Comments posted by dylanv


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+4 1. dylanv commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping dog

#27 The voices in the background are Thai, People don't eat dogs in Thailand.
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+4 2. dylanv commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping dog

#24 I hope this video makes you feel better when you see what the Soi Dog Foundations and many others are doing to help these dogs.
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-2 3. dylanv commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping dog

The dog looks healthy to me, guess he must be very tired, because he has no dry place to go due to the flooding. 13 million people are effected by the flood. This flood disaster you can compare with Katrina. Find Images in Google, search "Thai flood" to learn more..
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+11 4. dylanv commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping dog

This dog is in Thailand where there is a big flood going on. Thai people do a lot to help these dogs.

If you really think these dogs need help, then please donate to or or any other organisation. Just search in google for "soi dogs".
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0 5. dylanv commented 14 years ago on video The Orchard Spider

I love these Nature Vids, what's the DVD, might want to buy it!!!
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+3 6. dylanv commented 14 years ago on video The Taste-Test Whistleblower
