Comments posted by makeartnotwar


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+70 1. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

#(removed comment) Why the Fuck would anyone try to land on concrete blocks ?
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0 2. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video Strongest Magnet on Earth

I Thaught it was simon pegg hosting the show during the five first seconds. same voice
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+4 3. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video Ferrari vs Taxi

It's funny how one second you're alive and the next you're history. Life is precious.
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+4 4. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video Two handed drawing

I wonder how nobody commented about the fact that this could have been done with two different people drawing...
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+56 5. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video He watches you

Soon... Very soon...
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0 6. makeartnotwar commented 12 years ago on video Nutshot Compilation

1:08 Look at is closely, he get's it in the chest, unless he has a malformation and has nuts on the chest, thats a big load of fake.
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+5 7. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Zyzzyx Trampwall Acrobats

Once you've heard the same music in at least 10 differentes clips, don't you think to yourself : Hummm... why don't I pick another music, just to be at least a bit creative
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+3 8. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Bungee jumper's cord snaps

The editing scared the shit out of me. The silences were intense.
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+8 9. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Trolling Cat II

I was waiting for the trolling to look at the camera with a big proud sneaky smiley face :D
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+2 10. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Dropping a car

Looks Even better if played backwards.
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+56 11. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video What happens when two corvettes line up?

Worst thing is he also had to fuck up his friend's car.
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-1 12. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Modern Times

#4 What's the point of your life ? I'm guessing just to enjoy it.
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+11 13. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Bridgestone Karma

Without the beaver, he wood've been drawn to a horrible death. >:)
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-2 14. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

#(removed comment) I felt like I wasted more time reading your comment than watching the video.
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+51 15. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Pretend fight gone...

Even if he tried, He couldn't have done it better
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+27 16. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Half Beetle Drives Past

Does he get to pay half the taxes ?
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+5 17. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video Starting A Car With A Dead Battery In Russia

How to double the price of a lada : Fill the tank. >:)
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+3 18. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video MMA Punch Out!

I'm guessing this must be one of the only sports where you actually diminish your brain capacity after doing it.
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-1 19. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video World's Largest Water Balloon Fight

I'm Sure kids in africa would love to play.
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0 20. makeartnotwar commented 13 years ago on video The Perfect Birthday Present

Does Anybody Knows the name of this show ?
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+4 21. makeartnotwar commented 14 years ago on video RC Helicopter Skills

I dare anyone to fly in a real helicopter with this guy controling it and not puking ^^ 5 secs max.
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-2 22. makeartnotwar commented 14 years ago on video Ibex with itchy bum

Now that's Design ! :)
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+3 23. makeartnotwar commented 14 years ago on video Only energy source is the wind and the sun.

Now that's Music ^^ ....
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+6 24. makeartnotwar commented 14 years ago on video Epic dog food commercial

Come on' ! Whhat is the publicity agency who did that amazing creative and authentic work ?? This is Bullshit.
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+1 25. makeartnotwar commented 15 years ago on video Ditchboarding

Hey, What is the name of the first song ? just luv it.
Kewl Skills btw.