Comments posted by kagada


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+14 1. kagada commented 12 years ago on video A brief history of Santa

Hope that Santa fron Japan (2:17) comes to visit my house next year...i'll leave something more than cookies for her >:)
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+11 2. kagada commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

Indeed "Bioengineering ftw!" its amazing what can be done to save a life nowadays...but i prefer Neil on the stars not the human body.

PS:thanks for the nightmares little mice!
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+8 3. kagada commented 13 years ago on video Lightning! Compilation...

Agree #2...thats a pretty good Rammstein's Engel cover by Gregorian!
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+57 4. kagada commented 13 years ago on video Cami Secret. Custom cleavage.

i gonna sue the guy who came up with that idea....i want my daily dose of cleavage at work...everyday :@
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+1 5. kagada commented 13 years ago on video Lucky

Damn...i jumped when the car exploted....was paying to much attention...expecting the bad guys to show up :@
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+23 6. kagada commented 13 years ago on video Young Ball Handling Talent

true...kid's a lot better than most of us,keep it up!!!!

but that reporter annoys the hell out of me...hate his voice!! :@
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+3 7. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Aung Zaw Oo Showreeel 2010

2:38 gained my thumbs up...pretty nice move like in Prince of Persia (game):)
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+33 8. kagada commented 14 years ago on video World's Biggest Yacht

The only thing missing from this yacht to be Kim Kardashian sunbathing on deck :D
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+17 9. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Bud makes you criminal

it is true...that beer is crap!!

but cant deny the ads are pretty funny!!! so...keep it up :)
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+34 10. kagada commented 14 years ago on video why you shouldnt brake too suddenly

sorry,what does she says? i cant understand it! :(
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+24 11. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Cat Jump Fail

now thats a cat vid that i like >:)
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+13 12. kagada commented 14 years ago on video No Landing Gear

that was a really smooth landing...not even a normal landing is that smooth,i couldn't see a single spark :O good job,pilot :)
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-8 13. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Riverdance

i just realized...doesnt matter what kind of noise u make,if u make sound like a hip-hop beat it will sound really cool (2:08)
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+28 14. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Octopus vs Shark

Thats how my wife "hugs" me when i get home after a rough night at the bar :( >:)
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+35 15. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Big Spider

#3 how many members in the party do u need to take those spider down??
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+26 16. kagada commented 14 years ago on video Your life and Videogames

I dont regret any game that i've beaten...but i wish someone had told me what this vid is showing...15 years ago!! :S