Comments posted by marleymanbob


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+2 1. marleymanbob commented 6 years ago on video My pet flying squirrel, Deeb, jumping around & playing

I use to have a couple of sugar gliders, miss them like crazy but they were great fun...bloody nutters, loved watching them
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+1 2. marleymanbob commented 6 years ago on video The Smoothest Moonwalk ever

0:48 no wheels there. Great skills!
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+3 3. marleymanbob commented 6 years ago on video Base Jumping From a Wind Turbine Blade

He pulled his shoot 96m too early if you ask me
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+3 4. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Fun with Fall Walls!

So much tidying up to do!!! :P Pretty cool though
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+7 5. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Hot Wheels Road Trip

everytime there's a black tunnel it "teleports"/edits to another video, "8 different sections".
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+9 6. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Lion tries to EAT screaming toddler on Mexican TV show

I'd be more worried by the woman who took the baby off mum when the lion had been removed, whos gunna remove her? Leave baby with mum for christs sake!
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+7 7. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Olympic Gold Medalist Sun Yang throwing his swimming cap in to the crowd

I think his biggest fail was his drugs test...Just one of the many, many cheaters!
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+9 8. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Koenigsegg One:1 heavy highspeed crash at Nürburgring Nordschleife

I'd rather look at the un-crashed Koenigsegg One to be honest. Every day there's more images of crashed supercars on my facebook wall than there is pictures of TnA. Show me the actual crash or just a great lap time but not loading scrap metal onto a wagon
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+1 9. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Man Builds Giant Homemade Computer To Play Tetris

did he really have to explain tetris? I think he's the only person on the planet that started to play it only last week!
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+1 10. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video NASA Test-Fire Solid Rocket Booster for Megarocket

#4 I have the exact same issue with firefox, I've had to install chrome with Snotr as the homepage just to watch the videos. Its very frustrating, I enjoy the site a lot and as you say I'm here every day but it seems a shame to have changed it from the classic Snotr we new and loved.
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+3 11. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video 400km/h in 26 seconds

Thank you #4 Thanny, had to switch to Chrome for Snotr as it seems to be firefox is the problem. #3 Totally agree mate, change both scares and disgruntles me. I'm sure we'll get use to it eventually
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+1 12. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video 400km/h in 26 seconds

Since the snotr change none of these videos will play for me, can anyone help me please?
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+10 13. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video "Pedals" bipedal bear sighting

it's lovely to see how he has adapted to overcome his challenges and he seems to be living well too. I suppose he does more more foraging than the "average bear" (hey, hey BooBoo) but there's plenty to eat on a forest floor.
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+4 14. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Weird

This guy (Marlon Webb) does crack me up, check this one out...
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+5 15. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video How to Wash Airsoft BBs

how is that exactly? this is a useless video to make and as for posting it here I'm not sure why admin thought it offered any value at all!
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+9 16. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Man Jumps Into Lion Enclosure In Hyderabad Zoo

He can't even swim looking at the way he left the enclosure. I say leave the lions to their lunch, if you can't handle your booze and make ridiculous decisions such as this then feel free to offer yourself up as a tasty meal. Oh and FFS don't kill the lions to rescue these muppets!!!
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+10 17. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video How to Wash Airsoft BBs

whats next, how to walk using 2 feet? people make the dumbest tutorials and guides.
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+13 18. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Little girl cries tears of joy after getting doll with a prosthetic leg

well that's started my day beautifully. At "It's got a leg like me" I couldn't hold back a little tear. What a great gift from her parents!!!
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+8 19. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video 200-metre long Giant Sinkhole Swallows Dozens 20 Cars in Italy

Who would of thought that filling in and tarmacking part of a river would result in this, ey?
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+1 20. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Best kept secret ever?

My hospital barely let my parents in to see my kids, how did they get so many people through the damn door???

May be I should have told them I was doing it for the youtube hitz! :P :squirrel: :P
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+11 21. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Stay Strong: Two-legged Lamb in Southwest China Astounds Residents

In what way is this cruel? the lamb has overcome adversity! It was born this way. Is it cruel for someone or something born with a deformity to live a life, is that what you're saying? I'm confused.
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+6 22. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Amazing 12 Year Old Freestyle Skateboarder!

