Comments posted by closecut


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+3 1. closecut commented 8 years ago on video Attempt to crush book with hydraulic press goes awry

You`d be hard pressed to find a better video
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+7 2. closecut commented 10 years ago on video How A Porsche 911 Engine Is Made

In absolute silence it would seem
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+4 3. closecut commented 10 years ago on video Longest Jump Story

you`re right that was the "longest jump story" i ever herd :|
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+2 4. closecut commented 10 years ago on video Stephen's Story

Completely selfless, brilliant bloke. You did good Stephen. :'(
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+27 5. closecut commented 11 years ago on video "What's the Internet?" (1994)

Im still not sure what the internet is.
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+1 6. closecut commented 11 years ago on video WORLDS LARGEST SHIP

#4 HAHA yes just add more water to the parts where its needed. Great logic
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+6 7. closecut commented 11 years ago on video Kendama champion

oooooooooooooooooooooooo 8-)
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+3 8. closecut commented 11 years ago on video Dog taking care of sleeping baby

#2 until they wake up and all hell breaks loose
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-4 9. closecut commented 12 years ago on video Motorbike vs. pedestrians

Look up dude.
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+27 10. closecut commented 12 years ago on video Solo The Dog And His Tiger Cub Friends

Are they hyena pups at the end? there awesome :(|)
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+19 11. closecut commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Yo-Yo Table Cloth Trick

Neat. Be cool with a slo-mo :O
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-11 12. closecut commented 12 years ago on video POV Of A Firefighter

misleading title.... wheres the sex? :(|)
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+17 13. closecut commented 12 years ago on video Mustang Burnout & Chase of RC Drift Car

The sound is sexy <3
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+16 14. closecut commented 12 years ago on video PORCELAIN UNICORN

:'( just got something in my eye... what?
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+16 15. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Rally Car Crash Compilation 2011

the photographer at 1:33 is fuckin epic!!! not bothered!!
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+30 16. closecut commented 13 years ago on video How to not escapce from parking service

HaHa thats just pure anger. To fuck your car up like that just out of :x spite..... what a tit!! :x
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+13 17. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Smart police officer

Bet you this video got him a promotion. ;)
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+1 18. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Vacuuming fire

Should of got a Dyson!!!
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+24 19. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Leon Theremin playing his own instrument

Playing it LIKE A BOSS!!!!!
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+73 20. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Highway Condom Explosion

This is the only use these guys will ever have for a rubber.
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+4 21. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Nothing to worry about...

#3 i see your boobs and raise you these.... :P
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+2 22. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Russian soldiers create avalanche by firing artillery

0:48 errrrrrm guys!!!! :|
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+17 23. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Piano Backwards?

someone get this guy a girlfriend
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+6 24. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Gallium spoon melting

Anyone else struggling to see the practicality of a spoon that melts at 29 degrees? how do you make a brew? :S
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+4 25. closecut commented 13 years ago on video The Paintings of Holton Rower

love it im having a go!!!!

update: carpets fucked, girlfriends gone ape shit!!!
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+16 26. closecut commented 13 years ago on video I Am Epic Win

errrrrrrm huh? :S
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+32 27. closecut commented 13 years ago on video How Can Something So Small Be So Impressive?

Ouch!!!!! >:)
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+1 28. closecut commented 13 years ago on video guy gets a little too close to a shark..

Haha I love when he says "It always looks worse than it is". Ive seen people cut in half by these things, they would probably disagree :P
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0 29. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Pool Jump Fail

what a cock
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+13 30. closecut commented 13 years ago on video Epic touchdown turns ugly

wow he fuckin flew :x