Comments posted by hammamasta


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+8 1. hammamasta commented 14 years ago on video Seth MacFarlane's Secret

Very true...
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-2 2. hammamasta commented 14 years ago on video Yip yips - ante up!

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+4 3. hammamasta commented 14 years ago on video Knee pad sliding

yah... yah... NERDS!

(id do it)
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0 4. hammamasta commented 14 years ago on video Sheepfilms GIF Compilation

more like SWFs
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-2 5. hammamasta commented 14 years ago on video Dog rescue in a Swiss lake

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-1 6. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Police Chase Motorbike

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-4 7. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video How Does This Work?

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0 8. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Transport Canada

Transport Canada: A division of the US Department of Homeland Security.... LOL
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-3 9. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Online gamer looks for a new girlfriend

#2 Uh I have friends close to that same lack of sense... LOL most of those ppl are never at a physical social gathering...
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-1 10. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Stuart Tanner vs Devin Harris

Thats better than rodman tucking back in a skirt
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+1 11. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Angry man is going to KILL Burger King

#13 No sh!t. You can tell by all the fat ankles in the horrible camera work... Why do the Brits respect American dog food?
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+1 12. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Neo vs. Luke Skywalker

Nice :)
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-4 13. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus

Santa = Satan

He is a child abductor. Be nice or else!
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+2 14. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Ford Fiesta presentation fail

ROTFL and such.
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-7 15. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Top Gear - Bugatti Veyron vs McLaren F1 (Drag Race)

Still using gasoline and rubber to get around, eh?
Oh boy! We have really come far in the past 15 years!
(OMG get my magnetic powered crotch rocket from Japan, Jeeves!)
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+5 16. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video SNL - Digital Short - Shy Ronnie

oh god. the USA is going to have a hard time evolving with this sh*t in their heads. I used to love andy back in the lonely planet days!
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0 17. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Chinese Factory

ive had worse fails.
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+2 20. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Fanta commericals

i like the humble, peaceful, sake drinking Japanese better...
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0 21. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video World's deepest bin

#7 Right, and like the smells have stopped people from taking cabs!
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+1 22. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Return of the Ninja Cat

"stop scaring the sh*t outta me if you want to play"
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-1 23. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Girls 'stuffed dog show'

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-1 24. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video CSI Miami - Endless Caruso One Liners

If he was asked to shoot all these lines on the same day, I think he'd end up killing somebody! :D *YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH*
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-1 25. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video She won

wtf omg lmao alien indeed!
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0 26. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Batman Vanishing

lmao @ the voice... haha great vid
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+13 27. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video 4 Year-Old Hip Hop Dancer

oh Ellen... you bore me!
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0 28. hammamasta commented 15 years ago on video Marine Shoots Javelin Missile

what a waste of money!