Comments posted by hotr


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+3 1. hotr commented 11 years ago on video Japanese Ninja Cheerleaders

#2 I was expecting ninjas appear out of nowhere and throw shurikens at each other and disappear as if it never happened...
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0 2. hotr commented 12 years ago on video Revenge is a dish best served pink.

i dnt care how pink the room is, ill sleep through that shit and still keep it ma own room! but one poster of JB in my room and i will move the fuk out the house!!
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+1 3. hotr commented 12 years ago on video The Majestic Plastic Bag

was it wrong for me to cry by the end of this dramatic vid?
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+2 4. hotr commented 13 years ago on video Fight scene beyond Hollywood

ok, let me analyze the situation here:
- fat man drives the car 30mph and car jumps UP wen there is no ramp.
- fat man jumps out of the car heroically like it was a simple jump
- then evil man takes the grl tries to jump off the cliff wit her but long haired man runs and throws (in what it looks like a cricket throw :S but its miraculously accurate) a sword which cleanly cuts through evil man's right!

Has Bollywood ever considered the physics in this?!
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-15 5. hotr commented 14 years ago on video Drunk Billy will be missed

I feel sorry for his driving instructer. :S
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-1 6. hotr commented 14 years ago on video How to humiliate someone in Modern Warfare 2

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-1 7. hotr commented 14 years ago on video Teletransporter ambient

"ahem ahem...wher im at? im in my bed, i got the flu...ahem ahem"
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+3 8. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Roborat

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-1 9. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Overtaking

women drivers!
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+1 10. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Let's enhance

"doc, pause the vid...enhance that..zoom in..STOP! is that a monkey holdin a gun:(|)?"
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-1 11. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Handjob

lolz 2 handjob for the price of $5...exactly wat i need :D
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+1 12. hotr commented 15 years ago on video THE Epic faceplant compilation

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+1 13. hotr commented 15 years ago on video High Dive From Hotel Balcony

no need for stairs jst jump... :D
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+4 14. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Girls Jumprope

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+1 15. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Taco Town

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+2 16. hotr commented 15 years ago on video High five in New York city

hahaha nice 1!
HI FIVE to this vid!
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+5 17. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Monkey man

7 letters one word:
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0 18. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Backflip

If i tried that my leg would be facing the wrong way!!!

For A minute i thought the ref was injured >:)
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+7 19. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Armored bulldozer takes on town.

Forget the Batmobile...This is what battyman shud have!!! 8-)
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+1 20. hotr commented 15 years ago on video WoW account cancelled: hilarity ensues

Him and 3 or 4 hungry tigers...cage fight...right after his mom cancels his WOW account....after fight endz, hungry tigerz claim compensation...hehehe
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+2 21. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Cat on bed

diss cat is depressed yo!
give him some catnip he might feel better den....
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-1 22. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

wat is 18 inch long, and wipes yo ass? COMFORT WIPE!

then agin dey shud call it 'ASS-WIPE' instead of 'COMFORT WIPE' that way people can understand it
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-1 23. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

wat is 18 inch long, and wipes yo ass? COMFORT WIPE!

then agin dey shud call it 'ASS-WIPE' instead of 'COMFORT WIPE' that way people can understand it
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+2 24. hotr commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

besides who wud waste 20 dollars on wiping their ass??