that we lose some of the memory information by not accessing it. For example, a 25yo will be able to remember most of his life, but an older person, which has a bigger number of memories, he can't access them all daily and eventually the brain stops using the synapses that hold those memories and thus degrade the capacity of the brain.
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+1 30. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Need To Wait In Line But Have To Work? Hire A Professional Line Waiter

you would laugh but people in my country complained about sitting in line too much during the communist regime...
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+1 31. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video This Chinese Girl Effortlessly Roller Skates Under 18 Cars

it's just me or on the background was playing the Chinese version of Transformers - Arrival to Earth? >:)
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-1 32. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video TRIPLE JOINTED

this "talent" seems similar of being 10% more bulletproof than usual...
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+1 33. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Face Workout

this reminded me of a classic movie -
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-1 34. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Koa Smith's 27 Second Skeleton Barrel

this kind of guyz have atraction for 2 things: girls and sharks >:)
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+8 35. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Lesson for a Bully

because we all know that there is no better way to learn something than by getting hit in the head...
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+1 36. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Helicopter flying extremely low over the street

going to the local distillery bellow radar #where we are going we don't need roads >:)
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+9 37. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video A close of motorcycle chain on drag race

that's what I call teamwork - those little chain segments were like: hold on boyz, this kind of shit doesn't last very much
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+10 38. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Russia shows muscles

#1 1 min of natural gas bought by europe
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+1 39. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Super Hair Gel

letting the joke aside, that is the shittiest and the most overrated haircut of this century, god it looks like hell... I'm living in Romania and if you walk on streets you see this kind of haircut once every 3 guys(it's funny when a group of 5-6 guys have the same haircut). It's just sad... has something of nazi haircuts, try to google it. nothing to do on this planet anymore.
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+5 40. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Don't Stay in School

and the internet came up with the cultivated Gothic rapper...
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+8 41. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Ben and Chesty meet and greet

god or not for the kid, you must appreciate the overwhelming kindness of that dog.
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+5 42. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video What Life Could You Have Lived?

Sounds cool the story of this guy, but on the other side imagine every body living this way. what the economy would do, the technological progress that people with "routine" manage to discover. If it's to ask me, I'd rather chose a such called "routine" driven life, knowing that by my work and resource management I assure myself a decent life, doesn't matter how you live your life, it still lasts about 70-80 years...(yeah, you might live longer but I bet you won't enjoy going to funerals of all your friends). The idea is just to live as you choose to live.
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+3 43. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video 10 Craziest Drugs

Drugs you never heard of - would you ever thought that not being a drugs consumer, I might not know some drugs or drugs at all to begin with?
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+10 44. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video And the winner is ...

this sport seems to be beneficial for the brain.
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0 45. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Assembling process of massive mining truck

does anybody know the name of the song? trying with shazam but after 10 wrong results I gave up. tank you
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+3 46. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video New Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner performs near vertical take-off

Impressive how they achieved to make a lighter aircraft so it can get a thrust to weight ratio way more than 1, I mean the engines don't look so special so the weight of the plane must do the trick.
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+4 47. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Marvel vs. DC

04:55 I am pretty sure that's not the way a bullet exits a piston... too much Call of Duty kids
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+2 48. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video ISS Expedition 43 Crew Lands Safely in Kazakhstan

for some reason they didn't changed the design of the capsule not even after 60 years
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+2 49. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Is This Standard Procedure For Knee Surgery?

And from this comes the "miracle" or walking again
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+9 50. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video IndyCar crew member escapes serious injury in NOLA pit lane spin

so that's why even pit crew members wear helmets
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0 51. bndbnd commented 9 years ago on video Adolf Hitler´s personal paint and artworks

See he was not such a bad person after all... neah just kidding
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-8 52. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Life in a shipbreaker yard

the sense of democracy doesn't stop to amaze me, if I say something and you don't agree with me that doesn't mean you are right, neither that I am right. #4 "roma people from bucharest" - I have my reasons to dislike parasite people like them. I am sick of being presumed gipsy just because I am ROMANIAN, not roma, rrom or how they call themselves. Romania has gipsy as every country in Eastern Europe. Plus "They originated in India" - . Yeah, sure, I am at least 100% wrong about the integration idea that I mentioned in my first comment... you people never learn...
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-10 53. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Life in a shipbreaker yard

