Comments posted by gouranga4ever


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+10 1. gouranga4ever commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

If this was muted, with no description, logos or insignia's I could have told you it would be Russia. No one does Fuck Up like the Russians.
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+1 2. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video How a CPU is made

Huh, they were part of AMD, now owned by Abu Dhabi;

The video didn't mention that most of the production is done in Singapore?
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+8 3. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video New Discovery about the Fabric of Space-Time

I always find the "disproving" scientists the most interesting. They must know that there's no glory in debunking various idea's, history remembers the discoverers. But they do it any way, often a whole career spent behind the scenes quietly refining our knowledge of nature.
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+6 5. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

Excuse me whilst I go watch some porn..
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+30 6. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video A working mini-gun made out of Lego

"Wow Dude! That's Cool! Have you shot any of your friends with it?"

"My what?"
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+18 7. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Cosmos Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension

Amazingly well described. I hope Neil DeGrasse Tyson has big feet to fill these boots!
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+3 8. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video How Evolution Works

Thank you Snotr!!!

Vive La Science!
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+1 9. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Why glasses are so expensive

Wow.. I spent most of that Video thinking "Ha! It's a good job I only wear Oakleys" (prescription and shades).

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+2 10. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Gecko saves his friend from a snake

I must have missed this scene in "From Dusk Till Dawn"..
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+8 11. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Safety First

Just 19 more and then all he needs is a pea.
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+4 12. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Can someone explain this ?

It's Wreck It Ralph's bath.
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+19 13. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Bold Hungry Raccoon

Notice how he washes his hands before eating? I think we can all learn from Mr Raccoon.
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+3 14. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

#16 You're dealing with a 38 year BioChemist. I'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence for your claims.

Check out Lord Monkton's CV, the most vocal Climate Change Denier who also believes people with AIDS should be segregated from the rest of society.
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0 15. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

#13 I referred to IPCC once.

Thank you for proving my point by not coming back with any rebuke except an Ad-homine against me. For the record I don't take anyone's pronouncements seriously. I look at the science and decide accordingly.

You should look into why anyone would think the UN chartered IPCC is discredited.
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+3 16. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

It's called being succinct, but thanks for the opportunity to make you look like a douche.
Here's the IPCC list of papers on Climate Change:

Please present your list of papers debunking these and presenting the better explanation for global warming. Thanks.
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+3 17. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

#7 & #8 No Climatologist claims there's a delicate balance of nature and no one denies that the Earth has been both Warmer and Cooler in the past. You're just strawman arguing.

The difference with the current warming trend is that it's a lot more dramatic than previous change rates. The only time it's changed faster than this is due to massive meteorite impacts that have been followed by mass extinction events. Ecosystems will break down if the rate of change is maintained and Cities will flood. Check out the NCSE page on climate change.
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+10 18. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

#4 Guessing you downvoted the first 3 comments? I like how you quote a highly respected scientist then totally disregard what he said. I like how quote mine Phil Jones. I like how you agree with experts that's there is warming, but then dismiss their conclusions without any evidence of your own.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you also reject Evolution for the same reasons.
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+1 19. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Displacement from Ship causing damage

#9 So your claim now is that the Banks funded the building of new homes on a known floodplain OR those people are rich enough to fund the build without the aid of a bank but stupid enough to build on a floodplain? Seems legit.

The amount of water displaced by the boats is constant but the energy of the water depends upon how fast the boat and subsequent wake is travelling.. E=MV^2, V in this case is the velocity of the boat.

Unless you happen to know the precise location this is being filmed, you are basically guessing about whether or not the houses were built before the ships started coming through. The bridges certainly seem well established to me.

You just seem angry at these people for no good reason and trying to come up with reasons for it afterwards.
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+24 20. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Displacement from Ship causing damage

#2 What's your evidence for this being a flood plain? The houses in the background don't appear to be water damaged to me, did I miss something?

What's needed here is a speed limit for the large ships to prevent riverbank erosion and property damage. It's in the shipping Co.'s interest, those residents are perfectly entitled to sue to recover their loss.
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+15 21. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Asiana Pilots names from KTVU News

Trol level: Asian.
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+5 22. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Model Railway

#1 YES! You need somewhere to man up and watch trains go around.
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+1 23. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

#28 So where's your proof that the paper was sponsored by Monsanto? Or were you off the day the taught evidence at Bullshit school?

Where did I say Aspartame was AceK?? I used them as opposite examples. I think you need to take more time when you read, sound the words out or ask an adult to help.

The Stevia mention in comment #19 was a typo. ACK/AceK is a mutagen as the papers say. Stevia can be converted to Steviol in the gut which can be bad in high doses.
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-1 24. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

#17 please back up your bullshit with facts.

Here's the papers of Stevia:
Horm Metab Res. 1987 Jun;19(6):233-8. The effect of artificial sweetener on insulin secretion. 1. The effect of acesulfame K on insulin secretion in the rat (studies in vivo).
Food Chem Toxicol. 1997 Dec;35(12):1177-9. In vivo cytogenetic studies on mice exposed to acesulfame-K--a non-nutritive sweetener.

Please show where Monsanto wrote these papers. Where the scandal was exposed and where the papers were withdrawn or otherwise debunked.

Until then, STFU.
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+4 25. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The free univere

#4 what #5 said. Plus theories aren't imagined up out of nothing, they have to explain all of the available evidence and even explain evidence that is missing (negative evidence). They should also make predictions which can be tested.
The problem with String Theory (along with M-Theory) is that it accounts for the evidence and marries Quantum Mechanics with General Relativity but so far nobody has been able to come up with a test to prove it. Some scientists are losing faith that this will ever happen but for now it's still the best explanation for all of the evidence.
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+3 26. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

Come on guys, we're supposed to be the Internet generation and be able to see through BS like this. There's a very strong fallacy that "Natural=Healthy" and "Artificial=Harmfull". But the evidence just doesn't bare it out.

