Comments posted by dredawg


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+4 1. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 - People You Hope Never Reproduce

the pizza tosser was the best one :D

...but I agree with #3, this shouldnt be called a top 10 people who shouldnt reproduce list, more like stupid shit at a ball park.
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-10 2. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Saga of Biorn

Cute little video, though I wish the resolution was a bit higher.

yea and get a life already Snizzlik.
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+7 3. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Inspirational Story of a Plane Crash

Whats scarier, a plane crash or a dip in the Hudson river? ewww.
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+9 4. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Who is Charles Manson?

:) :( ;) :D :'( :P :| :S :* :O O:) :x >:) 8-) :(|) ::(|) .......nobody

Genius lol
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+3 5. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Man swims with 17foot / 5m Crocodile

The Crocodile Whisperer, he could have his own show lol.
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+3 6. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Plane to Plane Skydive

Balls of freakin' Steel, I tell you what.....

^^ said it like 30 seconds before me lol.
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-9 7. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Gay Marriage Speech

I am all for open gay marriages who adopt, and I will tell you why.

People who are gay are that way through no fault of their own. Its not a choice, its genetic. So if its genetic why wouldnt that trait just eventually be self defeating? i.e if the tendency to mate with a member of ones own sex would not produce offspring and therefore the genes are not passed onto another generation.

What I do have a problem with is gay/lesbian couples who are able to use in-vitro fertilization to make a baby with there own genes. Now the gay gene is most likely recessive in nature, but there is no reason that this genetic anomaly couldnt be eradicated from our gene pool, OVER TIME.

Before anyone starts calling me a nazi, theres nothing wrong with wanting improving our species, its just the germans are a very efficient people and went to an extreme.
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+2 8. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video How many ...

I wouldnt be so harsh as to call all these people stupid, but I would go as far to say they are lacking in some common sense.
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+3 9. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video How to rip a phonebook in half

lol #9 I thought you meant halves not haves, cuz everyone is gonna halve(f) their phonebooks now. I been doing this for years, but like the guy in the video says, thinner phone books are much easier, yellow pages in some big cities are not easy, even when you know how.

When you do a larger one, its important to get wide starting gaps, near the cover on the inside. Like anything though, it takes practice.
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+14 10. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Dance with me!

Dance! it makes you feel alive :D Opa!
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+3 11. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Weird moves ...

Why in da fuck is this video called 'Weird Moves"? How the top of my head.....

"Looking for a great parking spot? Urine Luck"
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+1 12. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video roll cloud

thats essentially what #3 said, #17
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+14 13. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video roll cloud

Umm #2 wouldnt that be a horizontal Tornado? Just saying its parallel to the horizon and all....
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0 14. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Passenger

#14 Well Fucking said my man, most of the tards that judge have no idea the effort involved in 3d animation and modeling.
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+17 15. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video President of Czech Republic steals pen

Yea yea theres no denying that look of smug satisfaction on getting away with something bad.

Ok now for a bad pun, you think he uses it to write his Czech's? :D
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0 16. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Great Add on a iPhone

Fuck apple, is there an android app?

but nevermind, its fake, thanks #12....but I'll take some NZT if it was real.
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+5 17. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video why burgers looks so good at the pictures

Its kinda gross if you think about it, but Id still eat it before a blue waffle. (Those who google that will probably give me a thumbs down :D)
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0 18. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette for those who want to play it on the guitar. Hint: Transpose it down 2 half steps.
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+5 19. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette

Too bad she was already married, hard to see from video but she shows shes already wearing a ring.

And #14, I am sure they sang to there share of penises before they came upon her :D
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+5 20. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Electroshock!!

My dad is famous for the first one, well.....not internet famous
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+1 21. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Water Fueled Car

Yea I caught that also #30. Cars will never run on water alone, its just not chemically possible with todays technology, and frankly it may never be possible.
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-3 22. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Robotdance

Look out America, your Chinese overlords are coming with robots. :D
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+1 23. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video 3000 HP Aussie hotrod

I wonder how many gallons per mile that thing gets :D.
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+1 24. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Geobat

I want one!
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+1 25. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Enjoy winning

The girl is hot but i did not like the concept of becoming a woman for a beer. :D
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+4 26. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video World's widest slip and slide

