Comments posted by callemacody


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+10 1. callemacody commented 10 years ago on video Bike Draft - 124 km/h

I especially like the no helmet, I mean why would you at 124 km/h, youre dead anyways :x .

Ill be watching Mays Darwin Awards closely!
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0 2. callemacody commented 10 years ago on video "Betel Nut"

Still healtier than smoking!
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+6 3. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video 64-year-old says it's never too late to get fit

Cellphone at his hips will still give away his age ;)
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+9 4. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video Planes land at ridiculous angles

They should just make the wheels like the wheels on shoppingcarts, then it doesnt matter how it lands! :x
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+12 5. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video This guy has figured what life is about in this crazy modern world

I miss my wife too Jack <3
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+26 6. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video Girls shopping for drink, nothing much to see here...

Looks like the shelves might have been drinking...
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+1 7. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video Arctic Fox raids Polar bears' leftovers and bird eggs

The real question remains;
What does the fox say?

It was silent the whole clip :(
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+13 8. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video A grizzly ate my go-pro!

The bear is thinking like; Smells like human, tastes like rubber :'( !
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+32 9. callemacody commented 11 years ago on video How to handle rejection like a BOSS!

You see Seinfeld and imidiately know its going to be good :)
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+26 10. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video Afgan Bread makers....

Just because you have footfungus doesnt mean everyone else has!
Lovely display of skill in a different culture!
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-3 11. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video Time Warp - Air Dogs

The dog is like; WTF why am i hovering mid air!
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+5 12. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video The Skin Gun

All hail scientific progress
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-9 13. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video Top 5 Super Organisms

So many extrordinary examples forgotten! Have you for instance seen the amazingly advanced hunting techniques of whales?
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+2 14. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Pranks of 2010

Fuck you john!
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+6 15. callemacody commented 13 years ago on video Red Bull Antarctica Project: Base Jumping vom Ulvetanna

For those of you who dont speak Norwegian,

Ulvetanna means "The Wolf Tooth"
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+27 16. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Raven taking a bath

I am sorry to say you guys, but that is a Raven! They are the smart ones ;)
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+21 17. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video eero ettala 2010

This just makes me miss winter so much more :)
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+7 18. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Cat Jump Fail

What a douche, everyone could see the cat hurt itself!
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-4 19. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

Thats clearly a soapbubble!
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+26 20. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Passionate KISS

Monkey see, Monkey do!
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+3 21. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Horse playing with a ball.

If he just learns how to dribble, he will be a real star!
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+6 22. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video How magnets work.

Nothing can spellbind me like science!
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+13 23. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video World's largest swimming pool!

Im sorry, but i made a peepee in the pool >:)
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+12 24. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Engineers turn robot arm into F1 Ferrari simulator.

Finally here it is, the video i need to convince my wife that i need my own gaming-room!
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+24 25. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Huge Storm Moves In Quickly

We are gonna need Will Smith to ride this one off! (Independence Day)
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+48 26. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Falling Crane

If you listen carefully, you can actually hear the guy saying: I REALLY hate Mondays!
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+5 27. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Monkey playing baseball

How can a country with one of the highest educated population be the producer of all these TV-shows. I mean, dont get me wrong, the monkey is awesome, but the average age in Japan seems to be no more than 12 :P
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+28 28. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Alex Liiv BMX face grind...

He is really trying to mop the ground with his face, brave!
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0 29. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Do big cats like catnip?

I feel so tiny, why are all the kittens giant :S
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+20 30. callemacody commented 14 years ago on video Robbie Williams has the crowd take a flash picture.

Looks like half the crowd is sparkling diamond-golems