Comments posted by lexa1979


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+3 1. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video How to clean your dorm room in thirty seconds

#3 : it's a hp touchsmart, only a "few" 1500 € for a 22" model. Nice machine...
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0 2. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Got muscle?

#15 +1 thanks for understanding ;0)
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+1 3. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Police overreaction

they don't have chemical or electronic breath test to detect alcohol in US ??
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-1 4. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Foot 2008

let's give Remi his credit:

you'll see all his videos... Great team !
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+1 5. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!

Belgium: same as France ;0)
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+4 6. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Got muscle?

#4 : of course, YOU went to college... but you like cars and computers, which is far more "decent" than building up your body...
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+10 7. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video History of the Internet

thanks Snotr !
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0 8. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video PC vs MAC

Granpa Cray would be proud !
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+1 9. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Van Gogh CS map

gifted geek ;)
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+2 10. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Theme Planet short film

1. The greatest advantage of internet communication is that anybody can give an opinion or an advice.

2. The worst disadvantage of internet is that anybody can do it

dvh has criticism, but doesn't show any of his own work...
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-5 11. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Poor Timo

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0 12. lexa1979 commented 16 years ago on video Snickers transformers?

Russian... sure... :(|)
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+2 13. lexa1979 commented 17 years ago on video Dating on Demand profile video

guys... Someday, watch a movie called "Being John Malkovich", with... John Malkovich...

just a hint...