#13 Aspartame is a good example, it's an extract from tar and it causes cancers in rats so it must be harmful right? Except it doesn't cause cancer in humans there's no evidence and no mechanism for it to be harmful. Whereas the natural sweetner ACK/Stevia is shown to interact with DNA and therefore increases the risk of cancer.

For more info see C0nc0rdance on YouTube his video on Artificial Sweetners is very interesting (he's a bio-chemist).

Finally anyone who takes medical advice from a guy who sells pizza for a living deserves everything they get.
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+67 27. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video How we see

This is so wrong. She's a person with feelings and amazing, hand sized, firm, tight boobs with nipples so hard that you could cut glass with them.. Err sorry what was I saying?
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+3 28. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Washing Machine Easter Egg

Now make it dance.
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+15 29. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video James Doohan most remarkable memory

He was shot in the leg on D-Day and lost his right middle finger.. So he trained to become a pilot. Some people are born heroes.
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0 30. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video 2 headed Snake

Take two bottles into the shower? Oh..
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+20 31. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Babies Enjoy The Simple Things In Life

Still better than Xbox ONE.
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+9 32. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Craziest Train Ride Ever in Cambodia

Still safer than Russia.
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+46 33. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Inside a 1st Class Flight

If I ever travel first class, I promise not to make a snobby video about it. For those curious the flight costs 9k euros.
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+23 34. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video 128,000 Firecrackers

#3 Was that you? You never call.
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-10 35. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video 128,000 Firecrackers

That's sort of how I have sex. A few pops to start off and then one big prolonged bang. And I'm done.
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+9 36. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you collapse an underwater bubble with a soundwave

This is why Champagne and loud music is great at parties..
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+27 37. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Homemade "Lightsaber"

I can't imagine Obe Wan Kenobe asking Sith to hold still while he shines his lightsaber at them..
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+4 38. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The Lucky ones

Coming through!!!
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-13 39. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The Internet Archive

#1 No, but this one will..
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+2 40. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Will & Jaden Smith, DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro Rap!

Heather Graham is going to watch that and wonder what she was thinking.. And Bradley Cooper is still the coolest guy in the room.
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-17 41. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Rare colour video of London in 1927

Why did every single man wear a hat??
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-2 42. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video How to cross a river with two excavators. Ask Russians!

I think I'd rather live in Africa than Russia..
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+3 43. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a banger in a cow pat

Shit gets real..
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-2 44. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Hand Shadow

It seemed a little two dimensional to me..
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+9 45. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

Should have gone to specsavers..
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+3 46. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

#14 Its a joke.. The word "Avalanche" is French.. I was repeating an old joke "The problem with the French is that they have no word for <insert French word used in English here e.g. Entrepreneur, Gateaux, Cafe>
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-3 47. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

The problem with the French is that they have no word for Avalanche.
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+27 48. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Electric Supercar

All it needs now is a petrol generator in the back to ensure the batteries never go flat.
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+19 49. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Kara Black displays her ridiculous reflexes in this volley drill

Wow... She has almost no ass.
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+14 50. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The biggest backflip you will ever see

*Except you don't actually see it..
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+2 51. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video How a face changes depending on the lighting

#4 #11 It's not that band/song. It's Opale; Les Champs Magnétiques. It says in the Video.
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+1 53. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video A hiding camera in a parcel records it's journey through the mail system

#2 I don't think one Monkey is too much to expect.
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+8 55. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Best Stunts Video Compilation 2013

*Only some of which are stunts..
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0 56. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Neighbour of the year picks up 17 year old from School in a Lamborghini, then matches and doubles al

#3 Said everything I wanted to about this video.. 10 thumbs up.
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+41 57. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video South Korean Seesaw looks so much more fun than American Seesaw

This is actually the North Korean Space Program.
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+23 58. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Fat Guy Has Amazing Football Skills

The really amazing part is that's a bowling ball.
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+4 59. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video When Drilling for Oil Goes Terribly Wrong

#7 Red Adair died in 2004..
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+4 60. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video WORST CONDITIONS for a Corner Kick

Atlantis FC won..
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+11 61. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video "The most amazing beaver experience of my life"

Nice Beaver!
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+25 62. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video So Porsche designed a television...

Price: US$687,775 I'll have one for each garden.. As soon as I get a house with a garden..
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+10 63. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Actual awkwardly diving penguin

That really cheered me up!
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+33 64. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video German Nivea ad - their reactions are priceless!

It would be "funny" if one of them pulled out a gun and started shooting shouting "You'll never take me alive!"
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0 65. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Friendly Deer.

Isn't Lyme Disease the thing you get from Rat piss?
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+19 66. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The fastest robot of the world

Poor robot, I got bored just watching it.
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-1 67. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video First Person Fight Scene with a GoPro

Wow it's like a day in the life of me! But then I am a super spy and dancer.
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+18 68. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Transformer Dresses

A useful reminder that Fashionista's are thick as f*** and will applaud anything!
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+4 69. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video David Attenborough comforts a blind rhino calf

#3 I think you mean horn..

I cried when I watched this the other night on TV.
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+5 70. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Tour of the Moon

That's no moon.. Oh wait it is.
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+26 71. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video The centrifuge brain project

I like how it started out as believable and gradually amped up the incredible.
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-9 72. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Rodney Mullen is the man

VHS Quality, Grainy image, shakey camera, 80's clothes.. I kept expecting a house wife to come along, get her tits out and start sucking him off.
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0 73. gouranga4ever commented 11 years ago on video Slalom Skateboarding

That's Roy "Cancer" Castle from Record Breakers, one of the programmes I grew up watching..

