Comments posted by loadme


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-2 1. loadme commented 10 years ago on video A stranger tears up homeless guy's sign

#3 he is not giving someone in need something. the main thing happening here: he is using the homeless guy to promote himself. i agree with #1 and #2
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-1 2. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Homeless guy gets a birthday wish

good people do, they dont show it off
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+1 3. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Redneck Couch Moving

this voice is so annoying :P
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0 4. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Propane tank vs. Rednecks

stupid people doing stupid things
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+13 5. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Squirrel vs. Hawk

Incredible. Even if they filmed the cuts in a completely different order and with multiple squirrels/hawks,...
filming this precise, getting such an incredible zoom and putting it together in so much harmony, thats amazing. truely amazing
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+2 6. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Happy Cows

#8 there are so many reasons to not include the "big parties" into everything you do. i wouldnt know where to start :)
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+1 7. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Man gives crooks taste of their own medicine

#10 Sounds like some consultant really hooked you up hard.
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+3 8. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Audi S5 drift goes wrong

#3 its just pure stupidity. and he got what he deserved
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+1 9. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Life Size replica of neanderthals

Since they put them into a public space, I really hope for them to last a while. Or what do you think will some kids do at night, when they find nude neanderthals :S
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+2 10. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Collapsing a floor by filling a room with water!

look, all their houses are build of thin wood and paper :P 1:18
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+4 11. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Ketchup

If you keep squeezing ketchup like this and eat pommes on the beach all day, you can look very much like her on the left 0:18
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+4 12. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Looping skills

#5 listen more closely. he recorded multiple layers / tracks on the loop and switches. the point here is not the song but the skills. this guy is incredible.

he got very much talent in rhythm, in multiple instruments and even his voice is not all that bad.

how many people out of 100 can do this better then him?
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+3 13. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Keep children away from windows

you hear wrong.
kid is pulled in and screams (high pitch, not very loud)
then the mother screams like if she would have lost her kid
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+2 14. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Wood planing competition

cool, but why do we look at the same thing over and over? isnt there more to see?:)
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+18 15. loadme commented 10 years ago on video Zero experience

#3 looking at the video quality i would call it "idiot from the 90s"
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+11 16. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Jump Rope Team

So peaceful. So happy. So highly skilled. <3
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+8 17. loadme commented 11 years ago on video ExFEARiential

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+3 18. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Sephiroth's sword from FF7

It was really awesome. However, it becomes so wobbly because of its length that you can almost dodge it :D 5:26 :O
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+4 19. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Scary Trucks Crash Compilation

#4:22 was expensive for sure :P truck packed with cars rapes a high-tension line?

last one was priceless. rise of the machines :D
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-5 20. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Reaction of iodine with 90% alcohol

in russia teachers use real knives on kids.
well.. luckily there is no sharp knife in russia :P
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+10 21. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Can You Walk on Water? (Non-Newtonian Fluid Pool)

Thats an ad for HongLeong Bank. Make sure to bring all your money there. I am sure they will create more of these videos out of it :-)
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+2 22. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Slow Motion Explosions

Kids in chemistry class deserve real explosions and not slow motion videos :P
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+4 23. loadme commented 11 years ago on video "Symmetry"

title says "so simple..". however, it's all but simple to due this right. finding the right motives and ideas or setting motives into the best contrast can be tricky.

this was well done
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+2 24. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The Problem with Time & Timezones

#2 Studies show that.. [Enter random argument here] :-)
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+2 25. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Hackschooling makes me Happy

theoretically this is a good approach. let people do what motivates them.
however, you still need someone to look out for the kids (like in school) to make sure that they use their time meaningful. and you need to change the expectations from companies about school degrees. but that is already about to change since job interviews focus more on content and skills now that they did 10 years earlier
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+9 26. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Just a little tip from your friendly Truck Driver

hm.. if this is a TIP for drivers, I wonder where they did their license.
Isn't this one of the most basic, most essential and most obvious things to learn in driving school? Not saying everyone is doing it. Just pointing out that everyone already knows it?
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+2 27. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Drywall Ladder Climb

try explaining THAT to your wife.
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+9 28. loadme commented 11 years ago on video A Helping Hand

#1 what we really should do is think everyday, how to get ppl off the streets, how to deal with drug issues, how to integrate them, how to make sure that they wouldnt ever land on the streets.
that needs willpower. money. politics. respect and time.

all those cudddle videos where people want to get cheered up for handing some homeless guys water and socks.. its not original anymore. if they can effort it, i would love seeing them starting crowd funding campaigns that we all can support.

here in my country we basically have no homeless guys at all. however i would support the right methods in other countries anytime.
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-4 29. loadme commented 11 years ago on video On Building Sites They Light Cigarettes A little Differently

this is no building site. looks more like a demolition area with workers hanging around instead of working :(|)
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+21 30. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Adaptive thermal camouflage for vehicle

Scary. Now lets make love guys. Dont invest even more in stupid war tech
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+1 31. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Man Loses Weight Eating McDonalds

Thats lobby work of mc donalds
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+7 32. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation

#3 relax, he was trolling and said university of "killjoy".
#2 there are no direct practical applications. its science. give it some years and maybe you get your practical use.
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+14 33. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Street musician singing Zombie by The Cranberries

#1 so many reasons..

a) because of producers. you can only sell whats different. there are tons of strong singers out there. everyone of them is 300% better then what you get from the charts.
b) because a great musician can also make bad decisions in life
c) because some great musicians have fun to dress low and go out for some extra bucks. you would be amazed how much money one can earn from good street music
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+30 34. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 11yr old kid challenges Steel Panther guitarist to a duel

great show lil bro

funny that 90% are not watching to the show but looking at their smartphone to capture it and watch it again in bad quality later :D
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+8 35. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Train Derailment and Crash Sparks Huge Fire, Code Red Issued

well, we dont have much oil to waste it like this, huh? :O
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+1 36. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Drugs at Work 2: Chirstmas

Its fun for him, for sure. But is it for the other people, that just want to enjoy the Christmas time?
And what's the point? Demonstrate the effects of drugs? You can demonstrate this in your garage with the same conclusion :p
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+4 37. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Inventing the Impossible: Pablos Holman

#2 isn't that part of every great mind?
don't care about what people think about you? talking weired, offending, confronting, challenging, making jokes?
or what do YOU think how far would he come and success by just staying the way everyone else expects him to be?

not saying i like him, but i for sure remember his talk longer than others ;)
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+8 38. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Vladimir does backflip !

#3 you think THOSE guys are following the manual? :D
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+8 39. loadme commented 11 years ago on video What the hell is this guy doing?

he is a total noob.

ruining the place for others, because he has no clue what this training is about
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+3 40. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Tank loading gone bad

#2 where are you from and what else your mother didn't tell you?
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+8 41. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Canal surfing in Munich

its in the middle of the city, hundrets of kilometers away from any sea/ocean
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+3 42. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Doctors For Life - The blind regain their sigh

you cant help all of them
but you can help to create a better future for africa

what they really need in the long run is education. as much as possible.
bring them knowledge. that hopefully helps them with their politics, their medical care, their independence ..
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+1 43. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Coke mixed with Milk Experiment

"share it. because this video is big. its insane"

LOL. Someone should tell this guy the truth.
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+3 44. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The poor IT guy...

wow.. this is incredibly well done. seriously. thats the daily life of any network&server admin
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+4 45. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Life Size Lego Car Powered by Air

so. much. patience.

thats impressive guys
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0 46. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Not so funny kid

Thats when you know YOU fucked up your child earlier.
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+7 47. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Killer Mike: Life Advice

lets sum up his advices:

dont piss people off
dont get kids
learn how to fight
dont sell your car

if you dont live in a ghetto where people think cars > kids, you may consider those advices:

piss people off when necessary
get kids. at least 2.
spend time not to learn how to fight or workout but for your family and your education
only buy stuff you can effort.

this way you got a happy family as well as a career without any fights.
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+16 48. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How do Russians tow trucks? Volgograd calls in the big guns to deal with heavy snowfall

#2 thats meant to be. this way they prepare for their next truck fail compilation.
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+5 49. loadme commented 11 years ago on video First world problems are not problems at all

another video that uses emotion for donations.
you shouldnt donate just because you are emotional. thats what they try. think first. donate where it makes sense and where you can guarantee that the company is trustworthy.

and besides all that its always a matter of perspective.
those arent first world problems. but there are indeed first world problems, although they are different.
spying on people, lying during elections or greed to just name a few of them.
and its not wrong to also think about your own problems.
just make sure to not forget other people.
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+7 50. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Dad records his kids every Christmas morning for 25 years

#6 whats wrong about coming home to your parents every christmas?
#5 maybe she cant deal with stairs any more
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+9 51. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 2013: What Brought Us Together

The internet helps a lot these days.

What many governments still have to learn:
a) respect people.
b) dont spy on people.
c) help people that are in need.
d) educate and stop censorship.
e) listen to your people, because they made you.
f) put happiness over profit.
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+10 52. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How to fold a suit to go in a suitcase without wrinkling

Watch out! If your mum hasn't teached you anything, don't be scared. People have been doing this for decades, dont be shy, you can do it. :P
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+5 53. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The HUGE difference between empathy & sympathy explained

#3 that's part of growing up. be nice, respectful and take things with humor.
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+9 54. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Turn your Mouse into a Powerglove

"precision photoshoping - absolutely" - LOL

what this greenhorn wanted to say is:
a) "you want to sweat from working with your hand in a glove? - absolutely"
b) "you quickly want to grab your mouse to click on that popup? just put on your winter glove first - absolutely"
c) "you just moved your hand and clicked into that input box to enter your name? - just try to type your name with a glove on. - absolutely"

don't watch too much "do it yourself" clips on youtube, they aren't good for you :P
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+3 55. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Airport's security officer saves a baby in an amazing catch

looks like #(removed comment) also fell from tables in his childhood from time to time :D
so he is saying "let the baby fall, it will grow stronger from his dads fail" ? or does he say "the father will learn from this, if his baby gets knocked out from time to time"? LOL

dude, the baby didnt hit its head. the father already is embarrassed, so everyone came out fine.
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+4 56. loadme commented 11 years ago on video That ain't no patch of grass...

this kind of gras is so much better then original gras.
full of proteins for our beloved cows and lamps
and imagine how fast players would run, if you put this into a stadion?
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+6 57. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Flying Lion

"walked away with no major injuries" - what about the 3 lions that bit themselves right into the buffalo? :D

or isnt that "major" :S
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-5 58. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Meet Jason Freeny, Custom Toy Sculptor

#1 "hundreds of euros" - oh, would you?
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+2 59. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Magic switch move.

guys.. they are just fast. the first hand is a fake hand. the girl is already outside to siwthc. he jumps in and insanly quick switches hands
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+1 60. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Smartphones and Sustainability

this video is just wrong. it mixes too many things and the outcome is just "statistics".

if you want to debate about that one, at least include law/politics/lobbyism/media

people are not wrong for buying smartphones. its the same as everything else, we consume. cars, cloths, fast food..
you need to return more money to the countries were they are doing all the physical work. that requires laws. its not just the people.
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+24 61. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Epic Don't Drink and Drive Prank

This guy wont learn anything from this.
You see it in the very last 30sec. He is even laughing when his friend says, that he could have lost his daughter. Its still fun for him.

so sad.
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-3 62. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Russian savvy when loading of logs

using this method will take one full day to get some trees on a truck :(
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-3 63. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 850 meters

This is brilliant. So confusing and yet original.
The 3d Models could have been better but animation and lightning are making up for that
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+12 64. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Russians Experiment In Electrical Conductivity

ahhhhh finally I understand what darwin was talking about!
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-2 65. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Animated tower

#1 there is no timing and coordination
you should have watched to full video before rushing for the first comment
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+24 66. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Monkey teaches Human how to Crush Leaves

Monkey: "Look mommy, my pet can already crush leaves!"
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+6 67. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Grandma destroys beer bong at college tailgate

0:28 she makes such a beautiful sound.. that must be pure excitement.
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+7 68. loadme commented 11 years ago on video SOFLES — LIMITLESS

typical sprayer issue:
they impress me with great imagery and skills, and they annoy me with their stupid unreadable logos that just ruin the environment. at least for me..
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+3 69. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Unlucky soccer player

#3 agreed. however, the rules enforce such behaviour. since you can get an advantage for your team if the others get yellow or red, its no longer about "being tough" but much more "who can look like he really got injured" :[
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+17 70. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Feel the Nuclear Thrill

impressive. however, war preparations always give you that feeling..

better spend that money on education around the world.
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+2 71. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Van Damme is still Cool, apparently.

