Comments posted by carolinemerald


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+2 1. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video The first-ever iBand

Mmmm. Djembes and Dununs would add warmth and depth I agree - Takes me back to the Fifth Element - O yes - I sense the final bar could use some uplift - in any form - flute - vocals - drums- streaming water - howling wolves - you name it - we're with it.
Well done in any event. An excellent beginning >:) :(|) 8-)
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+1 2. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video Scala & Kolacny Brothers - Can't Get You out of My Head

Good Lord! Come on guys. Stop being so painfully lilly white. No offense - but when afforded the rare opportunity of seeing some up-front honest emoting between a choir leader and his chorus - at least have the heart to stand back and be respectful. I don't even care for the song that much but do immensely appreciate the warmth and depth and accuracy of the musical communication between these young people. Take heart my Beloveds and remember how rare and fine it is to see white folks move their voice and face in thanks and praise. I may be almost 100 years of age but dag bam I appreciate the perfection of harmony and truth ...... unafraid and unashamed the love comes shining thru .... try it - don't knock it - YOU are the treasure we've been searching for - without YOUR LOVE we might be lost. I'm serious. 8-) >:) 8-) :(|)
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+1 3. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video How do people count cash?

Yup - I do wish I had that do-ray-me too. How inspiring to have the dexterity and skill to count so quickly in those various ways. Very impressive.

My son (age 23) showed me - a year or two ago - the logic of having all bills face the same way when stored - Good Lord - this is something that just never occured to me - I'm not saying I hated money - though some may have said so - I'm just saying I'd stuff it in my holy, sacred, secret place yet show it little respect. Even though knowing, like everyone else money is a metaphor for all that we are and do -- that without it we are in deep sh*qu*k*. (pronounced "shakuka'a";) I think we all know what that is like. YUK! OUCHY! HAVE-SOME-DAG-BAM-MERCY-O-LORD, hand me my smelling salts, etc.

>:) >:) I rest my case.

We need, appreciate, give thanks and praise for .......... (you fill in the .......... I'm just standin back here endorsin your vision - Whatever is your fondest dream (involving money or any other precious thing)- through the powers vested in me - I will double the energy you have invested in your vision - no matter how fragile or vague it may be at this present moment - the motivation will be doubled from this time forward until the heart of insight is reached.

I am inspired to see various methods of counting money - like learning a new card game - it alerts and refreshes me. Right away I would like to give two or three of those $20.00 USD bills to the movie star whose hands are demonstrating the possible forms of counting. He/she deserves a Shiatsu Massage/Healing Manicure for the skill they have shared with us and we in turn would enjoy seeing happier hands counting our money. I'm serious. Am I alone in feeling this way? >:) >:) :(|) 8-)
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0 4. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video Landslide

Soundtrack sounds authentic to me. Hope this is not Quebec or Vancouver - but my heart goes out to those who are living there - where-ever .... Can we learn where this is and when this happend? Yes, life is brief. 8-) 8-) 8-) :(|)
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0 5. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video Skilled harmonica musician

Awesome ..... above reproach ... beyond all fear - he is certain of Nirvana ... and because of these fine sounds - so are we! :(|)
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-1 6. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video Hairy situation

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-1 7. carolinemerald commented 16 years ago on video Knock and don't run

My friends and I used to play a game like this in London on the way home from High School. Mad fun. Sadly I got expelled from school - not for the game but for wearing makeup - reported to authorities by a rival student .... dag bam - where's the justice .... ? grrrrrr...! Hey who gives a care ? Funny-as-hell video. Just don't try this in Boston -No offense but the folks here don't have the "rise-to-the-occasion" sense of humor and freedom of mind to take such a prank in stride. Heads would roll. Let's hear it for the bounce back ability of the peeps down under.