Comments posted by kenkenken


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-6 1. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

#10. I could list you any number of things that are hard to do:
1. Eat a three course meal while riding a camel.
2. Cut a five acre lawn with nail scissors.
3. Play tennis with a sausage.
4. Climb a tree covered in axle grease.
5. Run a marathon with a grapefruit shoved up your arse.

All of these things are hard.
Are they therefore 'awesome'?
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-11 2. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Elevator prank

#16. Don't pay sunnydaze4me too much attention.
He's American.
I think that largely explains his stupidity.
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-3 3. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video A helping hand ...

#13. Gee sunnydaze4me, it didn't take too long for you to show up with another lame comment.
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-7 4. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Free Kick Fail

Football is such an amusing game.
22 men kick a ball around a field for an hour or so.
They get cheered on by crowds of idiots.
Then news reporters waste their time producing ever more imaginative ways of describing someone kicking a ball into a net. Then people read this drivel and get excited by it.
Then they go out and waste their cash on replica football shirts and walk down the street wearing them so everyone can see what team they support and waht utter cretins they are.

.... but a fantastic video.
Snotr is wonderful.
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-6 5. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Elevator prank

#13. Your poor grammar makes you a moron.
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+7 6. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Cat Special Forces

This is wonderful.
Snotr is the best site in the world.
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+6 7. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video Exam Prank

That was a great prank.
I laughed until I stopped. :|
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-8 8. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video I'm Not SLEEPY

#4. Yeah. All parents are convinced that their little shits are the so fuckin' wonderful.
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-9 9. kenkenken commented 12 years ago on video A helping hand ...

Mommy: "You've been gone ages. Did you get that lost ribbon I sent you for?"

Lamb: "I saw it down by the riverbank, so I dived an and swam up and was just about to get it when this nosey bastard pulled up in a canoe and started pushing me along the river bank! In the end I decided to forget it and get out and wait until the cunt had gone."