Comments posted by hatchywatchy


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+1 1. hatchywatchy commented 12 years ago on video 38 Seconds With Gustavo Almadovar

Did someone say Armadillo Fart?
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+2 2. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video How kids deal with bereavement

Original Content? hmmm, not quite..
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+3 3. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video World fastest clapper

haha, if you reduce the size of the window so all you can see is his head; it just looks and sounds SO wrong!

just waiting for the splat at the end 8-)
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0 4. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Down the stairs

dude, if u want to be a woman go to Thailand
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+4 5. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Impressive Motorbike Display

wow, thats great. I just like how they all look totally unimpressed.
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+2 6. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Angry German Kid vs Lasse Gjertsen

Excellent! But i think my head is going to explode ..
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+1 7. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video The Best of TV News Lip Slips

He climbed Everest, but he's GAY!
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+1 8. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Elephant Handler Fail

You know that elephant wanted some man action ...
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+1 9. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Western spaghetti

damn that was great, i like how the Rubik's Cube was chopped..
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0 10. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

I think the guy filming creamed his pants :D
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0 11. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Broken skateboard takes revenge

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+6 12. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Animator vs Animation 2

damn, that was amazing
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+4 13. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Hilarous special effects

0:25 did he just fart, puke or sneeze?
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+4 14. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Gaylord the Pup

"back-up gaylord" :*
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-2 15. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Deathwish driving

Smart guy, always thinking 2 steps ahead
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0 16. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video When firefighters get bored...

No wonder there's a hosepipe ban..
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0 17. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Cellphones are evil

Absolutly amazing!
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0 18. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video How not to deploy a flashbang

Ah, I guess that shows the importance of training. 8-)
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0 19. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Embarrassing moment at bullfighting

"im not sure but that bull looks like it wants to have g@y $ex with that guy disgusting"

.. ? where did that comment come from?! Is your gaydar beeping?
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+4 20. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Training to be a pilot...

> No you're not, it's only 2 G's
"oh ...... ok"
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+2 21. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Hyperactive

Thats how my head feels on a friday after work!
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+1 22. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Amateur

Now that is talent. he should release the video and see if it makes it in the charts. We could have another "running machine" hit ;)
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+1 23. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Coolest Slip and Slide Ever

when he hit the ramp ... ouch!
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+2 24. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video Wallsplash

I love how he just kind of hangs there for a split second stuck to the wall. :D
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+1 25. hatchywatchy commented 16 years ago on video AGT - Yodeling

Same thing happened to me when i hit puberty :'(
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+3 26. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video How not to surf

hahahhhaaaahahahhaaaaa ... oh that's so funny. Let's go face boarding!
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+1 27. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Strangest invention ever?

haha .. imagine trying to drag & drop when your system lags!

or sending a file when on a video conference! "I'm just going to .. pffffffff .. send the file .. pffffffff .. aross to you now .. pffffffffffffffff *spit spit spit*"
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+2 28. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Worlds greatest dunker

Wow, that dude can jump! .. he must get sick of hitting himself in the face with basketballs.
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+1 29. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Review of the worst video game ever

"Due to a developer oversight, the game occasionally fails to distinguish between whether the player is starting or finishing the race when they pass through the starting checkpoint, and so this screen may appear to end the race before it even begins." .. haha
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+2 30. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Late for work

Don't worry, if i see you coming up on behind me i'll swerve into your bike.
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+1 31. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Blink

Excellent animation, shame the music sounds like its from a poor Christmas cartoon about a snowman...
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+4 32. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Spray paint art

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+1 33. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Driving Safely - Road Signs

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+1 34. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Extreme ping pong

wow .. you guys look so bored :|
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+2 35. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video South Park Mac vs. PC

haha, i liked that :D
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+19 36. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Automatic Graffiti Robot

It's an oversized printer. Seems very accurate, it's great! That last part was amazing!
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+2 37. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video The Internet people

Internet People "Choklit Raiiiiin" .. hahah
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0 38. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Getaway in Stockholm

Nice camera positions. Especially like the one by the wheel.

Lets face it tho, the police didn't really stand a chance. Looks like s/he knows those streets too well!
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+1 39. hatchywatchy commented 17 years ago on video Weirdest stop motion video ever?

hmm... I'd guess at Evolution.

Each time the pieces get smaller and the "person" created becomes more defined.

How the "man made" materials and organic materials mesh together (in the old, male & female procreation sense) gradually blurs the boundarys of what is organic and what is man made. Eventually leading to 2 more defined "human" figures which you cannot differentiate between (multi cultural children maybe).

Or maybe not...