Comments posted by dunnagh


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+2 1. dunnagh commented 9 years ago on video I'm HIV positive, do you dare to touch me?

I´d probably not hug him, but not because he´s positive (I got a friend who is) but because I generally avoid touching People in the public.
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+1 2. dunnagh commented 9 years ago on video Centipede Devours Roach Alive

Was this a life feed?
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-1 3. dunnagh commented 10 years ago on video Joaquin Phoenix Slams Walmart for Supporting Sickening Cruelty to Pigs

This is the FIRST time in Ages I had to turn off a Video because it made me so sick I could puke.

You know, I am a vegetarian for the last 4 years now. This Shows me that this is the right way. (or buy locally. Guys. BUY! LOCALLY!)
Man, this is so sick!
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+4 4. dunnagh commented 10 years ago on video Building Demolition

That I call precision!
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+6 5. dunnagh commented 10 years ago on video Food Experts Get Pranked With McDonalds

These are not Food critics. It´s just random visitors to a Food faire. People that go around tasting everything. Also you dont see how many People said "This is McDonalds Food!" because of editing.
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+4 6. dunnagh commented 10 years ago on video How pringles are made

Shouldnt these better be called "Mashed potatoe chips"? Also, shouldnt they be called "crisps"?

Also: Shouldnt we all just make our own by slicing, seasoning and baking regular fresh potatoes?
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+4 7. dunnagh commented 10 years ago on video Handicap International against antipersonal mines

#2 furthermore often the country that plants the mines is non-existent after the war - at least the government responsible for planting them.

But I agree that we as a whole (UN?) should be responsible for
a) stopping the fuckin´ production of those
b) should make a BIG effort to remove them from the face of the earth.
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+4 8. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video I so much love this cake (gummy cake)

Also, the amount of gelantine in this is fairly disgusting.
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+4 9. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Vending machines and toilets in Japan

"Its going DEEP inside"

Isn't... well... isn't that what SHE said?
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+3 10. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Parkour, Cops, and Donuts

That just looked like a recreation park stunt show...
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0 11. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video How the original HBO intro was made

Can I hire these guys for my Wargaming table? In-fu*****-credible!
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+1 12. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Apollo Robbins

Now imagine his surprise when there´s nothing in my front pocket except a lot of excitement
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+3 13. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video "What's the Internet?" (1994)

That is a really tanned man!
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+1 14. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Playing Counterstrike...

wtf? I was watching the video and thinking "no arms? But he´s using the rifle..." and near the end I thought "Well, obviously a cool CS-vid, but with arms!?" - and then I saw the guy.

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0 15. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video 2000V runs through a plasma TV display

Hmm, is this the next phase of "will it blend"?
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+18 16. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video How we deal with thieves in Denmark

Is there any recording of this girlfriend waking up next to the giant pony? I´d like to see that!
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+2 17. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

Luke: Vader... Is the dark side stronger?
Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
Luke: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?
Yoda: Look at this jerk in this video.
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+3 18. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Did you just fart?

I so want to strangle the guy that invented canned laughter. (and while doing it, I would play canned laughter)
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+15 19. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Most Dramatic and Sad Dog

yeah.Everybody laugh at the sad dog.
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+7 20. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Otter Jumps in Car and Refuses to Leave

Refuses to leave? Easy when you´re blocking all exits!?
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+9 21. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Lorenz Machine

this is really a huge number of combina
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+8 22. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Australian football players surprise 6 year-old

As a father, the most sad thing about this is that if the father doesnt live through the illness, he will never see his boy grow up. And he looks like he knows it.
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+3 23. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Leona's Zenith Blade

Yeah! Make a sword and then destroy some MILK!
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+1 24. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Ever wonder how a $500 kitchen knife is made?

Why is he not using a mask when sharpening the knives? Doesnt this create a lot of dust?
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+12 25. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video This guy believes in the product he sells and truly cares about his customers

Ok now I really want a soda.
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+1 26. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Manliest rugby player I've ever seen

And there goes a promising career as a policeman.
"help me officer, that man has stolen my purse"
*evilgrin* "with pleasure, ma´m"
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+15 27. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Cat get caught stealing from drawer

I... I ... you know, I was just checking if... ah, nevermind. I´ll just... you know... close this thing again...
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+6 28. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Russian military ship suprises sunbathers

That actually seemed very... dangerous and life threatening. But then again... russia.
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+7 29. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Can you recognize the child fighting for their life before the lifeguard does?

The problem with drowning is that it is depicted totally wrong in movies. Drowning is a silent death. People concentrate on not dying, getting air etc. Never - ever - let your children out of sight if a pool is nearby.
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-11 30. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Croissants

Ok, now I´m hungry thank you.
(on another note: what´s so special here? Never seen anyone bake anything?)

Also, I bet they dont have a buttery crispy flak... goddammit!
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+6 31. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Proton-M Rocket Failure

My neighbours would really disapprove!
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+5 32. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Riot Police Demonstration

It´s all fun and games until someone loses an eye :(
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-2 33. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video A duck crying for ducklings and cops helps them out

seeing this and then remembering what happens to most chicks (well, to most male chicks that is)... You know: when "producing" chicks, industry only is interested in female chicks. The rest gets... shreddered alive.

and here we are, some people helping out ducklings and then returning home to eat their eggs made from chickens that are only alive because they are not male.
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+6 34. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Car attempts to overtake in the rain

fun fact: "Slippery when wet", one of the greatest Bon Jovi albums, was nearly called "Guns´n Roses"
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+5 35. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Man card revoked (Skydive)

this is why I dont go skydiving
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+6 36. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Elbow sliding super slow motion

It looks like someone without legs is pushing his bike
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+1 37. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video Basejumper's parachute fails

I agree wholeheartedly. There is absolutely no reason to do this - except for the thrill of it. But if no danger was involved, it´d be no fun. It may take a while, but the danger will find you.

It´s just like having unprotected sex just for looking how long it takes to get a std.
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+2 38. dunnagh commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a banger in a cow pat

I sense a shitstorm...