Comments posted by celestus87


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+36 1. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Fire tornado hits Brazil

Hmmm, unofficial trailer for The Last Airbender? C_c
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+22 2. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Sea Organ

It might be interesting at first but the lack of harmony will make you want to shoot your brains out after a while if you have the slightest hint of a musical ear. :S
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+14 3. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Cat asking for a stroke

Overly attached catfriend... :x
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+11 4. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Punchbag punches back

So this must be the elusive reason why people do not believe in evolution... Retard genes!
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+11 5. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Meteor explosion Milky Way Time Lapse

Damn #4
I was not planning to post anything at all but this gangbang train of replies compelled me to do so.
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+10 6. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Google Car

#1 Do you really believe that bad drivers will be the biggest menace our children will be facing in the future?

In my list I have so far: climate change, unemployment, depression, overpopulation & energy-related wars. :|

PS. Great video indeed! O:)
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+7 7. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

I understand all the African American assumptions and biases going on in the USA but when the narrator said "we replaced our white actor for a black one that is dressed in a similar manner" all I could think is BULLSHIT. The second actor is wearing a red shirt, the natural sympathetic-alert color for humans. This experiment might tried to identify biases but it has a crippled design.
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+6 8. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video The Longest Way

What a beautiful video... Its a tribute to being alive!
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+6 9. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video bubble bath

#6 Oh, I'd never kill friends like that; if anything, I'd love them more after that. >:) :(|)


But I would grab my leather whip and make their asses red while they'd be cleaning up my room for hours without end. 8-)
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+6 10. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Cost of doctor's mistakes: Father jailed after armed standoff to save his son

WoW... Amazing doctors... Did they even had the EEG attached to the patient when they got their readings out of it?

Being brain dead is not something you can return from. It's like a full format. The brain is wiped clean of all data. Tabula Rasa. Finito!

That guy was experiencing a brain reset. It's not even that uncommon after head injuries or strokes.

That's why you never freaking declare someone brain dead moments after the accident.

Idiots. Freaking idiots!

And yes... I'm mad...
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+6 11. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Shake your legs

What's truly amazing is that his upper body doesn't seem to move at all... O_o
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+5 12. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Video Games and the Uncanny Valley

LOL @ Keanu Reeves xD
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+5 13. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video 32m (107ft) handmade bungee jumping and rope swing

#7 I have some good quality crack sitting on my keyboard right now!

I'm waiting for your hand to push through my screen and get it. :(|)
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+5 14. celestus87 commented 13 years ago on video Don't Text While Driving

I feel sadder for the cop... >_>
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+5 15. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Aug(De)Mented Reality

The trashcan monster reminded me of Dr. Zoidberg... 8-)
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+5 16. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video After Sunset - Modern Laser Art

My mouth was open for so long, three teeth fell out and a family of sparrows made a nest inside. :x
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+4 17. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video One child's most exciting day last week.

#1 Same here... :(

#3 Damn right! :)
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+4 18. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Card Skills

His nimbleness is awesome but that deck... it's beautiful... :O
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+4 19. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Sunlight is way older than you think

#3 The short answer is yes.

When the super heated dust cloud formed the primordial solar disk, the material at the center would have emitted infrared radiation which is light, although invisible to the human eye. As the sun condensed and accomulated even more material, infrared radiation increased up until the point the sun was the size of a brown dwarf. After that, the burning of deuterium and hydrogen would eventually start turning xrays into UV and visible light, and that light would travel through the sun's mass much faster that it does today as the sun was less massive while it was still forming.

The bottom line is that ever since the primordial cloud collapsed into the solar disk, the sun (or protosun) has been emitting light of one kind or the other.


got to 1m55s on this youtube video for an illustration.
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+4 20. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video How to Multiply

#3 Pretty simple really. I had no idea but running a simple 10x10 example made it clear.

Draw lines as you would normally for each digit space. For 0, make a single line but mark it in some way (I made it look squiggly).

Count the dots as you would normally but only for the straight lines. If any dots are touching the squiggly lines, disregard them completely.


For the 10x10 example it's like that:

left: 1 intersection, both straight lines = 1
mid: 2 intersections, both touching the squiggly line = 0 + 0 = 0
right: 1 intersection, both lines are squiggly = 0
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+3 21. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Guys gets slapped then slaps back.

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+3 22. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Making a knife from an old sawblade

#3 On behalf of the rest of the parents who don't allow their kids to associate themselves with stab wielding morons all over the world, I would like to ask you to stop. It's the net. Lighten up.
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+3 23. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Should a human touch 200,000 volts?

