Comments posted by firetwister


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+30 1. firetwister commented 13 years ago on video Immigration, world poverty and gumballs.

ignorant americans thinking that the only way to help someone is to make them american... there so up themselves
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+4 2. firetwister commented 13 years ago on video Anonymous on Colbert Report

this is now a boxy thread!
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+4 3. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Using proper english

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+6 4. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Milky Way Time Lapse

what are those things that fly across the odd time?
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+4 5. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Indian pole gymnastics.

some one needs to tell mowgli to calm down ...
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-6 6. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Jay's Tiny House Tour

best caravan EVER (and yes it did have wheals)
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-2 7. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines

ha ha thats like $100,000 worth of damage rit there. good work i might give it a go some time :D
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0 8. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Street Bike Jump

u can go twice as fast........ :L

my first thoughts where, "ohh thats going to hirt when the bike falls ontop of him in the foam pit"

then saw form the other angle, "ohh shit..."
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-6 9. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Purse Snatchers on a Motorcycle Beaten by Angry Crowd

whats this ... a chrime, CHINA ASSEMBLE!!
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-1 10. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Soccer Ball K.O.


song please?
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+6 11. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Special BMX Back flip.

oh btw when i said "thums up" i ment 4 the vid not my comment (#1)

just dont want to look like a dick
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+18 12. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Special BMX Back flip.

thats sick!!

shame that he did it on to a safty mat though,,, but still (thums up)
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+1 13. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Parachute landing fail

lol at the random ETDOOOOLAA!
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-18 14. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Roadside Assist in Uzbequistan

i was like :O no way

3 sec later :( oh its clearly fake ....
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+45 15. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video mascot dunk fail

i love the way he is clearly in pain but no one helps him :L
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-14 16. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video moto 2 crash

good vid

but please in future please dont use this shit song...
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-1 17. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Another "Did You Know" Video

awww thats sooo gay i cant beleave they made up 70% of that :(

thought it was really good up to the point it turned out to be fucking fake
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-8 18. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Standing cat

this is blowing my mind!!!1 :O
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+1 19. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Chubby Baby Does Weird Tile Slide!

just found this frightening :'(
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-10 20. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Entrance

thats one steezy bastard :O
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+4 21. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Flips

NOOOO keep going i want to see the monkey :( :(|)
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+4 22. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video How to beat the high cost of gas

y have a midgit when u can have a monkey :(|) :(|)
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-4 23. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video The fastest sledge around

:L y is it on fire XD

Translater pez?
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+12 24. firetwister commented 14 years ago on video Old school Fail


y does he even have a guitar XD
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-3 25. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video Turborider

holey shit :O :O :O
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+2 26. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video Prankster Highlights

oh its just 1 person
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+4 27. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video Woman Pushes Fire Button By Mistake

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0 28. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video That big buildup of dirt

what i didnt comment twice :S

clearly too tired

#5 the cake is also a lie, just so u know ;)
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+1 29. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video Panic Attack! 2009

truly epic vid, BUT ruined at the end by that spasticated explosion. tell me y the robots would go round killing ppl that where only going to die in the explosion. like WTF??!?? ya what #3 said
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+56 30. firetwister commented 15 years ago on video Demolition of Skyscraper

some 1 told me that the Taliban do that for free.