Comments posted by gremlinbyname


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-2 1. gremlinbyname commented 5 years ago on video Diane Abbott vs basic maths & logic

Ohhh c'mon! DA is an absolute hoot! I'd be tempted to vote for her just to see the MrBean-style daily sketches we would have on youtube each day live from No10!
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+3 2. gremlinbyname commented 6 years ago on video The Tax System, Explained in Beer!

I think ive been out drinking with the first 4 :/
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+6 3. gremlinbyname commented 6 years ago on video Cow asks man to rescue her newborn calf

Dave made sure to setup his camera multiple times before bothering to help - Dave didn't want the internet to miss his moment as the hero!
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+1 4. gremlinbyname commented 6 years ago on video PILE UP

Why do some Snortr pages seem to have traps on them? It used to be popups that would only go away when you shut down your browser, this particular page starts a set of downloads going that stream down my page to the dock like the old winning animation from Solitaire.
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+2 5. gremlinbyname commented 6 years ago on video Chelyabinsk Meteor Shockwave Compilation.

Those Russians are as stiff-upper-lipped as the british used to be! :)
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+2 6. gremlinbyname commented 6 years ago on video News fails 2017

They may as well have closed the book on NewsBloopers after Chris P Bacon!
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+2 7. gremlinbyname commented 7 years ago on video FoldiMate Early Prototype in Action

Pfft! and women say they have it hard!
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+1 8. gremlinbyname commented 7 years ago on video When cooking goes wrong!

fucking animals!
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+3 9. gremlinbyname commented 7 years ago on video Huge car carrier terrifyingly batters through heavy winds

Yeah #2! We rule! Screw you nature!
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+5 10. gremlinbyname commented 7 years ago on video Super Cooled Nickel Ball in Mercury

soo..... if you drop a super cooled nickel call in mercury... you can then draw a smiley face onto said ball in the resulting snow fluff? :|
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+5 11. gremlinbyname commented 7 years ago on video Burger king- valentines adult meal

now thats advertising! :)
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+2 12. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Making 24K Gold

The last step is to send it off to Cash4Gold and wait for that sweet cheque to arrive!
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+12 13. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Old School Andrew Dice Clay at his Offensive Best

Ahhh the good ol' days before the PCers got their foot in the door! :)
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+7 14. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Car engulfed by flames in alarming gas station footage

First Samsungs, now Hyundai? I think Korea may Arsonist tendencies!
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+1 15. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Two Dozen Police Officers Escort Siblings On First Day of School After Dad Died

I bet their new black class mates were shitting themselves!
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+1 16. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Kids Losing Balloons

#1 ignorantia legis neminem excusat
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+8 17. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Prank with finger injury

'Not the sharpest tool in the box'
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+2 18. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Slacklining Over Alligator Pool

The worst that could go wrong: this video gets uploaded to LiveLeaks rather than here! :)
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+3 19. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Car Crash Compilation

I'd need to see the result of the toxicology report, but I'm willing to place money on the bloke at 0:54 being a 'tad' (technical term) over the limit!
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+10 20. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Motorcycle Crashes, Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Compilation

subscribe to see more people fatally injured! Don't forget to like too!
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+3 21. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Robo-Glove & NASA Technology Licensing Opportunities

Flashlight Mk II
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+7 22. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Another most satisfying video in the world

Think this is satisfying? Check out PornTube!
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+3 23. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Urbanization on Earth from 3700 BC - 2000 AD

I think i played this game in the 90s :/
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+3 24. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video A five YEAR time lapse!

Amazing: Grotesque!
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+3 25. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Mysterious Cases Of Time Travel That Can't Be Explained

If anyone does have a method of time travel, could they let me know - i need to go back 6 minutes and 19 seconds!
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+1 26. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Timelapse A12 70 meter tunnel in one weekend under highway!!

There's been a few workmen on the M62 for the last 100 or so years* that could do with sitting down and watching this.

*may be a slight exaggeration.
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+6 27. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Merlin helicopter takes out portaloo toilets

That's one way to take out those she-ites! :/
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+1 28. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Homemade Hoverbike

I love how the yellow-jacket H&S men haven't discovered this bloke yet! Keep up the good work! :)
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+6 29. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video A nice send off

Classy guy at 0:20 clambering over the graves to get a better shot!
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+4 30. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Footage of DYT vessel Super Servant 4's float-on yacht transport method in Martinique!

