Comments posted by goo


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+2 1. goo commented 9 years ago on video Death Defying Air Conditioning installation

Two boards from one side to another, thats all.
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+3 2. goo commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 2

#8 i'd say pure alcohol.
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+3 3. goo commented 11 years ago on video Overconsumption

Source is a documentary named SAMSARA.
You should also watch BARAKA from the same people.
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0 4. goo commented 12 years ago on video Flat Ground Tricks 1000 FPS

To the above comments: "skate or die".
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+2 5. goo commented 12 years ago on video Best goal ever ?

Voodoo Child (slight Return) by Jimi Hendrix
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+48 6. goo commented 13 years ago on video Trolling Cat II

fake sound
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-1 7. goo commented 14 years ago on video Parkour dog

pit bull rules..
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-3 8. goo commented 14 years ago on video Lucky Guy

Good & lucky. Well done!!
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-3 9. goo commented 14 years ago on video Bike Hero

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+4 10. goo commented 15 years ago on video Ikea lamp

The lamp doesnt have feelings but i do have feelings for my old lamp..
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+4 11. goo commented 15 years ago on video How is babby formed?

snotr... you need a woman...
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-5 12. goo commented 15 years ago on video Funny Football Moments

Englishhhhhhhhit humor
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-4 13. goo commented 15 years ago on video Don't provoke your neighbour!

hes just a junkie. he just needs his dope to cool off. thats all.
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+9 14. goo commented 15 years ago on video Woman parking a car

:D :'( :D :'(
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+9 15. goo commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a bus on a bridge

who could know that a bus like this could turn around in a place like that.. Nice one...
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-3 16. goo commented 15 years ago on video An engineer's guide to cat yodeling

the worst video
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-1 17. goo commented 15 years ago on video Don't get hurt Healthcare

They could do better than that.. or not.
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-4 18. goo commented 15 years ago on video Parkour Kids!

retarded kids...
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0 19. goo commented 15 years ago on video Carlos Mencia on Michael Jackson

he should get some tomatoes..
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0 20. goo commented 15 years ago on video Jurrassic Hey!

awful video.
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0 21. goo commented 15 years ago on video Flying Pitbulls

I have one and all i can say... Great... Just great dogs..
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0 22. goo commented 15 years ago on video Obama swats fly during interview

Who voted this guy?????????????
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0 23. goo commented 15 years ago on video Supermank Dunk

he did not touch it.... not good