Comments posted by enuffsanuff


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+10 1. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Korean Elsa Toy

OKAY....What does Elsa (Frozen) have to do with the theme from Beverly Hills Cop? Nice toes shot though.....
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+6 2. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Car Crashes Time - December 2015

Head on @ 6min mark....brutal. Can't believe with all the bad weather these folks endure, they're so bad at driving...they should be experts at this kinda stuff.
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+4 3. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Thai dunk tank

Getting back at the ex wife I'm guessin'...
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+9 4. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Cops Return Shopping Carts In Hilarious Fashion

Officer McCall parked those carts in the corral like a boss......good job all around fellas...thanks!
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+2 5. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Ethiopia

CRAZYNESS!!!! Yet no wrecks.....unreal. First thing that came to mind was the video game, "FROGGER".
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+7 6. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Spectacular landing at Frankfurt Airport

I'll admit it...I got sucked in on that one.....especially after the peepee squeezing trot....not to mention the peeping eyes....lolol!
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+4 7. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Girl Meets Gorilla Old Friend After 20 Years

It's amazing the imprint left on some of these animals minds of human interaction and love....reminded me of one of my most favorite movies of all times, "Born Free." Thanks for sharing....
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+1 8. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?

Just goes to show you..."Never judge a book by it's cover." What a heartfelt story...and believe it or not, my family and I just got back from errands and I just gave a guy on the corner like $3 or $4 bucks....all we had to share with thought by his actions that we gave him a hundred....makes you feel all good inside.
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+5 9. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Crazy Monkey Tries to Vandalize Motorbike and Attacks Biker !

"How dare you throw a shoe at me a**hole.....take this, and some of that."
"Oh, so now you wanna throw some punches at me too...."
"How 'bout I just pull yer a** down this hill, what, now your gonna throw sand in my face?"
"You messed with the wrong monkey pal......this ain't over, as soon as I dry off, round two mf!"
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+1 10. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Talking about a sharp knife...

*SPOILER ALERT*.....The secret behind SUBWAY's tomato slices is finally revealed. I knew there was something fishy going on there.
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+6 11. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Tom and Jerry - Russian edition

Thanks I have a hankerin' to watch JAWS!
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+17 12. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Nissan GT-R Hood FAIL at 180MPH!!!

Go Pro took a lickin' and kept on tickin'.....that was kinda cool.
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+5 13. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video People are awesome! BEST OF THE MONTH (October 2015)

IMO...the girls and their bikes (:40) finish a close second to the horizontal pure power self lift (1:50)....the core strength and arm and leg strength is unbelievable....Thanks for sharing.
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+11 14. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2015

My vote for best in armed chick weight lifter, just wow!
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+4 15. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Go The F*** To Sleep Song

Seems like Samuel L Jackson's career is on a down slide ever since the Die Hard days.....Capitol One spots and now this......Sam my man, call it a day and go the F*** away!
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+8 16. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Best Hotel Service

Myself....I thought the towel and the toothbrush in the guys mouth was a nice touch when he came to the door, too bad he missed the hot blond by mere seconds.....
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+2 17. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Adorable Cockatoo Peekaboo

OK when the bird playsaboo...somewhere in Russia a car explodes....WHOA! Awesome powers!!!
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+5 18. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Two cats and a snail

If the cat with the snail on his paw doesn't get annoyed at the last nano second with his buddy by pulling his paw away.....I'm thinkin' MR. Noseybody gets a bite of Mr. Snail......yuck!
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+16 19. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Man sings to 93 year old dying wife

What a beautiful moment between two lovebirds, if this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, well, there's just no hope...Thank you for sharing this vid.
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+6 20. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Ben Hur is back

I guess it's kinda cool in a way, looks nothing like Charlton Heston though, anyway......reminds me of that scene from Mr. Bean drivin' his Mini from the recliner on his roof....
For reference:
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+34 21. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Close call

Close or not....should get the most votes for "worst motherly instincts of the year" the flowers, and yourself.......and, oh yea, the baby....sheesh!
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+9 22. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Paul Harvey " Policeman " One of His Best Narrations

