Comments posted by erg5hp


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+44 1. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video Lucky guy

God is giving you a sign
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+38 2. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video Dolly Laugh A Lot DEAD Batteries! Scary!

Dolly, I'd like you to meet Chucky
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+35 3. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video How To Get Your Baby To Sleep

if you're going to play Metallica to put a baby to sleep, why not play Enter Sandman ??
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+3 4. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video Ancient Chinese cure for ....WHAT???

4:05 balls on your forehead
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+26 5. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video Complex pipe bending made easy.

looks like a really talented butt hole
(not to be confused with Alex Rodriguez)
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+26 6. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video Cool Electrostatic Effect on Water

women have the same effect on men
(annd you don't need to rub them with a towel first)
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+19 7. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video One hell of a way to go to school...

3:50 why does Claudia have to ride in a bag ?

airsick ?
ugly ?
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+9 8. erg5hp commented 12 years ago on video THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE

0:48 how do you poop on a bicycle seat ?
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+9 9. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video Don't Mess With Crabs

a condom wouldn't have stopped these crabs
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+67 10. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video Charlie And The Seal

obviously he's into fat chicks
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+5 11. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video 1 Old man 1 bottle

saw Paris Hilton do the same trick, but she was facing the other way
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+7 12. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video Tornado caught on home CCTV camera

Auntie Em, let me in !!
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+10 13. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video indian top hero

is he wearing a helmet or a gel-met ??
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+3 14. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video How things are made: CD

um... really ??
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+7 15. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video LED fan

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+10 16. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video Slowmo Lighter

#1 it's much shorter than Slo-Mo "rub two sticks together" vid
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0 17. erg5hp commented 13 years ago on video British Hockey Insane Brawl 04/12/2010

Damn Brittish...
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+11 18. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Metropolis II - A Hot Wheel Odyssey

looks like rush hour in L.A.
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+14 19. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 All Time Michael Jordan Dunks

where's his cape?
he already can fly !!
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+4 20. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Man vs snake

if one of those snakes crawled up his shorts,
would he have a trouser snake ??
Picture of erg5hp26 achievements

0 21. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video record breakers - press ups

fist ups ?? :O
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+27 22. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Woman survives a serious accident

surprisingly, it was a woman driver . . .
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+85 23. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Ford Meteor

the actors look like porn stars
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+34 24. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Drill baby drill.

I'd drill Palin
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+8 25. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Typical Male

he was a bit too 'pretty' to be "typical"
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+42 26. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video A big tv ...

did her ass get bigger with each TV ???
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+22 27. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

even worse, he has some type of badge on his sleeve 0:20
(bad cop, no doughnut)
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-3 28. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Pool table mod

two words: pool porn
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+5 29. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Phoenix-Fly 2009 - a year of flying in review

bit of a close call at 2:48
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+4 30. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Horror Film

I'll never eat popcorn at the movies again
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+54 31. erg5hp commented 14 years ago on video Backyard Roller Coaster

did he get this at Michael Jackson's estate sale ??
Picture of erg5hp26 achievements

+4 32. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Belgian apartment building collapses

yup. so fast, it gets there before the collapse
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-2 33. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video The unbelievable Hummer

had an unbelievable hummer once
but she was my cousin . . .
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+1 34. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Another Water Experiment

that happens when I walk into a room full of people . . .
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+2 35. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Amazing soccer juggling skills

wish I could play with my balls like that . . .
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-2 36. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Christmas cement truck

notice at 0:17 there's a light out . . .
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+73 37. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

I saw this guy in a porno a while back

similar technique . . .
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-6 38. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Demolition of Skyscraper

the 9/11 explosions were in the sub-basements
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+3 39. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Coke Side of Life

crack would have the same effect . . .
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0 40. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Man falls through roof 4 times

(raff out roud)
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0 41. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Superior Motion Control

admit it. you wish your girlfriend could do this.
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+23 42. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Human LCD

nice, but we have the wave . . .
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+13 43. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video NZ bungee jump

been there, bung that . . .
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+34 44. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Hawk takes on a rattler

you already do that yourself
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+5 45. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Laval time-lapse

Laval ??
would rather see time-lapse lava . . .
Picture of erg5hp26 achievements

-2 46. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Megaminx in 57.56 seconds

let's see him try that with a googlehedron . . . .
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+11 47. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Terminator 3 Sergent Candy Scene

I'll be back, y'all . . .
Picture of erg5hp26 achievements

+11 48. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Brb, gonna mow the lawn

if he wiped out, his @$$ would be grass
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+1 49. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Pool shark in diapers

that's not a baby - it's Ryan Seacrest in a diaper
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+13 50. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Natalie Portman & Rashida Jones Speaks Out

was hoping they wouild just kiss . . .
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+6 51. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video How techno music is created

their parents were the Village People ??
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+11 52. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Funny face yoga

this is real
(and a lot easier than wiener yoga)
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+10 53. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Who's on first?

glad they left Dick out
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-2 54. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video High-Velocity Falcon

unless the hawk doesn't pull out of his dive in time

then the book would be called Broke Back Mountain

(or Broke Beak Mountain)
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+10 55. erg5hp commented 15 years ago on video Most bizarre interview on Letterman

talk about having to carry the inverview
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+14 56. erg5hp commented 16 years ago on video Human Slinky (2)

I want to see it go down a flight of stairs