Comments posted by jaikku


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+21 1. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video I'm sure my fuel cap was on this side

Nah..your memory works fine don't worry about it. A goldfish uses the same type of system to operate. And it works fine. Takes a bit more time though.
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+19 2. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video The two cutest BMX shredders you'll ever see

Betcha these guys gonna rule the scene a bit older. Learn it young.
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+18 3. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video This is how Russian spetsnaz deals with terrorists

"excuse me...I made a mistake...the terrorists are in that other house across the street"
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+18 4. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Town overrun by tumbleweeds

1# I'm pretty sure this video is from Australia. Know your accents mate.
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+17 5. jaikku commented 12 years ago on video iPhone 4s Versus iPhone 5

:| :| :| Maybe these people are just way too stupid. Jeeezzz. None even second guesses this like." Hmmm.. looks a bit similar and familiar, weight and shape. desktop feels the same as the older model.... OMG are ya trying to make a fool outa me! This is a joke right?"
Like these people:

C'mon people, wake up. Makes me wanna cry.
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+15 6. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Seal Jumps On Guy's Boat And Makes A Friend

Sea lions are the best. They dig humans. Cute little fella.
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+15 7. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video BMW recycling center

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+12 8. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Bus driver gets revenge!

Puny shouldn't mess with the bear. Would be nice to understand the conversation they had. What language is this anyway?
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+10 9. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video This is why you never valet your car.... ever

1# Seek help for the addiction. And park the car like a decent human being, you moron.
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+10 10. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Best High-Tech Christmas Card Ever

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+10 11. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Cops Show The Inventive Ways Drivers Have Tried Avoiding Tolls

Visit Finland ladies and gentlemen, we have no tolls at all. It is all covered in the taxing system. All roads and bridges are free for all. As it should be.
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+9 12. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Teenager gets shot in the head and calls Swedish SOS, the operator doesn't believe him

And that police operator! For crying out loud! How many times the victim had to tell that stupid woman that He WAS SHOT? Get your head out of your ass.
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+8 13. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video The New Lie Detector 300

Brilliant! Very clever.
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+8 14. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Massive Blizzard to Hit Massachusetts on Saturday January 23, 2016

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+8 15. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video PAG BRIDGE - HURRICANE FORCE BURA WIND, CROATIA

#5 aren't you Americans using metric system by now since it is soooooo much easier to comprehend. >:) >:) >:)
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+8 16. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia......

#1 Noooo bro, He thought he would get hit so a narrow escape would be in order. I wonder what is the percentage of total idiots in that country. Love it.:)
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+7 17. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

Always the Russians. Straight through red lights. No indicators. Overtaking in the craziest places. Unbelievable morons.
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+7 18. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Women with crazy driving skills.

Oh dear! Does Russia have drive schools at all or is it simply so that one can hop in and start driving? And the Darwing award goes to....
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+6 19. jaikku commented 12 years ago on video Reactions of a brave bungee jumper

Jumping off Chernobyl smokestack. Loved #1 comment!!!!1
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+6 20. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Baby drives rally simulation

Ever wondered why Finland produces so many good drivers....
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+6 21. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Improved Quadrocopter

WOW! Insane speed.
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+6 22. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Introducing SpotMini

Wow! That is truly remarkable. A pet dino
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+6 23. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Man Steals Bucket Of Gold Worth $1.6 Million in Broad Daylight

Opportunist. The guy had a break.
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+6 24. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video This is what is wrong with millennial generations

Still we keep Snotring
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+6 25. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Home made dream car

Wow. That's an amazing job. The roof, spoiler and suspension hydraulic? Wow. Gotta be amazed. Sounds Thai to me.... as much as the crappy paintwork
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+5 26. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Cocky tattooed MMA tough guy gets knocked out in 20 seconds

I have to agree with #1 Le Glaude on this one. Made my day as well. What a douche indeed. Did you see his opponent smirking in the beginning of this video. Precious.
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+5 27. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video £13.500 but the dream is here

How do you control the power?
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+5 28. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Thousands of chicks gather to listen to guys singing

I was misled to believe there was singing involved here.
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+5 29. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Atlas, The Next Generation