(The "Cancer" bit was what David Baddiel called him in a famous sketch.)
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+5 74. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Calligraphy penmanship like you've never seen before

"Hi, I need you to sign for this"
..Five Minutes Later...
"You know what? It's fine, have it."
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+43 75. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Inflating a CD

Whoa!!! Why'd the video stop there? It just got interesting!
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+39 76. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Walking On The Edge

Scared of the height, turned on by the cleavage.. I'm confused.
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+1 77. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Watch this before you choose to be an electrical engineer

#4 *Eyebrow.. not plural.
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+1 78. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

#11 what about a Segway?
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+134 79. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video The guy who appears in almost every movie and TV series

I've just checked, he was in my wedding video!
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+7 80. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Growth of Wal-Mart

Fuck Walmart in it's big fat ass.
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+10 81. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

A good fake if it is..
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+2 82. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Flawless - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009

Piers Morgan.. BORK!!!
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+4 83. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Impressive bicycle goal by Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Yea! England getting scored on like a bunch of whores..
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+1 84. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Tough Guy

I feel sorry for the cameraman..
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+52 85. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video First impressions

What's the problem? Turn the lights out.
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+40 86. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Truck tire explodes

#3 To catch shit like this..
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+10 87. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Johnny Depp Makeup

I guess this is like a show reel for her to break into Film Makeup work.. Good luck to her.
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+35 88. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Game of Thrones - Visual effects

#1 They were going to use real Dragons but PETA threatened to sue..
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+15 89. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Hits The Sea - Bay Of Kotor, Montenegro

Wow, I guess salty sea is a better conductor than fiberglass boats and wooden telegraph poles?

Presumably any fish nearby will be fried?
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+20 90. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Assassin's Creed LIVE

Great. But I was kind of hoping that he would land in a bale of hay at the beginning and just be dead. End of video(!)

That would be a real LIVE Assassins Creed!
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+3 91. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Duck Family Crossing Highway

Apparently they were on their way to a Chinese restaurant for dinner.
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+3 92. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video NZ Troops say goodbye to Fallen Comrade

#2 I'd like to think I was reclaiming NZ for coolness.
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+8 93. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation August 2012

Phew! No one filmed me falling out of my car the other week!
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+23 94. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video The wittiest X-factor audition ever

I loved the song, but..

I fucking hate the X-Factor with a fiery passion I can barely contain.
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-11 95. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video That is a LOT of water

There's a giant horse on the other side taking a piss.
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+3 96. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video High 5, ladies

#24 Context is everything. Yes it would be different in a work environment. Yes it would be different if it was one lady. Yes it would be different if the guy just wanted to feel their arses. But in that context, in that environment, it was funny. If you can't see that then you have other issues.
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+4 97. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Man gives crooks taste of their own medicine

Patrick has a Nintendo Wii. I bet the burglars would have left it.
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+4 98. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video High 5, ladies

#9 Yes perhaps more so.
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+8 99. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video High 5, ladies

#(removed comment) Take a chill pill. It's called a joke!
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+9 100. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Games We Play

I imagine a laser beam on a wall I'm facing and I calculate the angles as it bounces off picture frames and the edges..
It feels good to get that out in the open!
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+23 101. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Fast Precise Cutting Skills

"Don't try this at home"???

Don't cut vegetables at home people!
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+6 102. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Bye Bye!

Perhaps there's an industrial mincer at the bottom and she's the only one who realises they're about to die?
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+8 103. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Ferrari owner runs over cop's foot.

9000 points if you spotted the VLC logo..
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+3 104. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Another Idiot on the road

Ahh Russia, I've missed you!
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+2 105. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

#21 None of those Scientists are claiming to know the Universe is designed they are referring to the "Fine Tuning" theory which states that certain physical properties having just the right settings for complexity and life. This is a lay persons theory and not taken seriously by physicists or cosmologists.
For one the Universe is anything but life friendly, take a trip a few miles up and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Nor is there anything to say this Universe is more complex than any other.
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+6 106. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Where is it?

What if it was his sister?
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-1 107. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

#6 Err Name 1 Scientist that says the Universe is Designed?
#7 The point of the video is that the Afterlife is a scary concept (even Heaven) and that you don't need it to lead a good life.
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+23 108. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

Thank you Snotr for starting to post Atheist and Humanist Videos!
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+9 109. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video "Russian Woodpecker", Duga 3

I don't understand? This is a Russia video and yet there's no drunks or driving into the back of the vehicle in front?
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+15 110. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Upward Lightning!

Upward Rain would be interesting..
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+2 111. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Internet Infrastructure (East vs West)

and yet its still tidier than the back of my telly..
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+18 112. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Dog brings the cat home

Please cook this for me..
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+3 113. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Five guys, one piano

#1 your annoyed that they did it in a Studio???? Do you know they make Donuts in factories?
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-1 114. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video 10 Incredible Survival Stories

#4 Did you count your fingers afterwards?
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+14 115. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video 10 Incredible Survival Stories

"God was my Co-Pilot..
..But we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat him."

Best Bumper Sticker Ever.
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+7 116. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Pandas using a slide

The first Goths ever to have fun..
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+56 117. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Line judge drops the ball

Congratulations! It's a Ball!
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+6 118. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Luckiest dude in Russia

The luckiest guy in Russia isn't in Russia.
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+7 119. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Japanese fountain

Did anyone else notice when it said "K I L L Y O U R M U M"? Just me?
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-1 120. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Hairy Back Prank

Atleast it wasn't ginger.
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+9 121. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video TV Reporter Was Hit By A Drifting Car During Live News

For those of you who don't speak Russian, the guy at the end was asking; "You're not going to say anything bad about Drifting, right Comrade?"
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-1 122. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Foam Day

That would freak me out, what is it? Just pollution?
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+25 123. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Range Rover Evoque Dual View Screen

I'd rather look at a map than look at Mick McCarthy..
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-4 124. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Quadrotor Light Show

I'm going to go look at to find out what will be on Snotr tomorrow..
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+3 125. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video How To Catch A Razor Clam

I tried this on my wife and she turned into a Man.. Doh!
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+5 126. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Gamera II - Human Power Helicopter

Phew! Thank goodness he didn't fall!
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+26 127. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Throwing a Box of Garbage Into a Volcano Lake

Now throw a volcano into a big pile of rubbish!
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+48 128. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Tfire Redux

I did the same with my Wedding video.
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+2 129. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Pee Prank - Arrested Edition

Later back at the Station the cops piss themselves watching snotr..
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+3 130. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Oops,wrong bar.....