#15 it would be even worse if this would be fake.
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-2 72. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Gas Cylinder Truck Crash in Russia

Seriously, Russians. Drive. Save.
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-2 73. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 50 Cal ricochet knocks off earmuffs

#9 And that's the reason why guns are sold at Walmart at the US? Good one. Keep telling you that story and try sticking to a philosophical point of view while talking about GUNS. Ye. Right.
Here is a monkey for you. :(|) May it serve you as a cure.
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+8 74. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Kid accidentally steals cup from restaurant...

filming your own kid in this moment and making fun of him in the internet .. :(
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+2 75. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Apollo Robbins

if you dont know them, dont let them come too close.
thats all :p
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+7 76. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Super Typhoon Haiyan

glad to see that there are helpers out there.
check the guy out 1:30. all he needs is a towel, basecap and ipod
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+7 77. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Trophy Truck

0:47 going to work like this - ok, count me in!
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+4 78. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Insane Motorcycle Emergency Brake

#6 before the state puts "unlimited speed" signs on the side of a german highway

- it needs at least 2 lanes
- lanes need to be wide enough
- it needs to have a full emergancy lane
- also there cant be any tight curves or other dangerous territory like lanes that are tilted to the outside of a curce

if any of those isnt ok, you wont see an "unlimited" sign
your insurance wont cover anything that happend when you were driving >130km/h

and what you see here on the clip.. i clearly go with #4 ;-)
its just a stupid speed biker. can i say that loud here? i guess every country has them. they may feel save, but truth is..
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-1 79. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Try again

the woman flipped her car on the street and tells others they are kiddin?
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-2 80. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Cheapest racing exhaust in the world

#2 oh i'm sure you are doing it to your neighbour.. ;)
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+8 81. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Close call

starts at 0:31
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-3 82. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Carrie in the Coffee Shop

"TIME TO F*CK WITH CUSTOMERS" ... hm. would you do that to your customers? :(
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+5 83. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

#18 stereotyping? look at this dickhead going nuts over some minor accident.
this video just makes another point over an overly agressive culture. and this guy is a soldier? makes me think of multiple torture videos from overly aggressive US soliders in iraq or afganistan as well as an extemly agressive police force or the fact that you can buy automatic guns in supermarkets.

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+4 84. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Drive Thru Skeleton Driver Prank

i cant take it anymore. all those smartphone kids. cant they just try to live for real instead of living for the chance to shot a picture that they can share?
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+3 85. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Archer vs the Green Ball!

I that was me (and i look similar after a couple of beers), I would have gone back and forth, slipped on the ball and broke my arm.

Respect lil doggy
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+10 86. loadme commented 11 years ago on video S-Class Legacy -- Mercedes-Benz at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance

#2 you dont buy an s-class for speed. you buy it for everything.
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+2 87. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Person falls on to tracks

#2 he is no poor guy. he got wasted, he failed, others had to risk their life to help him. poor other guys.
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+12 88. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Stephen Hawking's big ideas ... made simple

#(removed comment) What did you achieve for mankind? This is about his ideas, not his life. You ignorant fool.
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+4 89. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Handheld Laser Rifle for Nuclear Decommissioning

my art teacher would have given him a really bad grade for how he cuts a straight line here.. its more curves then lines.
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+8 90. loadme commented 11 years ago on video THIS + POOP = ELECTRICITY

Title is misleading, because the video itself is awesome.
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+3 91. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Eat an entire Apple in One Bite

on second thought: he looks like homer simpson somehow. doing the same stupid crazy shit :D
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-3 92. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Eat an entire Apple in One Bite

#4 not his hands look massive
his head is just very small. he prove it.
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+1 93. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Polar Pen

wear it close to your pacemaker for some fun..
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+5 94. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

just some stupid kids having fun. sooner or later their neightbourhood gets raided from tamed bears like this. then they will never go feed one again ;)
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+15 95. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Underground Mansion on Sale for $50 Million

#1 depends on your point of view. sure he can and maybe he even does that as well.

its really amazing what he accomplished. probably mainly because he wasn't sitting around the internet, looking at other peoples houses the whole day :D
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+3 96. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Tooth Fairy Tooth Transport

cool dad indeed.
however, you can only do this in american cardboard houses and need "a couple of old iphones".
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+2 97. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Mercedes 2014 S Class

80.000 euros is much but not unreachable
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0 98. loadme commented 11 years ago on video A Letter From Fred

very very heart touching.

however, the producer said a couple of times "we do this for free to you", but from what i read in the video, they did it for the story and kind of used him. his lyrics, his story, his life, their profit? :(
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+24 99. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Friday 13th Prank

worst prank in a long time.

everyone could go on the street, point a weapon on someone and then laugh because they are afraid. its like slapping a little kid and laughing that it starts crying
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+1 100. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Introducing the Iphone 5c and 5s

after developing apps for both, android and ios, for years now.. its funny to only see android users get in rage over iphones, but never the other way around. you dont like them? dont buy them. everything else makes you look smartass or jealous or like you have too much time. grow up.

the dominant perspective that i encountered by my constumers:
"i dislike many of apples strategies but after switching from android to iphone i wont go back. its maybe restricted, but easy, straight forward and looks good."

and to correct many of you again:
its < 5% of the iphone users that buy EVERY new iphone version. most of our customers skip at least 2 versions and still are able to sell their 2 year old iphones for 30-50% of the original price. try that with any android phone. you wont pay much more for iphones, if you are reselling the older ones.

i really dont care what people prefer and still use both OS on daily basis. but its even more hilarious how android users can get in rage.

grow up
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+1 101. loadme commented 11 years ago on video School girl justice

sorry folks, please watch it over and over when he kicks him.

a) why is there a static camera filming this angle?
b) she hits him in the chest, not nuts. given the speed and strength - at least from what it looks, it makes no sense that he falls on his knees?!

however, fake or not fake - when you see a guy like that one - please hit him twice.
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-7 102. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Drumadics

they should focus a bit more on playing clean notes than playing fast notes.
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+1 103. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How to start up a Boeing 737

#9 "(and i know its safer then driving in some areas)"
actually its always saver then driving.
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+3 104. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The Walkie-Talkie building in London is a giant oven

so the big new building is causing structural failures to the surrounding buildings, right? it gets over 90°C there? peoples health will be effected, their houses start to melt down and you probably cant live/work in the houses for weeks each year.

in their press statement they tell the others "its not that bad. the magnifying glass we are pointing at you lasts only for a couple of hours/weeks.

what should happen:
they should change the glass on this building to absorb more sunlight or make architectural changes to it in order to NOT mess up others. and they should hold the architectural office responsible, because it IS their responsibility :)

what will happen:
they will send out their lawyers and not pay a cent.
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+7 105. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How to start up a Boeing 737

they could start 10 times faster but since they are responsible for hundreds of people, they have to check any system. may it be warning systems, support systems, backup systems or main controlls
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0 106. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Fracking explained

it really doesn't matter if it gives 650.000 jobs to the USA.
how can you bring that even up? that is 0.26% of the population.
why should it be alright to have jobs that destroy countries? wtf?
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+14 107. loadme commented 11 years ago on video F18 Fighter - Flying Low

flying that low looks cool in movies but creeps out every animal and can even cost lives
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+34 108. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Fracking explained

This happens when lobby owns the politics.

Oh USA, its you again?
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+48 109. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Another Close Encounter with Death

anyone else getting really mad at the driver?
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+3 110. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Soldier homecoming surprise

#2 true. but always keep questioning yourself, if his government should have sent him there in the first place.
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-4 111. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Close Beach Landing

#3 ya "cool to watch" when he nearly touches the kids playing on the beach. :S
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+18 112. loadme commented 11 years ago on video I've seen skateboarding dogs before...

oh, that gives doggy-style a whole new meaning
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+9 113. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Boat Wheelies

It is said that until today the camera man keeps filming this bro and the boat at different day times and angles and is still amazed.

WOW look at the boat.. WOW.
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+77 114. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Tornado vs House

Small correction to the title: tornado vs american house
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+8 115. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Airhorn prank compilation

It would be much more fun to watch, but this guy is basically sleeping when he talks to the camera
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+3 116. loadme commented 11 years ago on video South Korea's Innovative parking places.

"save oil, save time, save money"

yeah.. "waste helium, waste plastic, pay for maintenance"

looking for options is great. however, they should think about something on a bigger scale to not only cover some parking lots
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+4 117. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Rush hour in the Chinese subway

World War Z!
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+4 118. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Scientifically Accurate DuckTales

no one says anything nice about the clip but still bashes the first comment
this video is crap. its only purpose is to shock the audience. but it forgets the taste..
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+2 119. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 4 minute time lapse music video over the course of 24 hours

the achievement would have been to do this for 24hours.
instead.. look at his video. from 09:50 to 16:45 he isnt in the scene but only on printed media. thats 7 (!!) hours difference from what he is so proud about.
enough for a long relaxing sleep.. his next 25 minute break from the shot is 18:25 to 18:50.

however, its a very cool production
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+2 120. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Time-lapse video of a restoration and colorization

highly skilled, very natural.
still, i would call this "photoshop skills" and not "restoration" since he just replaced the left arm with a copy of the right one.. lol :'(
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+16 121. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Red Hot Nickel Ball On Wax

the nickel experiment wasnt new, but the wax all over your floor indeed is ;-)
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+1 122. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Asiana Pilots names from KTVU News

i think "Wi Tu Lo" refers to "Way too low" as they were literally way too low
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+25 123. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Baked In A Buttery Flakey Crust

that's all the woman's fault! the trick us into marriage and make us consistently feel insecure about everything we say, decide, or wear.

aren't we all crispy crust after that? :D
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+6 124. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The Carolina Reaper Pepper

"this weights as much as a huge scorpion would weight.." what? who would compare things with scorpions :D
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+1 125. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Derren Brown beats 9 chess players simultaneously

here on snotr we have seen a small boy around 10-12 years, that did this blind vs 10 chess players (no super chess guys, but pros), so this wasnt that much exciting :p
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+20 126. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Spidey pawns some noobs in basketball

with great power comes great basketball skillzz
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+20 127. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Trevor Noah: Tacos

found it entertaining.
maybe its only funny if you arent american? :D
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+2 128. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle 3

oh, Monster Energy Drinks is now also advertising in extreme sports? best sign that you pay more than too much for that stuff :)
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+6 129. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The amazing visual effects of The Great Gatsby

yes. IT industry. we earn a buttload of money from this :D

however. computer graphics are incredible in this movie. watching this clip made me sad. it killed all the illusions.
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+9 130. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Pissed off Russian breaks up road rage

takes a lifetime to see someone with a real gun in my country and i'm fucking proud about it.
this just kindly reminds me where to NOT spend my holidays :)
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+2 131. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Proton-M Rocket Failure

#6 of course it would be much better to have that detonation up in the air to spread parts evenly over hundreds of kilometers? :)
or should they just do it over their head? to crash to whole base?

this way the impact has been reduced. also such rocket stations are on a very very very large area. you can tell from the delayed start or explosion sound.
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-3 132. loadme commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

#9 maybe we could use you for several long time studies for this and that chemical. because its only a chemical.
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+2 133. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Extreme Storm In Chicago

the weather is so bad, it would take only the smallest piece of garbage flying around to knock this guy out ;)
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+7 134. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Riot Police Demonstration

did anyone else thought of asterix and obelix and roman legions? :D
the video quality is so low that it even looks like they were wearing spears
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+1 135. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true


you say: why not play CoD with 10 when others also drink with 16?
well. sorry to correct you, but..

drinking is often allowed with 16+
however there are CoD versions that are 18+

also.. drinking is about losing control about yourself.
but he plays a visually highly realistic game where he is supposed to shoot people - as a 10 year old. reminds me of the fact that, in the US, you can buy fully automatic weapons in supermarkets while toys surrounded by chocolate are forbidden by law because they put kids in danger. LOL

and.. of course you dont blame your parents when they mess you up. but thats not because it was ok. its because you are already messed up and wont get that its not cool. ;)
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+5 136. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Playing Beatball

#4 depends on the camera or if there is maybe an external microphone around. and since he seems to be a musician or atleast a semi professional you can almost expect him to own a microphone, like all of us musicians do ;-)
also given by the speed of his hands you can clearly hear that he makes minor mistakes on tapping here and then.

all in all brilliant. but i would go and vote for "real" ;)
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+7 137. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The first step to save mankind ...

cool idea. however no one would like to put their 400-800$ phones below a dropping, spilling beer glas. look at 0:53 :D
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-2 138. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Animatronics of "The Thing"

so sad the movie is just bad. very bad.

those guys are really talented mask designers
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+5 139. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Guy gets his bike back from thief by tricking him

#4 i agree with you on the logical side. however, i got my bike stolen 2 times. so if i would have had the chance to go over and film this guy for the internet or just put my fist in his face, i would do the same.

i hate stealers. they are to stupid to get a job and let others work for them. its the lowest level in our society. also stealing needs to get punished a lot harder
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+4 140. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Tiger finds a good bed

#1 they seem so relaxed.. it looks dangerous, but you never know. maybe the tiger has already had his gnu ;) or maybe its a tamed tiger, that they try to settle out in the wilderness again.
made me wonder, why the tiger is relaxed when the car is driving around. looks he is used to people already.
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0 141. loadme commented 11 years ago on video All about pompom ...

