Comments posted by computeraddict


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-4 1. computeraddict commented 14 years ago on video Cat is shocked

cat took it like a champ loool
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+4 2. computeraddict commented 14 years ago on video Cat lift

now the moving target is moving up and down to :P
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+3 3. computeraddict commented 14 years ago on video Water Ceiling Prank

heh heh bobbits syndrome what a terrible syndrome :D
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-1 4. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Romanian truck driver

i like his style lol reminds me of those monday mornings when i wake up late 8-) and hey all u guys calling him a idiot he looked like he was paying better attention than most ppl driving around
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+1 5. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Firefighter Grabs Guy Attempting Suicide

y did they save him :| now hes just going to drink more beer and that means less beer for the rest of us O:)
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-4 6. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Deadlifting 150 kg

seriously? My 11 year old brother can pick that up and that guy outweighs him by at least 75 pounds.
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+10 7. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

eh to the turd #15 you need to bring up their counterparts the black panthers if your going to even mention how bad the kkk was/is...
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-7 8. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Jet boat crashes

now I have an urge to go blow something up... 8-)
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+3 9. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Pizza Vending Machine

#8 they have yeasts that rise while cooking now
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-1 10. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Woman Falls in Front of Train

only in boston >:)
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+1 11. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Deer Jumps Into Lion Enclosure

umm so who got the deer steak? I wanna put in a claim on it. :)
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-1 12. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Gas Truck Rescue

lol rims+road = spark and spark+leaking gas that is all over the road = boom >:) 8-)
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+6 13. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Armed Tank

I pity the pinto owner just because he owned a pinto >:)
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+6 14. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Woodpecker vs Snake

lol snake=1 big worm that fights back >:)
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+2 15. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Taylor's Day on The Price is Right

God felt like giving him a good birthday haha :D wish i was that lucky :O
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+15 16. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Kid Stuck in Skate Bowl

well it was good entertainment for us #1 :P wasnt it?
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0 17. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Flexible OLED Display

ahh finally the time has come MUWAHAHAAAA
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0 18. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Future designer laptop - Rolltop

cool just dont drop it >:)
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-3 19. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video US Army Firefight Headcam in Afghanistan

lol theres alot of saying what to do and not alot of doing in that video lol why dont they have a friggen sniper shooting lol that point and fire crap dont work when ur standing more than 10 feet away
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+1 20. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Crash safety test: 1959 vs 2009

now i want to see a mid 70's early 80's vs a honda please >:)
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0 21. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Car crash

thats the problem with those japanese/chinese cars they just fall apart when u crash :S
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+1 22. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Police motor fail

lol i like how all the other cops help hold up her bike >:)
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+5 23. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Linux baby rocker

what the heck he got a bum deal some1 put his cup holder on sideways when they made the computer
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+5 24. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video 500 horsepower quad

Well USAnumber1, so long as they stay in europe and out of the U.S.A. then no one will get hurt. and screw em oldfart if they like their system let em burn, I think we got enough of our own problems here in the U.S.A. :S
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+4 25. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video 500 horsepower quad

what in the world? I cant believe you ppl think that being gay is ok it goes against all the biblical laws that God gave us :S let alone all the diseases that it creates. :( and lol old fart not sure about the buckteeth ive seen a few faggots without buckteeth
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+1 26. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Hey Alan, Alan, Alan...

lol want to shoot that ground hog in the beginning so bad :P
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+4 27. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video New Cell Phone Features

mac and windows both suck end of story but windows is the better of the 2 just for being more compatible
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+2 28. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

what if it was a big dog??? >:) lol what will people think of next
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+1 29. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Big Vending Machine

so... where are these things located... i can see real potential if you hit it hard enough >:) >:) >:)
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+5 30. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video How to wash your car

idk what the big thing is but i know i want one :P bigger is better
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-6 31. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video A bus takes the subway

dumb bus driver you could see that car comeing a mile away he should have just pulled into the other lane guess he did avoid hitting a building though
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+2 32. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video When Robot Programmers get bored

thats a expensive robot to be playing with :S i would be afraid of breaking it
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+4 33. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Weaponized RC plane

he needs a bomb...
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+6 34. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Giant vortex gun

now if some one who knew how to lay bricks had put up the brick wall then he would of failed :|
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-5 35. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Giant Shark found dead

well, there goes alot of cheap tuna and fish steaks :'(
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0 36. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Ken Block spoof

he shifts like my grandma >:)
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+2 37. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a bus on a bridge

lol and the whole point of turning around was? :P he should have power braked it and spun around >:)
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+3 38. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Banned commercial: bad eyes

after hes done painting all he has to do is fire up the grill and have pig on a stick >:)
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0 39. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Optimus Prime - Spy Video {truck form}

lol maybe the exhaust was going 760
>:) can some1 give me 1 for christmas >:) i can imagine some nice uses for it >:) like hauling small mountains away or large concrete buildings
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-3 40. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Mexican 300

guess they couldnt all fit in one city :'(
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+5 41. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Death wish go-kart driving

he forgot the brakes :(|) oh nvm hes just going to use the cars exhaust pipe
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0 42. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video New/Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!