0:50 that's the way I walked home last weekend at 4am. I found myself wondering in the woods without a clue how I got there in the first place.
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+5 30. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Fun with burning methane on a lake First experiment

good work! Less gases to destroy the ozone layer. Methane is waaay more harmful than Co2. :D
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+5 31. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - You ARE the Problem

Cheers guys for a good job there. But attitudes need to change a lot before this will stop. Wild wild east.
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+5 32. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Dogs playing Linkin' Park - Numb

How about "insane in the brain...insane in the membrane"?
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+5 33. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Bo Staff, Top 10 Spins and Strikes

Cool. I was always wondering how that was done. Thanks!
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+5 34. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Amazon delivery driver caught stealing

Hope this guy loses his job
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+4 35. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Icebreaker Crowd

Yet another flick from Finland. Forefront of icebreakers.
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+4 36. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video The best instant relief for tremors my epileptic wife has ever found

Amsterdam, and now America are in the forefront here. Hope a lot of other countries would understand the benefits. Nordic countries are still totally against and will remain so for the time being. Still prescribing crazy drugs to people with these types of illnesses. prescription drugs have insane side effects that need to be treated with other drugs and so on. Drugs upon drugs. Sad really....
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+4 37. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

this all comes down to education folks
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+4 38. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Thirsty Lions

Better not sneeze :D
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+4 39. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Woman Assaults Disabled Man For Confronting Her For Parking In Handicapped Spot

unbelievable. "I asked you politely to stop recording" said the lady. Pretty foul language is nowadays considered polite I see.
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+4 40. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in England

Designated driver?
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+4 41. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Jump from 25,000ft (almost 8km) in a net... Without parachute!

#15 JJ has been in a pub since yesterday
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+4 42. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Finland’s Got Talent

I feel ashamed. This was pathetic. We do have real talents too you know. Sort of....8-)
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+4 43. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Bolton strid

BS, you are just scared!
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+4 44. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video 5 Reasons Why Finland Is A Global Education Leade

#3 thank you Thunders.
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+4 45. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Jujimufu Flamingo Kick

That guy is my former neighbour! His stage name is Starbuck. He's a wrestler. Nice guy.
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+4 46. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Hilarious Killer Whale approaches boat to immitate motor sounds

he´s saying get the f... out of here with your stupid polluting internal combustion engines.
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+4 47. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video STRANDBEEST EVOLUTION 2017

#8 hence name "strandbeest", if I got this one right it means: "beach beast". And yes I agree those look like living organisms. Superb!
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+3 48. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Iceberg collapse in Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland, Canada

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+3 49. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 2

Makes me so furious. These people don't have any driving skills, regard for other people, winter tires and most importantly... any rules. It's "ME first"-attitude always. I would never drive in that country even if someone would pay me. What a clusterf..k that traffic is.
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+3 50. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Reactive Quadcopter

I see the future of aeronautics here. One day folks you'll go to work in a quad that fits four people in it. Like a car of today. Hope to see it happen soon. That would be awesome. Someone call Elon Musk. He'd come up with a plan to realize that.
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+3 51. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video David Attenborough and The largest seed in the world

The title is slightly incorrect. It should say: "David Attenborough and The largest nuts in the world" >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+3 52. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video $4500 Ferrari Steering Wheel Sticker

#3 right on the money.
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+3 53. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Bunch of people crashing in the same corner in an amateur rally

Ever wondered why Finland produces so many good drivers.
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+3 54. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Two guys witness robbery, one takes thieves car keys and chases them

#5 Can't you notice these geezers are wasted?
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+3 55. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Why this weapon not shoot?

No shooting. No casualties.
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+3 56. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Well That's A First

Helsinki, Finland.

How about it Thundersnow? Is this adorable?
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+3 57. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Children on Easter egg hunt form human arrow to direct British police to suspects.