0:03 (girl throwing) actually hurt a LOT more than it looked like..
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+3 142. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Instant Slushies

would you really wanne eat that glibbery sugar coke? :S
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+6 143. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Homemade solid gold iPod watch

jasper, it is because of people like you, that i am really happy to see moderators do their job here :)

if freedom of speech would be all, i may would agree with you. but your very first comment reminded me how nice the downvoting system is. the only 2 reasons that would make you type that are: rather you are small minded, and dont know that this is disrespectful, or you are aggressivly looking for shitstorms about others, which again is disrespectful.

you want respect? then show some.
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0 144. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Fire with Fire

#2 thats important for sure, but it only covers 0-5% of all cancer cases
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+1 145. loadme commented 11 years ago on video He loves his job

just fire him, put him back on the street and wait 3 weeks. he will probably come back and try harder..
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+7 146. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Man runs up molten lava flow

that is just another "most stupid thing todo"

but sure, go on. entertain us :D
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+5 147. loadme commented 11 years ago on video AnnoNoises teenagers make described phonetically by a linguist

idea is great but noises are still far away from reality
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-1 148. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Orchestra musicians perform on flight

so beautiful. why are people only looking at that through their iphones? :(
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+2 149. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Go home Crow, You're drunk.

in russia, even the birds are crazy
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+1 150. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Laughing Tram Man

you never see a scene out of the "hidden" cameras, but only high production camera material. looks staged, i agree with #1
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0 151. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Low over - A340 at Schipol (Amsterdam)

#14 true, thats the best part for sure :D
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+11 152. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Awe

impressive mind. first i was blended by the hippster look but this guy really has potential to become the next big philosopher :)
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-9 153. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Kitten Refuses to Leave Warm Bath

#1 so you like onions with fur and bones? :P
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+3 154. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The Lucky ones

so sad :(

another 100 reasons to never go to russia
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+12 155. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Man card revoked (Skydive)

never ever show this to your friends :-)
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+2 156. loadme commented 11 years ago on video If

this EAS is REALLY scary.
hopefully noone has ever listen to this.. ever..
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0 157. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Trampoline Fails

2:58 doggy style ;-)
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+2 158. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Mac-daddy of all garbage trucks

anaconda style. and even pierce brosnan 1:40 was there.
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+6 159. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Dubai Time-lapse - Random POVs

everytime you buy some gasoline for your car, someone in dubai builds another skyscraper from their profit share
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+10 160. loadme commented 11 years ago on video How to make way for a firetruck

think I will get a blue light for christmas shopping time.

well however, you can nicely see how important it is, that every single car driver respects the ambulance.
a few of them didnt which enormously increased the time of arrival and can easily cost lifes
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+14 161. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Shake that !

one word: hilarious !

:D :D :D
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+2 162. loadme commented 11 years ago on video This is Water

Many good things come from awareness.

After looking at the clip, I would have loved to hear it without video to even more increase my imagination. David Foster Wallace was really good in using visual language.
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+14 163. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Treadmill Dancing

I saw so many people trying to do something similar. He is the first, that survived and who's face is still in tact ::(|)
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0 164. loadme commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a banger in a cow pat

#7 Dont mix up fame with shame ;-)
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+2 165. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Freight train with 17 wagons containing chemicals derailed

Would you stay so close to what is said to be chemicals that usually spread by air when burning?

Someone did a risky job to provide us with that material ;)
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+66 166. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Map of Europe - 1000 A.D. to present day

missing a time reference for every frame! :)
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+12 167. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 7 barrel rolls in Speed Riding at l’Aiguille du Midi, France

he nearly killed himself. the scream is proof enough :D
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-3 168. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

first I thought it was fake due to the strange movement of the plane
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-2 169. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 7 year old steals car to escape church

because as you can see he is too fat to run behind him.
the only thing americans can do, is shoot. ..
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0 170. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

think what you want. stopping in the middle of a road like that is silly and risky. the other guy wasnt paying attention, so..
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+2 171. loadme commented 11 years ago on video A.I. Robot

#2 you realize that computers get smaller and faster, right? ;)
whats in a notebook today, wasnt even possible to build 20 years ago
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+1 172. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Stage Fright - So Real It's Scary

thats no stage fright test, thats just distraction.
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+9 173. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The magic of Vedic math

#1 and the snotr logo seems to be 2000x1000 pixels big
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+16 174. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Amazing policewoman

very cool and unique moment <3 :)

although i liked the times when people actually looked at the stage and really enjoyed the moment. today they all get into hurry to pull out the smartphone for some useless facebook upload
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+7 176. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Baby giraffe stands up for the first time.

first steps would have been a great addition
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-11 177. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Fastest way to put on a swimcap

he clearly should do more swiming then dressing ;)
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+3 178. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Jaehoon Lim performing at Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde

he treated the pigeons really bad. dont know why i even care, but how he grabbed and squeezed them.. made me start to think how he keeps them before they get shown to the audience.

the tricks however where great.
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+2 179. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Getting out of quicksand is harder than you think.

took him > 8 minutes to go that deep
in real life you would follow your instincts and lay down way earlier
to reduce the pressure of your feed..

every kid knows that about quick sand
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+6 180. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Friendship Test

#11 would you really let your best friend down, when he needs you the most? just to teach him some lessons "the hard way"?

help your friend out. he needs you, not your lessons. and when he is OUT of danger, than sit down with him or maybe think about prof. help.
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+5 181. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The Super Supercapacitor

#3 you dont get the vision behind the clip, do you? :(
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-3 182. loadme commented 11 years ago on video RC plane sent to edge of space

video quality is so bad, when the images are so amazing.
and again, the super huge snotr logo :S
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+46 183. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Act of sportsmanship gives Texas high schooler a shot at glory.

Both teams win, indeed. <3
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+1 184. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Solar flare loop

is this really real video material without any editing?


Also perfect music choice
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+9 185. loadme commented 11 years ago on video One hole & nine balls

vertical video again. those rich hipsters really need to learn this!
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+3 186. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Car Backflip

Awesome. Only possible with a rear-wheel-drive :D
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-14 187. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Actual awkwardly diving penguin

oh come on snotr. you can do better :P
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+6 188. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Russian Meteor Compilation

FIRST TIME EVER I see russians using their breaks. >:)
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+7 189. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

insane and dumb. he could be one head shorter by now :D
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-2 190. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Helicopter Crash Caught On Camera While filming Top Gear Korea

oh my god.
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+7 191. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Ever seen a rogue wave?

#1 how?? any link?
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-3 192. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in a Romanian car service

guess what happens when he suddenly becomes frightened :D
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+10 193. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The voyager satellite witnesses the death of a star

GOSH just call the video "CGI End of a star".
this is so beautiful and yet sooo not satisfying... after the title
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+2 194. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Baby boy freaks out over ball machine

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+6 195. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 'Zebra' escapes a zoo in Japan

you have to admit: they may be TOTALLY weired, but still adorable somehow 8-)
always peaceful and not like those or the like:
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+3 196. loadme commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

that is soooo incredibly idiotic. "hey we are scientists. lets blow something up. lets do it on such a scale that we could call it science experiment"

if they could they would try to transform the inner earth core into a black whole. just to see what it would cause.
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+35 197. loadme commented 11 years ago on video The New Luckiest Guy in the World

this happens when bikers wait ON pedestrians crossings instead of the street ;)
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+10 198. loadme commented 11 years ago on video Suddenly a tank!

Tank and tank driver both are driving with vodka
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+3 199. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Emergency braking

the cars behind will crash in the truck. they cant even see that the truck driver is way to fast when something is in front of him
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+1 200. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

so the guy stands there filming the TV? americans.. :D
or do YOU know someone filming the television? :D
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+7 201. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Mars One...

#4 make sure to deepfreeze your body. skip 2000 and get unfrozen in 2100 when they are able to do so. but make sure they have pills that let you grow younger by each day. thats at least my plan.
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+2 202. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Close call

the speeding guy was on 80mph
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+27 203. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Numberphile 158,962,555,217,826,360,000

Why does the clip end in the middle of the session? :(
"I can show you what the flaw of this machine is.. its.. " *CUT
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+3 204. loadme commented 12 years ago on video MOTIVATION 2013

#5 beeing successful in something you love instantly makes you happy.

he points out, that you shouldnt just name the things you want from life. he makes it absolutley clear, that if you raise the bar up, you can get there, but you need to sacrifice other freedoms.
but you CAN get there.

he never said, you have to go this way. you can of course do what ever is the most simple path and feel happy about other things.

i agree.

well for some goals, i guess you need to be living in a country where you can live self-determined.
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-4 205. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Shooting the Biggest Guns Money Can Buy

things like this only exist in the USA. what a waste of time and money.
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+8 206. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation december 2012

darwins compilation december 2012
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+10 207. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Riding a shovel

#4 at 0:34 he peed himself and realized that probably every viewer of this clip will laugh at him for being that stupid and therefore decided to hide his face.
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+5 208. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Literally heavy metal

the bands frontman is currently filming. some of you know him as the terminator
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+7 209. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Dog Running With Shoes

ye... poor dog. you can see how odd he feels while his owner is making fun of him.
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+8 210. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Man vs Subway

Man vs Snotr Logo..

Nice to watch when his cam is fully covered by the logo.
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+4 211. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Man Doing 2 step at Tropicana baseball game

#4 man, seriously.. WHO would possibly "LOVE" that work? he just lost a bet. >:)
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-1 212. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Proof that not all cops are bad.

because its the USA?
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+1 213. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Why Don't We Taxidermy People?