#4 Well, nothing teaches you about electricity better than seeing a man getting fried in front of your eyes... X_X
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+3 24. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Man made biological leaf

Next step, synthesize chlorophyll instead of extracting it. Perhaps, it could be one of the many possible solutions for the ever-changing climate. :O
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+3 25. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Windowless Airplanes Of The Future

And this is when people with vertigo will use their vomit to cover the walls back to "normal".

Seems like a self-correcting mechanism... 8-)
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+3 26. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Diver hits head during competition

"Incredibly and somehow, Steve still manages to complete the entire dive".

I'm ABSOLUTELY stunned that he managed to find his way down as opposed to hitting orbit around the earth like most amateur divers end up doing.

3xclap + tip fedora 8-)
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+3 27. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video People Experience -220°F (-140°C) For The First Time

3# Feeding Africa might not be a better cause in the long term. Sure, it feels nice to help but the areas in Africa that need this sort of help are already a non-sustainable environment.

It's a radical view (also known as the downvote-magnet type of view) but you can't solve an overpopulation problem by sustaining the population.

You either relocate the population (improbable) or the population eventually thins out to a number that is sustainable (probable).

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+3 28. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video DNA taken from trash used to map features of litterbugs in Hong Kong

A DNA print (even if somehow magically decoded 1:1 into facial features) can never account for things such as fat, skin abnormalities and scar tissue as those are basically developmental elements.

Good luck...
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+3 29. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Muslims Read Hate Comments

#5 @_@... It could be worse I guess. You could believe in climate change, vaccination or equal marriage rights... Stay positive... :P
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+3 30. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video ISS Expedition 43 Crew Lands Safely in Kazakhstan

#4 Probably the same reason that the physics of aerodynamics haven't changed for the last 60 years either. :(|)
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+3 31. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Hydrogel in the frying pan

I was waiting for the jellos to scream "allahu akbar" and then explode. I'm dissatisfied... :S
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+2 32. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video Monkey man

I remember crystal dynamics claiming of giving lara croft "superhuman" moves... yeah, right!
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+2 33. celestus87 commented 13 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson: Are we alone in the universe

Carl Sagan, 1980...

This dude says nothing new. The spectacular thing about this video is that it's taped in 2009. -_-
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+2 34. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video The Washington Ballet's hardest dance moves in slow motion

#1 #5 You are both evil, but somehow you made me look like the black sheep of the family! :x
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+2 35. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Deadly Super Rainbow Tears Through West Coast

#2 And we in return blame the condom company whose low quality products led to your conception. :(|)
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+2 36. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video How Gravity Makes Things Fall

#2 While I agree that the illustration was fine, I don't really think that kids in school would grasp it when they have actually hard time doing math. This video talks about warping, and illustrates object movement while manipulating space and time. Too many variables for a school kid to comprehend. :S
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+2 37. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video League of legends, A new dawn


1) When Ahri (the white tails lass) goes pink smoke mode she is basically using her charm/taunt ability, luring the enemies away from her almost dead support/tank Leona (golden armor paladin).

2) Ahri is generally a slut. And Leona is a hardcore dyke. Anything is possible I guess although I believe Ahri would prefer to suck someone dry instead of going muff diving.

PS. Epic video, the best so far really.
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+2 38. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video This guy handles the G force test like a boss

There is a very high chance that this person has damage in his cochleas. :S
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+2 39. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video SpaceX Animation of Falcon Heavy flight and booster recovery

#1 I wonder what was the inspiration for the design of the rocket itself... 8-)
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+2 40. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Sandstorm by Darude played with accordions

#4 When playing acoustically, drums are always much louder than other organs. The drummer is not bad, the problem is that the accordions are overshadowed by it. :S
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+2 41. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Small Waterproof Container Hack

#3 Sure, but will they be good for camping if you do? 8-)
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+2 42. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#12 You are kinda using the wrong words... You are comparing burning fossil fuels to electricity... Why is that? Electricity is a derivative of fossil fuel burning just as much as it is like photo-voltaic electricity, wind/tidal-generated electricity, fusion electricity and plant/chlorophyll electricity. All of them are electricity.

There is no argument against electricity, electricity is power; energy moving from one point to another. The only argument that exists is where we should farm our electricity from.

The cleanest source is solar power because the areas that panels are placed at are typically arid and/or barren. Wind and tidal power is also clean but it requires terraforming thus it is invasive in some ecosystems. Fusion electricity is more cost-effective than fossil fuel electricity but not really any cleaner. There is also some research being done in unlocking the secrets of chlorophyll but it is in very early stages.