#2 I have always wondered how people from UK can make a sentence so obscure that one has to read it multiple times to make any sense out of it. No offence or anything. It's true. Referring to the fact that it's their mothers tongue. Funny right? ;) :D :'( :* :O
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+3 58. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video 22-Year-Old Stewardesses vs 35-Year-Old Housewife: Ivory Dishwashing Liquid Commercial ~ 1970

Same bs continues to these days.
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+3 59. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video "Pedals" bipedal bear sighting

#3 I agree. Front paws seem injured. Poor guy. Makes me think if the people that have seen bigfoot have actually seen a bear walking like this.
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+3 60. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Edible Cutlery

Good idea for sure but the plastic wrapping makes it pointless. Unless it's made of decomposing material also. Like potato starch.
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+3 61. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video BCI Tumour Biology: integrins and metastasis

The music made the cancer cute :P Poor cancer had a bumpy journey:'(
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+3 62. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Hercules Beetle

#1 Geekster you little puss! These big guys are the coolest. Totally harmless and beautiful.
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+3 63. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Woman Breaks Police Car Windshield with Bare Feet

Well that car I believe is a Lada. Not a quality product as are all russian products. That windshield seemed to give easily
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+3 64. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Finns using their roads as airstrips

#3 whadawegonnado with five planes?
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+3 65. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

Jeeez humans get your act together! This has to stop. So depressing. We humans are so reluctant to change our habits. We do have the means to stop this. We have the technology out there to deal with all the trash and pollutants. But as long as big oil companies rule we will destroy this beautiful planet. How far does this have to go before we act? Listen to Paul Hellyer, former defence minister of Canada. He said: "When ww2 begun all industry was transformed for the war effort. Everything had to change in order to survive and It was done in really short time. We did change then so there's no reason we can't do it now."
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+3 66. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Rototiller Racing World Championships

Yiiihaaaa. I wonder what else we could use for racing
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+3 67. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Dropping a Giant Rock 467 ft.

I wish they could film it without shaking the camera. Why is it always people think it doesn't matter if they just point the camera in the direction of action and shoot the video comes out totally fine? It is not that hard to keep it still just a few moments.
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+3 68. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Starfish Walking on the Beach

put it in water
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+3 69. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Amazon Delivery

She seems to have some sort of beef with something. Last day at work? Got fired but need to finish the shift perhaps? She'll be glad to have made that decision to piss on someones yard when this hits mainstream news. Good luck trying to find a job then. One way to ruin your life. Just one example how easy it is to get busted when you think no one is looking. Dear Lord....
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+3 70. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Amazon Delivery

#5 t-t-thanks Jake. P-p-proud to say it's getting a bit b-b-better now.
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+2 71. jaikku commented 12 years ago on video Nellie, the talking sea otter at Point Defiance Zoo

Priceless! So cool. That's the way we sound to them I suppose.
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+2 72. jaikku commented 12 years ago on video Hybrid Assistive Limb from Cyberdyne

Well, folks. Check out these videos:"Shift happens". And "Dr. Michio Kaku on Learning from Outer Space" where it's clearly established we are becoming type one sivilization. Kaku explains in detail what it means. And clearly shift will happen most likely sooner than we think. Also this may interest some: "100YSS" witch is truly something I personally didn't expect to see even initiated in my lifetime.
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+2 73. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics

I wonder why the prosthetics are not on same level of height as the rear legs? He runs leaning down a bit. Wouldn't it be more comfortable for the dog to be more upright? I guess there is a reason for that...
Nevertheless really cool to help this sweet dog run again. Awesome.
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+2 74. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Somewhere in Africa ...

A few moments ago these guys were building the pyramids.......
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+2 75. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video An Arm Wrestling Champion Vs One Of The Strongest Men In The World

Wait.. aren't one supposed to keep stationery, each holding on to the handles on the table and wrestle using only the arm as the name "armwrestling " implies? Looks like this Larratt guy is using his body weight to overcome his advisory.
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+2 76. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Broncos fan spends $21,000 on Superbowl tickets, doesn't tell his wife

I bet his wife loves him when she finds out. Does anyone have a video of that..?
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+2 77. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Musicless Music Video

a bit silly and pointless. wtf
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+2 78. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video A tourist joins street musicians

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+2 79. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video CO2 scuter

The fast and the furious 12?
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+2 80. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Guy speaks 19 languages

Try Finnish. There's a challenge. I'm told it is one of the most difficult languages out there.
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+2 81. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Bubble Tent

Ok guys, anyone willing to get one gets me with this next door:
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+2 82. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Cop handles two vicious dogs like a pro

Thanks Thundersnow. I stand corrected. Although I would not be too afraid of these particular dogs. I have seen ones that were really aggressive. Alotta teeth and white foam dripping. Thanks #5 too
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+2 83. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Honest Coffee Commercial

