Comments posted by maximilian


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-2 1. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Jingle bells throttle

And then the engine exploded...
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+54 2. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Space Shuttle Endeavour's last flight

Darth Vader is holding the camera!
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+37 3. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Optical illusion Waterfall

Must. See. Different. Angle. Aaarg!
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+27 4. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Singing puppies to sleep

aaaawwwww I want to steal them
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+21 5. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video The Lion King Bloopers

hakuna matata! Best childhood memories...
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+33 6. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Big load

what the hell is he carrying? Air?!?
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+4 7. maximilian commented 12 years ago on video Flying Car - PAL-V

What we will be thinking in a couple of years: "Should I drive home or fly home today? Aww man I can't wait till we can teleport..."
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+3 8. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline with GoPro

Just in case, the song is: "The Glitch Mob - We can make the world stop"
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+28 9. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Dangerous Pinguin

But... all that the penguin wanted was a hug!
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+25 10. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Hilarious Hang Gliding Puke at 2,000 Feet

#8 to cover themselves from puke...
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+3 11. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Too drunk to take the dog for a walk!

I love it how the dog checks how the owner is at 00:30 and then makes a run for it!
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+35 12. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Robber Struggles To Get His Mask On

@ 00:05 he's like: "wait... let start over!"
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+17 13. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Fail compilation February

Failed* compilation!
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+25 14. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Office suprise

That takes: "I'll drop by the office" to a whole other level.
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+28 15. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Most Hilarious Chinese Bank Robber ever

It's ok ladies you can keep working at your desks... he won't hurt!
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+34 16. maximilian commented 13 years ago on video Drunk driver sweeps away everything in its path!

Is that the new Hummer commercial?
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+8 17. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Funny France commercial about telling good stories

Haha... J'adore!
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+4 18. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Asian Carp

1:02 "see a shotgun would be great!" haha good idea Kirby
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+6 19. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video The humble stove.

Perfect christmas present for the wife. With more space she can now cook for my friends too!
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+1 20. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Why not listen sometimes to your mom ...

Ok sure, if she says it like that I may consider doing some of it.
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+6 21. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Some pretty impressive Parkour

I wish I could do that, it could get pretty useful in some situations!
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+10 22. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video world record in drinking water

Wow! did he just drink that whole bottle of water?? Cool, but now do it with vodka...
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+35 23. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Fanfare

yep, pretty cool!
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+28 24. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Cyclist Slams Into Parked Car

Perfect place to park, in the middle of a bicycle race
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+6 25. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Women and technology

I love it how the only thing she finds interesting to say with the microphone when she figures it out is: "I thought it was pepper!". Now pass her the salt, old man.
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

+7 26. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Female Moped Crash

"I'm sooooorrryyy I'm sorrry!", "Yeah good! :) "
Picture of maximilian30 achievements

-2 27. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Angel Falls

Swan dive!
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+6 28. maximilian commented 14 years ago on video Dogs Home

Good dog! Now bring me a beer Harvey.