Comments posted by got_milk


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+2 1. got_milk commented 11 years ago on video Cool Teacher

wow that's a tearjerker, much respect!
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+17 2. got_milk commented 12 years ago on video PIZZA!


Forming the shape of a pizza slice with the ski to break. The first thing a ski instructor teaches children is Fries/pizza to speed up / break.
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+4 3. got_milk commented 12 years ago on video This was one very special dog.

#4 Awww...
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+3 4. got_milk commented 12 years ago on video Dirtiest PC... EVER!!!

Gotta be a bit careful with that canned air, I've seen people breaking the plastic fans of coolers with it...
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+31 5. got_milk commented 12 years ago on video Dog vs Skunk

@3&4 - basicly same discussion going on in the youtube comments of this clip. I think the owner is acting very stupid, he's risking the health of his dog. (even if its not very likely that he sustains permanent damage)

He also has to deal with a stinking dog that he will have to bath at least 5 times to get rid of the smell, so the joke is on him i guess.
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+10 6. got_milk commented 12 years ago on video Pee Prank - Car Edition

Acting like peeing with the water bottle = fun.

Putting water all over ones car and letting them now its "piss" via a note = lame.
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+4 7. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Johnny Knoxville eating german "Currywurst - HOT Edition"

That Guy is 40/41 years old already.... damn that makes me feel old myself :(
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+3 8. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Haitian man goes two years with broken arm and no treatment or medicine

I had to instantly close the video when that guy started flexing his arm :S
My lower arm broke in a similar fashion, like having a second wrist, i don't like to be reminded of it.
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+2 9. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video 50 Cal Machine Gun VS. 250 Watermelons

i used to think hes pretty sympathic.. here he just acted like a dick.
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0 10. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Mega bass

#9 Jea thats basicly what i hope will happen to all the douchebags in my street having such loud speakers in their cars... still i feel sorry for you now ;)
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+2 11. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Katana VS European Longsword

Could be a nice Documentary i think. Too bad it just looks like every other americanized bullshit tv show :(
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+1 12. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Mykel Hawke's Jungle Survival Kit

He sounds like a guy i heard in a video game once.. or a few more times.
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+4 13. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Monkey feeding baby tiger

No matter how you watch it, THIS was super heartwarming! <3 ::(|)
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+6 14. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Trick or Treat

that's a really good idea, if i would live in america id definitly try this... the video is right on time, too :)
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+1 15. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Playing Chicken with a Crocodile

I heard that human tastes like chicken, the croc won't even know the difference!
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+28 16. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Table tennis show fight

That's why it's called a show match.
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+5 17. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Dueling Babies

I dont want kids :[
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+5 18. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Running Through A Tornado

No one got seriously hurt.
Im dissapointt, Snotr. :O
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+8 19. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Korea's got talent

i already knew this video, but someone was cutting onions AGAIN.
i hate onions.
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+8 20. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Chimpanzee Problem Solving By Cooperation

so sweet... until they rip your arm off and multilate your face. fucking monkeys
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+28 21. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Domestic violence

*expecting bad ass rambo action from the old husband dude*

*majorly disappointed*
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+15 22. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Super Energetic Puppy

i want a new dog :(
ours died a year ago.. he used to slide over the floors just like this one :'(
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+2 23. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video HydroBOB

kinda reminds me of James Bond: Fireball with that huge undergound battle.
Looks like thats definitly a lot of fun
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+5 24. got_milk commented 13 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson: Are we alone in the universe

i saw some stuff from him earlier, hes really mesmerizing. :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+5 25. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Coldplay steals from Super Mario bro's

made me smile .)
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+1 26. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Woman Lives With Lions

as much as id like to have a lion cub - id constantly fear for the lifes of my other pets. Playful nibbling of a 40kg lion might just kill a small cat :D
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0 27. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video 3D without glasses

well its just a little diode that sends electric impulses through your skin to stimulate the muscles that are responsible for blinking.. ill take ugly big plastic glasses over this anytime.
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+7 28. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video The Space Elevator

'Extending a conductive material through each of the "osphere's" (atmo, strato, etc) would cause each and every one of our protective layers to electrically ground out and either result in:

a) eliminating the production of lightning world wide.'

Can you elaborate on that ?
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-8 29. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video The Animator

At first i thought he ripped off his dick and made that woman to tease him.. then i remembered that there was something about making Eve with a rib of adam..
I have a dirty mind, thanks for reminding me :)
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+23 30. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video stop smoking

Good news everyone!
Smoking is cool.
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-7 31. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Body Music

its fucking disgusting.
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+50 32. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video My Nuts Itch

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-3 33. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video English Bulldog Watching TV Sitting On a Couch

family guy was on, what do u expect
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+8 34. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy

u sure its stop motion ? i dont wanna believe it. this would be an awesome present
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+10 35. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video the worst mice plague ever

that just another propaganda video to spread the War on rodentism.. or was it terrorism ? i cant remember 8-)
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+16 36. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Worlds First Double Backflip in a Wheelchair

impressive, its really intimidating how he just goes up and does it again after all those crash landings.
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+12 37. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Boxing Kangaroo Owns Woman

did that kangaroo just put that woman in a bucket/bin just to raper her after ?
that animal owns.
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+3 38. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video The orangutan and the hound dog.

truly heartwarming. looks like the dog sometimes gets more than he bargained for with the monkey... the way he pries open the dogs mouth seems a bit too much :D
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+13 39. got_milk commented 14 years ago on video Fishing tv show bloopers

what does he say @0:52 ? i understand "dead gummit."
reminds me of "dey tuk his jaab"
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-2 40. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video Baby Loves Heavy Metal

what song is that ? sounds not half bad!
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+2 41. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Dog Rescued

I thing somethign is wrong with me.. as soon as i see a hurt dog or something heartwarming involving a dog i get watery eyes.
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-2 42. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video The cliff house

@"i bet it's not gonna last another 40 :D"
i bet the owners arnt, either. (one way or the other.)
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+3 43. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video You won 100k!

i dont care how old this is, its
a) not funny
b) unimaginative
c) plain cruel
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-2 44. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video Hugging lions

" That guy is future lion poop. "
hahah i laughed so hard
thank you mister.
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+10 45. got_milk commented 15 years ago on video A very loyal dog

aww crap. that made me cry a little. Dogs are just amazing. Reminds me of our dog.. hes pretty stupid and got pretty old now (about 16) but he's still relatively fit. (just a little hearing-impaired..)
When my mum is on vacation or just out of the house for a few days he collects all her shoes and generally stuff he can get his paws on in his sleeping corner and gets pretty pissed when i try to pick them up ;)
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0 46. got_milk commented 17 years ago on video Singapore navy

jep, thats what i thought about, mommy
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-2 47. got_milk commented 17 years ago on video When cats attack...

anwALT eingeschALTet
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+7 48. got_milk commented 17 years ago on video New ambulance

Lets say its a dutch commercial with 2 dutch travelers in finland...
Apeldoorn is east-netherland!