This is a water retention pond in Hawaii, not meant to be used for recreation, but collect clean drinking water and perhaps prevent erosion.
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0 27. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video How It's Made - Chocolate

#8, #4 & #6 were referring to #3, not this video lol
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0 28. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video NASA the frontier is everywhere

R.I.P. Carl
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+2 29. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Angry birds

Dont think the title needed to be a 'not' joke
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0 30. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Best Street Party Ever

This video is a few years old, I've been hoping there would be a follow-up of his dad kicking his sorry ass.
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+3 31. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Misery Bear Goes to Work

That felt like me at my last job, but I found a much better one, now Im no misery bear.
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+1 32. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere

The cyanide and happiness women characters arent any hotter #3
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+2 33. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Tidying up art

TED is often very enlightening, thought provoking, awe inspiring and even tear jerking. I look forward to every new TED talk, but this was ...meh.
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+4 34. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Extreme sitting

T'aint that a painful sport?
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+2 35. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video A what?

My ex girlfriend has a 3rd nipple, too bad there wasnt a 3rd boob to go with it, otherwise she wouldnt be an ex.
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+2 36. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Killer Bees Attack Football Pitch

Im guessing the thing you do in a killer bee attack is "Stop, Drop and Wait"?
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-15 37. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Gears Cube

Apparently there are 83+ people who want a retarded Christmas gift next year...
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-9 38. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Very special coca-cola machine in Sao Paulo (Brasil)

If I saw that in person it wouldnt warm my heart, it would freak me out. My first thought would be its some nutjob not sanctioned by coke.

And I definitely would clean the top of the can before drinking....
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+1 39. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Naked Man With AK-47 Fires At SWAT Robot

Did the robot have a warrant or read him his miranda rights? I would think the terminator entered my house I could pull a gun on it and not get charged. Safety pfft, what they couldn't send in SWAT in body armor? Cowards.
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-7 40. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Himalayan Ninja Goat

yea #5 you also misspelled 'miss spelled'
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-19 41. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Gears Cube

#13 you think its complicated to turn a handle? This isnt a puzzle. I would find a rubix cube far easier to invent than to solve. This would be the opposite of that.

You are a simpleton #1, as always. Dear Santa? pfft.
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+2 42. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Ultra-fast Trap

Yea the lite jazz makes it feel like a 70's porno movie :D
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+3 43. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Lightning! Compilation...

Really until you see a lightning strike live, and more importantly up close you will never get the full effect. It is the true meaning of the awesome.

I was on a bus when it hit the power pole across the street, less than 20 feet away. Film would never do it justice.
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0 44. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Hanjobs

I had a hanjob, but I blew my midichlorians in 12 parsex.
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-13 45. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Skin Gun

If you dont want to see a second degree burn, stop this video before 1:38
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+9 46. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Exploding waterballoon..

Too bad she was wearing a bra..
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+28 47. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Italo Romano

depressing music makes this sad, the last thing this guy wants to be thought as. This needs a punk soundtrack would make it rock.
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+1 48. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Butcher Lady Needs Help With Garbage Bags

Just pour rire, I love those pranks.
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-5 49. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Top 5 Super Organisms

I gave the girlfriend a superorganism last night >:)
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+2 50. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Lean meat with a crusty top

Now thats a GILF :D
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+3 51. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Delicious Smoke Bomb!

God I hate to say it, but 'fake'
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+3 52. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Wash Machine Kitty

exactly #27, I felt violated.
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+4 53. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video robo-rainbow

Duuuude they just removed a bunch of graffiti, rainbow or not, this is vandalism.
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0 54. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Mosaic cubes

goodbye Norma Jean
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+30 55. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Cleverman

nice use of fruit for the 'heart attack'scene
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+3 56. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Wash Machine Kitty

whatever Sizzlik, everyone of those downrates was deserved , especially platonics retarded comments.
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+2 57. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Wash Machine Kitty

inference by the voting tells me that SjN is the down rating culprit. Its a vulgar thing he said yet its only rated as -1 (at the time of this writing). Its my opinion that he went through the trouble of making several accounts to down vote the people that commented after himself, since he was at least sure those people saw his comment.

