Comments posted by eyoda


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0 1. eyoda commented 10 years ago on video Google Gesture

Did not know there is a sign for "google".
And the fact that the Google gesture knows it, now that is something.
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+9 2. eyoda commented 10 years ago on video LumiLor Electroluminescent Coating

I would paint that on my walls and wire it to an alarm clock. Thant should solve my wake up issues.
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+3 3. eyoda commented 10 years ago on video One Second Every Country

He said 10K AND a month vacation :)

the AND is very important there.
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+6 4. eyoda commented 10 years ago on video If Google Was a Guy (Part 2)

They so should have asked Matthew Perry to play "bing"
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+19 5. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video Liftware Launch Video

Great invention, I wish a lot more people would develop something that helps their less fortunate friend`s everyday life.
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+4 6. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video Baked In A Buttery Flakey Crust

Love her reaction @ 0:40
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+9 7. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video 400m Can't-Touch-The-Ground Race

They are wearing shoes... that`s not the ground :D
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+17 8. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video Meals Per Hour

Dont get me wrong, that is great what they are doing, however the improvement process is just common sense, not some ultra complicated Japanese-word-using thing o.O
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+3 9. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video Worst Sheep Rescue Ever

at least an effort no matter what.
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+4 10. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video This guy is a phenomenomon

#3 "Gee I hate this word ? "
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+1 11. eyoda commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2013 || TNL

Some extremely painful, some is a great WIN by the end, some is slightly sexy...

We got all this month :)
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+50 12. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video drooling machine

Would like a super slow motion replay in the end of the video. His reflexes are a bit too fast for my eyes :o
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+23 13. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video Cow Kicks Woman in the Face

what an ass :)
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+26 14. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video We Stopped Dreamin


I think he believes in science, knowledge and research and emphasises those's priority in all situations especially above such things as politics, and election campaigns...
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+49 15. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video Old man gets struck by a lightning

You've been - thunderstruck! And lived o.O
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-2 16. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video There are a**holes & good guys!

I still dont get what he was doing in the middle of that busy road. Anyways, nice to see those guys stopping and helping.
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+5 17. eyoda commented 12 years ago on video Leaping Lizards

I have never seen a T-rex Jump.
So what's his tail for ?
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+8 18. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video The Creepiest Guy In The World

Well that was a blow...
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+2 19. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Alien Super-Earth Goes Supercritical?

Dont really get it...

There is a planet which is uninhabitable and that is cool. donno
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+5 20. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 3! (With original sound)


What is Chewbacca doing driving in soviet russia ? :o
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+28 21. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Canada Runs for US President

If Only....
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+18 22. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Craziest thing I've ever seen

That's just having a duel with Death
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+10 23. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Pulling a tooth using a Nerf gun


you mean "Is it gonna hurt?"
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+4 24. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Britain's Got Talent Unseen - David Williams (dancer)

Like a Boss..... NOT
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+3 25. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Hero


oh wait, we are not on an Onyxia raid......
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+1 26. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2011

4:54 Was that a fart ?
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+4 27. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Trolling Cat

haha, love the title + comment even more the video :D
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+45 28. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Don't Mess With Crabs

Who did not see this coming ? eh comrade ?
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-3 29. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Fat Boy and a Ball

Seen it several times, and it still looks staged for me.
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+61 30. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Job interview

In what world can you hire your boss ?

Maybe its only me
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+54 31. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Park Like a Boss

Elegant :) just like the music
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+24 32. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video MMA Punch Out!

I seriously dont get the point of this "sport"
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+10 33. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Epic Frog


wait, what ?
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-2 34. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video The God of Mathematics - Georg Cantor's Infinities


thats what I dont get as well.... Galileo said...... if you widen the circle you can see gaps between them. So its not infinite... COUNT THEM.
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+7 35. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Drunken russian falls from 5th floor

I loved the way the quality switched at 1:1

" -Dude... this is going to go to Russian category... a bad video quality is a MUST !
- shhii... there adjusted ! "
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+18 36. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Kids who don't have an Xbox

There is a big number of fails in here :)
Grew up like this. it owns :)
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+10 37. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Passwords for free burgers

At least he paid..
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+7 38. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 4

It seems like most of these happened when chicks tried to play with balls...