COOL just realized >:) >:) >:) its the flood off halo >:) >:) >:) can we ship some to random countries? O:)
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+1 43. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video New/Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!

idk what it is but i want a couple of globs just so i can poke em lol maybe its somekind of mutated crustacean
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+2 44. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Three Atheists

lol all this fighting from a cool parody smacking on atheists >:) I learned a long time ago that arguing isn't going to change any1s mind on anything only time and experience changes peoples opinions.
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+10 45. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

:| people like that just need to spend time in a gay prison cell :S just to brighten their day
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+3 46. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Three Atheists

lol like how the atheists say its ok to make fun of christianity and religion but some1 makes a awsome joke about them they cry like a bunch of girls and then try to rationalize themselves >:) >:) >:)

very creative and totally awsome loved it when kurtlander broke down. and was that a toolbox/pipewrench combo that took out the blond chick???
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+3 47. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Speed cooking

thats very creative wonder how it tastes 8-)
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+1 48. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Rock Balancing Art

#2 that sounds to complicated hows bout we just let him stack the rocks like hes doing?
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0 49. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Driving a golden BMW in Russia

theres no cops in russia? and those guys are pretty shoddy drivers.
oh ya and American muscle beats those granny cars anyday
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+1 50. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Pygmy Jerboa

lets see evolution scientist explain how he came about >:)
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+2 51. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a car

another bit of evidence against darwins theory >:)
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-1 52. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Driver crashes Ferrari

thats a crash? :S here I was expecting atleast some engine damage :(
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-2 53. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Whack-A-Kitty

i do believe this games hammer needs a good upgrade O:) to about ehh lets say a 27 pound hammer
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+1 54. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Truckers on European Highway

maybe their just following their gps ;)
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-1 55. computeraddict commented 15 years ago on video Floating water bridge trick

flu vaccines work only against the certain flu that they were made for because every time the flu moves to a new host it mutates. and really since the flu is a virus it the vaccines are oxymoronic since the body cant build a resistance to viruses like it can to bacteria. the swine flu is no different from any other flu it can just move from swine to human to swine until eventually it mutates itself into something else.
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+1 56. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

oh ok I think I understand now I think...
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+1 57. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

what I meant by "and doesnt ur opinion of that superstiton ruin ur opinion of being a atheist???" was that I thought you had said you didnt believe in evil or wrong in any shape or form.
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+2 58. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

Ali atleast I assume u meant by elite rich right?
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+2 59. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

Ali my family came to america from england on the mayflower and they were rich in england the reason they left was because they were not allowed to worship God.

guys the reason that this war is still dragging on is because of spindle brained idiots that we americans elected that think they can command armys better than the generals that have been trained to command. from what I hear from our boys over is that we could win if they would let them go and search for hostile militants.

as far as those who are ashamed that america invaded iraq have u forgotten 9/11? that is exactly what our boys volunteered to prevent from happening again. as far as I know we have no troops in iraq but volunteers. and im proud of those that are selflessly endangering their lives for the rest of the world

umm as for those numbers just check and see how deep in hock this nation is thx to thimble heads that never learned to spend only what they have. these millions are just a fraction of what is spent believe it or not
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+2 60. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield Heroes - new video game

lol I like the part about not getting beat up on by a foul mouthed 15 year old :P lucky me.
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+1 61. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Woman hits parking barrier with car

no she pegged it right after she got back in haha and forgot that she had wheels facing a solid object hahahaha
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0 62. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

listen MOOGLE if I were u I would not refer to some1s family as ""fuckeded up"" that kinda makes me mad...
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0 63. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

my little 4 year old brother watched it and he thinks its funny he wanted me to get a car like that to do in his pet cat >:) haha >:) haha
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+1 64. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nooitaf the problem that comes with more than 1 belief is that only 1 belief can be right. unfortunatly u dont really know who is right about what. the beliefs that ppl have are made by the reasoning of the information that they have gotten. and if some1 gets different information than the other person than who can say who was right? we cant tell who is right or who is wrong untill something happens to all partys involved like say dying or seeing somthing to agree or disagree with a theory.

