Comments posted by madmap


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+32 1. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Good ol'boy taking a scizzor lift to the beer store.

Am I the only one who thinks this is too weird to be true?
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+28 2. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Predator: Camera that Learns

Nice, very nice: guess we will be hearing from him again :)
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+18 3. madmap commented 14 years ago on video TAC Campaign

#1 hopefully not...
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+15 4. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Linux baby rocker

Finnaly: Linux HAS a use!
*just kidding :)
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+14 5. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Rallying

Phew: for a second I really thought they were thinking about continuing the track... but they are pro's :)
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+13 6. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Giant water slide

Its a Fake, actually its a commercial: the last seconds are missing so its not clear in this vid :)
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+8 7. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Ukrainian kid with balls of steel

balls of steel and a brain like a peanut...
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+7 8. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Vortex Smoke Ring Collision

Nice :) Did those rings create other rings? Must have been one heck of adjustment till this worked as wanted!
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+6 9. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Riker sits down

omg... never noticed that!
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+6 10. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Epic Don't Drink and Drive Prank

and the best part are the news :D
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+5 11. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Paris Gold Ring Scam

happened to me too... only in vienna: also didn't give in, insisted on bringing it to the lost&found and not giving any money :)
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+4 12. madmap commented 14 years ago on video Sold Out

What movie are those scenes from? Looks interesting :)
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+4 13. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Gmail Motion

You gotta love those april-fools jokes from google :) Heres an overview:

Btw: The RFC also has some great ones :)
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+4 14. madmap commented 13 years ago on video FPSRussia - Automatic Glock Explosive Bullets

LOL, the Glock just looks like a big Dic* with Balls...
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+4 15. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Blackstone oil engine startup

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+3 16. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

What an IDIOT!! Where is Darwins Law when you need it :)
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+3 17. madmap commented 12 years ago on video LIFECYCLE: 365 days in the life of a bike in NYC

actually surprised that it took so long till it was gone...
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+3 18. madmap commented 10 years ago on video The Difference Between Weather and Climate Change

it's sad that this sill has to be explained...
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+2 19. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Police motor fail

Thats the kind of accidents I like to watch :) (not like the prev. vid... :( )
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+2 20. madmap commented 13 years ago on video The Man Who Made Things Fly

the washing-machine really looks fake... the rest just looks pure fun :)
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+2 21. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Targa High Country 2011

how much i want to have a (!closed!) road like this and a car like that... nevermind: i guess i would wreck it :(
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+2 22. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

actually the copter doesn't seem to be to badly damaged...
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+2 23. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Super calm woman in car crash caught by dash cam

Looked like an icy road... or the slickest tires ever ;)
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+2 24. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Paintball is not for everyone

wtf?! how can this happen? this was no paintball-bullet...
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+1 25. madmap commented 15 years ago on video Awesome car race

wow... simply stunning piece of work! congrats!
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+1 26. madmap commented 14 years ago on video Flooded meadow

Very nice video, I love to live in austria now even more :)
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+1 27. madmap commented 13 years ago on video Swinglines

Don't get the subtitle: "Better than Tyrolean"? What have I missed? (Just curious because I'm from Tyrol...)
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+1 28. madmap commented 13 years ago on video click click click

there should be a epilepsy disclaimer when this vid starts...
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+1 29. madmap commented 11 years ago on video The Super Supercapacitor

Samsung, Apple, HTC, Huwai: on your marks and go! Want it now!
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+1 30. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Karma

ahhh: i was wondering whats wrong till he said "fuckin' wanker!"... they're british!
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+1 31. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Fill your water heater with instant coffee

so this is how you wake up with a morning shower...
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0 32. madmap commented 11 years ago on video Why so many dashcams in russia?

#5 don't forget in austria it's also illegal to have a dashcam in the car...: might also be a reason ;)
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-1 33. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Police cruisers in Dubai

and where is the veyron?
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-1 34. madmap commented 10 years ago on video Tortoise

Usually I like Cyanide & Happiness but this sucked...