Comments posted by bushako


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+1 1. bushako commented 16 years ago on video The first-ever iBand

thats awsome...nevermind sum people out here...wat do u mean a guitar will do better..its a fukn iphone..and these people are innovative...if you ainbt got no shit get ur shit ass home!!!
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-1 2. bushako commented 16 years ago on video Can time slow down?

@ Noobeater
Time is not an illusion but infact it exists just as space does. Its simple even if you take away clocks and calenders, you would still be aware of the past, present and future. you dont need a clock/calender to remind you what you ate yesterday or what your going to be eating tomorrow. It doesnt just exist in our minds but it exist universally. Once upon a time there was a chair, it was once a chair and is going to be a fire wood. I think that explains it..

And i believe the guy who made the experiment is so confident that he probably forgot to do his assingment. im not a genius but i do know that the only way you can slow down time is when you have reached a speed higher then that of light. Now obviously the velocity at which this guy was falling was probably about 30m/sec even if it ever reached terminal velocity it would still be slow..thats not even as close as the speed at which my grandfathers old mercedes runs. But on the other hand it always intrigued me why he always managed to arrive home early...