Comments posted by masterman89


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+2 1. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video "The plan "

#6: i think the answer to your question is anonymous. BUT the new level will be "who watches the watchmen of the watchmen." the problem of our times though is that we need to bring governments down to telling the truth. and not thinking that we're all dumb and don't understand the truth. the truth is all we want to know. let us form out own opinion.
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+2 2. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video Magic iPad

I'm from germany and his english is even annoying me
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+3 3. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

the guy has balls
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+1 4. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video Frisbee Trick Shots

0:59 clearly fake as it falls in
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+1 5. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video License Plate Gadget

i don't think this will work at speeds you'd need it. seems to be a weak construction.
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+7 6. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video Italo Romano

just great
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-9 7. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video The Whirlwind Batting Technique

he's a chinese robot... thats why it ends before he throws up. he just cant throw up...
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+14 8. masterman89 commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Intel Commercial

soooo... where is the blue screen?!
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+2 9. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video Head Injury

ist it actually possible to survive that? i mean his head is gone at that speed?!
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0 10. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video Last Comic Standing - Josh Blue

did you see the "time's up" sign at 3:19 ? they told him to shut up :D think it would've got even funnier...
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-3 11. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video Logorama

i love the part at 5:48
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+3 12. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

someone did that before as you can see...
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+1 13. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video Teletransporter ambient

is this real?
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+9 14. masterman89 commented 14 years ago on video Getting thru a traffic jam

listen to the sound... darth vader is there
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+1 15. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Jet Boat Maitrise (aka Insanity)

Where is the CRASH?!?!
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-3 16. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Annoyed with the cleaner

anyone else wondering why these things always happen in the middle of the screen of a surveillance cam?
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-2 17. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Arcade Chopin

congratulations... you are a freak!
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+33 18. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Honest Spam

now THIS is awesome and great human behavior... even if answering was really stupid
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+1 19. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Chicken beatbox

@#8: you cant see them because its a HP camera and it cant track them....
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-2 20. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

@#1: similar movement of eyes too? :D
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+1 21. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Citroen + Ferrari = Citrorrari

it was a wreck of a ferrari... probably the best thing they could do out of it
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+12 22. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video Hardest Hockey Shot Ever!

is this - possibly - a fake?
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+1 23. masterman89 commented 15 years ago on video iPhone Russian Roulette

um I think it could be a fake :D