Comments posted by gregf


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+2 1. gregf commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Rugby Tackle

Maybe someone should explain to them what tackling is. Just looked like holding the guys shirt and dragging him across the ground to me.
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+2 2. gregf commented 14 years ago on video John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

We call it soccer, because that is what it was called for decades before England decided to change the name in 1863. You would think someone so passionate about the sport would know it's origins.
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+7 3. gregf commented 15 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

#5 and #6 you gotta be kidding me. You trying to say anyone who walks by a car with keys in it is just going to steal it because it was left in the open? Obviously this wasn't there first time stealing cards.
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0 4. gregf commented 15 years ago on video Train horn blasts

How come every gangster they did it too ran like little girls?
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+1 5. gregf commented 15 years ago on video Footy superstar

few to many led paint chips.
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+2 6. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Police overreaction

#16 he isn't black. There for no special treatment, aka riots.
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+2 7. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Gun making in Pakistan

Why don't we just bomb this whole fucking area?
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+4 8. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Drifting gone wrong

At what point do either of them ever drift to the slightest?
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+5 9. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Japanese gas station service

omg #11 is from the future. Least we know everyone in the world has a car in 2009.
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+1 10. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Firing an employee

#5 all cctv has the ability to have audio just no one really wants to spend that type of money as it's not really needed.
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+2 11. gregf commented 16 years ago on video French ERYX Misfire

And this is why Canadians don't start wars.
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0 12. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Funny road signs

Am I the only annoyed by the fact most of these are not funny road signs? btw #17 is a douche.
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+6 13. gregf commented 16 years ago on video How to talk like a pirate

I am convinced the big one wants to eat me.
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+2 14. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Levi jeans commercial

wow that dragged on way to long.
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+1 15. gregf commented 16 years ago on video For 9 bucks you can do whatever you want to a rental car

hahaha that was great.
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+2 16. gregf commented 16 years ago on video The future of tennis

So in 75 years the sport will still suck?
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0 17. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Strange lions filmed on safari

people are do like #1 are as bad if not worst than first posters. Your essentially just saying the same thing in a around about way.
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+1 18. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Polite Distances (Holding the Door for someone)

Science at it's best.
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+2 19. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Waterfall Printer

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-2 20. gregf commented 16 years ago on video The Man of 101 Voices

These were pretty bad...
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-2 21. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Fast or fake?

Was this supposed to be in slow motion?
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+2 22. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Advanced toilet

I would have smashed that toilet into a million pieces... although I have never snorted coke off a toilet either... how about the counter you dumb bitch.
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+2 23. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Bolivia Bug

I would so touch it
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0 24. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Jumping fish

not sure what is more funny, the fish or the rednecks.
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0 25. gregf commented 16 years ago on video This is how websites go offline

@wowizowi, qualified? How the hell is this guy qualified? He is kneeing on a swivel stool with wheels to work on a rack. He is not qualified to work at McDonald as far as I see it.
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-1 26. gregf commented 16 years ago on video This is how websites go offline

This is what we call a tape monkey doing a job he is not qualified for.
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+2 27. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Trial riding

Where is this trail i'm told about in the title?
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0 28. gregf commented 16 years ago on video The Office - Vending machine prank

Would have been better if he handed a bag full of canadian coins and it spit them back out.
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+2 29. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

I had no idea the mattress was anti American....
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+15 30. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Interesting new video player

This is going to bring porn to a whole new level.
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0 31. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Parkour girls

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+11 32. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Awesome baseball save by pitcher

That just made me respect baseball a little.
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+3 33. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Laser Flashlight Hack

meh, should have been attached to sharks.
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-1 34. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Stuck in an elevator for 41 hours

Erm, yeah what about the emergency phone? If that does not make him quit smoking he has no hope and should just kill himself.
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+1 35. gregf commented 16 years ago on video How not to use a treadmill

I don't know I thought when she started to run with her face it was going to get good.
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0 36. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Stupid Xbox 360 thief

Pink hair, what a emo faggot.
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-6 37. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Monkey driving minibike

Fake, was just a small man with a tale.
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-1 38. gregf commented 16 years ago on video Mocha in "His First Broccoli!"

Fuck your constructive rules. Oh it was cute too.
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+8 39. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Hardest game ever?

I love how they allow your lives to be in the negatives. Funny!
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+1 40. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Amazing Mustang drawing

Shopped, Shadows his hand makes are all wrong.
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-10 41. gregf commented 17 years ago on video US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

Oh whoops forgot to make some type of point, you guess some how forget that these guys were stealing?
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-8 42. gregf commented 17 years ago on video US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

Is it bad I'm laughing then? >:)
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+2 43. gregf commented 17 years ago on video I have a bad case of diarrhea

With all the McDonald's we have in this country? It's not that far off. :(|)
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+3 44. gregf commented 17 years ago on video How to break up a cat fight

Best video ever. Shut the internet down, it has reached it's peak!
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-1 45. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Wingsuit mountain swoop

that is fucking insane! 8-)
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+3 46. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Study: Multiple stab wounds may be harmful

This will benefit man kind for years to come.
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+10 47. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Lada Niva

I'm moving to russia!
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+2 48. gregf commented 17 years ago on video BMW M5 versus Audi RS4

Yeah have to agree, was surprised how much faster it accelerated. Both are great cars though.
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+6 49. gregf commented 17 years ago on video Crazy traffic in India

Apparently they still have not heard of traffic lights.