I only saw the girl. She's hot. I'm gonna make some coffee now.
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+2 84. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Tony Hawk 900

#3 I'm pretty sure I gotta submit a few too since you mentioned how much you love them.
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+2 85. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video How long with it take you to travel 80 miles

Is it just a coincidense it's yet another Brittish girl? Waddaya say JJ? :)
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+2 86. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Cats... shopping

Yeah! Just stop it!
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+2 87. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Just another day in Russia

My head explodes every time I see this kind of idiotic behaviour. I would never dare drive in that country. That's insane. Lock up these morons.:S
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+2 88. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Beautiful Northern Norway

#4 Or maybe you have visited in the wrong season and met the wrong people. People are happy when the sun shines
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+2 89. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video House explosion caught on dashcam

Left some dynamite near the BBQ
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+2 90. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video How To Get Sofa Inside the Car

Not the sharpest tools in the box I suppose. Just put the sofa next to the car and you'll realize the sofa is actually exactly the same size as the car. You remember those childrens toys where you'd have to fit triangle, square and a star into the box?
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+2 91. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Black friday

#10 I got fired too recently. Funny as you said you were defiant. As am I and this was a blessing for me as well. :D
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+2 92. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr!!!

#8 "unstable layer"8-)
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+2 93. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Antares Rocket Explosion from 2 miles away

I'm in. Unfortunately I was fired awhile ago and I am short of cash too. And as so many others I have no experience running a site. This would be a disaster to loose the all time golden SNOTR
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+2 94. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video The sound of disturbed Silence

You know how the hair in the back of your neck stick up. Awesome performance. Always liked Disturbed. Rough and fresh sound.
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+2 95. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

"flap meeeeeeet...." she has a sexy voice. Completely missed the topic here didn't I ?
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+2 96. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Huge whirlpool on the coast of Corfu.

Whirlpool type of filming there I'd say
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+2 97. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Spider with three super powers

Isn't that sort of similar to us humans eating monkeys. Or perhaps ones neighbor who happens to be a wee taller gentleman and from another country. :D Sneaky bitch wiping out competition.
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+2 98. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Saw Blade Fidget Spinner Powered By 60,000 PSI Waterjet

Nice. These guys just wasted time on making a circular saw blade. One can purchase those from a hardware store anywhere.
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+2 99. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video This Is How to Make Easy And Awesome Rangoli

What is it? Can you eat it?
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+2 100. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Why is it so Easy to be Thin in Japan?

Deep fried=fat people. Massive doses of sugar=fat people. There is scientific proof of this and all of us are aware of it.

Here in Finland we often hear many American tourist mention we have pretty bad food here. Well I can agree with that to a certain degree since the food we eat is mostly not deep fried or dipped in sugar. But people seem to get used to eating a bit healthier if one spends time in a healthier diet country. One´s body just adapts to almost anything and over time one craves sugar and fat no more.
I read from somewhere that some gut bacteria particularly ´´designed´´ to chop carbs explode in number if one constantly keeps eating carbs. Thus, this bacteria sends commands to the brain to keep eating more carbs to satisfy the bacteria's need for nutrition. Hence craving. Makes sense right?
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+2 101. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Smoking is bad for your health

Evil Knievel doing a front flip.
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+2 102. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video two leaves of this bush keep waving without any breeze

I suspect the sunlight heats the leaves so that they start to move. Temp difference causes movement. Those particular leaves seem to be directly towards sun. Perhaps....
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+2 103. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video The good...The Bad...and the Ugly.

Brilliant. Where's the rest?
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+2 104. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Typical Cityrail Announcement

You are mistaken. It was molverhampton. And it was 1h 45min ahead of scheduled departure.
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+2 105. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Pilot nails sideways landing in 40-knot crosswinds at Bristol Airport

#1 "well... I cannot read the plate, but I have planned to proove airplanes can land sideways and I'm sure unloading passengers will be much faster that way since planes are parked sideways on airports. There is a tiny issue of uncontrollabe womiting in cabin... but I'm sure that can be resolved."
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+2 106. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Trump deepfake - Toddlers and Tiaras

