Comments posted by erzug


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0 1. erzug commented 2 years ago on video Swedish man scares the living daylight out of an attacking bear

That tactic of making yourself as big as you can will usually work on a black bear, but not on a grizzly. Easy to discern between the two based on the region and the fact that, besides being larger, grizzlies have a hump on their backs behind their heads.
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0 2. erzug commented 5 years ago on video Tahia Cambet - Tahitian Dance School

Anyone who remembers the "Mutiny on the Bounty" remake from 1962 will appreciate this.
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+3 3. erzug commented 5 years ago on video 1769 Cugnot Steamer

The French military must have been advanced for that time. I don't believe any other military had "connons".
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+2 4. erzug commented 6 years ago on video Eciton Army Ants - The full colony passes by our house

Reminds me of a 1954 movie with Charleton Heston called "The Naked Jungle".
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0 5. erzug commented 6 years ago on video Train plows through tractor-trailer in Virginia

Hadn't read #6 first.
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0 6. erzug commented 6 years ago on video Crane Crash Compilation

I'd certainly be craning my neck to have witnessed one of these in person.
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+2 7. erzug commented 6 years ago on video Plane crash in Russia

Scratch one Russian pilot.
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+2 8. erzug commented 6 years ago on video Honduras: MSC Armonia Cruise Ship Crashes Into Dock in Roatan

I'd be heading back for a ticket refund after this. I thought the Concordia Captain was still in prison.
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+1 9. erzug commented 7 years ago on video The First Flight Of The Day In A CRJ-700

Working from a printed checklist as opposed to instrument panel scrolling checklists, where the flight crew cannot proceed to the next item until the current task has been completed, can lead to missed steps if distracted.
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+8 10. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Pet baby crocodile likes to be ped

And when the petting stops, there goes the finger.
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+3 11. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Scythe lawn mow

Not for me. I can't move that fast.
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+2 12. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Truck crashes into side of house

"Revoked license"? I can kind of see why.
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+5 13. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Amtrak Snow-mo Collision

It's like cars & taxis that purposely hit large curbside puddles to drench any pedestrians walking too close to the street.
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+2 14. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Woodpecker hitches ride through Chicago

Is he a licensed tour guide?
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+4 15. erzug commented 7 years ago on video Boxersled! Subaru WRX STI vs an Olympic Bobsled Run

I noticed the side view mirrors had been removed. They would have been casualties from the get-go.
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+2 16. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Canada over Christmas ( apparently it gets a bit icy there )

Not sure driving is advisable. The street behind looks kind of slick also.
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+1 17. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Elephant Falls Asleep After Lullaby

I noticed none of these elephants have tusks, which mean they won't be killed for their ivory content. There are also other numerous differences between Asian and African elephants.
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0 18. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Kitten VERY Protective of her Food

I've seen dogs behave like this, but never cats.
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0 19. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Federer gets lobbed by a kid

Certainly a day he will never forget. A successful lob over the head of possibly the greatest male to ever play the game.
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+5 20. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Hamster clearing a real-life Mario level

Nice to see his pet doing interesting/challenging tasks and not just stuck in a cage all day.
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+3 21. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Big Kangaroo at window ...

I hope they have insurance to cover kangaroo attacks.
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+3 22. erzug commented 8 years ago on video The Beauty of Boeing’s 787-9 Dreamliner on Display

Better than a Disney ride.
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0 23. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Living in the tunnels of New York City NYC

What!?! No cable!?! He is living in barbaric conditions.
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0 24. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Kitten versus a mirror (1st time seeing a self reflection))

Anybody old enough to remember this scene from "The Patty Duke Show"?
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-1 25. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Cop handles two vicious dogs like a pro

Despite the barking, their tails are still wagging. If truly vicious, the hair would be up on the backs and tails not wagging.
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+1 26. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Black cougar about to....