One of the true artisan's of his craft. I grew up listening to his daily news report on the radio. What a wonderful and gentle soul. He is sorely missed that's for sure. RIP Paul Harvey. Thanks for sharing this wonderful memory. And if you happen to interact with a policeman today....tell him thanks for a job well done.
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+2 23. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Spider at work

As long as these little guys are outside somewhere in the abyss, no problem. In the house, I'm sorry...."HONEY, Where's the Raid?"
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+2 24. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video The candle

'nudder example of the hand being quicker than the eye....catchy little tune too!
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+2 25. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Who Needs A Tow Truck When You Have A Village Of Friends

I guess AAA's road side service is available worldwide...huh, who knew!
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+2 26. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Catdoor? For what?

If you listen closely, you can hear the guys' "pride from a job well done", hit the deck with a thump.....haha great vid.
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+12 27. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Holy s**t

Flag in the toes was a nice the guys laugh in the blue SUV....
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+5 28. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video A close of motorcycle chain on drag race

Awesome "Up Close" of the chain at work. Never knew there was that much slack in the system once under load like that....WOW!
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+16 29. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video strange parking

Sad part is.....the moment he goes to exit his hot ends up on the roof. Sit tight my friend, help is on the way.
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+4 30. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Three sisters unbelievable dancing skills 1940s

And the winner of AGT for 2015 is the ROSS SISTERS...with a special shout out to APPLE GIRL.....
for displaying her freakin "GAMS OF STEEL" to say the least....YOWSERS!!!!
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+5 31. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video Frisbee Boss

So many cliche's here....
"What goes around, comes around," Or better yet, a whole new meaning to "Playing Wit Yerself!" vid!
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+9 32. enuffsanuff commented 9 years ago on video The Best Moments of Family Feud

Although there have been many before him, I don't think ANYONE pulls off the MC of this show better than Steve Harvey. Some of his looks and responses are nearly as priceless as the contestants answers. Thanks for sharing.
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+31 33. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Russian Supercop

Bet the driver pooped his pants when that cop jumped inside..that was funny as hell.
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+3 34. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video For Jupiter

Discovered Juppy on the tube a few years ago....still have his video chat from the chair locked in as a favorite on the my-tube. Sure gonna miss the ole boy. Thanks so much for bringing Jupiter into our lives, much appreciated. RIP.
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+4 35. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Some skilled longshoremen unfucking a situation

One down...six to go!
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+7 36. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Musical Road in California

Be a great place to set up a speed trap...I'm just sayin'...
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+5 37. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Reinventing the Piano

Interesting and unique....even the part where the artist whips us the bird!
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+8 38. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Hope this makes anyone's day better

Little dude is cute!
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+5 39. enuffsanuff commented 10 years ago on video Ron Capps' Insane Drag Racer Explosion at NHRA Winternationals 2014

One helluva blower explosion for sure. Glad to see Ron walk away from that.
Amazing that he was able to keep that missile in a straight line. Safety Safari
on the car in about 10 seconds....wtg SS!!!!
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+2 40. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Sculptures that will completely blow your mind

Human Slinky...
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+4 41. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video The Best News Bloopers of 2013

LOL....She Said "Tongue Twat".....rofl......Great Comp...tks for sharing!
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-6 42. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Girls defy death at Victoria Falls

Two things come to mind watching this....
Balls or c**ts of steel and/or brainless twits or tw**s....
I'm quite sure one of the two fits the bill here.
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+21 43. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Train hits truck at Texas crossing

Note to self.....
Never bring a knife to a gun fight....
Never bring a truck to a train fight....
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+9 44. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video A Fish's Lucky Day

So this was the cut scene from "Nemo" everyone was talking!
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+2 45. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Big Ugly Yellow Couch

I'd say that was pretty darn amazing...very talented young man...great melody.
Thanks for sharing.
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+6 46. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Cat get caught stealing from drawer