At the same time he uprated his comment which at this point should be a solid -20 for its bad taste.
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+2 58. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Russian Xena Warrior Princess

If they make a kill bill 3, she should audition :D
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-13 59. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video My Blackberry Is Not Working!!!

orange you glad he didn't say banana :)
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0 60. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video TIK TOK KESHA Parody: Glitter Puke

Aww come on guys, its kinda funny, I mean Im not going to subscribe or anything, but Id rather watch this than the original.
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+4 61. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Bruce Parry eats raw liver and eyes from a seal

I cannot spell the sound I made watching this...
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0 62. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video ShapeShifter

Wait... is that a car commercial?
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+3 63. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video World Builder

Christ if I had that the Real world would never see me again lol
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+1 64. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video New european one Euro job

I thought I had a sh|t job.
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0 65. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Malaria caught on camera breaking and entering cell

Cells are Bad. My uncle lives in a cell. Its 10'x12' and he has to read the same old magazines every day.
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0 66. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Arrested 1000 times

if this was, the 'N' word and various other racial slurs would have filled the page. Good job community.
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-3 67. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Crowned Eagle hunting habits

#4 you are so dumb, please do the world a favor and not breed yourself. After all we want the human race to evolve, not de-evolve.
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+2 68. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Anonymous on Colbert Report

Thanks #21, I spent a few minutes pausing the wrong section of video lol.
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+14 69. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Crowned Eagle hunting habits

Next step in evolution, Chevrotain evolves into a beaver like creature who doesnt come up for air, and the crowned eagle evolves into a bald eagle (after it pulled all its feathers out in frustration waiting for the new Beavatrain)
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+4 70. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Baby Leaf Monkey

Christ #12 take a chill pill, you are going to get thumbs down just for the 'wall of text'. This probably isnt the best venue to vent your frustrations with the popular media.
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+1 71. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

Made in China, Filmed in Russia, Not surprised in Canada (well for me anyways).
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+2 72. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson: Are we alone in the universe

Neil degrasse tyson is a brilliant man and a great "SPOKESMAN' for science, but he doesnt actually do any scientific research himself, just does what most astrophysicists do, think. Until he comes out with his own theories, he is nothing but a poor mans Carl Sagan. (Dont tell him I said that, he's a friend on facebook :D)

Want to know the soul #7? Read this story....
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+13 73. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video AT&T predicts modern gagdets

Phone booth? Whats that lol.
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+6 74. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video 1913 Harley twin still on the road!

Thats gotta be wortha a chunk of change...
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+1 75. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video SIGNS

lol if you think Im #32 then you must not have graduated highschool
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+1 76. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video SIGNS

I made it too about 3 minutes,realized I would be stuck in a cubicle all day, every day til I die and started to sob uncontrollably. God I hope theres a happy ending.
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+1 77. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Water Boy

Im guessing he doesnt do that act after dinner....
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+1 78. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Drawdio: Turn Almost Anything Into a Theremin

They used a theremin to make the original Star Trek Theme song. I got that little trivia tidbit from 'the big bang theory'
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+2 79. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video A new paradigm on human evolution

I have corresponded with Mrs Morgan personally and she is a brilliant writer/speaker and an excellent proponent for an interesting, and terrifyingly logical, theory. While I believe in the basis for the theory, what I do not agree with is the timeline they propose. They suggest that it was one aquatic stage that accounts for all the evolutionary differences between us and the great apes, while I am confident that it was 2 separate events that defined our evolutionary path. I have a video on youtube, but its not worthy.

Anyone miss good ol' mininova? It was my fav torrent site.....
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+3 80. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Kings' Dessert

#4 in about 5-10 minutes it would be thawed out and making one hell of a mess.
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+1 81. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Phantom of the Floppera

Who the hell still has 5.25" floppy disks lying around?
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+14 82. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Extraordinary People - The Iceman

How is this possible? I lived in the far north and can say from firsthand experience that it doesnt take long to get frost bite running on ice barefoot.

I wont explain the situation, but I had to run barefoot (well with socks but that was nothing) in about -35C. After about 2 minutes they were frozen solid. I dont mean cold, I mean frozen SOLID hard. This video says after 10 minutes the average person wouldnt be able to stand the pain? After 10 minutes the average person would have already collapsed for 5.

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+6 83. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Explaining Canada to Americans

#11 Yes he is Canadian, thats Peter Jennings and he makes a cameo appearance. Newscasters all sound alike, masters of non regional diction.

