Comments posted by jaaaan


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+6 1. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video 8 Year Old Girl (American) Football Player

father must be proud :) - guess this clip is a best proof. and not without the reason - she is apparently the fastest and the cleverest one in the field..if thats a comlpement - i dont know, but it funny to watch chasing her boys.
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+2 2. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Why Do We Use Lights When Driving At Night?

i wonder if he/she was wearing a helmet..
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+1 3. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Get Off The Fence!

the guard must has been frustrated standing there for an hour or so.. wonder what would he do if that kid wasnt off the fence.. - what's next step i big royal guards manual? call a kid a terrorist? or just shoot him on the spot?
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+2 4. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Old Fashion is Cool

far from being racist - white folks cant do that :) !
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+3 5. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video TSA Agent Caught Stealing iPad

#8 ..but not impossible :)
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+44 6. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video A car stumbles on the street

..i didn't see this coming!
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+3 7. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video The Cockroach Prank

i was kind of hoping she will take of her clothes in that car.. :)
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+3 8. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Another one of nature's wonders

Moses and pillars of fire..?
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0 9. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Everything is a Remix

#10 it was scrapped in its first form.. - they still work how to get this via some back door..
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0 10. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video How the internet can read your mind

haha - this video is for kids not knowing a thing.. if you are aware just a little bit you realised long time ago those here is a tip of the iceberg. cookies which never expire, data collection (ur IP shows where are you sitting - ur street address, searches, pages visited, purchases, spying on emails,.. EVERYTHING) - thats norm now. russians officially work on shaping society via internet programs.. guess usa is long ahead of them.
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-2 11. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Schrödinger's Cat, bunker, explosives..? pure cruelty.
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+1 12. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Fake beggar bust.

and you people think its different with taxes you pay to the government? they make crisis, they pretend, make an enemy just to take more from us - to save a bank, to fight the war - and its obligatory!
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+65 13. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Shocking Footage of a hit and run driver - chased and caught

bitch. - comment to short - bitch, bitch, bitch.
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+3 14. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Japanese fountain

awesome.. but I still do not feel like drinking coke..
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0 15. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video T-Mobile Customer service....

we all should do it..!
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0 16. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Dog Rides Bike By Himself

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+2 17. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Swiss Company Moves 6,200 Tonne Building 60 Metres

ancient Egyptians were able to do that 15000yrs ago (not 5000 as you may hear sometimes) apparently not even knowing the wheel concept (laugh)..
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0 18. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

yep - its true (although the Big Bang start is still just a theory!) and world leaders tend to go this way but with wrong .. agenda 21 is official US government program planning people to be concentrated in sustainable cities in the future with two social categories - masters and slaves.. with no access to countryside for common people - chipped and tagged.. = environmentally friendly concept but is it right/ be aware of NWO.
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-4 19. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video How Virus Invades Your Body

first of all as far as i know no one yet proved viruses exist at all, no one even isolated them - see Menle-Koch's postulates.
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-2 20. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Questions no one knows the answer to

what? no proof of aliens? what about some unexplained crop circles? we do not have a technology to make them the way they have been made!!! some are of course human made but some for sure not!!! piramids around the world were built with use of alien technology 15.000 yrs ago (not 5000)..etc etc. watch "crossing the event horizon" - very good lecture.
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0 21. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin final speech in "The Great Dictator"

its all true.. but its like NWO propaganda.. - they, people behind the scene, keep us walking towards the edge, create our reality, poison our fod and water, our air.., make their puppets presidents and bankers, make a farce out of democracy,.., making wars for oil or whatever else.. and when we will be desperate enough then they will call for revolution - and as a answer there will be terror for your own "safety", your own "good".. and total global power - one government, one country.. 7bln slaves.. NWO.
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+1 22. jaaaan commented 12 years ago on video Changing Education Paradigms

nice idea.. but the system does not want common people to be educated in any way - old one or new one. the system wants easy to control slaves who do not count properly, do not think for themselves - just go to work, watch tv, play games, read about celebs.. - anaesthetized sheep.
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+6 23. jaaaan commented 15 years ago on video What A Roadside Bomb Looks in Real Life!!

"Our politicians did not and still do not listen to experts while forming plans"
wake up - you watch way 2 much tv and got brainwashed - politicians started this war, they are the real terrorists, and they do not WANT this war to end - they and their friends make millions of dollars and pounds out of it. one huge mystification! Just a shame guys have to (want to) go there and die for really nothing..