Comments posted by chuchesaku


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+2 1. chuchesaku commented 10 years ago on video Simple Phone Trick For Kids

he should also explain how to stop a kid telling you to DO IT AGAIN!!!
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+5 2. chuchesaku commented 10 years ago on video The Incredible Physics of Ants

there are quite a few self healing types of concrete already discovered.
One of them uses sunlight to repair itself, others uses bacteria and so on.
anyhow, what are these fire ants doing is truly breath taking
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+7 3. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video 10 year old beats international chess master in a blitz game

#4 (i) it is actually proven that kids behavior is not affected by the amount of sugar they eat or drink. The main ingredient in sodas that makes kids hyperactive is caffeine.
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+3 4. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video What a voice!

On the guitar is James Walter Bucong powered by the angelic vocal chops of Aldrich Lloyd Talonding (nicknamed LA) - cousins from Barangay Labangal in General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines.

text copied from youtube
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+3 5. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video Most depressing cooking show...ever...

#1 spoken like a true prodigy :D
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0 6. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills

blueberry/trainwreck = couch-lock ... anyone who smoked it will agree...
it's almost like you we're driving stoned off heroine...

#14 #16 lucky bastards :D
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-4 7. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video Absolutely incredible reflexes from the yellow shirt

snotr re-viraling old videos? this is like at least five years old.. :|
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+8 8. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video Thought about buying a Roomba, then I saw this

dafaq? i bet he forgot to say that he was late that morning and didn't took his dog out so the poor bastard took a shit inside.
Train your dog before implementing alien/robot appliances in your home. (i)
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0 9. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video How To Make Filthy Water Drinkable

#15 you da man!

SNOTR admins: videos bigger than 60MB are loading VEEERY slowly..
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+3 10. chuchesaku commented 11 years ago on video This is one happy fox

#8 your argument is bad
and you should feel bad.

Ever saw a scared fox? I don't think you did.
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+2 11. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Loud sounds over Sweden

if heard in the upper norther hemisphere, it should be the atmosphere resonating from solar-storm waves. just like the northern lights, but in that case you can see what is happening.
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+8 12. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Taking the microwave for a walk

#7 #8 '....let me put this frozen chicken in the dog so it will melt while i take my oven for a walk' >:)
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+7 13. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Confused Goat Thinks He's a Chicken

#9 my thoughts exactly! :D reminds me of Jimmy :D
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+1 14. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video RC Quadrocopter chases the Police

#3 good thinking!
#5 go to some conspiracy/political forum and stress that out..snotr isn't that.
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+2 15. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video HOW WEED WORKS: THC

wait. what? :D
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+4 16. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Slight of Hand

awesome indeed! :)
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+4 17. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video 4yr old Mountain Biking

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+1 18. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Slingshots in the Roman Empire?

this guy is crazy
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+8 19. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Much respect for this guy

faith in humanity restored
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+6 20. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video The Majestic Plastic Bag

this is by far the best thing I ever saw :D

and it looks like the plastic bag is so clever, it will eventually take over the world :P

2:13 phenomenal :D
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+1 21. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Best way to help drunk driver

the point AFAIK isn't that one should or shouldn't throw away somebody's keys but that one should help prevent drunk people from driving.
#10 wtf? really?
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+4 22. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Tree relocation

has nothing to do with trees as such...but, what's up with the background music? :O
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+8 23. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Cats with CH

#11 my cat has this condition, it's like shes drunk all the time but still manages to hunt down mice and birds :D it's not sad, i think shes the happiest kitten :D
shes been like this since birth and i don't think shes aware of being different :)
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+1 24. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Plane pilot with ballz of steel

it's hard to do it with a RC plane... i just can't imagine flying a plane like that :O
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0 25. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video The Higgs Bosons and the LHC explained

#2 i'm sorry to correct you, but to this day no man discovered the boson particle yet and it remains a hypothetical thing.
#1 they have discovered 12 new particles so far but they are still collecting data.
you need data from billions of collisions to spot such a tiny difference that would point to the boson particle :)
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0 26. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Windows startup sounds and logos

#10 to continue your thought: and now here's Windows 8 :D
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+9 27. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Nutshot Compilation

#6 holy mother of punctuation
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+6 28. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Best of Web 2

this clip makes me want to go bungee jump! :x
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+4 29. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Flying Car - PAL-V

#11 google for the hd version of this and think again
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-10 30. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy an Iphone 4S in Turkey ...

#9 i bet you can't afford one either :P
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+1 31. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Evolution of the moon

#1 no one knows how it got there...some say it shouldn't be there at all
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+1 32. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video Lets play Ping Pong

what's the name of the elevator music in the background? <3
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0 33. chuchesaku commented 12 years ago on video The Simpsons Theme (Vocal Cover)

#7 My thoughts exactly :)
#4 Give it a try, it works with Firefox and Chrome
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+23 34. chuchesaku commented 13 years ago on video Ewan Dobson

impressive indeed! Would like to hear it without that delay effect also O:)
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0 35. chuchesaku commented 13 years ago on video Kung Fu master fights Taekwondo master

unbeatable kung fu!
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+17 36. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

justice really is color-blind...unfortunately... :|
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+8 37. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Porta Party Pro

welcome to the USA >:)
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+5 38. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video In order to pay taxes electronically..

aah, teh future... O:)
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+9 39. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video CAR Rolly Polly WIN!

lol this is a VW Golf II with the middle part of the car cut out :D
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+5 40. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Interesting art

this should be entitled 'man with amazing brain'
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0 41. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Kid on bike vs. tree

another hero :D
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+6 42. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video What is that ???