I still remember the Rodney Mullen's freestyle video coming out, never did I imagine that some 15-20 years later a 12yo would be doing the same tricks and even more besides. That was awesome, incredible "tekkerz"!!!
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+7 23. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Best of 2015 | Damien Walters

#3 That's probably got something to do with the fact that he is now a stuntman >:) >:) >:)
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0 24. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Rubik's Cube Wizard

No resets, no switches just mathematics and memory using algorithms, a very impressive skill, slightly useless but great for parties!
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+20 25. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video White student at San Francisco State University hassled because of his dreads

That bitch had no right and as for acting like a 5 year old at 0:26 and grabbing him saying "get your hands off me", WTF...she'll get whats coming one day, you can't treat people like that!

Also whats with the french princess of Bel Air in the trench coat???
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+1 26. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

Captain Charisma over here!
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+8 27. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video 10 Year-Old Blind Autistic Boy Singing

Awesome video. My son has autism but I can't even imagine how hard it is to be blind as well. My utmost respect goes to the family for helping find him find his road in life and taking care of him as well as they obviously are.
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+3 28. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Compilations, Ownage and Awesome
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+5 29. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video World's Funniest Engineering Fails

well that's my annual dose of sarcasm sorted, anymore would just be indulgent. Cool vid though
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+17 30. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Baby deer saved after being stuck in boulder catch fence

filmed it before he helped it, didn't try to catch it and ran to the camera first after it was down...Props for helping, don't get me wrong well done but I dislike this Youtube generation where it's all about filming it all rather than just doing what needs to be done regardless of your recognition.
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+12 31. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Electrician stuck his head in the ceiling

some say he's still there with a torch in his mouth hoping that nobody notices >:)
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+1 32. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Musicless Music Video

but it's not even funny!
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-3 33. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Musicless Music Video

wtf was that. I love this movie, the final battles are epic, scripted of course but WTF was his nonsense
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+2 34. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video Broncos fan spends $21,000 on Superbowl tickets, doesn't tell his wife

I don't get the problem, he obviously has the money to spend, he's spending it on something he's passionate about and it could be a once in a lifetime event. Ok he's filling someone else's pockets but aren't we all in everything we do (for the man, man).

The fact that he says "we're" is fine, its "his" team. Fans are passionate people, I consider "my" football (soccer) team to be "mine" not exclusively but I love them with my heart and soul and follow them passionately). I don't have any influence on them, in the same way I struggle to have any influence on "my" wife and kids >:) >:) >:)
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+6 35. marleymanbob commented 8 years ago on video How much fuel a truck spends when it starts rolling?

great, now get off your phone while you're driving!
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-3 36. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Massive Blizzard to Hit Massachusetts on Saturday January 23, 2016

I just wanna punch his teeth right. WTF is this video? put him back in the special ward and move on!
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+8 37. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Icebreaker Crowd

health and safety ain't what it used to be!
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-6 38. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video 45 IMPRESSIONS AUDITION

Is it just me or was that about 6 different voices with 45 different thumbnails.

Better than most but still not very good :(
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+11 39. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Hypnotic Cardistry Kid

#1 With finger skills like that he could have any woman in the world!!! ;)
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+7 40. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Cost of doctor's mistakes: Father jailed after armed standoff to save his son

what an interesting moral dilemma.

He endangered others for his son which is very wrong but then who among us wouldn't? I know I would, selfish though it may be.

I find it interesting that the charges against him were dropped, he may not of intended to hurt anyone at any stage in this process but you can't know the outcome, accidents happen in heated situations especially when a gun is involved.

I imagine he would have been more than content to serve 10 months in jail considering he had saved his son, again, I know I would!!!