America appurently needs dem some edumacation,
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+3 84. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Satan visits the children

Friends of Will Vinton could once be heard "Dude you need to chill out and stop being so serious, maybe try animating some singing raisins or something...."
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+7 85. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The woman language translator

If thats not already an APP, it needs to be.
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+9 86. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Red Green Show

holy jeebus #18 its Red Green,not Nova or Mythbusters....
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+1 87. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Secret Life of Cats

You would need some awesome mind control #5, all you get when you strap a laser to cats head is a perpetual motion machine.
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+1 88. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Yogi Bear-Not so happy ending

No more pic-a-nic baskets for you...
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+2 89. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Police control

I dont know how something like this gets on snotr and yet my home made Viagra video goes unwatched :D
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-4 90. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video The Secret Life of Cats

I had this idea years ago! (Thumbs me up if you did too just never got around to it :D)
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-2 91. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Stars in the space

Thumbs up, this video is a classic!!
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+2 92. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Pirates Of The Caribbean - Sungha Jung

#15 you have no excuse. Playing guitar is like any skill, if you practice you will get better. Start today and you could easily be at a skill level to perform this in a year. That goes for anyone.

And yea I could play this.
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+2 93. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Pirates Of The Caribbean - Sungha Jung

tsk tsk #12 thats not a band-aid, its a thumb pick, used by fingerpickers.
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+2 94. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Long Board Skate Fail

^^birds of a feather :P
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+3 95. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Pirates Of The Caribbean - Sungha Jung

Yo Ho Thieves and Beggars......

seems Mistress Ching and Sao Feng had a love child :)
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+7 96. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Parking Carnage

I was annoyed and frightened and scared so I got out of the car and put myself in harms way.
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+3 97. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

lol #38 sure the Chinese make crappy merchandise, which they then ship to the rest of the world. The good stuff they keep for themselves.
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+10 98. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Underwater Swimming White Tiger

They should throw that cat in with a shark, now that would be an epic video. >:)
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+8 100. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Super Chill Monkey Does Hollywood

For the first minute I thought it was Zack Galifinackis....
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+7 101. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Good Husband

Hes got the dog trained to hold a post-it note on its head, maybe she needs some obedience school too....
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+13 102. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Tiger Nurses Piglets

Eating piglets is what tiggers do bessst! 8-)
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+6 103. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Air Show

#3 its not like pilots in the 40's didnt have skills, they just never had the same power-weight ratio.
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-5 104. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Cold and Refreshing

Who could possibly miss the fact theres no water in the pool as you run up to it? And all his drunk skater buddy could do was laugh? Wish I could find this funny.
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+6 105. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video Viral Chinese Commerical

Backa to da future Bwong!
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-7 106. dredawg commented 13 years ago on video fun at work

Really #4? Then don't ever go to for your meme video needs, the comments there are beyond retarded. Here it seems there is a sense of taste at least, although I find snotr has its share of people with no sense of humor. (That should warrant about 10 thumbs down for sure lol)
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+3 107. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Artist embeds camera in head

couldnt have he just invented a hat with a camera built in? Seriously some people will do anything to get there 15 minutes....
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+3 108. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Sold Out

I cant imagine any real WoW fan actually spending any waking moment making this video, when they could actually be playing Cataclysm. I played it up during beta, but decided I actually do have better things to do with my time than rejoining the never ending gearing up cycle.

Cool mashup, props to the uploader.
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+3 109. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Supercharged Engine Blows

Thanks #14 I love followup links :D
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+2 110. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video 4D (?) Mapping Projection

yea #3 is right, this isnt 4D,even if the 4th dimension was spacial. Decent projection mapping though. Just edit the title and take out that (?).
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-3 111. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video The Giggle Loop

I don't really find this clip that funny, I usually love English humor, just not this.
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+1 112. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Real-life Tron Lightcycle

Lightcycle? They should have demo'd it at night methinks....
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+2 113. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Love Noodles

#1 Ive seen so much cyanide and happiness, I did see that coming...
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-4 114. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Internet Commenter

#8 your a retard! Nothing to do with what he said here but in just general, and yea correcting my obvious meme typo will probably get you instant thumbs up from the rest of the sheeple at snotr,

oh and a Merry Christmas to the christians out there!
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-7 115. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Perimeter Marble Run RBS

Wow a perpetual boredom machine.........

nah its pretty neat :)
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+4 116. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Maybe One Day