I'm guessing black panther since jaguars are usually larger.
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+1 27. erzug commented 8 years ago on video James Bond’s Top 10 Kills Will Blow You Away…

The Bond (Sean Connery) and Grant (Robert Shaw) fight scene in "From Russia with Love" gets my vote as the top kill.
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+5 28. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Lion attempts to Attack, pounce on little Boy in a zoo but slams head first into glass, Japan

Way to go, kid. Now someone's going to have to go and clean the glass on the inside.
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-1 29. erzug commented 8 years ago on video What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared?

What? No Uber?
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0 30. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Man drives TRACTOR into cars in northwest China

Sure beats a tire/wheel boot.
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+4 31. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Fish drinking beer in Brazil

"Bass" beer, I would imagine.
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0 32. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Prey robbery from cheetah

It's no wonder the species is in trouble. They're the Rodney Dangerfield's of the big cats. No respect. They're young get killed by other big cats, especially lions, and now humans, due to their pathetic inability to hunt for themselves, take the cheetah's meal.
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+16 33. erzug commented 8 years ago on video You'll never forget this moment

It's pretty obvious that that bear is comfortable around humans, otherwise they would have been ground meat long before she walked by.
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+2 34. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Excavator Mounts Heroic Rescue of Young Deer Trapped in Mud

All well and good, but who created the quagmire in the first place?
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+4 35. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Raccoons Are Awesome

I guess if you had a raccoon as a pet, you'd want to get him/her vaccinated against protect other pets and yourself.
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+2 36. erzug commented 8 years ago on video BLIND MAN PRANK (REMI GAILLARD)

If as #3 had stated, he had caused an accident, then I would suppose he'd be subject to blind justice.
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+2 37. erzug commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

The reason this couldn't qualify for the category mentioned by #1 is the fact that there are mostly near hits and almost no actual accidents.
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+1 38. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Crazy guy in a Honda

Misleading heading - "on" would normally mean a Honda bike/motorcycle. The term should have been 'in' instead. One doesn't ride on a car.
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+2 39. erzug commented 8 years ago on video Car Crashes Time - December 2015

Is there a huge discount on treadless tires?
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+1 40. erzug commented 9 years ago on video Boy Dies After 911 Dispatcher Says "Deal With This Yourself"

To answer Geekster's question, the video states the dispatcher has been placed on administrative leave.
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+5 41. erzug commented 9 years ago on video An abused dog is shown affection for the first time

This is the kind of activities the HSUS does year-round for all kinds of animals - domestic and otherwise. That's why I contribute to that organization.
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+4 43. erzug commented 9 years ago on video Giant Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic built by a German guy

And the landing gear retracts also. Nice.
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+1 44. erzug commented 9 years ago on video Miss Universe 2015: Host Steve Harvey Names WRONG Woman Winner

Why wait so long to turn over the crown?
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+5 45. erzug commented 9 years ago on video Drone falls from sky, nearly crashes on top of skier

I understand the drone was disqualified since it missed all the gates before it crashed.
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+3 46. erzug commented 9 years ago on video C7 Corvette Z06 crashes into tree

I'm still waiting for the car to "chash".
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+1 47. erzug commented 9 years ago on video The Original Parkour Star

What an incredible athlete he was.
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0 49. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Elderly driver confuses pedals, speeds through car wash destroying all equipment inside

#3 Yes, but at that point he was in a vacuum.
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+1 50. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Elderly driver confuses pedals, speeds through car wash destroying all equipment inside

I don't think it was a Toyota Camry, so I guess the accelerator pedal wasn't stuck.

