Comments posted by mayokun


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+1 1. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video How to talk to your wife

Such a BOSS!!!
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+6 2. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video Skeleton prank

Thumbs up if you want a job like that
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+1 3. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video Grandma's magic friend.

that was brilliant
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0 4. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video Halloween Odeon Scares

lol @ the crying girl at 2:25
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0 5. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video Longest Frisbee Throw Ever

WTF, i think it just landed in my back garden
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+3 6. mayokun commented 12 years ago on video Man Terrified During Bobsled Ride

Lol, His voice just mysteriously vanished
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+2 7. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Best fails of 2011

Painful year
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0 8. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel Live - I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present

Thumbs up for 'you? should appreciate' the half eaten sandwich boy, great morals
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-1 9. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Lil' Drac

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-3 10. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Baby Mission

@abzsid. That's him when he is older.
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+4 11. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Amphibious Car

Perfect getaway car
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+1 12. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Indian Chuck Norris

chuck norris will still kick his ass
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+1 13. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Water Boy

he should use his talent to give water to the people that live in dry places in Africa
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+2 14. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Baby Leaf Monkey

that monkey is cuter than most babies
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+1 15. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video What's the real purpose of a bus?

Would have been funnier if the driver reversed into those kids
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+1 16. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Bull Poker

Soooo... i guess the bull won.
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+2 17. mayokun commented 13 years ago on video Best Volleyball Hit Ever!

y were they celebrating. They were playing volleyball, not basketball
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0 18. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video 3D without glasses

James Cameron will roundhouse kick him
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+2 19. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Slides

0:19 flying carpet fail
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+2 20. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Football double fail

And this is the country that is hosting the 2022 world cup?!
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-1 21. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video The Germans are going crazy on advertising

all i can say is WTF!!!
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0 22. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Bad Boys 2 - Reggie

awww poor reggie
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+3 23. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video who's afraid of a big bad wolf?

what the hell r the wolfs from twilight doing there
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+1 24. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Woman survives a serious accident

That pigeon looks very suspicious to me
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+5 25. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Bumblebee Camaro Crash

The crew care more about bumblebee than the driver
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0 26. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Cat Jump Fail

50 rats like this video
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+2 27. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Cool entrance

Thats how u get laid
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0 28. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Japanese Baseball Catch

And they say Japanese people arent ninjas
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+1 29. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video the worst mice plague ever

Cat: Holy S**t, i aint going down there. FML
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+3 30. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Cool entrance

The song is called here comes the hammer by mc hammer.
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+1 31. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculously fast training dog

That dog must b on drugs.
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0 32. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Funny Bark

the poor dogs probably chocking on something.
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+3 33. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Great goals with teamwork

England players, this is how to play football
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+1 34. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Nerds Unite

I love the idea of using bricks. That way when some1 gets hit, they would either b moaning on the floor in agony or they would nt move at all. >:)
Picture of mayokun12 achievements

+1 35. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Nerds Unite

I love the idea of using bricks. That way when some1 gets hit, they would either b moaning on the floor in agony or they would nt move at all. >:)
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0 36. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Haiti Charity Match

NADAL's voice. LOL
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-1 37. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Track Star Destroys Unsuspecting Woman

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-3 38. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Crowd goes airborn

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+4 39. mayokun commented 14 years ago on video Tornado during a football match in japan

Finally, proof that these Japanese guys rele do have special powers like dragonball z. TORNADO FURRY, YAHHHHH