Is that like the wet version of the pick-up truck that comes to reposes your car when you don't pay your bills?
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+3 31. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video THE LION KING Broadway Cast Takes Over NYC Subway ( Snotr Category Week )

Pfft! and i get dirty looks when my phone gets a text!
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+1 32. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh - Unique Sound Imitator

I like their version of Ant-Qaeda and De-Quran Donnelly!
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+7 33. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Everything This Man Says Is True

... and masturbating doesn't cause blindness!!! Although my academic research is still in progress!
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+5 34. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Good old times: Benny Hill

Ahhh those were the days :)
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0 35. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Award Show Crashers

I can't help but think that Bob Dylan's performance was enhanced on this occasion.
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+5 36. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video SWITL picks up sauce without changing it's shape

Finally! I can get rid of my poop-a-scoop!!!
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+1 37. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Knife Skills Compilation

I think this is only about 40% of the skill... the other 60% is in sharpening the little buggers!
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+2 38. gremlinbyname commented 8 years ago on video Cooking up a box

Wood that really work?
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0 39. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Massive Blizzard to Hit Massachusetts on Saturday January 23, 2016

Looks like Alan Carr has had laser eye surgery :)
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+2 40. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Hilarious Infomercial Struggles Compilation

OMG!!! Who edited this!!! I have all of these problems and now know there is a solution but will never know what it is!!! :(
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0 41. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video How driverless cars will change cities

Cant wait for automated HGVs and trucks - get rid of the HGV driver who insists on overtaking a restricted lorry on a 3 lane motorway with his restricted truck, turning the whole road into a single lane road for miles and miles!
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+10 42. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Grandma vs VR

"Get Jurrass back in the chair mom"
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+3 43. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Escaping from BMW i8

#3 According to my most-recent tuna/sardine purchase, the contents should actually be porpoise friendly - though it was unclear how the packaging made access easier to marine mammals
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+1 44. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video O Encadernador - book binder

Safe to say that wasn't the latest Katie Price autobiography he was investing time in! :)
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0 45. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video I Live In An Airplane

Nutty as a Marathon bar... clearly British, yet sounds american! :)
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+5 46. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Obese Guy Reacts To Another Obese Guy Lose All The Weight

Fast or slow, excess skin is a minor issue when measured against the benefits of the loss.

Good for him for finding inspiration and good for the original video maker for inspiring such change in another person.
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+2 47. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Fake homeless "Social experiments" exposed

#1 or just copy them off of youtube onto snort or LL and the scumbags don't get a penny! :D
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+2 48. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video How to change a bridge

Great, but if they build their bridges anything like they build their escalators, we will be seeing a video titled "deadly bridge collapse" some time in the next few weeks on LiveLeaks! :p
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+6 49. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video And, that's how you do it

Ill try this tomorrow in tesco; ill report back my results if I'm not locked up!
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+14 50. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Parker Kane McDonalds Cup Dubstep

He's clearly practiced that... a lot! :)
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+3 51. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Truck transporting flour crashed into a building

Batter luck next time!
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+2 53. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video The art of Marbling Paper

ok, thats the coolest thing I've seen today :)
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+4 54. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video 35 year old who lives in 1946

OMG! I love that seat!!!
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+2 55. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video No problem ...

I was just about to order a new Rolls Royce Dawn... does anyone know if it has this feature as standard?
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+1 56. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Room service

Shouldn't Sarah Jessica Parker be accompanying that?
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-4 57. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs of Foreign Products

You lot are crap at spotting sarcasm!
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-9 58. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs of Foreign Products

Good for them! Copyright just restrict innovation! No1 shows how business should work!
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-3 59. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video German cranes showing off

How on earth did the british beat Germany in two world wars!
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+13 60. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Michael Jackson-Bad (Piano Cover)

Some people got the front of the talent queue and the greedy bastards didn't leave any for the rest of us :(
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+2 61. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Refreshment on the Bosnian way

Im looking at the boot of my Ford focus in a whole new light :/
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-2 62. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Asian garden littleton new hampshire

On the flip side - this cleaning company isn't demonstrating their commitment to customer confidentiality
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+2 64. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Golden hands !