"HEY VISAUCE.. Michael here.. and when you die.. what happens to your body?"
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+1 214. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Boat prank goes wrong

how can you be sure its a shark?
i only see a fin, that looks like a side-fin from a whale
what ever it was those guys wont make it to their 30th birthday.
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+3 215. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Driving dogs

#7 .. ?? kids arent self aware until they turn 3 or so

ever seen a dog /cat in front of a mirror? thats a simple psychology experiment. as soon as they realize that its themself, that they see, they are called self aware. dogs and cats wont realize that. apes will.
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-2 216. loadme commented 12 years ago on video VX Nerve Gas

US.. stops every country going for weapons of all kind and in the same time
having another school masacre with tons of dead kids because some 20yo kid got a half automatic gun in the supermarket
and also.. VX is still existent at the US...
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+2 217. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Ping Pong Barbeque

#3 compare ? compete!
but your basically saying, that they usually dont kill themselves? which speaks for them, but is more boring to us? :D
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+3 218. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Cop Trolls Slow Driver in the Fast Lane

the guy talking must miss parts of his brainzz..
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+6 219. loadme commented 12 years ago on video DMX "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"

#5 because he cant sing at all? :)
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+2 220. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 2

#6 she is trying hard but just to weak to pull the trigger,.
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+23 221. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Jimmy Kimmel Live Hunger Games

She is a bit creepy, ok...
but i highly dislike how they treat her in front of a camera :O
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+1 222. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Ancient Archery

#2 because he made this clip about himself. thats what all socially isolated freakys do when they want to get some attention.

awesome skills, but for sure not worth the training time :[
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+5 223. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2012 || TNL

besides of all dumbness in the clip (and hey thats a LOT)
the most epic dumbness goes to the girl at 3:50

HOW stupid must one be.

darwin cries right now.
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+1 224. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Rookie Climber Attempts The Wall

so he wanted to be cool but landed in the trash with his legs cut open and feeling a bit dizzy under all those bricks?

what a brick
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+2 225. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Metal that breathes

just imagine it as a membrane with a much smaller size / tinier structure.
she mentioned that its a proof of concept.
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+2 226. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Preview Of The Redbull Rampage Course

#6 just give it a bit more time. red bull goes so much more agressive on all those riskful setups. its just a matter of time. hopefully you get whats the difference between sponsoring extreme sports vs others.
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+1 227. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Snake eating itself

Its common knowledge that animals tend to go nuts when captured in to small environments.
Really sad
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+5 228. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Train Hits Sewage Truck

why is there always a camera around?
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+3 229. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Satanic Toaster

she is triggering the burning effect so incredibly obvious. dont watch the scene twice. it hurts even more :D
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+5 230. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Unbelievable Knife Skills

at that speed.. he will cut himself 3 fingers before he even realizes what happend
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+4 231. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Stuntmans Brutal Parkour Crash!

Thats one more lesson to learn for other stupid kids out there.
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+2 232. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Urban Ninja

lame, no talent. and a very bad rip off from remi g.

jumping in front of a bus? yea super awesome.. but not for the bus driver
scaring women at night? yes great achievement..
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+4 233. loadme commented 12 years ago on video So Real it's Scary

any other LCD would have had the same effect
its about the effect not the pixel density and color quality ::(|)
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+19 234. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How to Park your car at night.. :)

people that use their ipad to take pictures outside are so incredibly NOT COOL.
it always looks so stupid :D
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+4 235. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Russian Car Insurance Scam Attempt Fail Compilation

i am SOO happy to not live in russia.

never even heard of this in my country.
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+2 236. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Peacefull Rejection Of Riot Police in Madrid

no matter what caused this, still the title is not correct. its not peaceful, its force. but given the situation, people over there can't react peaceful.
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+4 237. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Tears of Steel

#7 thats a low budget short movie and no 250 million scene, so what do you expect, respectless douchebag?
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+3 238. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How Much Does a Shadow Weigh?

snotr, it would be in interest of all selfmade videos here, if you remove the watermark. it looks like you grabbed the clip and wrote your name on it, which i doubt was your interest
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+12 239. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Tattoo removal

what #5 said.
the laser destroys the ink in a deeper layer of your skin and your body just cleans up itself.

people say its really painful.

anyways. if you dont get stupid tattoos in the first place, you wont have this trouble later.
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+1 240. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Teacher Ends Fight Like a Boss

thats so sad. violence at school, gangs.. the USA needs a better poor / rich ratio in order to prevent so much crime and poorness :(
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+2 241. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Too Fast to be Good

this driver is an asshole ²
not to mention the other guy

both should go to prison for 2 weeks and think about their SHIT on the fucking public streets
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+1 242. loadme commented 12 years ago on video A car stumbles on the street

and no one was helping. what a lovely country..
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+7 243. loadme commented 12 years ago on video TSA Agent Caught Stealing iPad

#1 this "piece of junk" at least had the needed tech with it to track it down and find the theft. so why are you complaining? hater? blackberry is dead and will remain dead. lets have a look at the stock values 1 year from now.
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+2 244. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How Hot Can It Get?

how could he possible speak out those numbers without getting dizzy?
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+3 245. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Waiting for an iPhone 5...for no reason

#6 just love your comment
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+5 246. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Pass Out Drive Through Prank

its not really funny.
what do you expect from people? they care because someone faints.
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+5 247. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Driving Like a Boss

#1 its not that risky. imagine someone to drop pillows that others may could run into :(|)
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+10 248. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The king of carnival games

200 in the first year
250.000 in 55 years?
when his numbers are right, he would need to win 4500 stuffed animals per year or 12,5 per day for 55 years-

i highly doubt that.
and even if he won 250.000, he would have paid for the balls / rings, which would be way more than 250.000 $ ;)
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+11 249. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Lucky guy

#7 just watch it over and over again

you can see the truck is turning or entering the road and tries to get on his lane. the other car seems like its driver didnt even notice
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+21 250. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How a turbocharger is made

didnt expect that its still hand made
cool video. thanks for sharing
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-2 251. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Just for the Millionaires

you all realize that he has a small penis, right? >:)
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+6 252. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Animated fly-over of the US

#2 "all the freedoms that the world looked up to us for"

sorry to bring it that way, but even before 9/11 there were republicans, guns, focus on war, paper houses in tornado areas, superficiality and faked kindness, no real working contracts, tons of poverty on the streets, xxl food for the fatties, news only reporting on US matters, no free press and much more...

freedom is something else ;p
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+2 253. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Most Hilarious Chinese Bank Robber ever

lol this guy is so incredible
but considering he is an amateur.. think about the cops. they had him & let him run? and didnt even surrounded the building but tried to get behind the glas with a chair? seriously? LOL :D
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+4 254. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Guy tricks all of Times Square into thinking he's someone famous.

"i think he is a great singer. i know him from his first single. dont remember the name though"
"we love him. I LOVE YOUUUU"

no wonder, why they even consider a guy like romney to become their next president.
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+2 255. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Tickle Bug Prank

#6 yes, sure you only asked someone a question. ::(|)
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-4 256. loadme commented 12 years ago on video 3 Seconds Later and This Man Would Be Dead

#6 "definitly cause serious trauma"? what else can you foresee from that clip 8-)
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0 257. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation August 2012

and they all deserve it >:) >:) >:) >:)

8:04 deserves even more if you ask me :D
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+2 258. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Papercraft Robot

those "shut up and take my money" shout outs are getting overused a lot.

awesome clip though
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+33 259. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Sleeping an the subway

#1 lucky because he had physical contact with a girl? lol :D
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+5 260. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Shark Riders - Introducing GoPro's New Dive Housing

#2 so you volunteer to pay for 8 times more webspace and traffic? :)
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+2 261. loadme commented 12 years ago on video That is a LOT of water

#8 seriously? :D
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0 262. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Diver plays with lava

this could go sooooooo wrong.

wup wup and it swallows your hands, then your arms..
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+6 263. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Irresponsible...

typical american citizen.
having guns around in the first place is incredibly stupid.
almost as stupid as their justification for that: "but i need to protect me&my family from the other gunned people".

and when you complain about that fact .. they argue, "i have the right to own a gun. its in our bill of rights"

arguements and reasons make no sense here. but in the end its like talking to a 3 year old. they just dont want to understand you.
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+1 264. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Everything is a Remix

#4 why should he? he is mentioned in the clip as creator. he is giving a speech in the end and he is the narrator of the clip. youtube wont give you any bucks for uploading non-selfmade material

#7 gold digger - kanye west
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+3 265. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Games We Play

constantly played most of these games until i finish studies and started to work.
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0 266. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Driving

cool clip

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-2 267. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Top 10 Biggest Tornadoes

since the video asks to rate and commit:

bad music choice. turkish version of this great but overly used song?
bad cutting, no informations

tornados OHO but this video is a buuhuu

and ye, americans please learn to build with stone. i am sure your kids will be thankful.
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+1 268. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Pull-ups on a 110 metres high tower

yeah, #18 you really believe in what you say?
guess you did this once and landed on your head?
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+35 269. loadme commented 12 years ago on video A perfect Low Kick

staged or just very very low on brain size
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+4 270. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

i like the old man. and i dont care at all about the well beeing of two robbers that put guns on other peoples heads.
if they die in exchange? who cares.
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+3 271. loadme commented 12 years ago on video HBO first of a series called The Newsroom.

#9 if that is worth a "respect" than everyone, that could manage to stay out of addictions, shout get a big shout out as well.
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0 272. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Paper Speakers

#4 you cant store power in a way like you suggest :(
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+4 273. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Swing and Jump

wow.. the swinging part could go sooo wrong with all the concrete around..
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+18 274. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Luckiest dude in Russia

wouldnt call this amazing or ignorant. it's just plain stupidity. its criminal and in a way ... suicidal.

they all should be "glad" that the gas station wasnt working against them
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+1 275. loadme commented 12 years ago on video One Unbelievably Lucky Ice Climber

#6 i know a guy..
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-2 276. loadme commented 12 years ago on video SUPER MoonWalking


looks like he is hooked on a parachute that drags him backwards :D
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-2 277. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Most Awesome Dumb Americans

#3 cause they are stupid kids and they need a lesson for life?

but ye seems the IQ is very low over there :D
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-8 278. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Craneception

#1 the issue with cranes is that whenever you lift something that weigths tons and starts to swing, you just cant stop it. even if it only swings by 5 cm or less, your employers can get hurt and other things get broken easily.

i think its quiet a nice idea, but i agree, they should create some tool and replace the lifted crane.
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+9 279. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Ultimate Zombie Destroyer

funny americans.
they dont care about health care as long as they still have the biggest guns.
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0 280. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Golf shot into a car doing 120mph

everything #3 said

plus: it wasnt really worth getting up here. maybe if he catches the golfball with his balls.

now give me that car :D
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-1 281. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

#6 so because there are more dumb idiots out there doesnt mean that they are dumb as well?
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+1 282. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Blonde and parking

this can also be a brunette
and it looks like she is drunk.
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+1 283. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Turf Blister

#5 you shouldnt.
after he ran over it for 30 times
its not water any longer but pure mudd
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+4 284. loadme commented 12 years ago on video THE MARMALADE Identity

Just wow.. They are true engineering heroes and pioneers
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+8 285. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Kitten Tries To Wake Up His Pal

".. now sir, can you just put your signature here and here"

"sure, everything you want!!"
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+6 286. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Clever Dog

who shaved that dog? oh my god. guess he gets scared just from looking into a mirror.
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+4 287. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Just An Ordinary Workout

where is the link?

usually there is a snotr guy providing a related link about those freaks, reporting that at least one of them has died by an accident

omg. dont. try. this. at. home.

how stupid
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+7 288. loadme commented 12 years ago on video $10,000 Car That Runs On Air

80km/h max .. ok for the city
150-200 km range.. way too less. you need to get new air every now and then.
looks.. quiet ugly. but this could be enhanced

it looks like it couldnt resist any crash test
and you AGAIN need a complete new infrastructure where you now could get compressed air
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+1 289. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Meet the Autobahn - The german Highway

#17 thats so much not true ;)
more than 50% of the autobahn are with unlimited in speed
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+23 290. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Stray dog runs to Tibet with Chinese cyclists

if your legs were just 15 cm long, 1700 km would quickly become 20.000 km...
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+5 291. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

His Name has SKILL in it.

HA :D Beat this!
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+21 292. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Near Disastrous Semi Truck Fail

The guy is probably just desoriented for a while. He faced death as well. Dont forget this when you put out your index finger for some lecture on whats the right thing..
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+11 293. loadme commented 12 years ago on video So What's Coke In Korean?

no cookie for me today :D
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+4 294. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Never Use a Lighter at a Gas Station

#5 i guess the fire extinguisher is 30 years old and was never checked
would fit perfectly to the situation and the russians.

look how he trys to kill the fire and the whole extinguisher blows up...

isnt that sad? :D
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0 295. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Reporter Talks To Old Friends. Very Old

#1 dont know what it is, but only from the way you responded, i feel really unsecure now
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-2 296. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Harrier Extremely Low Flyby

#2 gutts but no brainzz
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+21 297. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Dubai Airport Flash Mob

WOW thats a flash mob of professionals.

this never happens to me:(
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+14 298. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Sleep Vs. Ice Cream

the internet never forgets. his life is basically ruined before he can write his name :D
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0 299. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Japanese lunchboxes.