Girls, stay away from balls.... no wait ...
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+4 39. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 2

5:57 she really is naked.
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+4 40. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Most Hilarious Chinese Bank Robber ever

Did he actually take a juice box ?
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+17 41. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Water Fueled Car

Lots of chemists like Snotr, it seems like.
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-1 42. eyoda commented 13 years ago on video Ronaldo Vs Rémi Gaillard

I just love how these things are not about skill, but hours and hours of trying :)
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+12 43. eyoda commented 14 years ago on video Scottish - Irish - English - American - Eleven


and 1 C... not 0
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+34 44. eyoda commented 14 years ago on video Evangelical TV: Mom spanked the gay out of me

Mommy issues ?
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-1 45. eyoda commented 14 years ago on video Amazing headspin bowling strike.

Not only he manages to push the ball, but strikes ?
I hardly can do it standing still o.O
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+1 46. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video How to convert a porn movie

uhm, more like into something really disturbing for your brain o.O
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+17 47. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video This is one lucky baby!

"The mother did nothing wrong"

Being dumb is not a sin...

but still... I cannot imagine those minutes taht the mother had to go thru... :\
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-13 48. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Human LCD

I know it's real, but still I feel like calling : "FAKE " ... o.O

such organisation :o
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+15 49. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Giraffe in quick sand

I expected the "small creature" to pee on the giraffe :)
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+9 50. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Rally Car Accident

holly shtt this is horrifying
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+18 51. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train


I'm missing sometinhg....

A second train after 5 seconds ....
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+12 52. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video The Longest Way

Uhm , just one question.

Its amazing and cool, but there is only one thing I don't understand:

If it's a WALK home, why have i seen like 5 pictures or even more being shot on an aeroplane !?

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0 53. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - On The Ground

"over and over" :D

hobbit with and shocker :P
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+9 54. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video 10 puppies vs 1 cat

not a chance at the beginning :D

she is lucky the dogs cant jump that high :)

btw "only" 6 puppies
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+12 55. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Small jumping cat

"Animal cruelty: Animal cruelty generally falls into one of three categories: neglect, intentional cruelty or sexual abuse. Examples include starvation, dehydration, confinement without adequate light or ventilation, failure to seek veterinary care when an animal is in need of medical attention, inadequate shelter, dog fighting, illegal slaughterhouses and puppy mills."

I can see none of those...

when an animal has a strange/funny way of behaving in certain situations without any harm, the act of generating those impulses in order to laugh/show them to the world is not animal cruelty....

Donnno what you think, but I am a little sick of this "cruelty!!" crybabies...

the video is funny btw :D
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+6 56. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Taco Town


Roger, I am on my way to the kitchen :D
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+4 57. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Cat jump gone wrong

"Oh they are filming, lemme show em my skillz !"
I think he has stage fright :P

#1 okay, she has stage fright :D
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+20 58. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Liverpool Kid vs. Gerrard

I know It's wrong to say, but I dont like kids :D
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+3 59. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Police motor fail

I hope he is better in life saving than ... you know ... staying on the bike while it is still.
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+3 60. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Car crash

My gosh, I am quite surprised noone flies out of the windshield !

Hope they all right....
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+40 61. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

Haha well deserved.
way to show off you bully :D
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+10 62. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Crime Deterrent Phone

boy, thats better than my phone :O
Didn't see that coming :D
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+2 63. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Miss Teen USA 2007


Thx, I understand the answer ( I mean the words, donno wtf she wanted to say with those ), but I had a hard time understanding the question.

Now I got it ;)
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+6 64. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video You Say We Pay

It's a woman, she's got haaair :D

This is what my cat is called...

what a good descriptions, but they got it anyways :D
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+8 65. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Instant Karma

The funniest part is at the end when the "violated" director turns around to help that bastard...
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+5 66. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Showing off does not pay

I love the way they throwing away the car like a cardboard box :D
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+5 67. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Pygmy Jerboa

#2 I was about to ask the same thing o.O
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+4 68. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Blues around the world

who has voted thumbs down for this ? o.O
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+18 69. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Driver crashes Ferrari

he is so proud to got it on tape :\
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+9 70. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video SIGNS

Ahh, perfect. It so describes the thing that makes you going all day without saying a word.

Almost made me cry :')

Thanks for it !
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0 71. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Smoking kills

Meh !?
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+13 72. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video The clumsy tennis player

This is not prank...
Its called being an ass
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+8 73. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Crazy hockey goal

hahaha, owned :D
you never see this coming -> impossible to defend >:)
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+10 74. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Funny face yoga


I can't decide wether its real or not...

And if its true why that practicer looks like and alcoholic without a week sleep ? o.O
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+9 75. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Kid on drugs...

"I feel funny"

You can't start too early :P
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+12 76. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Great self-defence strategy

Just pop it like a balloon :D
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+5 77. eyoda commented 15 years ago on video Roy Jones, Jr.


What do you mean would ?
He has :)

2008-11-08 lost against : Joe Calzaghe