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+9 47. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Adele 'Someone Like You' - performed on a bass

That was great. 5 stars. Well done.
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+12 48. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Fail driving test

Would love to hear the translation of their comments.....wait, it wouldn't be
appropriate to print I'm sure.
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+8 49. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Tornado vs House

I remember back in the day (when I first joined this site) folks would just post comments
on what they were watching. What I don't understand is why folks from Europe are so quick
to bash and cast vile, cynical and hateful comments about Americans at every corner. Trust me,
having lived in Germany for 3 years as a tour guide I've seen quite a few down trodden countries
in my travels as well as unbelievable people too. Far be it from me to watch a video on say...baking cookies or something and bring vicious comments into the forum regarding sanitary conditions in the Czeck Republic, or the chain smokers in France, or the hookers on every corner in Amsterdam, the Germans that stick their nose in everybodies business, the "we're better than you are" people that live in Switzerland, the smelly people in get the ghist of what I'm saying. I'm really getting tired of all this international drama. Open a blog of your own and rant all you want, better still, call up your mother and let her have an earful of your disgusting comments, I'm sure she'd love to hear what's on your mind. I'm really surprised the mods allow this to continue here at Snotr.
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+5 50. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video "The Singing Tree" in action!

Kinda like Bagpipes, only without the Kilts!
Interesting nonetheless...
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+22 51. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Laser show

That was really cool. Enjoyed it alot. Thanks for sharing.
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+25 52. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Bumble Bee High Fives

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+7 53. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video What internet was made for

GENIUS! The sync of music and vid is right on.....more please!
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+8 54. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video AC/DC on Bagpipes

Was this from Europe somewhere???


Loved this over and over...Kilts and knee high mud stompers...
dude is awesome!!!
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+2 55. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Honest Trailers - Independence Day

Great mockup....
unlike some folks here on the boards that are just plain great disappointments, or should I say bigots.
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+2 56. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Korean artist Kim Jung Gi demonstrates his skill

Very talented....who knew all that was pent up in that little pen.
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+3 57. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Young blind and Autistic man sings from his heart.

Beautiful! Would buy a cd of this young mans work in a New York Minute!
Thanks for sharing this vid...
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+7 58. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video DIY turntable that plays the very record that it holds

Mono cool!
Appears to be guys hands...what does the red thumbnail, blue thumbnail represent?
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+4 59. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video A desk like no other....

Husband, "Honey, where did you put my car keys?"
Wife, "In the desk drawer."
Husband (3 hours later), "Honey, can you please help me find them!"
Wife, "I told you before, they're in the desk drawer."
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-10 60. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Russian folks save a moose from freezing to death.

Good for them.....helping one of GOD's creatures in distress.

(Back of my mind though, I kept waiting for the helecopter to break through the ice and sink. You just kinda of expect something like that to come out of Russia.)
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0 61. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Talk about directed ads

"With some hocus pocus, you're in focus....
you're the star today...."

"Smile you're on Candid Camera."
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+6 62. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Falling crane tears row of balconies off apartment block in Russia

First thing came to mind was that ole adage...
"What goes up, must come down"...only this was NOT how
it was discussed at the staff meeting this morning.
Hopefully no one on the ground or in their apartments were injured.
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+14 63. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Sounds from space

I hear unusual sounds from Uranus to......
expecially after a night of beer and tacos!
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+7 64. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video What a voice!

Luther Vandross would be oh so proud of this young man. Great rendition, excellent voice!

Thanks so much for posting this vid. Info on it's source?
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+13 65. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video How to cross a river with two excavators. Ask Russians!

