Comments posted by herial


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+1 1. herial commented 9 years ago on video Scary Tornado caught on dashcam Tainan

#11 there's no correction of it! :)
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+3 2. herial commented 10 years ago on video Shampoo Prank

one prank where no one was hurt for a change! :D
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-5 3. herial commented 10 years ago on video Street Fighter Crazy Drunk Russians Edition

hmmm, from when russia is a part of europe, according to car plates?

yes, russians have vodka, but this doesn't mean that slovak, polish or even romanian guys drink water... stupid american! :)
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-4 4. herial commented 10 years ago on video I was out flying my RC glider the other day, when suddenly. . .

white (black) howk down! ;)
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+1 5. herial commented 10 years ago on video Man vs. Canada Goose

but at the end he becomes a hero! :D
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0 6. herial commented 10 years ago on video Awesome chemistry professor

is this on colledge school?
here in our country we met this experiments in schools at age 10...
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+5 7. herial commented 10 years ago on video Jamming baby owls

little brother need to gain skills! :D
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+1 8. herial commented 10 years ago on video Queen Mary 2 gets a special happy birthday from her sisters

I wonder where it practicing! :D
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0 9. herial commented 10 years ago on video The Empty Car Convoy

and next video is talking about how to hack car system! XD

..and BTW, obviously they didn't hear about VOLVO! ;)
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0 10. herial commented 10 years ago on video Lifx

for how long? 50years? yeah right...
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0 11. herial commented 11 years ago on video Tomtato or Pomato

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+9 12. herial commented 11 years ago on video Stir and the Kinetic Desk

Another american useless product, which came with big advertisment! iphone..
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+4 13. herial commented 11 years ago on video Flight over water

...russians and their Ekranoplane! :D
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+5 14. herial commented 11 years ago on video Phone Blocks

..great idea, but something must be done about boredome.
People are bored same shit for a long time..

..but for me, i would buy it, because multiple costumization.
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+13 15. herial commented 11 years ago on video Too Much Caffiene for Biker kid

#1 but there is a rockstar energy drink logo! :D
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-1 16. herial commented 11 years ago on video Badass Free Throw basketball regulation is this called Traveling! ;)
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+2 17. herial commented 11 years ago on video What Your Home Office Will Look Like in 2001

#1 ..and it's called smartphone! :D
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-1 18. herial commented 11 years ago on video Can you trust your eyes?

..i think there is something with eyes adjustments.
turn of the light and eventualy you will see objects in the dark. take a no flash photo, all you can see is black!
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-1 19. herial commented 11 years ago on video Unicycle Football

..i must say it looks fun to watch a game!
And i can't understand this hipsters; it would be much less pain falling on gras rather concreete.. :D
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-1 20. herial commented 11 years ago on video Collision-Prevent-Assist-System of Mercedes

#7 an example how VW logo was created! ;)

..prety much all now known german car manufacters had profits during WW2.
- Audi (auto union) have swastika on his silver bullets,
- Maybach made tank engines, so did Skoda
- Porshe as a designer made nazi famous tank Tiger and SPG Ferdinand (named after him, nazi party founded him and order a design for VW Beetle
- BMW made famous ww2 german 3wheel motorbikes with carriage, cars for gestapo and airplane engines for nazi best fighter Focke-Wulf Fw 190.
- Mercedes made cars, planes and even ships during WW2. thats why their logo have 3 points (up = air, left and right = land and see)

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+2 21. herial commented 11 years ago on video Drifting Away - Behind the Scenes

that's the way how to use Photoshop! :D
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-1 22. herial commented 11 years ago on video X-ray video of human speech

#2 and then he realised that he had a nose bleeding! X)
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+4 23. herial commented 11 years ago on video Extreme G-force test

Hy! I'm John Stapp and welcome to the Jackass 1950! :D
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-2 24. herial commented 11 years ago on video Why Are We Afraid Of The Dark

he must be a canadian! :P
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-1 25. herial commented 11 years ago on video Simpsons Live Action Intro

..oh yes and british police officer on pavement! :D 0:36
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0 26. herial commented 11 years ago on video Hand-built 14.5 Feet Tall Bike

because other bikes are to mainstream! :D
oh yes and pants too! :D
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0 27. herial commented 11 years ago on video Unibrow Discrimination

..i gues we react at any difference!
..i would turn back if there were incredible hot girl instead of him!
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-1 28. herial commented 11 years ago on video Paper vs. Tablet

soooo.. let's cut the forest! :D
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-2 29. herial commented 11 years ago on video Most depressing cooking show...ever...