#16 Bapediboopi? :)
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+4 43. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Carl Sagan: A Universe Not Made For Us

#18 since when are feelings in one's heart life saving ? O:)
this is a typical situation when one can ask you 'where is your god now?' and you'll drown anyway :P

imagine we finally get the answer, and there is really a god. The first thing that I'm going to ask myself (and i think I'm not the only one) is who created him and why. 8-)
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+7 44. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Setting your nose on fire

HERO! >:)
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+5 45. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines

#21 a whole neighborhood?

you just gave me an idea >:)
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+1 46. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Submixpro Studio - The Future Of Electronic Music

#21 i found some video tutorials on youtube on how to use puredata for manipulating sound, wave samples, etc plus googled some tutorials about it.
the hard part are those fancy flash projections :'(
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+4 47. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Submixpro Studio - The Future Of Electronic Music

#12 you can make your own reactable using a regular webcam, tuio pure data and reactivision.
It takes a lot of time building and programming it, but it works perfectly, just like shown here.
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+2 48. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video NASA's heliophysics fleet.

#5 sure! and god picked the planets from his sack of marbles, worked some gravity magic on them and tweaked earth's magnetic fields so we can all survive >:)
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+6 49. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video How to open wine bottle with shoe.

#2 i guess this is some kind of french science :D
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+13 50. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Typewriter Orchestra

if i close my eyes listening to this the first thing that comes in mind is Tom & Jerry chasing themselves on a biiig typewriter O:)
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+2 51. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Rollable OLED screen

#6 indeed! And you will be able to see the movie playing on the toilet paper while flushing it down hehe >:)
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+3 52. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Tornado during a football match in japan

#22 a dust devil indeed ;)
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+2 53. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Television is a drug.

well...introducing TV like this makes me wanna do drugs :S
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+2 54. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Roger Linn Design: New musical instrument prototype.

#18 it has nothing to do with the theremin at can't compare this touch interface or a controller for that matter with something that you barely touch.
Since this is an interface it's quite clear that you can't make it sound like a theremin. It's also not true that a synthesizer can't make a theremin noise.
But I agree, that you can reproduce theremin's sound dynamics faster with a device like this than with a synthesizer ;)
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+3 55. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette Endmost Piano Ode To Merton

#4 but they do! :D
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+2 56. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video OUCH!

the famous Emil Bok :D
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+5 57. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Landslides hit Italy after heavy rain

#19 & #24: ma che cosa stai dicendo? tu sei un pazzo! :D
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-5 58. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Walk on water.

just like when the usa showed how they walked the moon >:)
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-2 59. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Making the Google Chrome Speed Tests

being a bit geeky, i found this and the advert very cool ;)
at first, when i saw the advert, i thought to myself wowlooks like one guy did so much work for an advert this short. but now i find it fascinating more than before, since now i know how much effort is required to make a vid like this.
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-2 60. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video airspace reboot

what's the name of the symphony ? 8-)

ok...went thru the comments too fast, tnx #22
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+2 61. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Orange County Police Pursuit

another ordinary day in the USA...
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+1 62. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Your life and Videogames

>:) you see, when you buy a videogame there are warnings on it, when you buy medicine there are warnings on it, when you buy legal drugs there are warnings on it. The companies that sell videogames are aware of the consequences and on how this affects your child's life but it's more money for them. They don't care if the legal drugs are killing people since it's more money for them. In the USA you can buy guns and then you get great events like that in Columbine.
In japan, a couple of parents starved their baby of 9 months because they we're too busy feeding a virtual baby, part of an online game.
It is very hard to explain to a kid that videogames are bad and unfortunately playing them easily becomes a custom. It's hard for most people to understand that sitting hours in front of a computer, waiting hours for that cyber friend to reply to your post is not socializing.
Obesity and agrophobia are going to be two of the most treated diseases in our near future and since makers of videogames are perfectly aware of this, they try to make you move by - of course - staying indoors and play Wii, so that when you should be running half a mile and walk that same way back, after that quick wii tennis match, you just open your fridge, take a cold beer, some chips&dips and relax.

I'm happy to see, that there are people with 'moment's of clarity' like looks that not everything's lost yet and there's still hope for kids.
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+5 63. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Sphinx revealed

#3 i'm not from Egypt and i was wondering about it as well :D
this is great 8-)
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+1 64. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Bear Grylls eats elephant shit

#20 bad idea, not enough water in one leg...try both >:)
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0 65. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

if i had a girl like this, i would record her with the camera as well ;) and i would laugh my ass off every time i watch it :D
and i don't think it's fake; you can see clearly ( 1:22 )that his controller is connected..( #14 )even when she takes the xbox off the shelf you can see it unplugs from the wall. and when she throws it, it unplugs from the tv and the screen goes blue.
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-1 66. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Dragons Den

all crooks like this poor lazy bastard should have an auditing like this
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0 67. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Sheepfilms GIF Compilation

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0 68. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video Neil Tyson about UFOs

this guy has a point... :D
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0 69. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago on video First Man in Space

The song is moby's....
i love both Moby and BoC and this is definitely not BoC.
The song in this movie is a feat and features U N K L E .

Here's the youtube link for the original:
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+1 70. chuchesaku commented 15 years ago on video Online gamer looks for a new girlfriend

well...i happen to know a guy that's just like the main character in this vid.
always mixing gaming in RL
oh, and when he finds something amusing he goes 'lol' by spelling LOL literarily along with a serious face. :)
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-1 71. chuchesaku commented 15 years ago on video 'Photobombing' a news report

2:46 imma takin ova
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+6 72. chuchesaku commented 15 years ago on video The Passenger

multitalented guy :O
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+1 73. chuchesaku commented 15 years ago on video Hot dog

to #10 & #18

the music is actually a german production (NOHA - Balkan hotstep), but it contains a sample from a serbian song.
The intro, however, is IMHO something indian