That girl has some ugly face. I don't think make-up can fix it. Poor thing.
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+2 107. jaikku commented 4 years ago on video Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30

#1, #2 one of the reasons people just do not move here, even though we have the easiest visa systems I know of, is the weather. Don't get me wrong our summer is sweet but polar night a.i darkness that consumes us in winter takes a heavy toll. I have witnessed how the non-finnish citizens mood and energy changes over time due to lack of sunlight. Supplementary vitamin D helps but some people just cannot cope with the relentless darkness and in the summer the midnight sun keeps us up all night.
#3 JJ was making a sound point here, I believe it had nothing to do with racism. Finland has less refugees since we have less population to begin with and like I mentioned earlier.... who want's to live 6 months a year in pitch black darkness? And I have noticed a lot of foreigners just enjoying the benefits and not caring about education. Partly if they move to a country that has no war from a country in constant termoil. It's hard not to want luxury after mahem and poverty.
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+1 108. jaikku commented 12 years ago on video The Screaming Sheep

Saw a KIWI guy walking towards it. Not again mate!!!!!!!
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+1 109. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Driving In Russia

Yet again some st...d ass drivers. This is a never ending story with these guys. I'm betting half of the cars on the road have no brakes. At least it seems so.
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+1 110. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video One man band

Excellent skills. Seems like he was concentrating on his playing and accidentally walked out of a circus tent.
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+1 111. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Camouflaging scars and burns with tattoos

Trust me when I say this: Human race is designed this way. We will always hurt each other. It sounds harsh and cruel but it's just the way we are. I sincerely hope we could one day live together without prejudices.
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+1 112. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Slo-mo of an Apple iMac being destroyed by a 20mm anti-tank gun

#6 Minusta tuntuu, että yllätävän monet......
(Translation: I feel that surprisingly many...)
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+1 113. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Double fail during a military exercise

"swell boys. Tomorrow we'll try the same with live grenades and ammo"
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+1 114. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Crushing a Barbie doll with a hydraulic press ( Snotr Category Week )

These dudes are from Finland for sure.
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+1 115. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Best Gymnastics coach save

#3, #5, #6, #7 Will you stop that. :D :D :D
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+1 116. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Russian Dash Cam Compilation | May 2016

Oh my god these people are insane! And they just keep on driving after smashing into other cars or pedestrians. And that Russian pop music always playing on the background just drives me crazy. I would never visit that country. Let alone drive a car there.
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+1 117. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video 22-Year-Old Stewardesses vs 35-Year-Old Housewife: Ivory Dishwashing Liquid Commercial ~ 1970

#3 I have seen worse. Mostly in other countries. Also here. Especially American TV-shop commercials are so wrong. "only 5 min a day and you'll have a sixpack and you will look like a personal trainer". Yeah right... Amazing transformation from a blimp to a hottie. And people believe in it. So sad. Although I do encourage people to try new things and keep an open mind. But mostly BS
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+1 118. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Officer Saves Driver Following Dramatic Crash

Has anyone really paid attention to why good cars have a bit different suspension system than thousands upon thousands of older American automobiles? A good car hardly ever starts to spiral out of control like that. It's due to the fact a car with a too soft suspension and chassis heavy tends to be unstable. Anyone recall those waterbeds from the 80's? I give the driver 9 for beautifully executed somersaults. And only 9 since the landing is not visible due to all the debris and dust.:'(
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+1 119. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video BCI Tumour Biology: integrins and metastasis

#5 Thank you.
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+1 120. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video England: A Beginner's Guide

#10 Are you holding your breath? Hello...? Am I too late?
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+1 121. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Carl Sagan: We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness

Dearly missed Carl. How I wish he was still here.
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+1 122. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Alpine Football Looks Amazing

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+1 123. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video The biggest asshole in the world

Did he donate his asshole?
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+1 124. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog

#7 Somehow I always thought you were British. Turns out you are Aussie.... or dare I suggest a Kiwi by any chance? C'mon JJ. Which is it ? Outback it is. Right?
As for these barking deer you mentioned? Elaborate. We have the flying one here.
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+1 125. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video How to open a can of food without any tools

How can anyone speak that language. It sounds so fast
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+1 126. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video 6 Bridges Built By The Ancients That Are Still In Use Today

