Comments posted by doggy82


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+1 1. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Cheerleader run over by football team

Hahaaaaaaaa! stupid b¤"%/
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+4 2. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Japanese crazy police car prank

"You're on candy camera!.. oh and sorry, you're also now mentally ill for the rest of your life" :D lol
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+2 3. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Japanese crazy taxi prank

HAhaaaaaaaaaaa!!! He's gonna need help after that!
Bet he crapped himself so much! :O
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+5 4. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Advertising in NYC

Hmm seems like fair prices. They wouldn't advertise if it wasn't worth the money.
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+4 5. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Inline Freestyle Roller Skating

Ha she sucks! She only got one of the cones! ;)
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+4 6. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Slip 'n Slide Extravaganza

Cool but they should had made holes in the bottom so the water could run out. It slows them down a lot when they hit that water.
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0 7. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Why Hollywood script writers are striking

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-2 8. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Home made flame thrower

At first it didn't sound like this was gonna be safe. But after viewing it actually doesn't look that dangerous at all.

Just look out for your moms curtains ;D
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+4 9. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video How not to surf

Hes not quite ready to be a surfer yet.. he hasn't even made it into the water. Lol!
That's some real poor judgment of distance..
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+2 10. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Charice Pempengco at Star King

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+2 11. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Pro Street Romania

Ahh ok! I got it! It's viral marketing for the company the website in the end links to.

I knew those chicks where to hot to be real... Obviously hired models.
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+2 12. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Pro Street Romania

Did he use up all his allowance on prostitutes?!
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+4 13. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Pro Street Romania

WTF - how the f**k did that nerd get those hot chicks to be in his movie?!
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0 14. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Don't drink from hotel room glasses

Well said!
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+1 15. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Girl 'sings' in front of webcam

Lol that sounds like crap.. she's perfect for death metal! >:)
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0 16. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video How not to release a leopard

For his level of stupidity, this guy got a lot less than he deserved. Lol

Reminds me of other clips where they're just armed with sticks against angry predators. Dudes.. you can't fight those animals with just a stick! Plus it's only gonna make the animal more angry.. like we just witnessed...
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0 17. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video I have a bad case of diarrhea

Lol it just keeps surprising me everytime, just how freakin' twisted those Japanese are :D
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0 18. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Dutch TV host gets owned by rappers

Yup! Rehearsed! What morons. To obvious!
Guess you'd have to be dutch not to see that ;)
And not one bit funny. Bah!
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+1 19. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Traveling through time

Wtf! why am I looking at this?! How can you take that video serious?! Please don't post anywhere.. damn what is this world coming to..
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+2 20. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video 8-year-old plays Stairway to Heaven Solo Outro

Wtf.. great job kiddo! The tapping isn't that good, but I guess he's lacking the strength. Although his bends are really good! And his sense of rhythm isn't that bad either!
But one thing that's definitely missing is the passion/feel/soul, witch is I admit rarely seen in kid musicians. Can't wait to see him get older!

Now a word to daddy: Please don't ever tell your kid not to play that guitar!

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+3 21. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Amazing new 3D technology from Japan

"I simply fancied a cathartic outburst" Hehe.. I know that feeling :)
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+1 22. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Like playing soccer a bit too much?

Dagn we _dont_ have to try it out?! Ohh please cant we? please...

Oh btw Foxy, this isn't real - it's called ad-ver-ti-sing...
I'm not saying it would be any less funnyer if it was real thou ;P
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+1 23. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video Darth Vader vs. Japanese Police

Hahaa pwned Darth!
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+7 24. doggy82 commented 17 years ago on video African Pole Dancer

ROFL HAhaaaaaaaaaaa Noobeater! One of the best comments I've seen in a while :D hahaa