Good on him and at the same time what a silly thing to do...Morally confused! O:) :| >:)
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+5 41. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video How to change a bridge

wow congratulations to the the project manager(s)!
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+3 42. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video China has incinerated 1,800 tonnes of old banknotes to create electricity

nice efficient way of reusing withdrawn notes and far better than coal, props to them!
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+5 43. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Trippy BMX Video

#3 You are indeed deaf my friend. He left home at 14, that's all. He has been riding for 10 years...and no that does not necessarily mean he's 24!
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+3 45. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Most Creative BMX Rider?

Cool vid and nice skills, it desperately needs a soundtrack though lol. It just lacked that je ne sai quoi!
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+8 46. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Cocky tattooed MMA tough guy gets knocked out in 20 seconds

Its a shame he's limited his job opportunities with face tatts because he could do with something he's good at
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0 47. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video The Assumption Song

possibly creepier than the Judge Dread 60's version. I love his reggae versions with Big 5, 6, 7 & 8. Well worth a watch...Great song and nice animation too!
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-5 48. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Adorable baby deer refuses to leave the man who saved her life in heartwarming footage

wow no one got the joke about venison being a little deer (as in expensive) Come on ppl!
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+2 49. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video How to make Corona beer bottles into glasses

I prefer to make my own Corona Pint glasses, my recipe: Go to pub, drink Corona, place glass in bag and head home happy...Voila! >:)
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+3 50. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video If I had half this guy's talent, I'd never be bored again...

#7 Its the Animaniacs Theme song, I'm not sure it has a name...Details here:
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+1 51. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Cooking and Food Fails

4:09 and 4:39...We've all been there! Am I right?
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+1 52. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Fail compilation September 2015

count the number of prepubescent boy screams or what!?!? My ears hurt after all that
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+5 53. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video 35 year old who lives in 1946

he lives down the road from me, very quirky but nice chap, not sure I could live this way though.
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+4 54. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Russian creativity

Many of those are great solutions, a lot of ingenuity on display and then in typical Russian fashion, it gets ruined by some plebs reversing down the wrong side of the road like "maybe no one will notice".
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-4 55. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Toddler Crushes Homemade Ninja Warrior Course

hmmmm.. my 2 year old can do all that and play the piano...I don't get it. Cute tho.
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+1 56. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video A kid's tribute

And they say Gingers have no soul >:)
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+4 57. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Dog Saved 1 HOUR before being Euthanized

My cat sat on my lap and watched that with me and although I thought the story was amazing and was so thrilled that the dog made such a great recovery, I gotta say my little kitty looked a little disappointed that they saved another dog which could potentially terrorise her.

I have assured her that he will not cause her any trouble and she has now gone outside, where... in a minute, the neighbours dog will no doubt start barking madly at her till she runs in again lmao
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+8 58. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Speed Mountain Running-five 4000m peaks in 7h 45min

Maybe because some people like to push themselves in this life, after all you only get one chance.
As for the you not think hes spent quite a lot of time up there prior to this challenge???
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+1 59. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Is this the best way to save a parking space?

I feel like its 1999 and I'm in teen chat!

Me thinks Judge Jake has a crush??? You know, the kind of crush that has you shyly saunter across the playground towards a girl, thinking shall i ask her to hold my hand? Maybe we could go to the mall for some fizzy pop? perhaps you're just supposed to kiss her? When suddenly you realise you're now stood next to her...Panic ensues, oh what to do?...So you just push her over, giggle like schoolgirl and run like hell!!! >:) >:) >:)
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+2 60. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Dog has his own ride!

It seems a lot kinder to the dog than this contraption...
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+2 61. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Her Dad Died Just Before Her Wedding But What Her Brother Did Left The Whole Room In Tears

It was my opinion #2 I am entitled to that! its not disrespectful, IT WAS hard to watch. It must have been a very hard day for all.

There's no need for your disrespectful comments towards me, while you are entitled to your own opinion (because I'm nice like that) there's no need to be a troll and cause offence:-

That's known as being a bully/bullying
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+3 62. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Her Dad Died Just Before Her Wedding But What Her Brother Did Left The Whole Room In Tears

Very nice sentiment and zero disrespect meant... but it was fairly cringey to watch if I'm being honest. I wish them all the best though.
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+15 63. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Boeing 777 landing high winds at Amsterdam’s Schipol airport.