The commentator inhaled illegal substances prior to making this video. So sad:S
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+1 127. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video What Happens If You Throw a Magnet In Copper Pipe

#2 we are a f....d up race aren't we mate
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+1 128. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video When you want to play guitar solos like the eagles but your russian parents made you learn piano

#6 JJ.... where are you from mate? U wanna stay mysterious? U're using words that only English speakers use. So witch country mate? C'mon indulge me please.
To the video... Ok this guy can play and he seems to have love for animals so I like it. I wonder what the dog wanted. Food perhaps or petting?
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+1 129. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Truth spoken on behavior when visiting Auschwitz concentration camp

#5 Jake... you are welcome to my country anytime where we experience the Northern Lights every winter.
-the camps are horrific example of humankinds basic need to enslave and destroy each other. Hope we find a way some day to live in harmony. But that would need a complete change in the system we live in. And we need to evolve for a thousand years before that has any chance in succeeding. Respects to all who had to endure the Nazi brutality.
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+1 130. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Domino effect in the warehouse

Makes me wonder if this company is aware of any safety regulations. Seems a bit easy to make the whole bulk to collapse. I'm pretty sure the blame is not on the warehouse worker.
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+1 131. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video China's Xinhua agency unveils world's first AI news presenters

Nice. Less jobs for real humans. News anchors must be sweating. At least the virtual humans are less unemployed soon.
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+1 132. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Chris Cole - 360 Flip Wallenberg Uncut

Kids watching videos think they can just go out there and pick the biggest drop and shred. This is the real world. It can hurt. And I gotta tell ya I'm pretty amazed Cole can take all those hits without major damage. Like a broken scull. He sure can land. Skateboarding is insane. Insanely challenging. Respect.
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+1 133. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video German Smurfs World Record

Gotta love the germans. Whatever reason to drink!
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+1 134. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Crazy turbulence in plane

Hell... folks... as the climate gets warmer we are going to see much worse. Seems a lot of people do not seem to realize this fact. Burn that fuel baby.
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+1 135. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video 111 MPH Yamaha FZR by 'Boosting Performance'

Water tends to get pretty hard on those speeds. Helmet would be good although I think if you flip that jetski over it won't make too much of difference.
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+1 136. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Oululainen Kovaa kuin elama - Mainos - Finnish bread commercial

Thunders... did you understand what the man said? You may be missing the punchline. He said: " Well.....I thought you said you were hungry".
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0 137. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Awesome judo fighting

Mini-mes' combat.
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0 138. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics

3# Oh ok.Cheers. My volume was kinda low so I musto missed that. Well there you go.
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0 139. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Elderly driver confuses pedals, speeds through car wash destroying all equipment inside

I have to agree with captain obvious here. Or the driver has hated that stupid song for so long that he/she decided to wreck the place. Then again maybe misunderstood the meaning of quick car wash. :D
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0 140. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video The UFO Guy

Imagine what the aliens would think about us if this guy was the first human they would meet.
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0 141. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video NASA releases the first video of Pluto from New Horizons probe

I always thought these probes would go by without swaying. In space things fly pretty accurately, right? Any ideas? Camera tilting?
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0 142. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video CO2 scuter

#3 check this out:
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0 143. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

#2 aaaah,but alternatively one may use melons that grow everywhere especially north. And never mind the lack of copper and zink (or was it sink?)
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0 144. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Five round mission

Did they even hit the target? Or just getting shells in the air just in case of an attack
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0 146. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video How long with it take you to travel 80 miles

#21 I see. I was late posting thos comment. Thanks.
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0 147. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Underground methane bubbles

#2 JJ has a waterbed!!!!!! Who has a waterbed?
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0 148. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Police raid (Policeman vs Muscle Man)

That hat is a bit comic.
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0 149. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Energic head massage

the customer seems to take it like a boss. I wonder if that is normal around where ever this is
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0 150. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Line Rider - Mountain King

superb job. Had to watch it twice
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0 151. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Russian Zip-Line

The wire works like a grinder on that carabiner. Pretty scary stunt. I guess they must of relied on the parachutes to save them if the carabiner fails. Holy s..t!
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0 152. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video The guy playing the piano without hands (river flows in you)

Yes but how does he pick his nose? :'(
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0 153. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Crushing and Slicing Red Hot Steel with Hydraulic Press

Totally Finglish. This guy knows English but it just sounds soooo weird.
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0 154. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Well unfortunately seems like a police car was no match for a Polaris RZR.