take for instance a person from a rafting expedition walks down a river about a mile and turns around at a turn in the river where its hard to pass and goes back. then when the person gets back to where he/she started from theres a person who asks him/her did u see the waterfall about a mile down the river? you would probably say what water fall? ur crazy I was just down there. so you see both partys will be absolutly certain that their right but the diffence between the 2 beliefs is that one person went around the corner instead of turning around. and they will both know for certain whos right when they reach that corner about a mile down the river. the difference will be that the one who believes theres a water fall will be ready for it. btw how do u know about a african superstition? were u in africa? and doesnt ur opinion of that superstiton ruin ur opinion of being a atheist???
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-3 65. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

cats=nasty slimy things that are covered with ticks and parasites. their on level with groundhogs only u cant eat em :D and dont forget that sick attitude they got :D
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0 66. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

oh its fake? I was going to go put one in my car :|
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0 67. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

wow that was awsome :P very dead cat hahahaha
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+1 68. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

ummm nooitaf u said pretty much what I said u would about the witch doctors lol. my meaning of "as far as I know were gonna stay this way no matter who gets into our leadership positions" meant that americans are not going to change just because some power hungry some1 is in office ruining our country and our morals. I think u just read my last sentence and took it out of context. um btw im curious of what propaganda american christians are putting out I? actually i watched about a hour of the movie before my brain got soggy from getting bombarded with the same general idea over and over lol other than that the movie was awsome. "hits self in the head with a brick" every1 to his own taste.
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+1 69. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nooitaf how can u say there is no evil? how can u explain what witch doctors do and have done? have u ever seen one? I know that u would just say that what they do is just cheap tricks and slight of hand stunts. but unless u go and see a witch doctor and try to explain evil away after u have seen one then pls stop saying there is no evil.

im watching that last link u got there that isnt that some kind anti american propaganda? my personal opinion on that video is that most of its a lie no offense pls. I'll be the first to admit that im not proud of what some of our leaders have done. this country was founded on God and the bible not on the whims of a power hungry person. some power hungry ppl have just about ruined our nation especially in the last 20-30 years about 95% of the ppl were christains when this nation was made. this nation has been a christian nation since it was born nooitaf and as far as I know were gonna stay this way no matter who gets into our leadership positions.
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-1 70. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

grrrr I messed it up grrrr
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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+1 71. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nooitif has the skills :D third times the charm :P
.......... >:) .......
....... >:) >:) .....
... >:) :(|) >:) ...
>:) :(|) :(|) >:)
I did it i think :P
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+1 72. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

:( :( :( well I almost did it :'(
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+1 73. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nootaf peace, I cant force some1 to change their minds on something that they have decided on not changing. :)
hey aliquantulus theirs no way u can walk on the water unless god helps u and theres no way to prove that some1 did it. but the scientists have found evidence that the bible exists if u go where sodom and gomorrah stood u will find brimstone all the over the place and if u go to the red sea where moses parted the waters u will find the chariots and armour of pharoahs army from when the waves closed Im only human and I cant remember everything thats just 2 off the top of my head.
btw if u ask me ill stop talking.
man I like these monkeys :) lets see if i can make a paramid :P ill try biting my tongue this time just so :P.
...... :(|)
... :(|) :(|)
:(|) :(|) :(|) I did it I think :P
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+1 74. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

I mean "I" lol
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+1 75. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nope u dont :'( :'( :'( :'(
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+1 76. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
:(|) :(|) :(|)
:(|) :(|)
:(|) lol i got a paramid i think :D
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+1 77. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

nooitif ur right its not a history book its the word of God. He told ppl what to write but let them use their own words while writing it "which is y we sometimes have problems understanding it because they are talking in a way that they would understand and I dont know about u but I would have troubles understanding the chinese if i was from lets say britain." and amazingly ppl from hundreds of years before christ was born were able to write that he was going to be born. now theres no way that could be a story unless u were to actually refute the findings of scientists and archeologists around the world.
p.s. to all those crying there was no moon landing then y in the world is there an american flag sitting on it??? lol :D :D :D weeeeee i like monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|) oh well forget that rule i just read about religion :O :O haha monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+1 78. computeraddict commented 16 years ago on video 'Moon walk' gone wrong...

:) well nooitaf didnt the rules say something about discussing religion? but I went ahead anywayz and got the hebrew meaning for this particular use of the word circle. It means to circle as in encompass so I think that this implies that the earth is round it doesnt prove it or anything like that but it definitly implies it. as for the part about above the earth, if a object is being hung suspended in space with no force on it then above would be in all directions and God is every where at all times so that would mean he would be looking down on the earth from where ever he looked from and I think this would mean that he is above it. What it means by curtains and a tent is that God spread the stars out like u pizza dough before u flipped it. Then put the stars above us like a tent and since there is no bottom lol the stars surround world at least im pretty sure u can see them in the north pole and the south pole. hope this explains it to u.
:) :) :) ps the earth is kinda flattish we got our poles pushed together lol
pss pls excuse any typos im having trouble seeing the screen :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) oooooo aaaaah monkey smilies -claps hands-