A wonderful display of composure and control.
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+5 64. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Dog Stumbles Across A Dolphin In A Dangerous Situation And Alerts Owner

good job to the 1 man and his dog. Its wonderful to see a very touching moment like this. I hope the dolphin wasn't to tired to make it back to momma.
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+3 65. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

wow unexpected backlash lol...Place me in the ownage catagory as I've been pwned.

Fair play geekster, I doth my cap to you sir... O:)

your thoughtful response is compensation enough
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-5 66. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

Dear Snotr,

I enclose an invoice for your reference,

3mins and 25secs of my time.

Could you please pay in full with something actually worth watching ,

Many thanks,

Disgruntled non coffee drinker/carer
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+4 67. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video 10 Stupid Lottery Winners

Michael Carroll, use to deal drugs outside of my work, using our car park as his personal playground. I had to chase him off a fair few times. The guy is a full blown degenerate dipshit. At least he's broke as a joke now >:) >:) >:)
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+6 68. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video You would never guess this is what a rhino sounds like

thank god that hefty ribbon was there for protection, although how could you be threatened by that cute sound :D
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+8 69. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Rocket, Thailand Style

I believe the space programme still needs a little fine tuning.
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+5 70. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Flirt with death

Did anyone else's arsehole tighten up at 1:52?
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+3 71. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Chick concert

words fail me..?!?
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-5 72. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Driving advice

#4 I think you're wrong and don't just assume driver behind is on the phone, we all know what happens when you ASS U ME things.

He seemed to break very hard for the turning, I'm not surprised he just got rear ended. Lucky to walk away really.
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+13 73. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

#(removed comment) what a massive hypocrite you are! Why would you post a different version?

besides, no one said it was mocking its just been put to different music.
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+5 74. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Pastor Uses Invisible Power to Knock Down Church Members

Poor deluded fools! Whodoo that Voodoo!
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-1 75. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Make a Way - stupid man

#6, on your last point: the sooner the better!
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+6 76. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Bosnian people playing Frisbee

Now that's XTREME Frisbee!!!
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+10 77. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Drama Queen

Someone autotune that horse please
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+2 78. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video New Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner performs near vertical take-off

amazing, i would like to know why its necessary.
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+2 79. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Randy Orton RKOs!

holy crap #1, is he the "late" mayor now? What a stack that was!
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+8 80. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Little Johanna channeling Aretha Franklin!

someone arrest her..She just stole the damn show!
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+4 81. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Awesome People

7:53 your prize for the Darwin award...A stamp on the fingers.

Natural selection always needed a little boost!!! >:) >:) >:)
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+4 82. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Drew Bezanson's Biking Skills

who has been voting this down? the guys skills are FREAKIN MENTAL!!! what a warehouse that is, he just created soooo many new lines.
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+10 83. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video She nearly made it

Why oh why would you ever where those shoes! Even when she was walking she looked constipated.

Also nice camera work btw, potato attached to a pogostick!
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+12 84. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Hey, you're on camera

this has to be fake, she practically throws the cup at them just to ensure it empties. These kiss-cams have just become viral making machines, there's hardly any spontaneity involved anymore.
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+17 85. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Bride goes for a swim at her wedding... what could possibly go wrong?

"woooo you did it Ami", you came runner up for the Darwin award. Sooo close, maybe next year.
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+8 86. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Musical time machine

Vicodin for #2 please, I repeat... Vicodin for #2...Thank you!
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+6 87. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Centre for Computing History

Love this place, as do my kids. I first found it sheltering from a storm but been back many times now. Such a collection :)they also do LAN parties and such like, I would love to have an N64 party personally...Goldeneye!!!
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+4 88. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video How to not couple a train

Scheiße is correct!
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-3 89. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Fishing was good today!