#24 It's hard to argue against anthropomorphic climate change when we haven't had a single supervolcano eruption or meteor impact since the industrial revolution started, isn't it.
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+2 43. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Borromean hairpins gear system

This my friends, is the future of adult toys! You heard it here first...
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+2 44. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video NASA releases the first video of Pluto from New Horizons probe

#2 It's actually 90° off being gay... So, -if my trigonometry calculations are correct- that would make it straight. 8-)
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+1 45. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video New/Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!

I was thinking that this reminded me of prototype aswell... Weird stuff... I'd say it looks like a strange zygote of some sort... hmm... OMG, it's the zygote from which the devil will be born from! (ROFL)
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+1 46. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video Peace day in Afghanistan

Laughed so hard i cried... true story :P
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+1 47. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Some pretty impressive Parkour

Nooooo, we did not evolve from monkeys some ppl say... >_>

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+1 48. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Domestic abuse

Domestic violence, now with 86.5% less violence and completely out of the house!!! :D
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+1 49. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Look over the watchmakers' shoulders

#7 ....aaaaaaaand this video has pretty much 0 handcraftmanship displayed in it. Using tweezers to move something from location a) to location b) is not handcraftmanship.
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+1 50. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Man wakes from coma speaking Mandarin

#4 The brain has default preferred standards for everything from preferred language to preferred ice cream flavor to preferred cursed word to describe a terrible driver.

If rationalizing about it can change those standards over time, I don't see why brain injury can't.

PS. Obviously, exposure is required. There is no such thing as learning a completely new language by hitting your head on wall. :(|)
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+1 51. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Crazy Selfie From Hong Kong Skyscraper

Or, alternatively, a quite aggressive vertigo medication advertisement. 8-)
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+1 52. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Camouflaging scars and burns with tattoos

Children have the capacity for perhaps the cruelest and meanest acts against their peers. This behavior can be reinforced or negated through bad or decent parenting respectively. If the children that did this are "clean" from a neuropsychological perspective (aka, they are not prone to aggression due to a particular atypical brain development), then the full blame lies with their parents.

To all potential future parents out there, don't have children unless you want to contribute to the world positively. There are already 7 billion monkeys around and we don't need any more throwing poo at each other. Use condoms unless you are willing to put the effort into creating a decent individual. Don't pollute the earth with the human trash you generate.

::(|) :(|)
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+1 53. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video The Game of Life

#3 It's not an error per se. The game of life can be run with many variations of parameters. That particular program you are referring to is not using the three mentioned earlier in the video but a new set.

I guess the person who made this video used patterns that looked particularly interesting rather than patterns that fit the three criteria mentioned.

In any case, good eye! I had to freeze frame and look at it for a while to spot the "error". 8-)
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+1 54. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Jafar


The largest % of Greeks are racist, but as a Greek myself, I don't care about Greeks as a whole. The largest % of Greeks are walking corpses that hopefully will die soon and leave us with handling the mess they created. What I'm interested in is the % of young or relatively young Greeks that are still racist. Unfortunately, it seems like a 50/50 situation. Quite sad... :(
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+1 55. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video How to Multiply

#7 Apologies. I'll use a lighter hammer next time. :(|)
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+1 56. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Very cool and strange instrument, it's hypnotic

So, when is George Lucas hiring this guy? :|
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+1 57. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Two guys play a song in a wolf sanctuary and the wolves join in

#6 It's a sanctuary, which means they are probably fed and not inclined to attack. Wolves only attack larger animals when they are desperate from hunger, otherwise they mind their own business.
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+1 58. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#38 I know your heart is in the right place but your understanding isn't. As I explained earlier, electricity is a given. There is no argument against it. No one is against electricity. The battle is between clean/renewable electricity and fossil/fusion electricity.

Please read this wikipedia article carefully. It will help you present your arguments with more clarity. ;)
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+1 59. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Master bladesmith

Ermahgerd! Airoon from eh meetoallright?

Why is that even important? (besides raising the price a few orders of magnitude) :|
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0 60. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Chernobyl Decay and Deformed

I felt guilty for playing Fallout3... :'(
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0 61. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

I don't think anyone really questions the external validity of this experiment. The results can easily be replicated in most contexts. However, if we put on the goggles of methodology it's obvious that the researchers (and/or the narrator) are serving a self-fulfilling prophecy. Many little details are directed towards the preferable outcome. Psychology is a relatively new science but the sad part is that most of its research representatives do not have the ethical code build into their thick reptilian skulls. Sad but true... ;)
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0 62. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video A Brazilian Family With Twelve Fingers

#2 That depends on which is the original finger that the extra finger is a copy of. :O
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0 63. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Fastest Way To Cut A Watermelon

#3 That explains why my armpits are so silly. 8-)
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0 64. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video League of legends, A new dawn

#9 We are sick and tired of orcs. Polygons won't change that.
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0 65. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Volcano Eruption

#2 Volcanoes existed on this planet long before humans rose and will continue to exist for millenia afterwards. There is pretty much zero chance that at any time during humanity's history, people were unaware of what volcanoes are capable of doing...

