Comments posted by captin_corpse


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+33 1. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video SSD Awesomeness

hahaha wow. i wish i had the money to spare to get all of that
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+21 2. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Ant Superhighway

that is freaking crazy! those ants know what they are doing! its amazing how all of them have the brain the size of a pinhead yet they know that they are making their home.
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+16 3. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video Magical Internet

whats really magical is how they know how to talk
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+14 4. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Ukrainian Polka band...

its all in english. but with their accent its hard to make out
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+11 5. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Underwater Creature Camouflage

amazing find Aliquantulus!
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+8 6. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Scariest motorcycle jump in history

omg i had shivers goin down my spine just thinkin of the height. and he had to go down that!

very very impressive. i would not of been able to do that
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+7 7. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Really crazy acrobatics

great video!
i bet they trained for years to get that down lol
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+5 8. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Hans Klok vs. the clock

amazing show but the magicians were trying to be a little to dramatic lol
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+4 9. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video How kids deal with bereavement

Haha ive heard of this weeks ago but this is the first time ive seen. awesome
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+3 10. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video You Gotta Do The Cooking By The Book

funny vid but does it really matter what rapper it is? they all sound the same
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+2 11. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video NewsWrapUp

that was funny. true about news reports
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+2 12. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video The Credit Crisis visualized

ok everyone that said its the americans fault are the ones that are making all the problems and blaming someone else. why is it just the americans? why is EVERYTHING the americans fault? you need to fix your countries also. everyone is going down right now. not everything is the americans fault
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+2 13. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Acupuncture hurts

lol that would hurt :P
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+1 14. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video Ladies room prank

LOL! i couldnt stop laughing once they put the farts in.
haha great
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+1 15. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video The Credit Crisis visualized

ok everyone that said its the americans fault are the ones that are making all the problems and blaming someone else. why is it just the americans? why is EVERYTHING the americans fault? you need to fix your countries also. everyone is going down right now. not everything is the americans fault
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+1 16. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video I'm On A Boat

hey have you guys heard?

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0 17. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video Ice hockey - empty net miss

lol i played hockey for 7 years and i never missed my open nets...face-palm for him.

another great video from most_uniQue.
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0 18. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Street Drum

i bet his girlfriend appreciates his fast hands
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-1 19. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video Vista sucks

this video was funny but i never get crashes and ive had vista for more than 5 months now. after the first service pack vista runs fine.

people who say vista sucks just need to learn what a computer is.
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-1 20. captin_corpse commented 15 years ago on video Breakdancing with a drill

good vid

bad music
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-3 21. captin_corpse commented 16 years ago on video Vista sucks

this video was funny but i never get crashes and ive had vista for more than 5 months now. after the first service pack vista runs fine.

people who say vista sucks just need to learn what a computer is.