Nice to see they all died humanely, whats Russian for PETA >:)
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+2 90. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Home made door lock

WTF was that?!?!
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+7 91. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Two New Magnetic Toys

Does he do childrens parties? >:)
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+2 92. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Female soccer players are smarter ...

they're not smarter or dumber this is not the first cheeky freekick players have taken, it's nice but it isn't exactly special.
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+9 93. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Man gets upset at Firefighters that went to grocery store to buy food

Why would they be shopping during an actual fire that had been called in #6...they wouldn't!

A lot of their time is taken up training and waiting, they are not fighting fires or freeing car wreck victims all the time.

How do we know that they haven't just finished a training exercise down the road from this store and did the shopping on the way home. The money they saved on that amount of shopping in that particular store will more than cover the cost of fuel to get there anyway!
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+8 94. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Baby escape from his crib

What an evil little genius ;) , I think the crazy wallpaper and carpet forced him into an escape plot!
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-6 95. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Filipino ninja cleaner

#4 We all know this dude but in order to be an efficient "cleaner", one must actually "clean"!

I eat food I drop on the floor (so long as its my own floor or just not a public floor) etc. but I'm not about to lick the snot off your face and wipe your ass with my hand...just saying!
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+2 96. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Surfers ride the five star bore on the River Severn in Gloucestershire

I see why they call it a bore... "Yawn!!!"
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+1 97. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully

#16 Everything you just said just adds to your insecurity and what does having a girlfriend/wife have to do with your own self worth other than nothing. At your age you certainly should know better.
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+1 98. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully

#13 It's ok to be insecure about yourself, don't worry I'm sure someone, somewhere thinks your worth something
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+3 99. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully

#9 we are all individuals, we express ourselves in many different ways. I don't think you're intelligent enough to understand his talk, too many big words for ya buddy. perhaps just stay quiet in future!
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0 100. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video A 5 Year Old Street Kid Goes To The McDonald's for the First Time

#7 you got a plus rating...Shut The Front Door! we'll see how long that lasts...back to sweeping them streets for me (which by the way would be a perfectly admirable job to have, I can guarantee they do more for society than you do!)
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+6 101. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Streetbike wreck sends both bikers rolling on the street

wow the guy almost had 2 crashes in 5 seconds and then before 10 seconds was up BOOM, what a fool, who gave him a license?!
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+8 102. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video "Stop a Douchebag" 2 Bully vs. Wrestler

#(removed comment) I'm pretty sure you're definition of an idiot is perfectly apt for you sir! You have nothing better to do than post argumentative drivel in the hopes you will push some buttons and yet everyone just pushes the "thumbs down" button. back to work for me, that is all!
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+2 103. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Funny guy makes Royal Guard Laugh at Buckingham Palace

least funny Jewish guy I can think of tbh. Great you made him laugh but it wasn't exactly an amazing punchline was it!
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0 104. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Man says "I Love You" to his wife 15 years after being silenced by ALS thanks to eye track

#1 I'd rather you were dead too, u simple minded amoeba!
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+14 105. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Land Rover diesel vs Dodge 3500 diesel tug-o-war

#4 I totally agree!

I don't doubt that the dodge has poor traction but i want to see what happens if you swap the drivers as the dodge driver was just accelerating to the max like a noob!
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0 106. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Woman's arm wrestling

Say goodbye to your knob lads!
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-1 107. marleymanbob commented 9 years ago on video Joe Rogan: Do What You Love, Because Society Is A Trap And Work Is Meaningless

I love you Joe, your UFC input is vital to the sport BUT...stop getting high and rambling about "the man", duuude!
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+4 108. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Portuguese street performer on Portugal Got Talent

#3 The only good thing about your absurdly stupid username is that you see it before you read the comment, which makes you think..."oh good, I can completely disregard this comment as either inanely boring or totally retarded, or both".

So either way thanks for being a pointless dumbass!
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+15 109. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video No One To Play With

am I the only one wondering why this dude is filming little boys??? >:)
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+4 110. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Dog rescued from hot tar bath

Phew, that could have been a sticky end :D great story!
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+25 111. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Dog "Saves" his owner

The dog was probably trying to make it a more realistic rescue by knocking him out first :D pretty cool though!
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+5 112. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video A Firework Lands Inside an Apartment

So no one cares when you watch a 10 minute video of car crashes, I dare say, you all enjoy it but as soon as there is a face put to a traumatic video you all cry and show disgust. You bunch of hypocrites!
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+1 113. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Great Recovery

how "convenient" it was being filmed.