What the physics behind volcanic activity were? Fine, they had no clue. But they didn't care too much either. They just called it "god" just like we keep calling "god" many of the things we ourselves can't grasp even today...
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0 66. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Earth Engine Timelapse


There is nothing *infinite* about it. It will all come crashing down under its own weight soon enough. :|
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0 67. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Ready to get mind bended by these spinning sculptures?

#8 You are quite wrong as well.

Just because the eye can discern the difference between two specific frame rates, it does not mean that it is actually build for high frame rates.

The human eye does not work alone, it works with a partner called the human brain. And the slower the frame rate of what it perceives, the better since it gives time for its partner to disambiguate the information.

I will not give you a specific number, as there is none. Different people have eyes working best at different frame rates because their visual cortex simply operates differently.

The bottom line is, highest frame rate = most information lost. Sounds counter-intuitive, right?
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0 68. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Cat translator

If my catenclopedia is correct, this is the sound a defending male cat makes to fend off another male invader when it enters its turf.

The translation to English is something like "Get the fuck out of here or I'll call the army!!!", the army usually being the human owner of the defending cat.
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0 69. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Top 10 Newly Discovered Species of Wildlife

Newly discovered? First spider to perform this motion? Dafaq...

This spider is not newly discovered. They just finally realized those two are in fact a different species.
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0 70. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Girl Meets Gorilla Old Friend After 20 Years

#5 If you really need a hug from a hominid that much, use the spoonr app... :(|) :x
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0 71. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Taking skiing to another level

#4 It was a joke my dear... :*
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0 72. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Liquid Molten Salt and Water DO NOT Mix

Yay! Backyard supernovas for everyone! :(|)
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-1 73. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video Baby Beaver

one word... "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
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-1 74. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video The humble stove.

Next stop: cooking within holographic cookwares... O_O
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-1 75. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video Every fatality from Mortal Kombat 1 and 2

Am I the only one that found this video quite disturbing? I used to love the MK fatalities, but seeing them all together one after another gave me the chills... :S
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-1 76. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Slinky Master

#8 It's the infamous "we are too secure with our sexuality to bother about such nonsense" bag.
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-1 77. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Nuclear Fusion Reactor

#4 Fossil fuel burning is bad. They can deny is all they want, they can't change data.

But solar energy is way cleaner than fusion energy and that is what we should aim at harnessing effectively.

In my PoV, fusion as a replacement to fossil fuels is not really progress. It's like getting burned by playing with a flamethrower and deciding to switch to matches instead.
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-1 78. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

I think religion is the best thing that has ever happened to the internet. It makes it so easy to identify who is intelligent and who thinks that is intelligent.

Keep up the good work brothers and sisters! Your comments are giving me abs to die for!
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-2 79. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video The Burj Dubai finally opens

at #9... if we dont f@ck it completely up by then... >_>
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-2 80. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Gaylectrified

As a proud gay man myself, all I can say is that I approve of what that cable did to that "thing" with the broom. :|
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-2 81. celestus87 commented 9 years ago on video Foodies Kill Their Food For The First Time

I have pretty much zero compassion for animals that in my society are considered to be food.

Let's face it, there is nothing more amusing than a headless chicken running around in circles before it bleeds out, falls to the ground and spasms a bit before it dies.

Come at me vegans! Be warned though, I'm armed with chicken recipes that will make you drool.

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-2 82. celestus87 commented 8 years ago on video Globe Of Death

What a waste of fossil fuels... :x
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-3 83. celestus87 commented 15 years ago on video Audio Illusion

This is completelly natural, not creepy. If u knew which "keys" he is pressing, you would understand why it appears to be continuous...

hint: it's 2 keys at a time...
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-3 84. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video The bamboo homes of Bali

I was watching while the narrator was saying "This 32yo feels good about bamboo", and then the video stopped and started buffering. Needless to say, my mind wandered as to why she would feel so "gooooooooooood" about it... xXx >:)
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-6 86. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Dog food vending machine for stray dogs.

Good thing they chose this music for this video. It makes the idea of feeding strays on the street seem far less stupid. :x
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-10 87. celestus87 commented 14 years ago on video car almost kills skateboarder

The guy in the red blouse reminded me of my ex... Pity the car was on the left lane... -_-
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-11 88. celestus87 commented 10 years ago on video Japanese secret box

After this lovely display of pointlessness, I expected him to open the box and find a dickbutt picture inside. :x