Comments posted by holavercetti


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+1 1. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Violin + DJ

cool ...awesome
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

+1 2. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video 17000 watt car audio system

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+2 3. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video How to cross an intersection

awesome :(|)
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

+2 4. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Google Maps... gone wrong

Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

0 5. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Audi A4 Quattro versus a dog

kool man it will with the uae ater 24 hrs after realease
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

+2 6. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Ghost Rider wannabe crashes

better if he had given it to me :D :D
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

+3 7. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Ghost Rider wannabe crashes

:* :*
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

0 8. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video The archaeologist

man is it available in india? ;) ;)
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

+3 9. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Where are they now?

wow rofl >:) >:)
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

0 10. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Cheat at school professionally

cool man :*
Picture of holavercetti3 achievements

-2 11. holavercetti commented 17 years ago on video Dubai cars

man they only get money by selling oil nothn else.....wen oil is going to finish they will starve to see a dolar note :D :D