Or the right Diner at the wrong time..
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+31 131. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Dog Rides Bike By Himself

That's a small boy in a dog outfit.. :D
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+6 132. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Clever Dog

Who would want a bald freckled dog?
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+2 133. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video OHEA automatico bed

That's going to freak the cat out.
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-1 134. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Spider Man Proposed

If he was a real man he'd get her drunk and/or pregnant and then ask her..
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-8 135. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video AWESOME KO

I think it was the landing more than the kick..
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+58 136. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

This isn't the first girl I've watched stroking her pussy on the internet today.
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+9 137. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors

What a knob. First of all you could just ask them to lower the volume. Secondly if you're not home who cares if they play loud music? and finally if you've gone through that much trouble you could have set up a noise cancelling system..
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+57 138. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Trolling redefined

0:31 Oh I can just walk across them!
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+14 139. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Best goal ever ?

I wanted to play this sport but I didn't make the cut..
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+3 140. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video How war should be Fought!!

There were more than 99 Balloons.
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+17 141. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Truck driver falls asleep

Wow. Russia. I never would have guessed!
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+2 142. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Burglar's Bloopers

I think in the end he was just trying to hang himself..
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+1 143. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Dustin Hubel - Contact Juggling

Contact lens Juggling. There's something I would pay to see..
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+43 144. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video The Coolest Cop Ever

How many do you get for killin a fella?
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+33 145. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video He Almost Made It

The problems of having a super-villain hideout in the middle of the jungle.
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+3 146. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Customs control

Damn birds, you noisy!
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+15 147. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video 7th Grader saves School Bus

#2 or Bus driver.
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+15 148. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Push to add drama...

If I'd pressed it, it would have been that argument with my wife about the toilet seat.
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-3 149. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Skeleton prank

Drinking Game: Every time someone is wearing Jeans you have to take a shot.
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+5 150. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video X-Games Event Is A Disaster

Perhaps they're all usually really good but it was scheduled badly; Wrong time of the month maybe?
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+9 151. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Fun at work

#2 The neighbours wish they'd all STFU.
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-5 152. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Got To Dance

I got through this by imagining a Lion being let loose on the stage and attacking them whilst they dance.
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+6 153. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video This Guys Is Nuts

I think they're meant to say "Kein!", not "No!".
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+53 154. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Underwater for 10 days

Where did he take his bathroom breaks?
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+3 155. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Christmas tree slingshot-crossbow

Next Week we make a Harpoon out of the Easter Bunny!
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+7 156. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video A Rare Look Inside Pixar Studios

I'd have the speakeasy as my office and a secret door leading to my desk..
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-1 157. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Cat is watching "Star Wars"

Some people are down voting my "Star Paws" comment, I think they're jealous.
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+18 158. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Cat is watching "Star Wars"

Star Paws.. (There, I said it.)
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+4 159. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Tarantino // FROM BELOW

Phew!!! For a second there I thought this video was going to be pictures of Tarantino's balls and arse crack..
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+10 160. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Abundance is our future

Thank you Science, F*** you religion.
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+17 161. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Dolphin Stampede

Quick everyone! Flipper auditions this way!!
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+4 162. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video World Record Paper Airplane Distance

I can't help feeling if they'd thrown it off the edge of the Grand Canyon it would have gone further. Or is that cheating?
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+28 163. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video New unboarding technique

Hey don't knock it, he unpacked half of his kit at the same time!
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+24 164. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Annoying Devil - Balls Of Steel

The disabled parking trick was genius... I think I've found my new hobby.
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+24 165. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Guy Spills Beer Over Angela Merkel

It was in the paper that he later accidentally shot himself ten times..
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+15 166. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Unimog is still the best

Still the best if you can't be bothered to go around..
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+2 167. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Fort Steuben Bridge Demolition

Wait how will we get to Fort Steuben now?
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+5 168. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Sometimes it's hard to be a man ...

#1 I think she does fart but it smells of roses.
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+4 169. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Wingsuit Crash

RedBull gives you internal bleeding.
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0 170. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Shit Explosion

Shit gets real.
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+2 171. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Guy Wins a Million Dollars on The Price is Right

Did he win?
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+10 172. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video LED suit surfer

Hang on a minute, where's the F'ing RedBull logo????
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+4 173. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Water droplets in space

Do you think each Astronaut has their own or do you think they share needles?
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+5 174. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video 2011 4x4 CRASH COMPILATION

I'd rather do this than drive in Chechnya..
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+7 175. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video The helicopter arrived

Crowd: Hi Helicopter, would you be a gent and move our tent a hundred yards this way?
Helicopter: Sure no problem!
Crowd: Thanks, now f*$% off!
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+17 176. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Beautiful Day at the Dog Park

#3 unless you're corn.
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+17 177. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Beautiful Day at the Dog Park

Sorry I couldn't get past the idea of stepping in Dog S*** every 5 seconds.
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+4 178. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video new born deer

Who else could go for some delicious Venison right now??
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-6 179. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Don't mess with a woman's yogurt

Don't mess with a woman's yoghurt; especially if she has thrush.
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+8 180. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video The hidden world of box packing

My first job was as a box packer. Unfortunately it was in a fudge factory.
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+40 181. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video 1951: Larry Griswold was one crazy comedian.

