Comments posted by bountyhunter53


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+3 1. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video This is how Russian spetsnaz deals with terrorists

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+19 2. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video 300 KM an hour illegal street racing in Sweden, Mercedes VS a Yamaha R1 bike.

That's 186mph... That car is seriously quick... Pulling away like that when the bike is at 299kmh.
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+1 3. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video INJURED? TO HELL WITH THAT

He was still riding down that mountain like a boss, see that front wheelie 3:19
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+3 4. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Fireworks malfunction

Think I ripped a speaker..... ffs.
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+3 5. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Epic fail - 10 out of 10

Just that sound is like a whooping sound... Man that's gonna hurt in the morning.
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-3 6. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Son, wait here!

Erm... ok.
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+2 7. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Motorbike accidents compilation

#1 Agreed! Most are just halfwits just thinking they're heroes belting it down.
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+15 8. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Easy Cheese 3D Printer

Just love the amount of frustration in this video is amazing.
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0 9. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Nissan GT-R Nismo Horror Crash Nordschleife

This guy is the guy who won that GrandTurismo PS3 challenge? The one where you could drive a GTR if you could set the best lap time on the actual game. I heard he became a professional racer after that... Man how his life changed...
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+1 10. bountyhunter53 commented 9 years ago on video Drag race car is too overpowered starts flying

Not enough downforce at all, one thing I know in cars. You know them bodykits kids get on there cars these days? They actually help with downforce, for one there heavy, second they funnel air in a way to keep the car on the ground. Looks like the only thing keeping the car down was one spoiler...

Also the second car did disappear.. Fake?
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+12 11. bountyhunter53 commented 10 years ago on video Redneck Bogan vs Industrial Aircompressor

I thought his skin would rip off :|
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+2 12. bountyhunter53 commented 10 years ago on video Push the limit

How hard is it to become a fighter pilot... I am so interested now.
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0 13. bountyhunter53 commented 10 years ago on video GPS driving navigation on a jet plane

Wouldn't this interfere with the other systems on the plane?

#6 Does that mean something doing 400mph in the air is faster than something doing 400mph on earth? I always thought the person closest to the apex is fastest...
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+1 14. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video How To Eat Chicken Wings

Her smile.... DAMN!
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+3 15. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Smartphones and Sustainability

#2 Get a Nokia and your battery worries are gone :) Plus if you drop it you'll cause a earthquake.
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0 16. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version)

Throughout that whole video... My face was just like... :| :| What the utter f*** gave him that idea LOL!
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+2 17. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video English motorcyclist almost runs over a pedestrian

#2 Cars could be behind him too? But hey.. I've seen stupidness from bikers too. E.g.. Trying to fit through a gap between a truck and a car, only to have the truck roll back a inch as its uphill.

But yup that pedestrian was pure dumb.. Looking left is at least part of the equation when crossing a road! (In the UK). Most people learn from there own mistakes!
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0 18. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Zeno's Paradox

For some reason... He reminds me of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory...
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0 19. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Microsoft IllumiRoom

Isnt this Phillips Ambilight or something? But improved :|
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+1 20. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Animals Trying To Stay Awake

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+8 21. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video First Person Fight Scene with a GoPro

This is how street fighter should be :| + Kinect.. DAMN!
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-2 22. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Best bartender in the world

Definitely Eastern European... Them lot drink up like nuts. (No offence btw)
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+24 23. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Catching a Train

Health and safety would have a field day there :| But even with all our rules i bet less people would get hurt there than here on trains..
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+12 24. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video 136 mph Rally Car Jump

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+7 25. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Just defying gravity, that's all

Light as a feather... Imagined the wind stopped blowing :| Probs be another video on here LOOL!
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+5 26. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Suddenly a tank!

That was just Vlad testing out his new wheels LOL! :D
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-2 27. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Footage from inside a plane with its engine burning during the flight !

That's some Hollywood S**t :|
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0 28. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video This is one happy fox

That vid is deemed worth of being used for a FireFox ad LOL!
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0 29. bountyhunter53 commented 11 years ago on video Super car driver idiots

Ive noticed in my time driving.. The people with the beastly cars... Are the ones that cant drive at all.. Or dont know how to use all that power properly :| Most of the time its used to burn the clutch.. I guess thats why every supercar is going semi-auto i guess...
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+8 30. bountyhunter53 commented 12 years ago on video Mind blowing new creative animation style

Story telling skillz!
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+3 31. bountyhunter53 commented 12 years ago on video Loud sounds over Sweden

Aliens have landed... But wouldn't you walk or try scout out where the sounds are coming from, I would?
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+7 32. bountyhunter53 commented 12 years ago on video RC F-16 FPV Helmet Cam

Better than HAWX :|
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+7 33. bountyhunter53 commented 12 years ago on video 86 year old woman enjoys GTA 4

And people say games are the cause of chaos, terror and death. If its grannysafe.. I guess it isn't that bad then is it... I dont think shes going out killing anyone...
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+22 34. bountyhunter53 commented 12 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

