Comments posted by medicino


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+2 1. medicino commented 12 years ago on video 10 Useless Human Body Parts

The gender is defined at the moment of conception not as the fetus grows, therefore the last statement is not totally true, depending on the dominant hormones will follow one way or the other. 8-) 8-)
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-1 2. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Baby Knows What He Wants

Of course he is thinking: I'm just young, not stupid...bitch!!! >:) >:)
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+45 3. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Strange Delicacy

You know what, I'm gonna stick with hard boiled eggs with tap water for now.
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+15 4. medicino commented 12 years ago on video See around corners using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging

The harder I try to imagine what we will be able to do in 50 years the more likely it is that I'll fall short.
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+3 5. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Dark Matters

#9 I bet you were home schooled. >:)
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+2 6. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

Well actually with this kind of device you don't need a pulse, since it provides constant pressure and blood flow and does not need to rest between beats which are the two main reason why we have heart beats, which BTW are nothing but one of the criteria to tell someone is dead more important is brain wave activity before hear beats and breathing. 8-) 8-)
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+27 7. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Making of a Shade

Has ecology finally camping in my mind? cause as cool and nice as this looks, can't stop thinking about how much wood is wasted.
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+2 8. medicino commented 12 years ago on video T cell of the immune system attacking a cancer cell

To think that if we could somehow make the tumor cells to express some kind of marker that the TCell could recognize virtually every type of cancer could be cured by our own body. 8-) 8-)
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+1 9. medicino commented 12 years ago on video Bad tidings

So simple even Bill O'Reilly could finally drop his "tides goes in tides goes out" argument.
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+1 10. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Faster Than Light Neutrinos (maybe): Field Trip!

I recommend to you the explanation given by Dr. Michio Kaku in Youtube's channel bigthink called What If Einstein Is Wrong?

8-) 8-)
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+3 11. medicino commented 13 years ago on video 100 Years in 10 Minutes

This video should remind us how much we have accomplish without forgetting how much we have sacrificed, I recommend to you reading the last Steven Pinker book you would be amazed how much violence has declined and how bright our future actually is.
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+1 12. medicino commented 13 years ago on video ELEVATOR FARTS

Jack's face is priceless. :D :D
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+1 13. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Organic Food Myths

Most likely organic food does not have more nutrients, does not taste better and it requires more land, which comes out of scientific studies that failed to find and statistic difference, just like vitamin supplements and antioxidants, the only difference is in your mind and in your pocket...they wanna pay more for an apple, fine by me...but how I wish they'd keep all that BS to themselves.
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+5 14. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Hate E-mails with Richard Dawkins

Certainly religion has evolved, no longer burning people they disagree with them but send hate emails, not quite the effect of the former but at least you don't have to leave your couch to sharpen a pitchfork and miss American Idol. :)
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+17 15. medicino commented 13 years ago on video FIAT 500 Abarth -- Seduction

#7 Dude If I could I'd give you thousand thumbs-up just for that name you posted. >:) >:)
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+4 16. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Insane Guitar Tractor Pull Preston Reed

Dudes I was being sarcastic, most of people gauge the quality of an artist based on Grammys but those awards only represent how much sales an album or artist make, in other words how effective marketing people were at shoving down the throat of every one the new "great" pop artist.
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+7 17. medicino commented 13 years ago on video At the funeral

This sounds very like the speech of Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting...nevertheless it's great.
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0 18. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Insane Guitar Tractor Pull Preston Reed

FAKE....could not be possible that a musician with so much talent does not have a dozen of Grammy awards already...they only give those up to reward talent not just record sales right?
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+6 19. medicino commented 13 years ago on video World's Funniest Salesman

#5 Actually I think that he will be the next Billy Mays (BTW I really miss that guy).
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+4 20. medicino commented 13 years ago on video How does fiber optic cable work

yet most people does not have a clue how hard it is to connect two continents, it remainds me of the Louis CK interview with Conan Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy :D
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0 21. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline

Adrenaline? This should be called what drives us to competitions and crazy stuff.
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+3 22. medicino commented 13 years ago on video F1 vs bike vs race boat

Man I can't get enough of that F1 engine sound. <3 <3
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+4 23. medicino commented 13 years ago on video how to spot fake breasts

If I have "time to Ogle" chances are my brain won't have enough blood to reason. :D :D
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+5 24. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Meanwhile, in Russia

Windshields are for wussies.
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0 25. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Tug Toner

#16 The Ambiguously Gay Duo!!!... "What's everybody looking at?" :D :D
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0 26. medicino commented 13 years ago on video 10 Questions for Stephen Hawking

#12 you forgot to mention Obama's conspiracy to take away your guns and give them to the communists and immigrants so they can take over America's(which BTW is not a country but a continent) way of life and convert them all to Islam.
:D :D >:)

#6 and lets not forget that magical-mythical thinking is code for "worst guess". >:)
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+9 27. medicino commented 13 years ago on video "Michael" - PS3 Long Live Play

I just love it, made me feel like a hero...thank you sony, I knew my mom was wrong with the get-a-life speech. :D :D
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+4 28. medicino commented 13 years ago on video An accident of evolution in mammals

Giraffes have 7 bones in their necks just like us.