Awwww that was fantastic, they don't make them like that any more.
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0 182. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Christopher Hitchens Tribute

#4 Correct and it will get to a point when the expansion *between* galaxies will be faster than the speed of light. This doesn't contradict Relativity as it's two things moving apart from a single reference point.
But the point is that astronomers will look up and only see our Galaxy. They'll discover relativity and quantum physics and everything else but they'll come to the wrong conclusion because their Universe will seem to consist of a single Galaxy floating in space.
There's an excellent YouTube Video (too long for Snotr) by Laurence Krauss "A Universe from Nothing" on this subject.
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+23 183. gouranga4ever commented 12 years ago on video Hello

1, E.T.
2, <don't know>
3, Braveheart
4, Being John Malkovich
5, Back to the Future
6, <don't know>
7, Toy Story 3
8, Schindlers List
9, Jailhouse Rock
10, Annie Hall
11, The Birds
12, Avatar
13, Laurence of Arabia
14, Game of Death
15, <don't know>
16, Airplane?
17, Naked Gun
18, Goldfinger
19, LA Confidential
20, Borat
21, Yellow Submarine
22, From Dusk till Dawn
23, Back to the Future
24, The Matrix
25, Naked Gun
26, Some Like it Hot
27, Planet of the Apes
28, GoodFellas
29, Back to the Future
30, Ben Hur
31, Lethal Weapon 2
32, Laurence of Arabia
33, <don't know>
34, Schindlers List
35, Inception
36, <don't know>
37, Gandhi
38, First Blood
39, <don't know - same as 36>
40, A Few Good Men
41, LA Confidential
42, First Blood
43, Total Recall.
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+6 184. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Alien Transmission Kepler 22b

Not the best use of the Fenton clip ever..
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+30 185. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video X3 Eurocopter

I'd still rather have Airwolf..
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-6 186. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video How to get the girl of your dreams

At the end is he saying "See, we can work"? OR "Ha! I f***ed you!"

Thumbs up for the first, Thumbs down for the second.
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+2 187. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video 36 years, 14 children and still is a virgin

"Sorry Darling, I'm out of the bottled stuff, it's going to have to be the draft.." <Zip..>
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+58 188. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Bad driving skills

It could be worse.. They could have been driving your car.
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-2 189. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 3! (With original sound)

Reasons number 9,923,434 to 9,923,456 for not living in Russia.
and at 4:36 Reason number 1 for moving to Russia.
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+6 190. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Post Game Interview of the Year

I'd like to hear him explain Quantum Mechanics.
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+25 191. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Parallel parking fail

I wanted the driver to get out and for it to be Stevie Wonder. That would have shut them up.
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+22 192. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Arrow to the knee

I used to like this video but den I took.. Nevermind.
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+30 193. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video She's a witch!

"She turned me into a newt! ..but I got better"
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+18 194. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Star Size

If they'd kept zooming out you'd have seen the size of my wifes ass..
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+32 195. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

Reason number 9,923,433 for not living in Russia.
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+25 196. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Head On Car Crash

Come on Admin's. Not on Snotr please.
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+2 197. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video What is the first letter in the English alphabet?

I have nightmares like that..
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0 198. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Coca-Cola Where Will Happiness Strike Next: The OFW Project

Right now back to work!!!
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+16 199. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Osprey fishing

I wonder if the fish appreciate the flight? Before they get eaten obviously..
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-3 200. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Organic Food Myths

#12 Well said, I love you.
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+4 201. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Clearing minefield in Afghanistan

Could help in the rush hour..
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-4 202. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Resilliant Truck Drivers

Little donkey, little donkey on the dusty road.
Got to keep on, truckin' onwards, with your precious load..
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+6 203. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Urine-controlled video games installed in London bar

No chance of performance anxiety there then..
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+37 204. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Calligraphy

What an amazing invention. If this takes off we could all own books ourselves!
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+8 205. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Da Capo

In a world without gravity.. Red Bull would be f***ed
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+22 206. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video David Beckham tries out blind football with Paralympic GB hopefuls

I don't know why you're being harsh on him. He's probably not being paid for it and he's bringing attention to a minority sport?
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+2 207. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Assembling a plane - Timelapse

If I ever buy a plane and getting one pre-assembled, I'm not doing all this shit!
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-2 208. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Coaster without brakes

Awwww I wanted to see him fly off the end..
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0 209. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Swinglines

How do they get back up?
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-1 210. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Working model of Stephenson's steam engine made of glass.

Wife: Will you turn that bastard thing off!
Me: No!
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+7 211. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video World's first vending machines with a transmissive LCD

It looked like she ordered a hand grenade.
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+1 212. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video NEW World Record Longest Headed Goal

He gave good head..
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-1 213. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Four Bit Maze

Seconds of fun for one member of the family.
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-2 214. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Sarah Lezito - Female Streetbike Freestyler

I found this very easy to masturbate to.
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+2 215. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Time Twister - LEGO Mindstorms Digital Clock

Fast Forward to 0:53 for the "action"..
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+3 216. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Ford Focus 120mph (193km/h) Crash Test

But will it blend?
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+4 217. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video The Feynman Series - Beauty

This was an *awesome* 5 minutes and 10 seconds..
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+3 218. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video This wedding proposal puts all others to shame

The best part is if she said No he could have programmed it to flash "Lisa is a B****" all night, every night.
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+8 219. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Vintage race car crashes

First Snotr Admin: "This video has lots of Car Crashes in it!"
Second Snotr Admin: "Anyone die in it?"
First Snotr Admin: "Looks like quite a few die!"
Second Snotr Admin: "But does it have a cool soundtrack?"
First Snotr Admin: "Yes it's quite japery!"
Second Snotr Admin: "Upload that mutha baby.."
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+8 220. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Battling Bad Science

#1 this is Ben Goldacre, I've met him a few times in the UK Skeptics circuit. The first time I met him he said talking to him is like being mind fucked by his word penis..
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+3 221. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Landscapes

Lovely.. Does anyone know the music? I recognise it from philhellenes YouTube masterpiece 'Science Saved My Soul'..
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+10 222. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Dog afraid of Julia Roberts

Nice Moobs..
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+1 223. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video An accident of evolution in mammals

#23 The fact that we evolved from Fish is the Answer (aka the Evidence), Natural Selection is the Theory to explain the fact/answer..