#5 Live TV always lags a few seconds... Even the Speed of light isn't fast enough for live i guess? :|
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+5 35. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Landscapes

Our earth is beautiful.. Sadly we ruin it most of the time...
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+28 36. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin final speech in "The Great Dictator"

A great speech by one of the greatest silent comedians ever. He has alot to say for a silent person.
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+6 37. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video A Bridge Too Far

This is what we British are good at!
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+2 38. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Jorian Ponomareff - World Training

Pure skills!
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+1 39. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Go Beyond Oil

I feel like moving planet... Mars maybe?
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0 40. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Kid Attempts to Punch Through Board

I think he just watched too much Kung Fu :D
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+1 41. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Epic cat battle

Felt like watching Mayweather and Ortiz fight again >:)
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-8 42. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Glowing Rims on a BMW 7 Series

Wasn't this posted recently before? or have I got deja vu? :|
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+7 43. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago on video Juggling 5 balls with her feet

Multitasking win! :D
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0 44. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block spoof

I wanted the fireworks to hit that car >:) also near the end did the underbelly of the car really on fire?
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+5 45. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Cell phone Karma

Owned by the coffin :D
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-3 46. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Man vs. Kids

I lol'd when he kicked the kid in the head >:)
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-1 47. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video The PEN Story

If the camera videoing the commercial was a bit more steady it would look awesome. But at times you can't really tell whats happening. Olympus should get help from the ad masters (Sony, Honda and Audi), their ads are flipping creative and the Audi ones are hilarious.
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+2 48. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

Forget the undies, i would end up screaming for 6 months
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+1 49. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Instant Karma

Dude its real. Ive dropped several times like that. And he wasn't that badly hurt because like normal humans he used his hands to avoid bashing his face in. Its normal insticts. Well some of you lot must stand still when confronted with a car flying towards you. But normal people jump or position our hands in such a way that it doesn't damage as much as it could.
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+1 50. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block vs. Ricky Carmichael

I wouldn't mind doing that but inevitably theres gonna be a few crashes.....well 99% of the planes destroyed, won't be so bad would it?
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+10 51. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block vs. Ricky Carmichael

Damn he can drive!

Btw did u see Ken's face on the jump 6:37 it was like he was sleeping, James on the other hand.....eyes were about to pop out. :D
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-8 52. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Explosive inc.

The unreal engine, a gaming engine which changed the face of gaming forever.
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+3 53. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Awesome's creed

Damn that video just summarised the whole game in 31 secs.
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-7 54. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Optimus Prime - Spy Video {truck form}

Damn the acceleration must be blistering. They must have specially strengthened the body cause it would've ripped apart at the starting line.
Also at the end i heard the unmistakeable sound of the sonic boom, meaning the truck is doing 760MPH+ or 1230 KPH+.

BTW wouldn't you need a insane amount of runway or road cause slowing down from 760mph would need alot of time and alot of shredded brakes.
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+3 55. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video How NOT to jump an ATV

Hes probably still screaming now......
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+5 56. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Hang on tight!!

Owned! :D
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+1 57. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Fat kid squeezed in amusement ride

How did a fat kid vid turn into a religious debate? We may never know......

BTW shouting "stop" doesn't stop the ride. But keep hope my fat friend.
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+3 58. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Planet Earth

#12. You do remember that we are human..... O:)
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+4 59. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Why email was invented

Man's greatest friend. I kinda feel sorry for the mailman, he had to walk up a street which could be on top of a hill, only to see his hard work eaten away. I would feel gutted and sprinkle the rest of the post in chillies >:).

Give them a hot meal :D.
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-12 60. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Cigarette trick

#8 I was kinda trying to crack a joke but hey some people want a serious attitude *cough*.

By the way theres a big button on the keyboard on the left, in a wierd coded language, saying "Caps Lock". Pressing it should help.
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+4 61. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Why email was invented

I would actually train my dogs and/or cats to eat my mail (for certain reasons ;)). Or give them a crash course in chasing postmen. That way I can say i haven't got any mail from the evil corps at all. >:)
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+1 62. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Planet Earth

#7 I agree. Is it me, cause after watching it, I had the sudden urge to do a barbecue and to watch the Discovery channel.
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+1 63. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Woman parallel parks car

It makes me feel a ease, as I now know people are being let onto the road without being able to park. The driving test next month should be a breeze, just got to know how to move forward :D . (Can I move forward....Let me check.....)
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+16 64. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Why email was invented

Hmm..... So using the excuse my dog ate the mail won't work with the banks anymore >:)
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+1 65. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Bike trap

Is that a pothole. Damn! thats a bloody swimming pool :D . The guy thats helping had troble looking for the bike 0:37 in the huge pothole.
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-1 66. bountyhunter53 commented 15 years ago on video Driving a golden BMW in Russia

Cameraman is driving or riding in a Nissan GTR R35. You can tell by the dashboards computer system based on Grand Turismo 5's thingy. Around 7:45 you can see the dashboard and the speedometer saying 145 kph(90mph thats bloody quick for a normal road). Nice ride though.