What's wrong with Snotr nowadays? There are so many glitches... weird
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0 155. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video DHL's Funny Ice Cold Prank

#3 scutterbucket has had a bad experience. Personally I think they rock. That black van with golden logo on it.... sucks big time.
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0 156. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video The TANK vs The World

Hello people who think this is awesome. It's not. Just plain waste of time and diesel. And diesel. And a lot of diesel...
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0 157. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Don't break in or molest a Tesla car

#2 what has always been wrong with people. Monkey spankers.
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0 158. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Shocking. But true
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0 159. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Shocking. But true
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0 160. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Synthetic Ice Rink in Eastern Europe Seems Like a Real Drag

What a genius idea. That should be incorporated to world cup plastic hockey tournaments. No more expenses on freezing the rink. Save the planet sort of thing
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-1 161. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Luciano Rosso craziest playback ever !

#3 ..Being 100% before?
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-1 163. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video What a great art to cut hair and create a unique hairstyle.... Amazing Person...!

meatcleaver and a hammer? ....oops sorry about your ear...maybe we can use glue
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-1 164. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video 200+ mph Nitro RC Car

Is it possible for people to have something better to do? Like design a car that would go as fast but you can steer it
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-1 165. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Jurassic giant could explain when and why dinosaurs walked on all fours

#3 I'm happy to see that even our older generation enjoys trance music. ;)
I see these types of videos on youtube all the time. I wonder why use a crappy voice generator from the 90's that produces such a lousy quality sound. It's intolerable.
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-1 166. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Amazon Delivery

She seems to have some sort of beef with something. Last day at work? Got fired but need to finish the shift perhaps? She'll be glad to have made that decision to piss on someones yard when this hits mainstream news. Good luck trying to find a job then. One way to ruin your life. Just one example how easy it is to get busted when you think no one is looking. Dear Lord....
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-1 167. jaikku commented 5 years ago on video Amazon Delivery

She seems to have some sort of beef with something. Last day at work? Got fired but need to finish the shift perhaps? She'll be glad to have made that decision to piss on someones yard when this hits mainstream news. Good luck trying to find a job then. One way to ruin your life. Just one example how easy it is to get busted when you think no one is looking. Dear Lord....
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-2 168. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Fuck the poor

Humanity. Will we ever survive?
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-2 169. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video It's not funny...

Say what!? The English language these people invented and shared for the rest of the world cannot be found here. Unbelievable gibberish! Or at least I think it is English? And I'm usually pretty good with dialects. I could not understand a word. I believe this video must be funny but it would need subtitles....
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-2 170. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Woman sexually Harassing Men. Social Experiment

Really accurate social experiment. Why bother?
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-2 171. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

I agree with the chill comment. It is pretty funny. So let this video remain. :) :)
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-2 172. jaikku commented 8 years ago on video Cop handles two vicious dogs like a pro

Pretty good work. But these dogs were not vicious...look at their tail wagging. That means they were looking for a ball or a frisbee. Some humans just do not seem to understand dog language too well. A vicious (a.i scared) dog looks a bit different.
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-2 173. jaikku commented 7 years ago on video Impatient truck driver

Russia? I would bet my money on that
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-2 174. jaikku commented 6 years ago on video Superhuman Filipino diver from the Badjao tribe ;BBC

"superhuman diver"? Well... Take a minute to check out how long other people have held their breath underwater in freediving community. William Trubridge for example. His record is 124m. World record for static apnea is 11 min 35 sec. I would consider these people quite better described as superhuman. Herbert Nitsch is amazing. Watch:
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-4 175. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Riding 150mph with no helmet !

Oh c'mon he knows what he's doing. Besides with that gear he's got on, he will not suffer in case of an accident.
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-7 176. jaikku commented 10 years ago on video Rottweiler loves cat so much

Hey little soft friend. Bend over a bit so I can stick it. I've never had a cat before.
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-8 177. jaikku commented 9 years ago on video Another Shocking Footage of the Tianjin explosion

Yeah... shocking... how well this was filmed.