Why am I the only person calling this fake?
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0 114. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Active Ice Flow Footage

"Double Ice flow all the way across the sky..."!!! :*
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+12 115. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Dude powerkicks the arcade game

#4 I think he would kill you dude. Your ignorance is what would have you facing the beatdown of a lifetime fool!
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+10 116. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Beachgoers save dead pregnant shark's pups and lead them to their first swim

#3 Really?!?! Why on earth do you think he meant the dead shark?!?!
what about the babies?
Man ppl can be thick!
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0 117. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video HammerTime

LAD Bible Did it!
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+3 118. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Kid gets some serious air at the skate park on his bike... Doesn't stick the landing

I also lost my virginity to a bike seat. His name was Seaty and we were close, very close.
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0 119. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Bad Skater Has A Worse Friend

The Warter in Marjorca don't tarste like whart it ourtha. Learn to spell #3
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-6 120. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Bad Skater Has A Worse Friend

Good to know that Snotr is subscribed to "the lad bible". 75% of these vids have done the rounds on Facebook for the previous few days!
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+8 121. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Golf Trick Shots | Legendary Shots

sweet skills but waaaay to many high fives and bro bumps going on for straight folk
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+1 122. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video How Fast Do Burgers Age?

this was done 10 years ago, has no one seen supersize me before....old news!

And yes its all to do with the standards of hygiene at the preparation stage, we already know this.

Have mcdonalds lost or gained profit since that film..? I'll let you all work it out for yourselves.
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+8 123. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Wrong place to fall asleep

Really #5??? I think you ll find he was probably trying to flee to the danger i.e.his gear and his vehicle! He's not trying to run from danger within his fire station you muppet!
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+6 124. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Freerunning in 8bit

#3 are you sure your old enough to remember because his pants look nothing like "hammertime/parachute pants"

It looks more like hes got jumper sleeves on his legs. good skills, shit vid!
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+21 125. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video New cupholder design

ok now show me a speed bump!

a good idea but fairly pointless as 99.9% of takeaway cups have lids.
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+3 126. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Bumpkey for the "Forever Lock"

#2 He used the same key for 2 different locks, it is quite obviously universal! I would like to know if it can be busted open though.

He can do all this technical stuff but he can't edit a video >:)
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+1 127. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video 27 Waterfalls Dominican Republic

i highly recommend muting this vid, the soundtrack is awful!

Nice scenery but seriously tame jumps and slides
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+2 128. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Psycho Dad Shreds Video Games

and the Oscar goes toooo....none of these lame turds!

I've seen better acting in my 5 year olds nativity!
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0 129. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video TRY

nice skills but i still want my 3:42 back please!
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0 130. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Spider freaks out over man singing

should be titled "spider freaks out over moron who cannot find a single note let alone hold a tune"...what a pleb!
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0 131. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Arctic Glacier collapses . Too close for comfort

#2 snotrdumbass!
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+9 132. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Simonster - Strength Workout

How shit do I feel sitting here with my Burger king watching i'm in awe!
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+3 133. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Water Gun Festa Seoul Korea

I was thinking at the start this just needs a fireman or 2 to come and be all like "BAAAMM...have some of that" I didn't actually expect it to happen though.

Looks like wicked fun :D
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+3 134. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Robin Williams Tribute

Bangerang Peter Pan RIP legend!
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+11 135. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video 11 Foods You Didn't Know Grew Like That

nice facts, terrible title!
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+5 136. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Loading A Motorcycle Like A Boss

Who bothered inventing the crane...I mean, its just lazy! >:)
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+7 137. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Tapping the brakes

lol what makes it fake exactly #4? She nearly swallowed the damn thing and that noise...Legend ;) a nice buit of deep throating
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-7 138. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video The Freshest Drum Cover