Omg this made me get to work, and say eff it, I dont want to be here today, I'd rather watch viral videos on snotr!
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+1 117. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Iron Mountain

The company I work for stores its documents with Iron Mountain, and I wasn't aware that it was shipped to Pennsylvania, but the things I don't know can fill several underground vaults apparently. :P
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+3 118. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Bruins Hockey Rules

I totally thought the kid was gonna throw the beer in the girls face, maybe if he was a real bruins fan....
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-15 119. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Racoon Tearing Up The House

#18 how dare you use the mantle of the great thinker Plato and use such pathetic logic in your comments, for shame. Who said I was referring to your comment anyway? Did the fact that you did say poor and not cute give you any hint that I might be making a more general statement and not referring to your comment? I also do not keep them but no where in this video does he state that he is keeping it as a pet. Maybe it got in through a cat door, an open window or maybe it chewed its WAY THROUGH THE DAMN WALL? I also dont keep bears around my garbage cans, but I damn well will shoot a Mama and her cubs, regardless of how cute they are if they endanger my family. Regardless the real Plato turns over in his grave every time you comment so choose your words more wisely next time.

I have more of a Diogenese disposition,(if you haven't noticed or are just pretending to know the classics) so thumbs down me all you want, because the cool kids all look at the "comments rated too low" anyways.
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-9 120. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Racoon Tearing Up The House

#4 easy to say since thats not your home. Raccoons are pests, like rats and pigeons, and I am onside with #1 on this one, hit the thing with a hammer or another blunt heavy object. For those who are saying "its soo cute..." keep in mind this is a wild animal that can seriously hurt you, no matter how cute you "think" it is.

All you bleeding hearts need to spend some time in the wilderness. If I had made this video, you would be watching my instructional video on how to make....

....A CoonSkin Hat!!!
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+2 121. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Offices

Feels kinda like my job, metaphorically speaking.
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0 122. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video FD contest

In the US that would be called the B&E games :).
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-3 123. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Never Say No To Panda

Is this actually a German ad from the 80s? I ask because of the Macintosh 512k the panda knocked off the desk in the first one...
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+2 124. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video How CDs are made

Wow I wonder how 8 tracks and phonograph records are made now.
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+7 125. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video TED Talk: Self-Teaching

Gonna put a lot of teachers out of work, but like Arthur C. Clark said, a teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be.
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-3 126. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video World's Biggest Yacht

If america could sell 140,000 of these bad boys, it would be out of debt. Hahaha, yea if they cost nothing to build....
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+2 127. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video A solution to the US national debt?

The war on drugs could have saved America a trillion (thats a real statistic btw) and made you another 2, it dont cover your warmongery, but it would be a start.
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-2 128. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video A solution to the US national debt?

The war on drugs could have saved America a trillion (thats a real statistic btw) and made you another 2, it dont cover your warmongery, but it would be a start.
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+26 129. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video A solution to the US national debt?

Your country is circling the drain, say hi to the romans.
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+1 130. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video lightning

I have seen a much larger lightning strike at about that distance and trust me when I say, you feel like as if god himself reached down and ripped the air asunder, and I'm an atheist!!! This video does the real experience no justice, unless you remix the sound and replay the strike at 1000x the volume.
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+4 131. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video shooting test

That rifle needs a shock absorbing stock, they maybe laughing but that looks like it could break a collarbone.
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+13 132. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Parachuting from 100,000 feet

I get a rush just watching it, I couldn't imagine how it must feel like...
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-2 133. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video My Nuts Itch

typical american cop, im surprised they didnt rodney king the guy....
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-2 134. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Seabreacher X - "Shark Boat"

It needs a way to shift its center of gravity during the water breach, so that the nose enters the water first. I had an idea for this years ago, but put it aside because I didn't believe it to be commercially viable at the time.
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+2 135. dredawg commented 14 years ago on video Redman's Crib

Dreamcast, CRT TV, VHS tape collection? Bragging about his 20" LCD "STRAIGHT FROM JAPAN BOI!!", LMAO. Ok this is obviously shot around 2003 or Redman gots himself a timemachizzle in the basement. :D
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+12 136. dredawg commented 17 years ago on video Funny animals compilation

Funny video, too bad the soundtrack didnt fit. Coldplay? come on, I mean COME ON!