Reminds me of Disneyworld.....standing in long lines for hours for a 30 second trill ride. Cool!!! :)
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+17 66. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video This guy is a phenomenomon

Happens with Aluminumnum, Aluminneum, Alumenum....(that shine stuff
the wife uses in the oven)....all the time.
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-1 67. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Insane RC helicopter skills the truth about something and watch the naysayers come out of the woodwork and muck everything up. You can thumbs down my earlier comment all you want, but in your heart...even though the lot of you are from know I speak the truth. Now start working on this one too!
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-4 68. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Insane RC helicopter skills

US Military should look into hiring this guy to head up the Droan Program.
He'd sneak up on the Taliban, kick their asses, all before they even knew what hit them. Serious skills is an! :O
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+15 69. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Ice Needles Flowing Out of Minnesota Lake as it Approaches Ice-out

Bizaar yet awesome display of Mother Nature being Mother Nature.

Kinda reminds me of a Chia Plant growing after you water!
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+29 70. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video The Fastest Tumbler Ever?

This has Olympic Gold Medal written all over it...simply insane!!!
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+1 71. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Stage Fright - So Real It's Scary

That, was "Laugh Out Loud" funny as hell. (Black guy....."Call Me?!?";)
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+22 72. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile In Poland

Proving once again...
sleep is sometimes more important than those darn over-rated feet.
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+10 73. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Pentatonix - Evolution of Music

EXCELLENT is only one of the words to decribe the winners of NBC's season three "The Sing-Off".

Glad I able to see this group surge to the forefront and capture the title.

Only disappointment was that after three short seasons the morons at NBC axed the show.....fools.

Kudos for posting this vid showcasing their amazing talent.

I voted for them numerous times when they competed on tv....
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+5 74. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Best Stunts Video Compilation 2013

Good or bad...humans never cease to amaze me.
Kudos for a great compilation!! :D
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+17 75. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Jumpy the Athletic dog

Very intellegent a life most dogs only dream of. Kudo's to the trainer and his patience in teaching his best friend all those moves. :D
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+4 76. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Motor Vehicles and Mother Russia 2012

Love all the compilations assembled by twister and company....
Still amazes me though how so many terrible drivers exist in Russia. Non-caring attitudes, excessive speeds, failure to obey even the simplist of traffic laws seem all the norm over there.
Body shops, repair facilities and even mortitions must the profession of choice!
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+4 77. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video people walking into glass doors.

Dang....2nd from last blew that glass OUT!!!!! :O
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+3 78. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Noisy water tap

Sounds like an awesome F1 tearing down a mainstraightaway....4th, 5th 6th gears 'n more!
Then a real quick downshift through the hairpins and back on the throttle....way cool!!!
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+8 79. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Need a hand to unload ?

I see this more as common sense than high IQ. Just make sure that the "drop zone" is definetly where the load is to be posted and let physics do the rest. Good thing the side rails withstood the pressure of the drop as well, or the whole thing could have turned into a giant mess. Well done!!!
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-5 80. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Minigun Slingshot

Great plug for Black and Decker Power tools.....What's next, the Skilsaw Power Blade Flinger?
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+5 81. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Snowmobiling just got scary

I sure hope that rescue wasn't far away from this!!!
Scary is an understatement.
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+7 82. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Penguins Being Penguins

That was hilarious!!!!

Reminded me a lot of how those morons walk around with there pants below there azz here in the states.....they all walk around like penguins!!
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+17 83. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Guy rolls his car 7 times and walks away

I re-watched this vid multiple times....I don't believe he did anything wrong.
He did however seem to hydroplane however which just took his abilitiy to manuvere the car right out of his hands and into the barrel roll.
Scary for sure, so glad he walked away unscathed.
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+5 84. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video So this old man walks by a snake.....

49'er are looking for a kicker now that they've released David Akers....hmmmm
the old guy has spirit, moxie and a great follow through. Sign him up!!!
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+8 85. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video RC plane sent to edge of space

I agree #1, but the question I have is this...when attempting something like this do you have to get autherization from the FAA or local governments to do this? I mean the possibility of hitting an aircraft is definetly a real chance. Loved the planes video feed. Good job.
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+2 86. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video The worlds best Crêpe maker

YUMMY times 4 folds!!!
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-3 87. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video A new Ferrari F458 crashes trying to overtake..

Let's see.....

