Comments posted by burvis


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0 1. burvis commented 16 years ago on video Speed cooking

Never found trailer trash humour funny. Lame.
Picture of burvis5 achievements

+7 2. burvis commented 16 years ago on video Best DUI test ever

It's flipping awesome, but I heard it's not real. Can anyone confirm this?
Picture of burvis5 achievements

+2 3. burvis commented 16 years ago on video Powerwashing a 3 years old child

Stop "waisting" your time, and go sue McDonalds for making you fat.
Picture of burvis5 achievements

-2 4. burvis commented 16 years ago on video Powerwashing a 3 years old child

"Oh my god, thats horrible!!" blahblah
Stupid sensationalists.
This is softer than good olde ass slapping.
Way to waste TV air time.
Picture of burvis5 achievements

+7 5. burvis commented 16 years ago on video How not to react to the police

to: croclacrimae

As you could well observe, no tasing was needed after all to solve the situation. You yanks should get your shit straight. Tasing is a mostly malicious practice. I'd recommend you more psychology, less weapons.
Picture of burvis5 achievements

+7 6. burvis commented 16 years ago on video How not to react to the police

Lucky lady, if that was the US of fucking A where this took place, she'd have been tased to death :|