This is questionable. First of all, we can't agree that there are places on Earth this poor, that live in this harsh environments, on the other hand we can't expect everybody to be rich(I bet that people who run the shipyard breaker business is not a poor people). But, yes there is a but, people like this can't 100% accommodate in other parts of the world(for example if they manage to leave that city and come to civilized countries they will steal to live since 1000 years they didn't went to schools or seen how they should live for better). As the young man said in the video, he has pain after a day of work but does nothing about that. It's not about the race, it's about the way they are used to live. Not a single humanitarian society can force them to live otherwise, if they provide supplies they will first use them, then they learn that there are some people that provide them with supplies and then they will continue their lives almost the same that they used to until the provided help.
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-10 54. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video A Firework Lands Inside an Apartment

I am the only one that expects to hear Allahu Akbar every time something blows up? Especially lately...
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+6 55. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Stabilization of the night sky.

#1 Darude - Sandstorm or Der Aufbruch - Tune Of Soul
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+5 56. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video U.S. F/A-18E/F Rhino Breaks Speed of Sound

That is what I recall as definition for "badass"
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+13 57. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Fanuc Robots set up to pack batteries

I love the determination of the first robot :))
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+3 58. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Trucking jumping over a Lotus F1

I bet the truck didn't appreciate the jump as much as the F1 car...
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+3 59. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 1

10:32 Smartphone app with nearby crash notifier?
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+5 60. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video This is the Coolest perspective you'll get for a plane landing...

I always wanted to be a "pilor"
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+9 61. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Paris Gold Ring Scam

I don't know what they understand by "Roma community". What I think is that woman was gipsy. In my country we have this problem with them too. And ironically they have privileges to "integrate" even though in 20 years they did the same integration as they did(as culture) in 2000 years, that means non. The worst part is that more and more people that don't belong to their culture tend to adopt the same behavior(because it's easy to accept that you have money and don't "work" for them). I don't care what Human Rights say, if a culture can't be cultured I DON'T want them around... Note this is not a belief based on race. Race and behavior have nothing in common. I don't hate you because you are blacker, I hate you because you might hurt me, my friends or you might interact with my wealth.
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+2 62. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Voodoo Mama hot sauce...

I don't know about you guyz but I notice a big growth in the quality of the content on Snotr....
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0 63. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video 103mph RC Car

Now he has more than one
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+3 64. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Very cool Russian motorcycle

In soviet russia even bikes are all wheel drive
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+1 65. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to catch the bass

Cats and bass, two beautiful things to love... and cars, let's not forget the cars
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+3 66. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Illustris - Universal Simulation

funny how theoretically it takes for "single state-of-the-art desktop computer would require more than 2000 years to perform this calculation" but we have a book that CLEARLY says they are using the wrong technology since, God did it only in 7 days to do this, in conclusion God has the best gaming PC. Solved
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+6 67. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Absolutely Brutal VW Golf Mk2 1150HP 16V Turbo

What does the gearbox say? Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
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+6 68. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video The gloves that will "change the way we make music"

I bet that Ludwig van Beethoven is turning in his grave right now. :|
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0 69. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Raw, unedited, silent footage of the bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.

#4 well too bad. Well not like it's a good thing they dropped a bomb on poor people(which their homes were made out of wood and paper), but I kinda understand the move. First there was war(don't eat that garbage with Perl Harbor revenge) and second if I were a country possessing mass destruction weapons that were never used for their purpose and just in tests, well you kinda get where I am going now.
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+7 70. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Cruise Ship Cut in Half, Then Stretched 99 Feet

No matter how big you are, someday they will make you grow :D
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-1 71. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Batarang

This is so much better than a dog :D
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+11 72. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video THE PRODIGY

kids, don't do drugs...
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+7 73. bndbnd commented 10 years ago on video Falcon chasing crows

Nature's Dogfight
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+2 74. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video 1850 HP Lambo: 0-254 MPH in under 21 seconds from a standing start

But still the winner of what? One single drag, alone doesn't win much...
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+30 75. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video Tuvan Throat Singing

Still better than 80% off the songs I hear these days
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+1 76. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video Reaction of iodine with 90% alcohol

well I knew something was fishy here... don't believe everything:
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+2 77. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

is just me or this guy is too damn creepy?
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+5 78. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video A-10 Warthog Gatling Gun Test

looks like this baby fires ~70 freedoms per second
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+18 79. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video BASE Cliff Strike

the slow motion replay made hitting that ridge way more painfull...
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+8 80. bndbnd commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2013 by TNL

#2 I think that, there was a historical film in making and then wild "futuristic" cyclist appeared but I am not sure.