Ferrari driver with an attitude +
562 horses under the hood +
slick roadway conditions =
hello guardrail, goodbye $40,000 for repairs....

who didn't see that coming a mile away.

Play by play was pretty cool though.
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+15 88. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video "The most amazing beaver experience of my life"

Aside from all the possible jokes at hand, this was actually a really great video (imo). Up close with a wild animal for that length of time and they were'nt spooked at all...just accepted him and went on with the business at hand. Thanks for sharing.
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+6 89. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Hamster Trolls Policeman

I want one of those little furrballs......hilarious!!!!!
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+10 90. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Mandarin Ducklings Leaping

One day removed from the safety of their shells to running for their lives....resiliant little buggers, and cute too!
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+5 91. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video ball, ball, ball, BALLS!

.....and the kid is gonna have to claen up the mess!
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+11 92. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Dude Changes a Tire While Driving a Car on Two Wheels

I know that the driving skills to pull this off are awesome to say the least...but since when are lug nuts hand tight?
Obviously they've never had their vehicle serviced by a garage with air impacts.
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+22 93. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Are You Alright Man?

He had the same reaction on the spinning tea cups at Disneyland.
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+7 94. enuffsanuff commented 11 years ago on video Creepy Spiders in the sky!

"Dispatch to service unit number 6." "Swing by utility pole number 431, we have reports of diminished service." "Please climb up, inspect and advise."
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+5 95. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video There's a problem with Brighton's Christmas lights

LOLOLOL...that was wild....except the the music bed....
excuse me while I go play me some Tetris!!!
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+1 96. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Sidewalk collapses

One heck of a sink hole type many lucky moments too...

(01) Guy in front of guy with umbrella misses falling in by about one and a
half steps...if that.
(02) Black SUV parked on street was parked right at the curbing....a fraction
of an inch or two to this side and driver and SUV go tumbling in as well.
(03) Check out just to the right of the oval decoration in the court yard
(fountain maybe)...if you watch the spot in the collapse area you can see
the umbrella person up and moving....good for him/her.

Thanks for sharing!
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+3 97. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Beware of the dog

To quote from one of the greats...Larry the Cable Guy,
"That's funny as hell, I don't care who you are!!!

and with a remote on top of it all.....hehehehehe
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+3 98. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Tale of two trains

Had me convinced that nothing but trouble was in their immediate future.

Never considered the old "stage left", "stage right" theory.
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+1 99. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video DMX "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"

Ho-Hum.....another minute and nine seconds I'll never get back!
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+7 100. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Teddy, spread your wings and fly!

Love the "Teddy Toss".....can you imagine something like this in the NFL?
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+4 101. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video NASA | Earth at Night

Iffin' yer livin' on the satellite, there's a whole new meaning to the old sayin', "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Love that kind of stuff. Enjoy roaming around on Google Earth. Thanks for the upload!
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+5 102. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Presidential Motorcade Bike Cop Owned By Speed Bump

Officer was a former know,
"Stop..Drop.....'n Rollllllllllllll"

Seriously though, helluva dump....hope he heals up ok.
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+4 103. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2012 || TNL

I thought George Castanza at 13:45 was a nice touch.....
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+2 104. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Dumb Ways To Die

I see dead people!
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+22 105. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video How one man's work defines him

True artisan, pride shows through in every detail. Bet one of those babies is 4 figures. Wow.
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+5 106. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Russian whoopsie

Staged, fake or do they get 'em down?
Their just hangin' there like big old salamis.
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+2 107. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Cool Things to Find

Wow...3 thumbs down for sayin' something nice about the Twinkie....

yer all ANTITWINKIEITES!!!!!!!!!!

