Comments posted by captainwillies


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+1 1. captainwillies commented 9 years ago on video Every Tom Hanks Movie in 7 Minutes

Looks like he had a lot of fun. :)
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0 2. captainwillies commented 11 years ago on video World's 10 Humans With Real Superpowers

Number 1 is awesome!
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+11 3. captainwillies commented 12 years ago on video Yu Ho Jin

A true Magician. So many now days scream dicks jokes and filter in comedy to there shows. This is what a true Magician is supposed to be like. Sleek, silent, and regal. Pure slight of hand tricks performed with a skill I could never hope to match.
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+2 4. captainwillies commented 12 years ago on video What if Money Did not Matter?

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0 5. captainwillies commented 13 years ago on video "All You Need Is Love" by 156 Countries

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0 6. captainwillies commented 13 years ago on video Russian Xena Warrior Princess

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0 7. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

wow he must be very brave to pull something like that.
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0 8. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Really nice beavers in Canada

#3 beaver is slang for vagina in america
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+11 9. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Perpetual Motion

i Lol'd so hard
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+3 10. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Speeding, no one thinks big of you

hardcore man. hardcore
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+1 11. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Galactic center of the Milky Way rises over Texas

#4 kill yourself
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+9 12. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Dustin Hoffman tells a joke well

#(removed comment) AHAHAHAHAAHAH thats even better than this vid :3
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-9 13. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Impossible bowling shot

#4 really? then you haven't been bowling very much or you were to drunk each time you went
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-3 14. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Maria Sharapova vs 5 Japs

Maria Sharapova hay? i wonder if there's porn of her?
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+7 15. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Car thief?

#1 or the best luck. much worse could have happened.
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+1 16. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Dream Fail


i guess people don't like mods around these parts.
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+1 17. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Helmet camera view of motorcycle crash

#3 urgh no its not. i hate it when people misuse the Darwin awards. he isn't stupid he just had some bad luck or isn't very good at poping a wheelies at 90miles per fricken hour.

if it was some jerk off fat kid who got his new motorcycle from his rich dad and wanted to test it out in front his friends and ended up dieing as a result THATS a darwin award.
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0 18. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Fuck: Edward Norton

#11 its wrong thats why its thumbs down.
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+3 19. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Fuck: Edward Norton

#(removed comment)


has origins in german. "frichen" meaning to strike.
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-8 20. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Unbreakable skateboarder

#9 and your mentallity? your just going to sit in an office for 40years, then die of face cancer, forgotten within a decade?

dieing stupidly, and dieing awesomely are 2 different things. everybody will die one day, the people in the darwin awards died before their time becuase they were retarded. this guy will die doing what he loves most. what will you be doing when you die? choking on a "hot pocket" because the microwave didn't defrost properly? TAKE YOUR BORING PHILOSPHY OF MEDIOCRITY ELSE WERE! its people like you who hold back the human race from evolving.
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-2 21. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Unbreakable skateboarder


dude this guy is invincible and has an unlimited determination if he puts his mind to it he can achieve anything. the darwin awards are made to eradicate stupidity. THIS GUYS IS NOT STUPID.

courage to try, courage to fail, courage to stand up, courage to succeed. he is better than you.
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+1 22. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Top 10 Aussie beer commercials

9:22 EPIC
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+8 23. captainwillies commented 15 years ago on video Everyday Normal Guy diss rap

i liked this.
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+3 24. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Evolution of Dance 2

that pretty good. its not funny i didn't find the first funny ether but i just like the dance moves :D
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+4 25. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Tetris with lyrics

that mans a genius
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+1 26. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Adidas Predator

if its steven gerrard anything is possible.
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0 27. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Unexpected skateboarding accident

for a klondike bar.
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+8 28. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Bruce Lee plays ping pong

ether way hats pretty damn cool
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-4 29. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Gamer's faces

#2 seconded
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+1 30. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Army accidents compilation

3:57 - 4:01 that guy is so dead but he did it for the lolz and thats all that matters. red shirt guy i salute you.
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+3 31. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Street soccer skills

goddamn. my dad used to say if you stick to one thing your whole life you'll become so good your skill will be almost magical.

it would be funny if one day someone just walks up and stabs him which he then turns into a pile of ash and feathers, Then someone will say "so it was sorcecory all along".
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0 32. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Sadam & Osama

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+1 33. captainwillies commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

1:02 - 1:03 are those bewbz i spie in the backdrop. heh i guess thats what 3 years of 4chan do to yah. booby vision :D