Comments posted by duze


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+9 1. duze commented 9 years ago on video Spectacular landing at Frankfurt Airport

is it pooping passengers?
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+2 2. duze commented 9 years ago on video Dad Daughter Beatboxoff

and neighbors be like: These guys are renovating their kitchen for ages now!!!
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+1 3. duze commented 9 years ago on video Fireball engulfs partygoers at water park in New Taipei

i dont want to be rude, or anything.. but water park? i mean WATER park???
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+17 4. duze commented 9 years ago on video Pouring Molten Metals into Water

Did he refer to C (Celsius) as Communist temperature units???
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+5 5. duze commented 9 years ago on video Animal sound Man

and he also grew some horns I see...
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+4 6. duze commented 10 years ago on video Dutch lost & found service

First thing comes to my mind when a dog like this comes to me at the airport: invitation for body cavity search.
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0 7. duze commented 10 years ago on video What to do when you see a drunk driver

hmm, watching the cameraman's driving, I guess he is drunk too. Or is the peugeot's driver taking the video of another driver in the front?
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+3 8. duze commented 10 years ago on video Japan Tech Rope Rescue Competition

New derivation of Takeshi's Castle?
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0 9. duze commented 10 years ago on video Optical illusion

You just convinced me that movie (Her) is worth watching, not just listening to .. as I thought before.
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+4 10. duze commented 10 years ago on video Laser pointer vs chickens

Watching this, I have the same strange sensation like watching women parking.
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+3 11. duze commented 10 years ago on video Electric Eel (1954)

Maybe I am just drunk right now, but compare the sound at 2:26 and the intro of the song by mgmt Moreover, mgmt made song also called Electric Feel. What?
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+31 12. duze commented 10 years ago on video First person view of Blue Angels practice

#2 I guess, ejecting would result in co-piloting
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+4 13. duze commented 11 years ago on video HPI Racing's Ken Block Micro Gymkhana

nice.. next level: skid marks and smoke!
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+4 14. duze commented 11 years ago on video Furry pile of nope!

ok, I got it.. pile of spiders.. but what about that roar of dynosaur?
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+16 15. duze commented 11 years ago on video If You're In China Make Sure You Check Emergence Exits

Obviously #1. These Asians are truly brilliant minds. They think of everything. Simple, and it could save most of the American sci-fi movie heroes from being stucked behind the door in their run for lifes. Even in 2014!!!
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-3 16. duze commented 11 years ago on video Random Shots

.. from my point of view: you see someone hitting a tree. You try to help him. Drag him from woods to open space, with his scull deformed like potato, unconscious. And he dies in helicopter... Good luck boys, hopefully, you have no families.
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+3 17. duze commented 11 years ago on video Why You Shouldn't Watch Porn In The Same Room As Your Parrot!

Porn? Some kind of Chip&Dale pervert gay stuff?
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+1 18. duze commented 11 years ago on video Listening to the Lion King

At 0:21, I was like: What's that? Did he sit on something? ... HEY?! AH-OIK AH-EE WHOO.. WHAA.. HEA-HEY!
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0 19. duze commented 11 years ago on video Baked In A Buttery Flakey Crust

reminds me of joey and noodle soup commercial
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+3 20. duze commented 11 years ago on video Baby Swims Across Pool

Aaand she is going to sleep like a log. Very inspiring for new parents who are hardly sleeping due to crying offspring.
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-1 21. duze commented 11 years ago on video Plates, Sand and Soundwaves

...another way to prepare a line of coke for snorting