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-4 108. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Cool Things to Find

Thanks to this PSA from Cinesaurus, Twinkie will live on for all eternity. Yea!!!
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+6 109. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

Fantastic footwork by red #7 for sure....nice pass to his teammate who wasted no time in stuffing it in the net. When opportunity sure to answer the door! Good job!
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+25 110. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Cat Special Forces

Some of those Ninja Cats are wicked. Always fun to watch. Enjoy watching their reasoning abilities when their sizing up their next move. "It really doesn't look that far away.....I'm pretty sure I can make it from here.....oh well, here goes nothing.....BANG! KAPOW! SPALT!" Love me some kitties!!!
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+65 111. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video A good chase

WOW....Impressive driving ability by the Policia (I'm guessin' this is from Italy?). Had me on the edge of my seat for sure...thanks for sharing Randyio.
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+10 112. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video 8 Year Old Girl (American) Football Player


She's a beast to say the least!!!
On some plays, she doesn't even wait for her blockers to set up in front of her, she just gets the ball in hand and "BOOM", all you see is a vapor trail from where she came from.....

Congrats Sam!!! Wonder how the future will play out with her in later leagues with rules and such? High school, college and maybe pro? Be fun to watch guys like Urlacher, Umenyerah and the like getting smoked as shes flies by them!
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+3 113. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video The moon illusion

I'm confused by the posters screen name myself. Is it pronounced "Ran-dee-oh"
or, "Ran-dee-e-o". That "y" and "i" next to each other is messin' with me man.
Are the "y" and "i" both pronounced, or is one of them silent, what's going on here? Maybe, it's pronounced "ran-dee-eye-oh"....I'm so confused. Why doesn't he just pick the "y" or the "i" already and get rid of the other one. Why does he need both of them together, it defies all logic. It doesn't make any sense.
I'm just sayin'. Nice moon movie by the way.
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+11 114. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Truck tire explodes

Truck driver musta been thinkin' wtf....

great recovery though....

looks like we be havin' apple sauce tonight!
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+4 115. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Very unwelcome Guest

PHEW...never did that before.
Started watching this bizarre but amazing ritual just 23 minutes after it was posted....that was 79 minutes ago. I started it when there were 55 views over 160+. Not sure if it was the file, or my puter, or the link through my provider (ATT), but to take an hour and a half to watch a four and a half min vid seems rather ridiculous to say the least.
Can't believe there are that many larva hitching a ride inside that little dude. Reminded me of clowns bailing out of a mini cooper at the circus.
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+2 116. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Street Pong

Actually #5...#4 is correct. The guy is clearly heard saying, "scheißen" which in German means shit. I know, I used to live in Germany for three years....said it at least 8 times a day.
What would be a cool added feature is if either player hits lets say a high score of like 15 or 20...5 bonus seconds are added to the pedestrians time limit to cross the street.
Thanks for sharing the vid!
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+2 117. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video $5,000 go kart stroll

Ha Ha Ha @ 3:36.....hotdoggin' and subsequent mis-shift
for the girls and he nearly looses it.

Nice save though!

Skate Boarders @ 5:53.....are like WTH was that?

Finally, did anyone count how many moving violations this guy racked up in his little venture?

I'm just sayin'....
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+1 118. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video This Guys Is Nuts

#24...Sorry, was on my last club website posting and forgot about the caps...
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-2 119. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video This Guys Is Nuts

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+2 120. enuffsanuff commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in China...



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+1 121. enuffsanuff commented 13 years ago on video Blizzard Time-Lapse

My apologies then Sizzlik.

I thought all sites had a post and pay program of some sort. So indulge me for a moment....If I stumble upon what I believe to be an interesting vid I can copy it and post it here for the Snotr family to enjoy? Or do I first need to get the authors permission first? I've never posted a vid online before so this is all new to me. Thanks again for the advice and sorry about jumping the gun above...

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0 122. enuffsanuff commented 13 years ago on video Blizzard Time-Lapse

Just you can "borrow" a video from another site, post it here and get paid for it? Interesting. And to think I've been looking for work for nearly 3 years's the link to the original post over at from 2 months ago.....ho hum!
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0 123. enuffsanuff commented 14 years ago on video Amazing iPad Animations

Does anyone know the name of the music bed in this video? Title / artist would be appreciated. By the way, slick looking illusions. My daughter really liked them too.

Thanks for the anticipated help on the music.