To argue with the evidence you have to explain why you can map the evolution of species from Fish to Mammals through time, genetics, morphology, geography, biochemistry and physiology; without any inconsistencies or unexplainable leaps. Do that and I and Professor Richard Dawkins will welcome you into our bosom with open arms. If instead, you reject the evidence and say God did it because the bible says so, we will quite rightly, tell you to go fuck yourself..
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+40 224. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video "Michael" - PS3 Long Live Play

Very Cool.. but how creepy would it be if they shouted your name and held up your picture at the end?
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+4 225. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Whale Motor boat

That is amazing..
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+5 226. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video An accident of evolution in mammals

#14 It's called "Inside Natures Giants" it's from Channel 4 in the UK. An excellent series. They've done whales, elephants, octopus, a race horse and Pythons.

They always try to show how the animals has evolved into it's own niche and the impact it has on it's morphology. Except the Race Horse where they showed the artificial selection that humans had imposed to make the perfect thoroughbred..

The Scientist is Professor Richard Dawkins.
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+41 227. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Strange indian festival

It would be nice to mention that they milk the snakes prior to the ceremony to ensure that have no venom..
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0 228. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Reverse graffiti hits the streets of Riga

Why are they writing in English?
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+3 229. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video 29 years old deaf girl hears for the first time

Science for the win..
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0 230. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Winnebago Guy

Thumbs up if you feel sorry for "Tony"..
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+55 231. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Magnetic Fish

That's like me and the girls when I make my way on to the dance floor..
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0 232. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video What Happens When You Drop a Slinky

The Australian version of physics..
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+4 233. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video September Fail Compilation

I don't think the second last one should be counted as a fail, it could have been but the way he rode the trolley down made it a win in my books!
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+2 235. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Longboat explodes in Lake of Ilopango in El Salvador

If I had to be next to a bunch of fireworks that prematurely detonate, a boat would be the best place.
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+2 236. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video bikers in a cinema

Awwww... they didn't show the end where the bikers **** 'em up...
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-6 237. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video This is Europe

SNOTR admin's.. you should remove this, I didn't think Snotr was about glorifying criminals..
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+8 238. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Fantastic helicopter show

I Google'd "Snoopy Helicopter Show" and found loads of information about this..
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+4 239. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Balancing Act

2:36 Wow.. Getting that wrong could ruin your whole day..
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+56 240. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Bear Grylls: Balls of Steel

The cameraman is Chuck Norris..
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+5 241. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Snow man scare prank gone wrong

What an arsehole..
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+3 242. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Blowing bubbles

That first lady looks like she needs some Stuffing..
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+22 243. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video High Andy

How on earth can they discharge someone in that state? In the UK there's no way this would happen, he'd be in a bed for the night and that's on the National Health Service. This is what happens when you privatise health care.
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+5 244. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Bottle Rocket

That's how EVERYTHING is made in Russia..
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-9 245. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Real Life GTA

Thumb up if you thought the Cop was leaving half way through the fight..
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+20 246. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Worst Movie Cliches

They forgot one.. The big fight at the end, the good guy will be about to lose when the love interest or sidekick will intervene and he'll be saved and eventually win the fight..
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+3 247. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Kilian Martin: A Skate Illustration

His wife is going to be pissed when he comes back without the bread and milk she asked him to get..
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+3 248. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Surfing with a Flare

RedBull just annoys me now. Don't they know there's a recession on?
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+15 249. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Fox News Shepards Smith Blooper

It's because David Cameron is already our Top Cock..
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-2 250. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Hand Shadows

I found this really difficult to masturbate to.
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-6 251. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Mega bass

F***ing Hell!! That is epic.. There's a massive spider on my floor
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+37 252. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Painting the fuel tank of a Royal Enfield Motorcycle

Ah Royal Enfield, that proud British engineering company famous the world over for the Lee-Enfield Rifle and the Indian motorcycle.. Thank you India for keeping the name and tradition alive.
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+4 253. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video two for one

Friends helping friends become diabetic..

Plus an extra reason for the loner to commit suicide.

Well done Coke.
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+24 254. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

It's Mirror, Signal, Maneuver.. Not Assume, Maneuver, Crash!
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+42 255. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Massively Miscalculated Jump!

#7 Atleast the landing boxes are undamaged so they can try again..
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0 256. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Mission Impossible Stoppie..Kinda

That was the funniest video in a long time..
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+4 257. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Greek Fireworks Battle on Easter

The losers church burns down..
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+1 258. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Scientist gets too close to lava lake! - Richard Hammond's Journey to the Centre of the Planet

Sometimes when you see the ring, you've just got to go for it.
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+6 259. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Reinvent the Toilet

I think Bill Gates is probably one of the greatest people on this planet. Forget Microsoft, what he's done and is doing with their foundation is make a real difference to lives all over the world. I have nothing but respect for the man.
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+7 260. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Technology

They should build one that goes through McDonalds drive threw's sucking up all the chicken nuggets..
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+3 261. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video fire

#10 REtard watch the weather channel. Hear them talk about High and Low Pressure Fronts. Now tell me that a gas is always the same consistency and you can't have holes in it.
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-2 262. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Take the stress out of running your car ...

I'm calling FAKE!!! (obviously).
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+32 263. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Indian Driving Manners

The Indian guy is thinking; "Atleast we can balance our budget Goreh!"
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+5 264. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Solution to the Global Food Crisis?

Shit gets real..
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-1 265. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video The Mute Button

Is it bad that I think these people are assholes? Can you imagine being friends with one of them?

