Comments posted by jezarocks91


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+3 1. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Most Awesome: Girlfriend Scare Pranks

mannn that last girl is hot >:)
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+3 2. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Mini cannon firing and destroying targets.

Awesome! Now what damage would it do to people? I'd like to see one of the jackass crew getting shot in the nuts by this!!
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-16 3. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Striptease

Why you would have a roof full of bogans with a firemans pole leading to your lounge room, is beyond me..
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0 4. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Cool Turntable Animations

0:56 definitely the best one..
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0 5. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Crashproof motorbike

So fake.. 1: how fake is the impact when the truck hits the bike. 2: where does the bike disappear to? 3: look how big the rider is when the woman runs over to him, he is a giant in comparison.
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-1 6. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Embarrassed Rattlesnake

this is terrible and isn't snotr worthy.. but im sure most of you wont read this because you'll skip to the next video
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+5 7. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Epic Bum Bum

0:51 i have awesome video-watching skills :D
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+48 8. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Video Games and Moral Choices

they made some interesting points..
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+16 9. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video 2 camels in a tiny car

Well that finally answers the age old question of how many camels can you fit in a medium to small sized car..
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-17 11. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video 25 Foot (8 meter) Zipline Faceplant

saw that coming a mile away..
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+20 12. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Sweden Helicopter Heist Footage Released

i wonder if they ever caught the dudes.. pretty genius >:)
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0 13. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Lioness offering her new born cub to Kevin Richardson

wow he must have known the lioness since she was a cub.. amazing ::(|)
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-2 14. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Little North Korean girl amazing at guitar.

amazing! she must have been learning in the womb.. p.s #2 too soon..
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-5 15. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Woman Asks For A Knife

I still have absolutely no idea what this is for though..
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+2 16. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Cat and Crow -- Next Disney Movie?

i bet the cat ate the bird when it grew up though.. >:)
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+4 17. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Optical Illusions and understanding vision!

#13 i'm pretty sure thats the correct illusion.. i had the same with the colour tints fliped. Unless it means we both have cancer?
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+7 18. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Videogame Racing Chair

would not trust having my flat screen swinging around on that thing.. awesome though
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-3 21. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Google: don't be evil?

This is from an australian show called Hungry Beast. Check it out its actually an awesome show
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+5 22. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Curious

#11 definitely an aussie commercial.. im australian and i remember it well
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+7 23. jezarocks91 commented 14 years ago on video Pelican attacks weatherman

hear the voice in the background "You love it, you love it"
yeah australia!
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+1 24. jezarocks91 commented 15 years ago on video Cannibal Shark

Yeah Australia!! reppin it! see we dont just have racist tv shows.. we have cannibal sharks aswell!
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+8 25. jezarocks91 commented 15 years ago on video Cameraman 'shagged by a rare parrot'

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+5 26. jezarocks91 commented 16 years ago on video Twin tesla coils play Mario Bros theme song

this videos awesommee .. comment 10 is gayyy.. mario theme rocks!!! Coldplay sucks!!!!
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+1 27. jezarocks91 commented 16 years ago on video Messing with Chuck Norris

nah that was shit
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+4 28. jezarocks91 commented 16 years ago on video Best DUI test ever

no shit its clearly reno 911 with someone putting a time code in to make it look real... fools