#9 thats why we must not have an opinion?
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+24 300. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Bloke Vs. Butane In Campfire

Please call Darwin, he said he has some really bad news for you.
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+16 301. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Japanese lunchboxes.

spending time for the kids is awesome.
but creating a PS3 Controller for lunch is an overkill.
they should sit down with their kids instead and play something together.
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+16 302. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Sticky Note Experiment

Don't try that in YOUR office if you like your job
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+2 303. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Cabbie Falls Into a Sinkhole

#8 some even have their mobile phones for a swim
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+10 304. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Kid reacts to Dinosaur

kid: *cool, like in the movies!*
mum: "is it a Trex?"
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-2 305. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Hate your job?

#2 try keeping your humor, when your grandfather died 2 weeks ago :'(
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+4 306. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Cabbie Falls Into a Sinkhole

Look how small he is!
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+3 307. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Backing up fail

#7 "nothing".
we will have to wait then... ;)

oh my god. the second girl in the car is nothing better... could have had jumped out navigating after 10seconds. well maybe she cant do it eighter.....
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+4 308. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Boat Vs. Crane

now go turn that crane back up
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+3 309. loadme commented 12 years ago on video He sure can yell!

ye, wouldnt be the first time.
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+50 310. loadme commented 12 years ago on video He sure can yell!

WOW! a US Army video, where they dont mess with human rights.
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+8 311. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Downhill Babes Maryhill Freeride 2012

Awesome roads, awesome weather. Seems to be a lot of fun
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+53 312. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Home-made Iron man suit


now give this guy a portable fusion reactor :D
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+5 313. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Biker Watch Dog

this one looks smarter than some humans do :D
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0 314. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation - April 2012

May I point out, that humanity is close to extinction, until we dont learn how to proper back/front flip and how to use two wheels?

edit: #7 its no filming fail. its the cutters fail. the extend version is here on snotr
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-12 315. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Texting and driving test

"each year tousands of people".. sorry, but thats simply not true.
i am by no means supporting texting behind the wheels, but making up some phrases and putting people in a parcour is the wrong way to adress this.

no one would text while driving in a parcour like this. people text on straight roads where they feel in control. and thats the problem.

this is stupid
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-3 316. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Plane pilot with ballz of steel

lets celebrate him!! cause he wont make it to his 40th birthday :P
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+1 317. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Nothing is gonna stop me

why dont we get a look at the driver? :(
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+4 318. loadme commented 12 years ago on video This man is immune to taser

#1 it doesnt need any story. its the US police
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+6 319. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Just A School Bus Jumping 20 Motorcycles

but its a bus! - who cares?

screw gravity!!! :D
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+2 320. loadme commented 12 years ago on video He watches you

the music is hillarious :D
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0 321. loadme commented 12 years ago on video He Almost Made It

look at the bridge and how they fixed it with loose planks

i would rather call this an experiment than trying to cross the river
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+28 322. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Voice Australia Rachael Leahcar sings La Vie En Rose

whats not true about my statement?
so is it inappropriate, when i call her hot, because she is blind or an awesome singer? i just stated one of the obvious facts, but seems you disagree?

although i never stated anything about me? no need to insult others with your speculations :-)
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+9 323. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Voice Australia Rachael Leahcar sings La Vie En Rose

Damn she is hot!
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+4 324. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Chair acrobatics

#9 i would look even more proud. well i guess i wouldnt. would have broken my neck instead.
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+5 325. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Cool Electrostatic Effect on Water

#5 ur right :D next thing coming up is some guy explaining how to make fire with two sticks :p
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+47 326. loadme commented 12 years ago on video close call...

well the second time you see her hurry,
but still she isnt looking at all. LOL :D

russian roulette?
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+1 327. loadme commented 12 years ago on video RC Helicopter Skills

this thing is so fast. imagine he sneezes and instantly kills the cam guy :D
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+3 328. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Arthur Benjamin: Lightning calculation and other "Mathemagic"

Saw some documentations about this kind of skill
it was usually related to people with autism, since they couldnt forget anything or calculate while putting everything into pictures
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+17 329. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Look mom no hands !

#4 isnt it a bit cruel to ask others to thumb up for him? :x
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+14 330. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Forklift Operator Puts Coin in Bottle

wow, he sits like 8 meters away. not sure if my eyes were able to even see the coin :D
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+1 331. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How to weaponize office supplies

this guy is charming. his ideas although feel more like stonage :D
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+1 332. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Truck pushes car down on highway

taking over on the right side is stupid anyways
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+23 333. loadme commented 12 years ago on video PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2012

this song starts to become used inflationary.
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0 334. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Kevin Nealon Show - Maronzio Vance

#3 its still obvious, right? they add taxes to tell you how cheap their product is. what they forget about is, that everytime someone buys something, will be reminded, on how "much" money the gov is getting for your well being.

imo one of the reasons, why US people talk about their gov way more than others do

and yes, great talent, this guy
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+64 335. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Coke Machine Hack

guess coke is saying: "doesnt matter. they already spent 4500 bucks trying to figure this out"
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0 336. loadme commented 12 years ago on video How It Feels To Sell Instagram For A Billion Dollars

#2 where did you get the information?
sounds reasonable, but i cant believe, that they are selling everything they have without any profit over the next ten years?
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-2 337. loadme commented 12 years ago on video William Spencer - The Denver Shop Stakes Is High

he needs anger management
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+2 338. loadme commented 12 years ago on video 7 Year Old Pizza Tosser

he is actually better than his dad :D
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+8 339. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Landslide

there are no plants or curtains on the windows
also the passenger on the left is very relaxed about standing next to a huge building, that crushes down

pretty sure this was a planned demolition

also explains that the building is going backwards and isnt crushing in the other buildings
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+4 340. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Russian convenience store

#2 why shooting them, when you cant get close to the money/stuff?

this vid reminds me, that will never ever visit this country :D
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+3 341. loadme commented 12 years ago on video X-Games Event Is A Disaster

#4 ofc there is a pig in the last second :P
just watch out what wallows in the dirt water on the right :-)
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+1 342. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Honest Trailers: Titanic

#2 the movie itself is. but this video was only created to point out the greedy behaviour of the industry.

and read about J.C.'s statement. he said basically word by word, that bringing out movies in 3d is just a feature by greedy film makers. and he said that after avatar 3d, as well as the announcement for titanic 3d.

great clip
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-3 343. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

î so much hate those bikers

luckily he got his ass kicked.
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+5 344. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Tow Truck Accident in Norway

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+16 345. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Whipper snapper

Hey Cam-Guy. Go ahead. Move one step forward. :D
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-15 346. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy an Iphone 4S in Turkey ...

who woult by that in poor countrys anyways?
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+4 347. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2012

some people are not meant to be

when it comes to traffic they are all russian or at least east european
and when it comes to some cool move/jump/bike stunt, they are all young americans.

what does it tell us? :D
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+24 348. loadme commented 12 years ago on video 15 meter python, world's record snake

guess they need constantly new employees :P
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+4 349. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Barnardo's - Life Story

brilliant, just brilliant
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+1 350. loadme commented 12 years ago on video A Cello Love Story

#5 u realize its a chello, right? ^^
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0 351. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Black Bike Vol. 1

censorship on snotr?

where is the fail clip from march, that was uploaded yesterday? :(
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0 352. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Heroes Return

When you want to support those 370.000 causes, you shouldnt use the money for your lottery luck, where in the end some % are used to justify lottery for yourself.

Just find a way of direct investing it.

this spot is great though and of course war is the most stupid thing to solve problems.
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+2 353. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Man vs. Canada Goose

the goose just has a nest somewhere that it trys to protect.
dumb people filming and laughing at something very natural.

and the poor guy.. i am sure he had other stuff in mind than fighting a goose today. i wonder if any of the ppl behind the camera would have looked better in his place.
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-9 354. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Amazing rescue of a blind dog

This is just a try to make money.
Show a dog in very bad shape, play some love song from avril lavigne while cleaning the dog

and ask for money at the end of the video
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0 355. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Enicycle

#4 dont see why this should be expensive.
- its battery is way smaller then a segway.
- its technology and parts are old (not "bad", but already in mass production, which is good)

so in the end it comes down to the question, what materials they would use for mass production and how many profit they plan on selling them

#13 yikeBike is maybe more stable, but with those wheels you get problems with borderstones and things like that. the bigger soft whel from the eni bike is way better here i think :)
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+1 356. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Stealing Time

because it needs some plot. what a question :D

great idea
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+4 357. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Automobile Show

it was obvious when the went to the stage and grabbed popcorn

great idea though
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-4 358. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

as usual. android and ios. both great OS.
the only differnce between droid users and iphone users is, that droid users always complain about apple, while iphone users just use the product.
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+9 359. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Python eats Alligator, Time Lapse Speed x6

the video doenst show the most interessting part

the battle!
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-2 360. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Don't judge a book by its cover...

#12 good to know. from your avatar you are what? 50? and you have friends, mailing you pictures of tatooted dicks?
maybe tattoos are a bad idea. but its even more lame to take your time and looking for such pictures, sending them to friends and talk about it :D
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+19 361. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Dog welcomes Soldier home

#6 maybe cats are smart enough to get how stupid war is in the first place.
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+1 362. loadme commented 12 years ago on video POV Of A Firefighter

#5 reads like: "attention people, i am also a hero. even a bigger one!"
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+3 363. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Giant Rubik's Cube Mosaic, ArtPrize 2010, Pete Fecteau

10/10 for the idea
but i am really curious how they set up the cubics. the video would be so much better, if there were some people solving the cubics.
But since the cubes are already ready and in place for this video, my stomach tells me that this was created by a computer

video 5/10
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+2 364. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Andrew Myers - Painting Screws

its actually pretty unique

it looks awesome and isnt pure 2d

so why not spending 30k on it, if you dont bother about the money
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+1 365. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Real Meaning Of MPH

if he really took this girl as his wife, he is at least as dumb as she is.
at least thats an excuse, why he publishes the video
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+3 366. loadme commented 12 years ago on video New device makes wheelchairs obsolete.

#7 From what i see here, there is no way that this could drive up a ramp. Doesnt matter if the driver sits or stands on this machine. I hope they have a solution integrated or at least in mind
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+5 367. loadme commented 12 years ago on video This Guys Is Nuts

#8 its "Nein!" :)
also both of them are no native german speakers.
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+4 368. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Rolling in the deep

there is background music, that makes it twice as attractive.
highly skilled though
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+1 369. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Change is Here

Did I say, you weren't allowed? :-) 90% of the videos here have a point. thats the good thing about snotr. and yes, when animal videos are funny or educational or just purely impressing, they of course have a point.
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+1 370. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Change is Here

#2 Counter questions? They are used by psychologists and psychotherapists. Why dont you just answer paolo? :)

I dont see any fun/educational/entertaining benefits from that clip eighter. :O

edit: I see. You submitted, because you can.
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0 371. loadme commented 12 years ago on video A Rare Look Inside Pixar Studios

as soon as people start liking their working athmosphere they will instantly get more productive and supportive to their company.
thats shown in many researches over the last decade.

just find a company that is aware bout that :)
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-4 372. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Old man gets struck by a lightning

its fake.
filming this boring stuff in the first place makes no sense. an old man crossing the street?

and when he gets "struck", they leave him there? really? they are at least two people behind the camera. and they take like 30 seconds to get closer and watch out for the old man?


and #20 but some people do this for a living. what you see here is really no big deal. maybe its real, it just feels wrong in so many ways. and its certainly not worth it to rewatch it 10 times and get single frames to take a closer look.
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+5 373. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Art Of Extreme Sports Compilation

Skateboarding is now extreme sport? :D
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+18 374. loadme commented 12 years ago on video French bulldog race dog

Size doesnt matter! Its always about the moves. :D
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0 375. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Cops Get Owned!!!