Them: "Hey you'll never guess what we're doing this weekend?"
Me: "Wut?"
Them: "We're going to go to the park and prank all of the people there by acting as if we've been muted"
Me: "I don't get it"
Them: "No it's gonna be great, we'll be like, Yo Yo Yo.. Then just really quiet.."
Me: "Is this like a dare?"
Them: "No dude we're going to put it on YouTube!"
Me: "Right.."
Them: "Hey you wanna come?"
Me: "Sorry do I know you?"
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+8 266. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Aris Basketball Fans

Does anyone know why? Was it a protest or end of season thing?
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+7 267. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Mureen bites of divers thumb

If someone eats the fish would that be cannibalism?
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+2 268. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Space shuttle being prepared time lapse

Very cool..
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-4 269. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video A new fur coat?

animals in circuses should be banned.
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+4 270. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Tempest Freerunning Academy

I wonder how much their insurance premiums are..
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-8 271. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Estonian swimming competition

5 Minutes 8 seconds to make one joke.. :-(
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+2 272. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Water Fueled Car

#33 You should eat your own dog food.

Hydrogen Peroxide is not Hydrogen Dioxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide has 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms, hence the 'per'.

Hydrogen Diocide has 1 Hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms, hence the 'di'.
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-6 273. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video It's impressive, isn't it?

But what about his Cock?
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+2 274. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Penguin Leap Of Faith

I like the way he waddles away; "Yeah I'm bad".
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+29 275. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 of Just for laughs gags

Top Ten????
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-5 276. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Glass Visions

2:43 Bus Wankers!!
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-3 277. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Firing A Cannon Fail

#1 It was a tire used as Wadding to hold the round.. It looked like they were firing Bowling balls?

Is this the new Russian Artillery? :P
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+4 278. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Boat Vs. Crane

We're gonna need a bigger Crane.. Or a smaller boat.
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-2 279. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Three Men vs. Fifteen Hungry Lions.

Is this a sequel to "Three Men and a Little Lady"?
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+4 280. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video horizontal bar

Nice try though..
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+23 281. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Shaolin Monk Throws Needle Through Glass

But can he sow?
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+1 282. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Delicious Smoke Bomb!

Who would test a smoke bomb at night??? might as well test a torch during the day.
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+2 283. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Ultra-fast Trap

It's weird hearing something really insidious spoken monotonously..
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+6 284. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Truck accident

Wow.. A Truck that has two crashes and a Crash Video which show's neither..
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-4 285. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Indoor tractor pulling...


:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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-10 286. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Hanjobs

I had a HanJob and I loved it! And so did my gay lover, Sven.
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+3 287. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Immigration, world poverty and gumballs.

#8 US Unemployment is at 8.8%

The IMF doesn't pertain to foreign aid, it was the Wests method of combating Communism by buying governments etc. It's mission statement now is more devolved but along the same lines. The combined Western Europe's contribution is higher than the US.

The problem with this lecture is two fold. The first is by measuring wealth in dollars. Most of the worlds population (certainly the 5.6 Billion mentioned here) are farmers, the eat what they sow and barter for everything else. 5.6 Billion of the worlds population aren't starving, they get along fine. No where near as well as you or I but that's a different ball game.

The second issue with the video is that it suggests that Immigration is a altruistic policy. It's not, Congress bring in immigrants because they want to keep the cost of labour down. Immigrants work the fields, the factories and phone banks of America. They send their kids to school and work themselves out of poverty. You need more immigrants every year to grow your economy.
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+44 288. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Penguin Slips...

If this appears on a FAIL compilation I'm abandoning the internet.
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+9 289. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Exploding waterballoon..

Best take those wet clothes off.. Here, let me help you.
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+16 290. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Cyborg Insects

#4 Noob.. Speak to someone with Muscular Dystrophy or motor neurone disease.
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-1 291. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Hill-climbing madness

That looks dangerous.. They should install an escalator.
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+4 292. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Tennis Hit

I think this was Jimmy Connors?
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+23 293. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Bohm Stirling Engine Running

Was I the only one thinking "Go On! Stick your finger in!"?
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+1 294. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video The Perfect Birthday Present

#9 It's the Armstrong and Miller Show..
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+7 295. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Make a Wish

Please carry a donor card and tell your family about it.
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+4 296. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video New Year's Eve 2011 in Dubai

Going Men-tal
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+27 297. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Match and Flame in Extreme Close Up

Great but to be honest, a bit boring.
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+2 298. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago on video Crazy twins run out and get hit on motorway

From the Newspaper article after she stabbed the guy;
Ericksson was seen nearby hitting herself on the head with a hammer before jumping off a 40-foot bridge onto the A50. She suffered broken bones in the fall but after she recovered

Unbelievable.. We should send her to Afghanistan and let her rip into the Taliban.
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+16 299. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Ladybug plays with sprinkles

It's all fun and games until your kid eats the ladybug..
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+1 300. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Holographic 3d map

#9 Monitors aren't people.
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+7 301. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video One Photo A Day

#7 I just down thumbed him.. Oh heck I've done it now..
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+6 302. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Particles

This film is the most horrendous POS ever.. If you are new to Quantum physics please don't accept this as a definitive viewpoint. The films includes an interview with Ramtha a ten thousand year old spirit being channelled by a nut bag from New Mexico.

Quantum mechanics is the most successful theory ever formulated. It is unprecedented in it's ability to predict the motions and states on the quantum scale. It's not the act of observing that collapses the wave function but the interaction of other wave functions which are already collapsed.
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-1 303. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video pole dance fail

If he had hair it might not have hurt as much..
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+5 304. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video High School Girl

Lets hope she has the balls to match her ambition..
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-2 305. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Battle of the Year 2010

I wish I could slow down time like that..