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+2 30. herial commented 11 years ago on video Motor Vehicles and Mother Russia 2012

1:47 guerilla-sheep-attack! :D
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0 31. herial commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

soooo... why he has that weird colour of face? :D i think he might be alergic to one of the chemicals! :D
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0 32. herial commented 11 years ago on video I Could Watch This Forever

#5 with proper loading box, so you would just fill that box and it will sort cans in right position. there wont be rist for harming yourself! :D
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0 33. herial commented 11 years ago on video How to protect your car from hail

1 word: BLANKET
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0 34. herial commented 11 years ago on video Truck slip Like a Boss

#7 or are there bad tires! :)
i bet he wont change that VOLVO! ;)
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-6 35. herial commented 11 years ago on video 15 Incredible Rat Tricks

trick ...CLONK!!!
another trick ...CLONK!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA... fit's so fuckin anoying!
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+1 36. herial commented 11 years ago on video RC plane sent to edge of space

#2 weather baloobs are very common in the air! so are the birds! you cant ground them! ;) it si a chance for accident but it's negligible factor indeed!
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-4 37. herial commented 11 years ago on video Amazing new Concrete tent that can be erected fast

imagine that you are the inventor of this!
- cool stuf, you need some money for developement and eating during that time.
- yes, the international organisations have money to spend on ''radical'' solutions who else would buy it?
- you dont care if there is an electricity or water if organisations want to buy it.
- you dont care for the poor people too. actualy you wish there will be a lot of them then you could sell more products!

and thats how inventors care about anything but their inventions..
..who want to save the world as long you are not one of the misfortunes.. i say BULLSHIT!!!
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+1 38. herial commented 11 years ago on video Cuteness Overloaded - The Ultimate Compilation

3:05 I know that guy! :D
It's Mort from Madagascar! XD
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0 39. herial commented 11 years ago on video Immovable Object vs Unstoppable Object : Who Wins?

aaa so much pain in my head! :D
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-1 40. herial commented 11 years ago on video The walking dog

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+2 41. herial commented 11 years ago on video How rope was made the old fashioned way

didnt know that making it old way is so funny! :D wanna make it! :D
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0 42. herial commented 11 years ago on video Is it better to walk or run in the rain?

he should be a rocket scientist!
..or just weatherman.. :D
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-3 43. herial commented 11 years ago on video Chimps Held in Captivity for 30 Years Play in the Sun for the First Time

hmmm, nothing to do...
Oh yes, let us put some chimps in room for 30years, and then see the reaction of them.

oh no, they gone blind and got a skin cancer..
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+6 44. herial commented 11 years ago on video Act of sportsmanship gives Texas high schooler a shot at glory.

accept the diference, not make it special! thats the point! good job! :D
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0 45. herial commented 11 years ago on video How children react when they feel that they don't have an equal share of food.

- children are tought to share tings, and to be rightful. when they start to think themselves then it all goes bad.

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-2 46. herial commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Tricks 2

first world skills! wery usefull!
Imagine face of native african hunter when some hipster share those skills to him! XD
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+2 47. herial commented 11 years ago on video WW2 sniper gets to make some shots

#8 Even in times back then ww2 there were interests from allied. USA selling goods to 3rd reich.
But by point is: there is two things not worth to doing it! Killing people and showeling snow. trough time it all gones!
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+2 48. herial commented 11 years ago on video Error on the set of X-Men

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0 49. herial commented 11 years ago on video Mandarin Ducklings Leaping

3, 2, 1, BUNGEEEEEEEE! oh shit i forgot the rope! :D
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+12 50. herial commented 11 years ago on video Sloths are better swimmers than you might imagine

that music make video perfect! :D
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-1 51. herial commented 11 years ago on video Cleaning the world's tallest building

#5 so you could make a call to warn them that shit is raining! XD
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-1 52. herial commented 11 years ago on video Namaqua rainfrog

her power is over 9000! XD
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0 53. herial commented 11 years ago on video The fastest robot of the world

imagine the pain if he hits you! :D
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-1 54. herial commented 11 years ago on video Dude Changes a Tire While Driving a Car on Two Wheels

hHANS Zimmer's music! since gladiator (2000) he had great breaketrough, now is on almost every holywood movie! ;) very cool music, but gets similar one to other recently.. :)..oh yes and he wrote a music for Alcatraz! :D
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-1 55. herial commented 11 years ago on video The centrifuge brain project

at 0:45 i got suspicius with his hand pointing on a man. back there was only hugs! without some gangser shit pointing! :D
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-1 56. herial commented 11 years ago on video Zebra Drowning a Lion

yet again: a zebra TRY to drown a lionESSSSSS...
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-2 57. herial commented 11 years ago on video The Portuguese Manowar

i called evolution when this creature eat al stupid or curius fish! there only smart or easy-going fish survive! :D
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-1 58. herial commented 11 years ago on video What Would You Do? Homless guy in a bar

yes, we must help homeless people. if there was only hungry homeless people..
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0 59. herial commented 11 years ago on video 'Zebra' escapes a zoo in Japan

hmmm, i think that exercise cost more than an escaping zebra + collateral dammage! :D
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-2 60. herial commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

but you must admit it would be holarious to see an a-bomb explosion in real life, nowadays, if there would be only a blast wawe! :)
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0 61. herial commented 11 years ago on video How To Make Filthy Water Drinkable

he has interests in earning money too.
Why do you have to register a patent if you want to get this thing for everyone.
Just tell us how to make it and chinese guy will make it for 0.000000005cent! ;)
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-2 62. herial commented 11 years ago on video Quickest ambulance response time

it must be russia or somewhere near, because of car plates and if you didnt noticed yet only rissians have cameras in cars.. ;)'s possible that pedestrian tried to commit a suicide! it's common thing to do on the road in russia!
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+1 63. herial commented 11 years ago on video Slalom Skateboarding

if he played guitar for so long he could be Satriani by now. :D
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-1 64. herial commented 11 years ago on video Crazy stuff going on Japan

super mario I.R.L.! :D
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-2 65. herial commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

it could be a top shit engineering that time, when John McLane said that YUGO an economical car! :D
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0 66. herial commented 11 years ago on video This is one happy fox