0:44 worst cop of this round
2:13 best cop cause of his honest laugh :D
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-2 376. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Longest Frisbee Throw Ever

laugh of stupidity. you always can spot that from a mile distance.
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+2 377. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Dolphin Stampede

No Flipper joke? I'm deeply disappointed!
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+5 378. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Economic Hitmen

#6 no matter how you put it, the concerns are true. sadly you cant stop the system without losing western wealth.
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+5 379. loadme commented 12 years ago on video What are years?

#1 IN the mercury? :(
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-1 380. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Bowling fail

she looks like "oh oh what should i do, should i laugh? should i wait here? should i laugh? i dont know, what are the brunettes doing over there?" :D
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+1 381. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Black Diamond Jet Team Teaser

#12 maybe its a flight show or a military base? not sure if they are that big, since the US uses like 99% of peoples taxes for international military-p*nis-extension reasons :D
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+2 382. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Black Diamond Jet Team Teaser

looks awesome and needs tons of skill and gutts
still doing this above a city means if you mess up you will eighter kill people or destroy houses of people.

so i gonna stick with "do it somewhere else to get my applaud"
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+3 383. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Annoying Devil - Balls Of Steel

#3 guns are only carried around in poor criminal countries.
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+1 384. loadme commented 12 years ago on video American Ninja Warrior 2012

there is no leg work in the whole video :(
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-2 385. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Insane Trapeze Acrobat Hanging off a Helicopter!

he is just a crazy dude. glad my kids didnt watched that and tried it out on their own :)
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0 386. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

ye, i agree. a small mistake and you are dead.
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+23 387. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Street Drummer

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-18 388. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Ready, Set, Go!

after the jumping supercat yesterday this is kind a boring >:)
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-8 389. loadme commented 12 years ago on video The Simpsons Theme (Vocal Cover)

this clip shows a man, acting like a 3 year old.

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+1 390. loadme commented 12 years ago on video World record in speed climbing 2011
got linked already by #5
this is way more intense. he makes up 0.66 feet per second for over 4:25 minutes
vertically with no savety strings attached
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+2 391. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Russian Style

awesome way to go out of your home in the morning.
jump out of the window on the first floor

rest of the clip was like ever other free runner clip
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+4 392. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Flying RC People


YEZZ great shots, awesome idea
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-2 393. loadme commented 12 years ago on video What is nothing?

you did, it also sounded like its your idea, but just repeated the explanation within the video ;-)

btw #1 its come one. some ex girlfriend joke over this cool video? you can do better!

video was awesome. love those smart ass videos ;D
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+1 394. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Experience by Universal Studios

this is a brilliant animation at highest levels, how could you say its pointless? #10 #11?
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+1 395. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Tough Granny Takes a Hit

come on, how fast was that driver going. here you would have lost your licence in a snap
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-2 396. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Tax Dollars At War

he almost sounded like he made up most of the numbers
but even if he were half right, it would be still a sad bill in the end of the day

ye US, wake up.
do something for your people
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+3 397. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Screaming Marine on a Sling Shot Ride

#7 like that would be the real world

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+2 398. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Silence of Love

good music, great actors
but a very bad script. made very less sense in the end.
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+15 399. loadme commented 12 years ago on video Fail compilation - January 2012

glad that wasn't me! :-)
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+1 400. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How to get the girl of your dreams

thats not even a good plan. every 3 year old could bring that up :)
anyways, awesome car!
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-2 401. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dawn of the Dead

#21 how stupid are you btw?
its like saying "i hate that people invented medzin. it only brings us side effects"

think and then type
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+2 402. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How NOT to get out of a mud hole

0:38 - when he stood up on one half of the beast, you totally new what was gonna happen.

its like those clips, where they cut trees until the trees cut their houses
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+2 403. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song

come on, thats like 5 or 10 years old by now :)

still brilliant
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+2 404. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Bad driving skills



didnt laugh so much in a long time.
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+1 405. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Groups with De Lijn

bus makes sense when its coming every 10 minutes, cheap, in time, clean and not to crowded. you can go out and drink, that counts for something, right?

but if only one of my points isnt perfect, than no thanks.
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+7 406. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Yamaha R1 - skill or luck?

rather skill nor luck
its pure STUPIDITY

idiot brings everyone in danger. hope he breaks something soon, so we all can sleep better
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+3 407. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Jeremy Kyle - What the hell are they saying ?

Why not just leaving the guy, that cheated on her?
Why going to the television with private stuff like that?
for a couple of bucks? lol. think about effects in long terms
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+3 408. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 3! (With original sound)

01:36 looks like they are rubbing someone and then go for a run while ruining tons of cars.
02:55 was way to fast. it looks like he/she killed his co-driver
also.. speeding up on iced roads all the time.. incredible stupidity
it looks like they dont care at all about others or themselves.
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-2 409. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Caught On Tape Officer vs GANGSTA

#1 since you only guess all the time, accuse people of drug use and guilt about you dont even know, i have to conclude, that you are eighter dumb or a racist.

and so are the other 18 prejudiced voters

and #12 - again? someone gets beaten in the face and you argue indirectly that you dont care because he doesnt speaks as clear as you do?
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+8 410. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Fotoshop by Adobé

when it comes to beauty awareness, photoshop was probably the best AND the worst thing, that mankind invented ;)
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-2 411. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

filming this while only 10 feet away is really a bad attitide

glad to not live in russia (and yes, not in the us). russian clips give you so many reasons to not live there.

here i would just call the city administration to send someone with a shovel and sand. would be fixed within the next 15-60 minutes.

not saying that i would wait there the whole day
but come on, if thats your grandma. haha how funny. felt on her face..
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-2 412. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Head On Car Crash

what is this crap doing on snotr?
looking at innocents to die because of some idiot?

and how is this rated high?

get off

Because it says: "Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos."
I dont want my kids to see people dying on this page. If you want to make people aware about the very obvious, you must think, they all are very stupid in the first place.
This video shows no real cause, neighter explains anything. It just shows at least 2 people dying.
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0 413. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Kickflip with a Chevy Sonic

really? this is what gets the crowd so amazed?

oh mankind, what have you become :D
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+1 414. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Mechanic Torches Himself

no brainzz
getting burned like this in the first place is stupid..
but running 1 mile for water instead of just using his shirt is even dumber
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-5 415. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Fake grenade prank

american soldiers are all full of shit
stupid military over there

no one makes fun over a fake grenade and lets his colleagues and friends think they will die.
and he laughs his ass off about this.

screw us military
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+3 416. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dallas wildest police chase

this kind of report only happens in the USA
and this sort of car chasing ive only seen on US television as well.
US people are really sort of strange ppl
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+2 417. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Live broadcast augmented reality

makes those people really happy
i like it :)
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+1 418. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Jorian Ponomareff - Drift

awesome skills but nothing the internet hasnt seen before >:)
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+1 419. loadme commented 13 years ago on video 2011 Extreme Sport Wins

coolest thing about those clips are the awesome camera men

yea! right! they are often forgoten, but they are always there ;)
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0 420. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Oomphalapompatronium

i dont like it.

sounds like crap to me ;)
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+1 421. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Steve Hughes - Offended?

the anger about being offended isnt caused by the "pain" you feel about it.
i think its more related to some idiot, walking around and feeling good about making other people feeling bad.

great act though
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+42 422. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Greatest Scene In Film History



crap movie? ok
no budget and bad actors? ok
worst special effects in time of colored film? ok

but slaying children in slowmotion??
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+1 423. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Human flying on a multicopter

this looks incredibly dangerous, like #1 said
why dont they try things like jetpacks ;)
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-2 424. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline

ok the end kills it a bit
but the clip itself is awesome
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-2 425. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX

Matrix is about the story and not about the fight style
feeling sad for the editor. he never understood
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+2 426. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Four Bit Maze

#13 and what do you do after 5 levels? already feeling bored after watching the whole clip.

nice idea though
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+1 427. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2011

thanks for checking. there are still a lot of dumb people out there.
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+5 428. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Compilation of reporter fails

i would call them blooper, not fails.

the guy at 1:35 has a doubleganger at 1:42 :)

the dog was pathetic haha. or the snowball guy. hehe
great collection :D
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+6 429. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Tony Hawk Freerunning Graffiti

#2 no sir. I never played NHL 2004, but i'm pretty sure its from:

Guano Apes - Open your eyes


Millencolin - No Cigar
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+6 430. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Little Beat Box Boy

is he hitting his teeth all over the place? sounds like he would..

if he gets successful, he ll probably pimp his mouth like this:

if not.. his future will be more like his:
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0 431. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Sweeper Got Moves

cool stuff, but i cant believe that one that much talented dancer would clean a stadion ;)
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+1 432. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Don't Mess With Crabs



like allowing the fox to stay with your chickens and wondering when one got missing
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+1 433. loadme commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

"produced by microsoft office"

right would be
"microsoft office developers produced this with adobe premiere" :D
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+1 434. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dirt biker saves a calf

nice, someone saved my steak
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+3 435. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Smart police officer

take a closer look at people nearby accidents on your highways
there are many people that get it all wrong.

this is always a good advice
spread it to your relatives and friends
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0 436. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Earth temperature anomalies from 1800 to 2009

you realize that red means +2°C from what it was back 200 years ago? so everything is fairly ok ;-)
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+4 437. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Giant Turtle Crushes Watermelon

#5 coconut would be broken as well.
those animals can instantly cut your leg with their bites
as far as i know, they have more "bite-power" than crocodiles
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+3 438. loadme commented 13 years ago on video 1 beer in 1 second

îs this a girl or a guy?

woooaa :S one ugly dude wasting beer
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+2 439. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dara O Briain - I Love Videogames

#1 if this is the only thiny you got from his entertainment, than i feel sorry ;)

great show!
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0 440. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Batman - Getting rid of the bomb

hhahaha batman wears girl panties ;D
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-2 441. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Trouble with SIRI

#2 and if you need to call someone for something important, you take 30 minutes and look for a public phone?
dont make it look "cool", if someone dont have a phone, because it isn't :D
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-4 442. loadme commented 13 years ago on video We Love Poland

#2 no we couldnt notice, as for "non-russian/polish/serbian/bosnia" people you all sound the same ;)

and i wouldn't call embarrassment "ruling the chanels" ;)
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+2 443. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How do water droplets freeze, and why

hehe video creator did a great effort in letting it look like a real big deal.
but he/she forgot the sound ;)
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+1 444. loadme commented 13 years ago on video 100 YEARS / STYLE / EAST LONDON

it was way to fast
they are so good at dancing, i wish they wouldnt do only 2 frames per outfit
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+1 445. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Steve Jobs Prank Calls Starbucks

i agree, SJ joke-clips on snotr are boooorring.
but offending apple or people that out themselves as 'inspired by SJ',.. that instantly makes you look like jealous android users

grow up. its not about what is better. its about more. apple seriously influenced technology. as did google and microsoft as well. without this healthy competition we wouldnt be were we are.

all this bitching against companys that are not in your pocket, just points out the no-brainers
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+1 446. loadme commented 13 years ago on video This wedding proposal puts all others to shame

hehe just imagine, you live in that house and every once in a while a little semi hacker is coming across switching your lights on and of 1-2 times per second :D
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+1 447. loadme commented 13 years ago on video We Love Russia

my russian colleagues already confirmed all those things we imagine russia to be and will never ever go back

lacks of saftey
lacks of life qualities
and lacks of responsible human beings ;)
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+1 448. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Vintage race car crashes

although they go by 451 km/h nowdays, it looks so much saver than this time here..
why wasnt no one locked by a seatbelt or at least protected vs flip overs. :(
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+6 449. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Six - The Six Ways You'll See Your Dad

i really really loved it :-)
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+5 450. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Close call with a landmine

#(removed comment) you are wrong in so many different ways..
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+3 451. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Old couple playing piano

really great, but dont they look like 70 or 75?
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-2 452. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dog afraid of Julia Roberts

Maybe he was just afraid of his lazy fat ass owner on the couch?
Sitting there with TV loud while talking to his dog, while reading a magazin and while listeing to his wife..
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+30 453. loadme commented 13 years ago on video "Michael" - PS3 Long Live Play


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+4 454. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin final speech in "The Great Dictator"

Those words.. So wise, so old and still so rare.