This is quite homoerotic isn't it? Two young men dancing, trying to impress the other.
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+31 306. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Buddy Lee

"The mechanics of her body" Never heard them called that before, but yeah, cool, I'll go with it.
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+3 307. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Tasker Vs Senn

#1 One of them was my wife..
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+2 308. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Crane Drops Pallet

It could be fake or it could be in Russia.. It's hard to tell the difference between insane incompetence and Russia..
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+2 309. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Illusionist walks through table

I've learnt that the Japanese for Jacket, is Jacket..
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+9 310. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Pigeons Hunters

Thumbs Up if you were waiting for the Russian version where they machine gunned them all..
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0 311. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Asbestos Hands

#14 thats my point.. different materials have different capacities to conduct heat.. touching wood at 220C is different from touching metal at 220C.
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+2 312. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Asbestos Hands

#8 The principle is the same; Wood and skin are poor conductors of heat.. Metal is a really good conductor, hence my comment.

You can turn your oven up to 220 degrees C and put your hand inside without burning it. But pick up a glass or metal dish at the same temperature and you're going to blister..
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-7 313. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Asbestos Hands

Same trick as fire walking, lets see him try that with a hot metal bar.. see if he's still smiling after that.
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+9 314. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video world coolest teacher

#3 I think it's the same guy..
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+2 315. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Cute Owl Hunts Invisible Prey

Blink ya bastard..
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+3 316. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Raven taking a bath

It's all fun and games until you come home and it's having sex with the wife..
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+34 317. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Giving a gift

#1 That's great and I thank you for not making a boring 15 minute video about it..
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+1 318. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

How come in all of the Japanese clips they have the little box showing someone's reaction??? What's that all about?
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+1 319. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video a contortionist squeezes herself into a plexiglas bottle

I wish I could bend like that.. I'd never go out.
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-3 320. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Live crabs vending machine

I was once bitten/pinched by a Crab so f*** 'em all.. death to all crabs.
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+1 321. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Tiny Owl Gets Tiny Snacks

Lazy owl..
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-5 322. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video A Normal day 3

Well if it's real how would they stop themselves from screaming for joy after they got it right after two days of trying??? There's not even a slight reaction..
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-5 323. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video A Normal day 3

Come On Guys (and the token girl that visits this site)..

This is Video editing and painting.. I'm not saying all of it is but most of the tricks were.
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+3 324. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Parkour dog

But will it blend?
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+7 325. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Incredible accrobatics

CCTV = Chinese Circus Television????
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+2 326. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Lizard Drinks Orange Juice

You could probably save Snotr 50Mb by deleting this video and just leaving the description..
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+1 327. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Passing Water, Chinese style

There are several reasons why this Chinese bloke would have issues playing for the All Blacks.. But not being from New Zealand is only one we need concern ourselves with..
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+77 328. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Lions attack

How about changing the description to "Lions Defend Themselves"
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+9 329. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Is It Possible: Super Human Elasticity

At 01:16 you can see her Vagina in the MRI.. I'm just saying..
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+6 330. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Cirque Du Soleil: Kooza - Wheel of Death

#4 Accident, I saw this act when it was part of KA at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and they didn't do that, but they did make a mistake near the end which they tried again and got right. I'd always wondered if that mistake was part of the act.
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+2 331. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Stanford Gymnastic

I just want to see the bit where they throw off all pretext and start bumming each other..
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+3 332. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Most Insane Football Play In History

Why are those Rugby players wearing American Football outfits?

Why don't they always do this?
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+13 333. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Truck going Down

Look on the bright side, If they send that video into You've Been Framed they could earn £250..
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0 334. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video ryan gonzalez- amazing survival

I'm betting the chances of him surviving isn't zero.. And I can prove it.
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+7 335. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video 19-year-old tech kid slays the Dragon's Den.

How come they didn't ask about Patent protection??? What's to stop GM or Toyota from making their own?
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-8 336. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Lion eating a zebra

I think we should all hold hands and say a little prayer for the poor old Zebra that died today. Why God? Why?

And while we're holding hands and praying, I might reach down and feel your bum. Is that OK?

Father James
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-1 337. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Super Burn Out FAIL!!!

I'd love to see the video where he broke the window trying to do a Starsky and Hutch..
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-1 338. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Wassup!

Great Vid..
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+2 339. gouranga4ever commented 14 years ago on video Dragons Den

#14 Homoeopathy is ALL Placebo effect..
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+10 340. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Train vs. Tornado

#3 are you suggesting that Chuck Norris catches colds? Chuck Norris cured the common cold.. By hitting it!
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-1 341. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Fixing the roof

Who else watched until the end to see if the rest of the building fell upon him?
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+1 342. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

This is why I visit this site, more of this please!!

Found this if anyone is interested in the rest of the interview.
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+7 343. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Autotarget Paintball Turret

Hasn't this guy seen Terminator? WTF is he thinking? He'll get us all killed!!!

seriously tho, I need one to guard my beer from the young ones.
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+15 344. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Body scanner

#3 well now I do.. thanks for that.
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+2 345. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Pilot

Any qualified helicopter pilot could (ask one). Helicopter's only take off vertically if they have to, given the choice it's far more efficient to have a rolling start. It's also safer as you avoid a hazard called 'Settling with Power' cause by the downwash lowering the air pressure beneath the aircraft.
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+3 346. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Richard Feynman explains the mirror

#1 He was a brilliant man, but this is the most inane POS I've ever sat through
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-15 347. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Pilot

That is actually how you take off a heavy loaded Helicopter.. There's nothing special about this..

Another shite video.
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+2 348. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Tribute

Dopey MotorCycles.. Skateboarding Dogs.. Houses on Stilts..

Who says the Internet is boring?
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0 349. gouranga4ever commented 15 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Personal Helicopter

#1 WTF? A GyroCopter (aka AutoGyro) has a propeller and a free spinning rotor.. this thing couldn't be further from a AutoGyro if it tried. At least check your facts before making assertions.