I guess he'll have to go through again just a little bit slower to get any benefit. Or, perhaps he thought they were offering the express service that day.
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+6 51. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Frightening footage shows hippo charge down boat in Africa

So, someone made a fat joke and the hippo took it personally?
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+13 52. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Close to 200 cars pile-up

Everybody laughs at the Russian crash videos, but these vehicles were driving much too fast for the weather conditions (snow, ice, low visibility). Give me a break.
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-1 53. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

I would also guess that drivers making left turns have the right of way against oncoming traffic.
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+1 54. erzug commented 10 years ago on video U.S. F/A-18E/F Rhino Breaks Speed of Sound

We used to hear this all the time during the 50's before it was outlawed (FAA rule for commercial jets with mostly military compliance) airliners over the continental US, especially in populated areas.
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0 55. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Mine blast filmed with drone

Now that's landscaping made easy.
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+1 56. erzug commented 10 years ago on video 1500' TV Tower

What some people won't do to improve their TV reception.
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+1 57. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Take a closer look at that Sargent

Sam Kinison was reincarnated as a rodent?
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+2 58. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Hidden bookshelf door made for under $150

Shades of Anne Frank.
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+4 59. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Koalas fighting

No means NO!
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+2 60. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Boston Dynamics Military Robots

How do you handicap that beast in a race. Also must be an uncomfortable ride for the jockey.
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0 61. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Church band leader loses it and smashes his guitar!

Actually, that was kind of pewtrid, er putrid.
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+3 62. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Bullet-proof Benz SUV gets shot-up

A change of underwear and he'll be good to go.
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0 63. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Guy finds a nice surprise in his can of soda

Cool. I'm going to bolt right out and pick up a carton of that beverage.
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+2 64. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Playing around with my pet mantis

Look at those sharp claws at the end of its "arms". I guess they didn't penetrate his finger since there was no blood.
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0 65. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Nothing but sportsmanship shown from two Australian V8 Supercar drivers

If this was NASCAR, they'd have first thrown their helmets at each other and then called each other the foulest of names, and then (optional) attacked each other physically.
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+1 66. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Drag Racer Gets Thrown Through His Windshield...

He's probably more upset that his insurance rates will go up.
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+4 67. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Road rage takes an unexpected turn

When cartoon animals attack humans!?
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+7 68. erzug commented 10 years ago on video What a save!

I thought he got out of the car so he could clean up the seat.
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+1 69. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Dude throws a rock at Lamborghini Aventador...

That's a bummer. Oh well, scratch a Lamborghini off the top of my "must have" list.
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+1 70. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Black lady talks to KKK members and neo-nazis face-to-face

The Aryan Race - Take 2?
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+2 71. erzug commented 10 years ago on video A sea lion and little girl playing

Is that a seal or sea lion?
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+5 72. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Ferrari Test Drive

I guess he owns that vehicle now.
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0 73. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Incoming

Alfred Hitchcock would have been jealous.
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+2 74. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Killer whales chase a speed boat

Now this is the way to admire the Orcas, not at some Sea World show where they're cooped up in small pens. Notice how the dorsal fin is straight up in wild Orcas, but drooped over in the Sea World's equivalent.
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-8 75. erzug commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

Angry dogs? Most of them were wagging their tails. If he had just gone on his way, he probably would have been just fine.
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+1 76. erzug commented 10 years ago on video Porsche 911 fail ...

Most likely his first and last sports car test drive.
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+3 77. erzug commented 10 years ago on video How Wolves Change Rivers

To #1. Isn't that obvious? No other creature on this planet has been able to come up with a way to mass exterminate their own species.
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0 78. erzug commented 11 years ago on video That ain't no patch of grass...

I wonder how many of them ran up under his pant legs during the course of this video.
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+1 79. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Pod of 1000 dolphins swimming beside a BC ferry in the gulf islands

I don't see any Sea World ships chasing them, so I guess they're just out for a leisurely swim.
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+4 81. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Train-horn on a small electric car

Hmm, electric car...train horn...I wonder how quickly they had to recharge that vehicle's battery.
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+10 82. erzug commented 11 years ago on video A warm welcome

Additionally, because these lions aren't locked in a cage and are not circus animals, they haven't developed a hatred for humans, in general.
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+20 83. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Wasp cuts bee in half

It's amazing that Beavis and Butthead actually know how to use a video camera.
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+9 84. erzug commented 11 years ago on video People saving animals!