Bob Ross eat ya heart out! :)
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-2 65. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

Pfft! That god bloke is such a glory-theif!
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+6 66. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video You'll act different...

Violence may be down, but I hear the figures for butt-fooking are way up!
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-6 68. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully

Few bum notes there - the piano needs 'tweaking' as much as the bum! :D
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+5 69. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Blizzard Concept

Im gunna try that hairdryer in the bath tonight! Ill let you know how it goes tomorrow!
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-1 70. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Samsung "The Safety Truck"

Who did they copy that from? :/
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+3 71. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video da Vinci Robot Stitches a Grape Back Together

Does anyone know the currant condition of the grape?
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+2 72. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video AUTHORITY IS AN ILLUSION

Yey! Mental illness is a crowd pleaser again!
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+1 73. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Easy Cheese 3D Printer

Quick! someone download the 3DP designs for a handgun!!
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+2 74. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Sockification

sex-bots are here!!! Or the mark two of the flashlight!
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+6 75. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video What do teachers make?

Sadly, one passionate teacher does not represent the majority of teachers I've come across in my teaching career. Institutionalised professionals are in it for the pension at the end and usually resent the kids.
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+5 76. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Three dogs take turns popping in to say hello

That last dog has the same face as the dragon from Never Ending Story! :)
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+3 77. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Fail Compilation January February 2015 || TNL

i want "that stoopid fucker" as my ringtone :)
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-2 78. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Scamming the Elderly Online

why the hate for 1010010010101? Seems like a perfectly rational reaction to those telephone fkrs to me!
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+4 79. gremlinbyname commented 9 years ago on video Water Transfer Printing

Wow! great vid! Do you have one where we can watch them dry off?
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+16 80. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video “Slap her", children's reactions

do the same video with one boy and 5 girls. How many would be fine with hitting him?
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+1 81. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

Crash videos are quickly becoming Russia's largest export. It won't be long until they are restricted under Obama's embargo!
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+11 82. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Cruise ship being beached at full speed

#1 I appreciated your joke - people on this site have their noses too high some times to be able to see sarcasm or tongues-in-cheeks! I voted u up my friend! :)
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-14 83. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Christmas Surprise Traffic Stop

Im surprised the cameramen didn't get tazere for surreptitious filming!
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-5 84. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video The Amazing SpiderDad

I bet later that night mommy got a little web cast over her face!
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-1 85. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Inside the Gay Wing of L.A. Men's Central Jail

or expand even :)
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+29 86. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Golden Retriever has its priorities straight

Well done that dog! I think it made it to every stop! the other two didn't even manage one! :D
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+1 87. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 2

I hope the sanctions with Russia don't ever extend to dash-cam videos! YouTube would become a very boring place without them! :)
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+1 88. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Kid tries to make sparkling wine with a carbonating machine

The scout from Up has lost weight! Must be all the booze!
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+3 89. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Adorable Boston Bruins Fan Fist Bumps the Whole Team Before Panthers Game

Cute! But would it have killed one of them to give him one of their stick thingies?
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+8 90. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video How to make Soba Noodles.

I feel so inadequate! My rolling pin is only a third the size of his :(
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+2 91. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Shore Googleglass App

It creeps me out how much information we give to google - they are simply an advertising company after all.

"You've seen 27 sad faces today - try this wine!"

"That gent standing at the urinal today had a slightly larger penis than you, try this pump"

"you didn't watch enough of the adverts during X-factor! to make up, watch this..."
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0 92. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Galaxy S 5 -- Wall Huggers

Tarc: you samsung much?
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-7 93. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Galaxy S 5 -- Wall Huggers

Poor samsung. They haven't figured out yet that going on about your opponent in your paid advertisement is giving them free publicity. Worse still, Apple isn't their competition; they should be focusing on making their phones stand out from the the other Android phones!
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+11 94. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video How to peel potatoes

Is that a toilet brush? You could put the spuds in the toilet pan and kill two birds!
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+1 95. gremlinbyname commented 10 years ago on video Queen Mary 2 gets a special happy birthday from her sisters

I guess they deserve to have a little fun; they do work for-cunard! :D