Love it.
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+3 455. loadme commented 13 years ago on video A Bridge Too Far

Look! Ants!

Quiet a lot!
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+1 456. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Men's best friend

i thought it was about the dog being his dog and he wanted to figure out about if shes wearing a push up Bra ..
but then it got disgusting :D
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+2 457. loadme commented 13 years ago on video FAIL Collection

love 90% of those
thats +80% compared to other compilations

great :D
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+3 458. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Brain scientist explains how she felt her stroke as it was happening

#1 this is no acting at all - this is being human
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+3 459. loadme commented 13 years ago on video King Penguins Fighting


"keep going while i grab popcorn!"
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+1 460. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Climbing Red Gates stalin's skyscraper in Moscow

#6 his balls are also bigger than his brainzz ;)
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+1 461. loadme commented 13 years ago on video International Breakdance Event

whhhyyyyyy are there so many cuts and slow-motions? :(
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+17 462. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Steve Spangler's Carbon dioxyde bubbles and explosive Pringles

"whats fun is just do this at a party and then leave" :D
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-2 463. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Minigun

such a loser
such a crap video

please try to keep up originality in snotr vids.

this one was a waste of time about some faggot shooting 30 seconds into a see and trying to look cool.
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+7 464. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Summer feelings

i wanne go out now :)
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0 465. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Kid Attempts to Punch Through Board

what a loser
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-7 466. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Evolution of Music - Statistics

try to be honest to yourself and buy stuff.
downloading and posing about it is not really cool ;)
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+2 467. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Origami - Real World Applications

#1 why would you use your picture as an avatar? isnt it a bit risky then? :D
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+2 468. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Experience Zero Gravity

"zero gravitiy" ? seriously? i cant imagin a way to feel more gravity, than jumping down a mountain :D
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-10 469. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Delux: Life with a restart button

its pointless. please check the clips before you unlock them on snotr. ;)
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0 470. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Father-daughter song

watched this at least 50 times by now.
its in the favorites and comes up, when i wanne get happy.

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+1 471. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Sammy J & Randy - Secrets

really lovely.
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+31 472. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Hilarious Hang Gliding Puke at 2,000 Feet

20 minutes earlier at a local mc donalds:

"yo, bro! let's bet. the one who finishes those 8 McRib later, has to go hang gliding"
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+7 473. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Bear Grylls: Balls of Steel

take a closer look at some makeing ofs

half of it is fake
at no time he is really in danger. imo the only really dangerous situation was the jump on the train.
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+27 474. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Juggling 5 balls with her feet

Oh my god. and everything upside down?

i cant do this with even one ball.

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+6 475. loadme commented 13 years ago on video GreenPeace - Inspiring Action

#3 Because its also the most dangerous form of energy production?

greenpeace guys are maybe annoying, but lucky for us that we have them.
they always gave us a second point of view and i really respect that.
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-11 476. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Junior's Body Skills

#2 but most of the moves make him look really stupid.
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+13 477. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Last warning: leave NOW !!!


this doesnt seem to be a cage but more like a scrapyard
also, she seems totally wasted / drunk

but since its russia.. :D <3
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+3 478. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Day vs Night

another reason, why pixar is the best @animations and creativity in its genre ;)
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+2 479. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Internet is made of cats !

"at any given time cat videos make up about 30% world internet traffic."

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+30 480. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Recycle cans

#(removed comment) i feel sorry for you...
"its someone elses problem"? seriously? how small minded can one person be?
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+17 481. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Surfing with a Flare

looks kinda like lava

i would be scared to get my ass burned
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+7 482. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Girl gets bionic fingers

still very expensive but a good step in the right direction,.

anyways, in the next release they should shorten the thumb a bit.
otherwise it looks a bit like Edward Scissorhands :-)
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+1 483. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Highway robbery

these idiots even stole regular glasses.

how lame is that?

slap them once more from me please.
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0 484. loadme commented 13 years ago on video World's first scanner mouse


after you cropped the image, you are told to open up WORD
and if you scanned some text, you can color it in WORD as well.

great mouse scanner, but come one. winXP and Word for image editing?
looks like LG made the mouse and this hotty was told to create the presentation.
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+3 485. loadme commented 13 years ago on video August Fail Compilation

After drillions of fail videos, I will NEVER understand, why people still try to jump above ramps with their byciles

its always a pain in the ass when you see someone sliding and scratching his face over the ground
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+2 486. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Playground Fail Compilation

how can someone have so many playground fail videos ? :D

awesome compilation

kids, dont mess with the playground!
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0 487. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Secret Knock Detecting Lock

he knocked so many times, i still here it in my head. but the video isnt running anymore .. :(
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0 488. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How To Ride A Train For Free

haha, after the last exhibition the ride home was like this.
there was no room to stand, so ppl started to get up there and had it way more comfortable, than the rest of us ;)
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0 489. loadme commented 13 years ago on video 50 Cal Machine Gun VS. 250 Watermelons

have seen enough of boring "look i have a gun" videos :S
and his fake accent makes it even more lame
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+3 490. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Kid Gets Knocked Off Scooter

i really feel with the car driver
those kids always think they can do whatever they want, because they have scooters or motorcycles

but seriously? calm down, bro
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+67 491. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Gaki no tsukai - Banana Game

what did i just watch?
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+10 492. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Bread Animation

#3 its no fake.

afaik is this the official music video to the song.
It was directed by Geoff Mcfetridge and sponsored by Samsung, which provided the camera

this is maybe boring to you, but watch this making of:

way cooler, but still a waste of toast :D
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-3 493. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Do you smoke ?

everyone is complaining, because she is a chick
if this would have been some redneck with a bad mood like "go forck off, you aint not need to know, if i smoke." - then everyone here would have had high-fived

but their action remains the same. childish and not really funny at all.
only showing how bad their car is
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+4 494. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Solar Sinter Project

#1 there are tons of pioneer works in the past, where people said "but why??"
many of them are fundamental in todays industry processes

very nice idea, to try with cheap materials like sunlight and sand.
i would have loved to see, that his "office" would be working without the battery, but with solar energy as well.
you could then put this device in the middle of nowwhere and create glas.
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+3 495. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War

take a look closer at 0:15 - 0:20
you can see that the right car nearly gets ripped of his cargo area, seperated from the driver area.

really had to laugh, when the driver cabine felt down and it sounded like a thin sheet.

strong engine but no savety here ;D guess noone expected them to lose in anyway.
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-2 496. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Mega bass

His car is known as the "Üütcüs külüfüü hülününü" mobile. At least this is whats written on it.

Try to read that, if it shakes you like her

btw for every sound lover: if you ever stood right besides a REAL hard sound system, you could feel it right in your stomache vibrating.

i really doubt, that this is like 20 times harder, and the girl is still able to sit there.

some türkü maybe did the math wrong here.

"dude just add another zero. 40.000 looks way more awesome than 4.000!!!"
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0 497. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Real Time Rendering Technology

how come so many here call this fake, without even understanding a thing behind the technology and the programming point of view?

pls go away with something like "ouh 5 gb memory in graphicards now, so this would take 50TB to work" thats totally crap

this could very much be real.
but from comparing that footage to a game there are tons of things missing

most of all the collision checking or any interaction
what happens if you would try to destroy the environment?

would game designers have to simulate every interaction?

second of all, what about physics?

and by far not the last thing
what about the ammount of data that needs to be transfered, if you are synchronizing the environment for multiplayer
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-2 498. loadme commented 13 years ago on video President Obama's payback speech at the White House correspondents' dinner

i'm sitting in my chair for quiet a while.
but from what i have seen over the last two decades, NO US president brought so many important things up, like obama did.

and most of it was refused.. thats so sad.
many blame HIM now, for making big speeches but not doing enough.

your country really needs more ppl like this guy.
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+5 499. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Land Rover "Pathological Liar"

good spot, good acting :D
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+2 500. loadme commented 13 years ago on video F1 team helps boy get bionic hand.

some more tests with other body parts and they can start the first beta release of terminator >:)

really nice, what mercedes did here. lucky kid
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0 501. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Hand Shadows

brilliant and entertaining
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+5 502. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Hair on fire

ironically the tough guy started crying after they got the fire out.

so stupid :|
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+12 503. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Going for the frisbees ...

i tried that once and failed hard..

awesome dog.
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0 504. loadme commented 13 years ago on video YoYo World Champion 2011

best part is his winner face :D
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+1 505. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

#12 were you ever there? ;)

from my experience all you see here in sum feels like a regular drive to work.
they are truely insane when it comes to traffic and behaviour.

they mostly dont blink at all. main rule they told me: "dont bother about cars behind. they will adjust. only take care of cars in front of you".

worst thing must be indian traffic :D
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+1 506. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The demise of guys?

#7 i hope you dont really care about "war, hunting and dominance over women" as it sounded to me.

my only concern is, that there will be a lot less kids born by highly educated people (busy and under stress all day long) as well as people with access to the internet (losing interesst in making real love,like the TED talk stated).
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+1 507. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Wireless data from every light bulb

he makes some good points but, but #12 brings up important issues as well.

in my opinion you only can use this when part of a hybrid system.
if you turn around, move your phone in a box, in your trousers or whereever,
it would be offline.

the infrastructure is NOT there. you would still need to modify 14 drillion light bulps.

interessting in a supporting way. maybe as an extender for hot spots. but otherwise i really dont see this working
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+5 508. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Greek Fireworks Battle on Easter

so thats what they do with our money...
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+5 509. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Mountain Climber

camera man could do the same but with only one hand
and the camera in the other ;)
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0 510. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The World - Connecting Living!

looks like #(removed comment) is some weak loser. ha :D

this clip was quiet good and stands for the right things
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-11 511. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Parkour Kid

not sure if i like the idea of kids, that train hard to look like mini-hulks.
its not really the idea of being a kid.

but since it looks like fun for him.. mehh
incredible skills anyways
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-2 512. loadme commented 13 years ago on video BIGGEST EXPLOSIONS

so lets take a look at the "50million tons of TNT" bomb.

he said, that 1 million is enough to power one household for like ~103.000 years
now lets make some simplified math..
a person may live for around 80years.
therefor 1 million tons could be used to offer energy for the lifetime of 1287 people.

if you now look at back the 50 million tons, those 1287 people fast raise up to the size of a fairly large town with 64.375 people.

instead of letting some really stupid badass thing explode close to the northpole and bringing us wet feed, military should try to go green and power a whole TOWN for a full lifespan.

stupid bombs. awesome looks, but still stupid.
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+2 513. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular way to park a car

that may happens if you drive a car with 180 mph on the highway
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+1 514. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Another Russia Fail Compilation

1:15 is an incredibly stupid super mega fail deluxe

and the guy in 0:01 i really had wished a worse fail for even trying this
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-2 515. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Photography Themed Rube Goldberg Machine

tons of advertisement for "penny auctions".
like those goldberg clips more, if there isnt any advertisement in it
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+21 516. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Original shopping method

imagin that if you just want to grab a beer.
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0 517. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Russian spiderman - Sergey Devliashov

(by all understanding for fun in your free time)

this is probably the most stupid idea you could have
consequently risking your life to make people say "wow, omg, respect"

someday you just forget to focus and thats it.

i bet he wont celebrate his 25th birthday :(
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+7 518. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

dear us citizen: please.. you know that half of your country gets hit by tornads over and over again (that is why i feel very sorry for you), but please.. build houses out of bricks not some paper-wooden-weak houses.

dont you know the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wulf? :((
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+6 519. loadme commented 13 years ago on video "The plan "

its maybe good, to have a force, that explictitly looks for ethicnally wrong behaviour within the system.
but as good as those hackers intentions are, as wrong is it, to do this hidden and without any official insight.

it can be abused. it can do way more damage, than they intially intented to punish others for. and the worst thing is: it can cause war.

