Comments posted by datemyride


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+1 1. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Dangerous downhill with camera onboard

This is pretty crazy. I'd never do that.
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+3 2. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Electric Power Line Explosion

wow this is soo cool
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+3 3. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Newsman finds politician's name funny

I think the name "d*** s****" fits the anchor.
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-3 4. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Killer Willard The Boxing Kangaroo

This is weired.
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+3 5. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Useful Dog

What a dog!
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0 6. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Stringless Digital Rock Guitar

Some guitar I can say.
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0 7. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Crazy fight breaks out on tv show

This is much better than Jerry Springer!!!
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+1 8. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Dude loses head

I watched it and wasn't sure what to expect. This was really funny!
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+3 9. datemyride commented 14 years ago on video Passing Water, Chinese style

What's so interesting about this video. I don't get it.