I am not so joyed...Skip to 2:15 ...aaaand Thumbs down...Next!!!
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-18 139. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Dance Battle to a Next Level

nice moves but totes gaaay!
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+6 140. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Homemade Rocket Fuel (R-Candy)

I Fucking Love Science!!!
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+2 141. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Yoyo Kid

amazing BUT whoever added that soundtrack really needs to learn a thing or 2!
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-2 142. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Surfing China's river wave

#6 Gringo el Douchebag! Feck off you dirty hippy!
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+12 143. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video henri's boogie

holy crap...amazing dexterity. His mrs is one lucky lady! ;)awesome skills
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-3 144. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames [accordion cover]

he's playing the lyrics and not the actual music...disappointing! terrible sense of style too
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0 145. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video I Let My Friends Drive My Ferrari 360 Modena

very cool of the guy...but it seems to be more of a compilation of "painfully" bad gear changes.

Americans cannot drive stick!!!
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-5 146. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Pen Spinning

looks they spin each others junk too!
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+25 147. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video 61-car pileup in Minnesota

love how not one of those ppl, except the cameraman went back to warn traffic before that point, ridiculous. so much could have been avoided, good on him tho!
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-2 148. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video You think you can whistle?

impressive but really rather irritating by the end
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-1 149. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video SPHL Goalie does the Wobble

dems some chunky cheerleaders...and shite moves! Crap!!!
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-16 150. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video "Let it Go" with different Disney/Pixar character voices

pathetic, who the H is this guy? Dont attempt to do it if your absolutely shite at it bro!!!
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+22 151. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video GTA in Real Life

@0:48 ...Just try and lob the spike strip through the window why dont ya! good effort Lol
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-5 152. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX STI vs. Stick Bomb

too much time on their hands, even the music and SFX did nothing to liven this waste of time up
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+8 153. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video My philosophy for a happy life: Sam Berns

I can only echo #1 & #2...Absolutely inspiring, a real loss to the world...RIP Sam
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-4 154. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Best use of drones I've seen - dolphin stampede

wasnt this posted last week???
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-2 155. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video Chess table with unique secret compartment

pretty sure this is why some genius invented lock and key, to stop dweebs like this wasting life! What a "pacific" turd!
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+2 156. marleymanbob commented 10 years ago on video How to properly handle a stick drop

#8 Dont cry!!!
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+2 157. marleymanbob commented 11 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

to those saying...Who films their own tv??? The chase was going round in loops, the reporter mentions a "familiar pattern" so chances are its already been past his house several times and so he begun filming...hence the incredibly false "holy sh*t" while hes already panning to the window.

Great Vid tho!
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+18 158. marleymanbob commented 13 years ago on video Bubble Magic

check out the caterpillar on his top lip >:) nice trix tho
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+1 159. marleymanbob commented 13 years ago on video Epic fail

Slap Chop Ninja your a legggggend!!! XD
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+10 160. marleymanbob commented 14 years ago on video Boo - The world's cutest dog

awww it looks like a diddy little bear
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+2 161. marleymanbob commented 14 years ago on video Francis Gets His Warcraft Account Hacked

thssssufferin thsuckssatasch
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+2 162. marleymanbob commented 15 years ago on video Best ever wedding entrance dance

#7 Grow Up! This video makes me smile from ear to ear what lucky folks :D
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+17 163. marleymanbob commented 15 years ago on video Chinese kid playing "I'm Yours"

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+2 164. marleymanbob commented 15 years ago on video CSI Miami - Endless Caruso One Liners

what a Ginger TOOL! You Suk Horatio Queeruso
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+4 165. marleymanbob commented 15 years ago on video Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

#7 aside the the graphics, gameplay, realism, experience, fun factor, longevity and BUZZKILL! no I'm sorry your totally right...there is surely no way in hell that wolf 3D is utter s**t!!!! oh no wait yes there is
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+5 166. marleymanbob commented 15 years ago on video Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

#4 If you had sticky 'nades that you can just lob and attach to whoever you wanted blowing them to smytherines, wouldn't you do it...I know I would...OWNAGE!!!!! this games gunna be the greatest