this video is ... well it makes them look not so grown up. its a randomnes of some great speeches. they seem to be some really young kids, that need some REAL personification.

try to work WITH the government. SHOW evidence of unethnical behaviour, that you found. but DONT feel like you are the law or you would have the right to judge others. you clearly dont. there are rules and if you find others should follow them, than YOU should as well.

i dont like it at all.
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+25 520. loadme commented 13 years ago on video angry cooker

#4 cooks have an insane job. work when everyone is out to enjoy. you have to work fast. you have to stay up late at night. you have to be good in what you are doing. you have to work clean. and so on

its not just nom nom nom ;)
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+2 521. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Indecent Proposal

"but i love you so much".. haha, heard that a lot.
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+1 522. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Bootleg Fireworks

the english translation was: "oh jesus, oh jesus, oh jesus, oh wait, oh jesus, ohhhh damn, jesus, oh jeee, oh jesus, oh shit, oh jesus,oh damn.. *break* .. damn that was awesome,oh jesus, oh jesus, oh jesus, oh wait, oh jesus, ohhhh damn, jesus, oh jeee, oh jesus, oh shit, oh jesus,.. "

he said exactly this, but 3 times in a row

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+39 523. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Technology

german engineering rocks so hard

but i still dont understand their taste in music
sounds a lot like porn to me :D

well engineering and porn together cant be that wrong eighter, so say i am fine with it ;D
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0 524. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Choosing Your Landing Spot FAIL

when will people finally realize, that jumping or doing some sick loops usually ends way worse, than expected?

arent there enough fail vids around the web? ;)
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+3 525. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Giant Building Collapse


1000 looking, noone suggests the most obvious here?

the driver should start watching cartoons where they cut trees and hit themselves over and over again
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+2 526. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Validation

he is the smart guy from "Bones".
great actor. this clip here is old but still worth spreading around the internet
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-16 527. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dudes on kisscam


gays on a kisscam? little bit unexpected but neither interessting nor funny?
at least they seemed to enjoy it :(|)
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0 528. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Worlds Strongest Redneck

i feel sorry for him. anyone else does? :(
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+4 529. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Giant oled display - Geo-Cosmos

interessting technology, but is it just for simulation? for forecasting?

really need more information here.
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+18 530. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Train Goes 300 MPH

#3 now that i see your name combined with this clip

i cant do anything, but thinkin about roadrunner ;)
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+2 531. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Playing Chicken with a Crocodile

this is so incredibly stupid.

this dude does anything for tourists and some extra bucks..
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+4 532. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Jazzie Show: Mugger Surprise

#4 got your point about the old school phones. they do what they are told to

but you maybe missed around 1000 things, you can do with smartphones
its not just games. who cares about games anyways.
but since you got the internet in your pocket, you not only can pick up any information or news, but have a large range of other possibilities.

just yesterday i got some emergency call and was able to fix another computer remote controlled with my smartphone within seconds and theirfore was able to save a loooot of money for some company.

dont think about them as cellphones, but more about a cellphone-notebook-thing
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+1 533. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Drawing with hair

his art seems really impressive, but got everyone his face around 0:21 ? something is seriously wrong with this guy 8-)

do that again with rastas. guess it looks like some 320x240 pixel thing then >:)
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+2 534. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Nokia Morph

not even a real picture? just some old concept? :'(
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0 535. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Mute Button

first thing i thought when they were gone muted:
"hey, now it sounds like my city"

really not used to so much noise and anger :(
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+1 536. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Highway Condom Explosion

"go faster joe, go faster" usually leads to *car hits tree*
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+3 537. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Willard Wigan's Nanosculpture's

would love to see, how he does the sculpture part and how he forms heads/hands etc
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-3 538. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Big fat baby

is it just me, that couldnt laugh?
his voice change was kind of impressing, but crying like a baby? :|
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0 539. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Playground Backflip Fail

wondering that there are still idiots doing backflips while filming themselves.

haha :D
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-2 540. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Airplane crashing

why is this on snotr? and rated with a lot of "+1"?
dont get it.
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+30 541. loadme commented 13 years ago on video You better don't dance in america...

no fake:

"The dancers were protesting a January 2011 decision by a federal judge who'd ruled that dancing quietly at the memorial was an illegal demonstration and not an expression of free speech. "

an illegal demonstration. yes, right.
it is a shame that your government is so small minded
i bet they were republicans, unable to make any ethic decision.
their next step seems to be an economic death for their whole contry..
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0 542. loadme commented 13 years ago on video TED: Beware online "filter bubbles"

he isnt pointing out, that many of those filters making it way more comfortable for users to find information.

if you look up for terror, hunger you dont get facebook links of your friends or things like he is talking about. but you get pages, that you are used to. pages that you can read fast and fluidly. thats no bad thing.

if you are used to other pages, it shows you the information on them.

there is no "private" bubble.
its the one real problem here for me. while i agree, ppl need to think about the world, not only about their friends, he still tries to sell, that filters are ignoring content.

like his two friends and the egypt thing. they maybe have different links their, but if one of them travels a lot, its no bad thing, to provide tourist information first.

its his thing to look up "egypt politics" or "egypt news". not googles
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0 543. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Dudesons

this brings the stupidity to a new level.
those guys are not cool... by far.. not cool.
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+16 544. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Bubble Baby´s Laugh Slow Down!

funny at first ;)
yes babies are cute, but 20 sec of this are really enough.
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+6 545. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Mini Crossbow Shooting Targets

besides the super bad musik, this one really rocks

its like a new first person office shooter with the full arsenal of weaponary

what about glowing arrows, explosive arrows and arrows with a string attached?
you could use them to actually enter the desk of your neightbour.

great 8-)
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+6 546. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Pants On Fire

russians hahaha
you always see the outcome before they do

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-2 547. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

sadly there is no credit in the whole video :(

#4 those stats are highly wrong.
and being here 50 days in a row can also refere to 50 minutes overall. and not to two full month ;)
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+7 548. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Squirrel fills Antenna with Acorns

as far as i know squirrles have a really bad short and long term memory.
meaning that after hiding their nuts they have already forgotten where to find it.

thats why they tend to burrow a lot of nuts in every spot they can find. so later at winter they can start and find nuts just be randomly looking for some
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+5 549. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The World's Deepest Indoor Swimming Pool

Just think about a great meal with your love and why you try to propose to her/him, there is a huge ugly half nude guy/girl swiming in front of your table

haha, great:D

love it
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+3 550. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Jet Powered Golf Cart

haha imagine that on a golf curt, where everyone is trying to relax from work :D
and you go like TZZZSSSHHHHH CCRRRRRrrrrrrhHHHH TTTZzzz

would be way better footage than this turtle speed in the neightbourhood ;)
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+2 551. loadme commented 13 years ago on video No more skinned knees!

bad invention
kids need to learn with real bikes. not some that look like but dont behave like bikes
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+10 552. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Feeding The Giants

just go on and piss of other animals.
someday darwin will send you his kindest wishes
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+16 553. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Our beautiful planet

this video shows mountains all over the place
but our planet has so much more to offer..

@#1: you really need a video clip to get focus in life? :O
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+1 554. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Gmail Motion

Fact is, we could totally believe that google starts projects like this.
The scary thing is, that google usually isn't wrong with its technologies... ^^
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+2 555. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Hot Dogs

this is not funny :(
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-8 556. loadme commented 13 years ago on video One Lucky Dude

why do ppl stuff like this in the first place? ^^
its maybe fun to watch, but doing this on your own is pretty stupid in my opinion
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-3 557. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How many ...

well, other then #(removed comment) said, its some simple fact, that most ppl here in europe know about. or let me put it his way: everyone i know for sure knows:

we also understand that you use a slightly different number system, so that between your billion and ours there is a factor of 1000

please US citizens just look up the number that tells you abouth the financial depths of your country. you would be suprised, how fast you can understand what a trillion means.

or just stick with the perspective of the ppl in this video
"like 3 million?? i dont know :S"
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+2 558. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2011

please people out there:
next time you want to jump over something while looking "cool", try to think first.

95% of all clips here really had it coming. the other 5% are really sad :(
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+7 559. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Individuals from Sudan are brought to the USA, cultural differences emerge.

while all of us live so far apart, for us its easier to understand the world, because we live in the age of informations.
we just switch on television and watch documentaries about their lifes.
the probably cant and have no access to so many informationes about the world, like we have.

not saying that informations are worth it or not. just saying, that this is the actual difference
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+5 560. loadme commented 13 years ago on video How kids can ruin a special moment

oh man! hahahaha
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+3 561. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Tempest Freerunning Academy

nice to see that kids no longer need to jump from roofs anymore.. :)
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+2 562. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Helmet Cam Freestyle Motocross

why is this cut so badly?
why cant he just do his thing with the camera looking straight forward instead of repeating the same jump on the same hill over and over again with different gestures

so boring :(
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-2 563. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Epic landing

russia... :S
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+3 564. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Just another day at the office

hehe, with his 2nd hit he was going for her mobile phone on the table as well.
guess he never wanted to hear her calling someone ever again :D
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+2 565. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Man climbs up a 40 metre tree

#16 oh man. no really?? never thought about that. :D
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+2 566. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Russian fake motorcycle


and again. no money, old rusty car parts, strange behavior.
while i enjoy their clips, i am really not sure, if i should ever go there.
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+1 567. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Player has issues dressing himself

lol, he really seems to have a lowered IQ
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-2 568. loadme commented 13 years ago on video First person Mario

#1 for real?

the idea is funny, but after seeing 2 jumps and some UFF OUCH sounds, it feels a bit annoying too ;)
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-1 569. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Sexy Sax Man

its all funny, until he blows his horn in front of some dudes, that REALLY are not in the mood.

its a pitty, that he only can play this one line of the song
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-2 570. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The last free people on this planet

#7 #8 #9 #15:
you cant really discuss this on a platform like this.
its way more complex with many more ups and downs
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+27 571. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia

haha, he just burrowed a whole on a field and there it is. SUPRISE :D
that is so obvious..
on the other hand, his/her art skills in the details of this thing are great.

someday mankind will find outer terrastial life and when they finally look at it, they will be like "WHHAT? why no legs, why no arms??"
i dont get, why every imagined lifeform must have a pair of legs, arms, huge forehead (looks smarter?)

why cant it look like something completly different?^^
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+12 572. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Electroshock!!

first vid was uploaded before the internet went online.
good find ;)
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+27 573. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The Clay Pigeon Golf Shot !

first i thought ".. go do something useful"
than i was like WTF, they all nearly hit the thing. that needs huge amounts of skill and practise

many respect
now go, do something useful.

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-2 574. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Footballer Sent Off For Tackling A Streaker

takes huge balls to call a red, when everyone is so aggressive against you.

those dudes should grow up and try to do sport, not ladie bitching.

and ya, the securities should get fired
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+1 575. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Penguin Leap Of Faith

close call
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+1 576. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Skull Face Tattoo

LOL he really takes him self seriously :D

what a douche
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-3 577. loadme commented 13 years ago on video An extraordinary hand

hum, not that extraordinary here where i live. i know at least 3 ppl, that can do this (and more?) with their fingers.
its funny to watch how they reverse the handshake, though
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+7 578. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Rubik Record From Spain

you all realize, that this "riddle" can be very easy up to very hard?
it all depends on how you prepare it

even if you don't see any difference, you can't blame this guy for being BAD or SLOW

because infact he is not
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+16 579. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The WTF moment for friday

btw the original thumbnail is soooooo misleading :D
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+4 580. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Futuristic Japanese Cars

anyone else thought, that it should be way faster to walk, instead of using this last car - suzuki with 2 pre-installed semi-bikes?..
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+4 581. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Mad aligator

actually glad this happened. hopefully other silly-heads don't even consider imitating this
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+18 582. loadme commented 13 years ago on video The WTF moment for friday

tried this kooloookooloo-shake-ya-ass-thing in front of my mirror. i'm no insect yet. this must be fake!!!! :'(
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+23 583. loadme commented 13 years ago on video Video Dating Winner

his acting is not bad at all. but the lowered quality and the lack of context or original ideas makes this video not very entertaining :(