Regarding the fox with the bottle over its head, the real issue is why are we leaving stuff like that (plastic bags, bottles, etc.) for animals to become entangled with in the first place.
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+6 85. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Pitchers quick reaction prevents serious injuries

Looks like he was just trying to protect his head and accidentally caught the ball.
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+13 86. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Man survives attacks of furious dogs

Any farther up that leg and that guy won't be laughing. ;)
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+2 87. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Savor every moments

That reminds me...I need to get a pool.
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+9 88. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Bold Hungry Raccoon

Considering the fact that it isn't intimidated by the human with the camera, it's probably a frequent visitor to that house/garage. Obviously not rabid due to its behavior and desire for water. Still hope those felines have had their shots, however.
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+5 89. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Tiger finds a good bed

Shouldn't that tiger be in the tank? If not, then he must be really tired.
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+1 90. erzug commented 11 years ago on video A desk like no other....

So, how old is this desk/chest? An antique or just made to look like one?
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+2 91. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Impressive Tennis Hit

That is Jimmy Connors and the racket must be in the hand when striking the ball.
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0 92. erzug commented 11 years ago on video A duck crying for ducklings and cops helps them out

I guess none of those chicks will be smart enough to replace the AFLAC duck one day.
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+1 93. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Absolutely monstrous waves rocking ship

Click on the little full screen icon in the lower right corner and then watch it. ;)
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+2 94. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Mantidfly - Praying mantis with wings and looks like a Wasp.

The sad part is that she'll probably be killed by someone thinking she's a wasp.
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+5 95. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Rare colour video of London in 1927

What I like about this video is the speed. It seems normal, not twice the speed as many videos of this era were.
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+3 96. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Helping hands ...

I guess since he had the rubber exmaination gloves, he must be a medically trained individual in some capacity...most likely in veterinary medicine. I can see the series now..."Road Veterinarian - The Vet who Delivers".
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+9 97. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

I saw this explanation posted elsewhere.

"The crash was caused by a shift in cargo to the rear of the plane. The cargo was 5 APC's as well as 15 tons of military explosives.
This happened due to a miscalculation by the loadmaster. The load(s) required 34 retaining straps, but only 24 were used.
All crew members died on impact."
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0 98. erzug commented 11 years ago on video RIP Tom Knapp

#10 Who is going to break into your house throwing clay targets, tennis balls, or spent Benelli shells at you?
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0 99. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Spinning seal

He's trying out for the synchronized seal swimming team.
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+2 100. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Cyclist meets a thirsty Koala..

Too trusting of humans.
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+9 101. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

A case of sea rage - pure and simple.
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+2 102. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Guy rolls his car 7 times and walks away

I guess that Honda's no longer Fit. :S
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0 103. erzug commented 11 years ago on video Amazing ski stunt five floors of fury

A scene from the next James Bond movie - Five Floors of Condemnation?
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+3 104. erzug commented 12 years ago on video Fastest reader...

"the question is, did she understand what she read?"

She's a blonde - why ask?
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+8 105. erzug commented 12 years ago on video That Was Close

Shouldn’t SUV owners leave the rollover testing to the experts?
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0 106. erzug commented 12 years ago on video Useless Talent #23...Or Is It

My guess is either Hollywood Palace or Ed Sullivan Show.
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+1 107. erzug commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 3! (With original sound)

Maybe they also need a camera mounted facing the rear of the car also. :D
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0 108. erzug commented 13 years ago on video Worlds Tiniest v12

Yes, but what kind of mileage does it get?
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+3 109. erzug commented 13 years ago on video Hoover Cat

Actually, dogs seem to enjoy being vacuumed more than cats. I had three dogs growing up and they all loved being vacuumed. My feline, however, is gone in an instant if she hears the vacuum cleaner starting up. I've been told the same by other cat owners, as well.
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+2 110. erzug commented 13 years ago on video Schwerer Gustav 800mm 1942

At the 1:21 mark, that big gun reminds me of the two from the movie "Guns of Navarone".