#5 it's not burning! FAKE :P
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+3 67. herial commented 12 years ago on video Top 10 Bike Fails Loading Unloading

why would anyone put loading bike on camera?????
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+2 68. herial commented 12 years ago on video Muhammad Ali 1974

miss the times, when kids act like normal. nowadays they think they are in movie when you put camera infront of him..
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0 69. herial commented 12 years ago on video Swedish...

lol, you could kill peolle all over the city and nobody wouldnt hear! :D
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+7 70. herial commented 12 years ago on video Inflating a CD

i think you shoul do it outside, where is cold! :D
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+1 71. herial commented 12 years ago on video Wingsuit Formation Proximity Flying

yes, yes those crazy slovenian guys! ;)
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+2 72. herial commented 12 years ago on video Earth Year

Galileo Galilei would be burned even before he could eplain the whole thing! X)
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0 73. herial commented 12 years ago on video Backing up fail

she earned driving licence with blowjob! i bet on ti!
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0 74. herial commented 12 years ago on video If You Are Bald You Need This

so... what about if a guy is blond? X)
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0 75. herial commented 12 years ago on video 11 languages

Ultimate challange: learn Slovenian language! some say it's most dificult language! and i agree! :D
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+1 76. herial commented 12 years ago on video Top 100 First World Problems

i dont get it! macD and taco bell and something something and he is like 60KG.. yeah right.. bull shit talk!
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-2 77. herial commented 13 years ago on video NEW World Record Longest Headed Goal

..what to say: they're Japanese! :)
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+4 78. herial commented 13 years ago on video Hockey Player Pays Painful Price For Hug

..fairplay 1down! XD
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-2 79. herial commented 13 years ago on video Duck and luck.

@banzemanga: no, they dont want to pull feathers out off bumper! XD
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-4 80. herial commented 13 years ago on video Steve Jobs Prank Calls Starbucks

..just cry me a river! ..i own iPhone because it's a good product! ..and if you cant aford it or you think it's not worth to buy an expencive phone just shut up and go play snake on your phone!
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+3 81. herial commented 13 years ago on video How to wash clothes on a washing machine without electricity

oh thats the reason why latin women have perfect body! :P ;)
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-1 82. herial commented 13 years ago on video 10 Future Technologies That Already Exist

..nothing new! ..they could say, this tehnology is only at sketch mode or is very unstable for regular use.. and this is a big step that we'll have to make it it! :) ..and its akward if you think that finding a way to make human balded head hairy again is more complicated, than making invisible shields and other war stuf gadgeds! -.-
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-1 83. herial commented 13 years ago on video John McEnroe abusing the refs

..he is even in commercial! :D
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+1 84. herial commented 13 years ago on video F1 team helps boy get bionic hand.

..ihave more practicaly question:
-how does he wash hands! (and im serious)
Somehow he still sweat under the bionic arm atleast..
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-1 85. herial commented 13 years ago on video Cat Beats Itself Up

..fight club cat! :D
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0 86. herial commented 13 years ago on video Vivaldi Four Seasons Summer Theme Cover

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0 87. herial commented 13 years ago on video Homemade Need For Speed Controller

this cable controllers and seer wheele looks like he drive a russian Lada Niva! XD ;)
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+16 88. herial commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

its a rubbis!
MacGuyver can do all that things with a coffe spoon! XD
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+5 89. herial commented 14 years ago on video Stun Fone for iPhone!

stun guns have 9volt bateries and it quite fast run off energy.. how does an iphone 3,5volt battery so much power..'s not posible.. ..face it! ;)
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+23 90. herial commented 14 years ago on video Mechanical Baby should give a finger when he rised a hand! XD
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+8 91. herial commented 14 years ago on video Rat chases cat

thats what happen if rat watch chuck norris movie! XD
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-2 92. herial commented 14 years ago on video 15 brick elbow break

Im quite shure that in slovenia do not build homes with that type of brick! try to imagine house striked by earthquake, built with these bricks..

try to brake cheramic ones! ;)
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-1 93. herial commented 14 years ago on video The nations of the world.

..hmm, i'm yougoslavian?!! :D
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+4 94. herial commented 14 years ago on video "ZBV" - Z Backscatter Van

..mooom, why i glow in the dark?!! XD -.-
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+2 95. herial commented 14 years ago on video Music (video) mashup

..voice corrector make miricles! ;)
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+4 96. herial commented 14 years ago on video Marmot lunch break

he just beat an Anorexia! XD