#9 sorry mate but at least for me that's a fairly good and simple explanation, the loop is just a remanent of our past as sea creatures, which was carried out thought mammalian evolution, as the Dr. point out evolution don't go back to drawing board to correct what we could see as imperfections evolution instead focus on keeping an organism alive not beautiful to the eyes of us humans.
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+7 29. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Haitian man goes two years with broken arm and no treatment or medicine

#2 Well actually it does have nerves just not the pain type, and is not the muscles its the membrane covering the bone (Periosteum) that gives the pain when it gets torn down in a fracture.

This guy has a pseudarthrosis or fake joint, the body would try to heal itself no matter what you do, and when the bones pieces don't stay together long enough it does the next best thing that is build up some cartilage between them.

8-) 8-)
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+3 30. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Jewel Wasp and Zombie Roach

#8 if there is a way that you can block dopamine dependent neurons there must be a way to stimulate them so it could be used for a better understanding or even treatment of Parkinson disease, also many drug addictions, including smoking, depends on dopamine receptors.
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+7 31. medicino commented 13 years ago on video We Stopped Dreaming

So sad to see a great nation to fall under the spells of corporation paid politicians and backed up by religious wackos.
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+2 32. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Monkey See Monkey Do

1:26 that's the cherry on the cake.
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+1 33. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Extreme sports compilation

2:13 why walk on it when you can bike >:) >:)
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+4 34. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Attic Bat Prank

Can we have more of 1:38 and 2:09 on slowmo HD please :D :D
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+3 35. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Parahawking in Nepal

0:38 And the Hawk was: Agggh noobies, leave it to the pros. >:)
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+29 36. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Very Bad Choice In Background Music

That's how a recent fired employee in the sound department gets his revenge. >:) >:)
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+4 37. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Don't mess with the referee

Like a boss!!!!
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+2 38. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Demonstrating evolution with a line

#11 I think that the existence of people like you, is the only probable proof against evolution. >:) >:)
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+81 39. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Secret Knock Detecting Lock

If you forget the password, does it send you a sound file to your email? :D
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+3 40. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Gaki no tsukai - Banana Game

I think this is how they train Geishas to walk they way they do. :D
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0 41. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Easy Coil Gun

One more thing for the Jackass guys to smack their balls. :D
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+3 42. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Just When You Think You've Seen It All..

#7 ehh I think is number 2 actually. :S
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+5 43. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

#17 Yeah that's what you say cause your belief system is based on the noble savage paradigm, but many people say that until they find out that most of those tribes have very dangerous and and bizarre beliefs, like female circumcision, casting out of members with mental diseases claiming to be demonic possesions and cannibalism just to name a few.

But I do share the view that they should be let alone to decide whether they get involve with our way of life or not...just don't share that apocalyptic view of our present and future. 8-) 8-)
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+4 44. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

Yeah #12 civilization clearly sucks, with 80+ years life span and low mortality rates from child birth, vaccines and antibiotics, satellites into space for gps routed flights and mobile communications all over the world, cheese from spray cans....oh and this thing called internet....yeah, who wants that?. :S :S
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+4 45. medicino commented 13 years ago on video The Screwed Hand

#2 Dude you're doing it wrong!!
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+4 46. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Face Development in the Womb

#8 nope, actually both the pennis and the scrotum gets formed, under the influence of testosterone, by the fusion of two folds, the bigger one forms the scrotum (which in the case of a woman becomes the labia majora) and the smaller one fusions to form the pennis(which correspond to the labia minora in ladies), but not always is visible the line that marks the fusion of the pennis. 8-) 8-)
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+17 47. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Face Development in the Womb

And the whole process, as complex as it is, only leave three visible marks, the Philtrum, the navel and in the case of men the dark line at the middle of the scrotum.
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+2 48. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Goshawk ability

#11 Yet more people believe in angels than in Darwin's theory of evolution :S :S
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+1 49. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Slow Mo 6ft water balloon burst

#10 Don't watch Mythbusters lifting up a car with just water, cause you could have a heart attack or a stroke, and we don't want hypocrites trollers like you to suffer that, do we?
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+5 50. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Slow Mo 6ft water balloon burst

1:55 so this is how the waves would propagate in slow motion of a butt-cheek slap 8-)
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+3 51. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Pendulum Waves

MindF*ck at its best :D :D
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+1 52. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Expert in Packaging

#5 Also in the same league as the iron man :D :D
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+3 53. medicino commented 13 years ago on video No more skinned knees!

No-hands stunts are about to become more impressive. :D :D
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+3 54. medicino commented 13 years ago on video slow motion Dave

Powered by frijoles!!! Dave's the man
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-3 55. medicino commented 13 years ago on video A misunderstood man...

An he also found a part time job dressed up as the angry Panda
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+5 56. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Amazing dog way that gay voice guy could have kicked the ball so far. >:) >:)
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+16 57. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Dad pwns son using reverse psychology

Dad: Let's go
Kid: Yeah, Let's go
Dad: Let's walk there
Kid: No, Here (pointing at the car)
Dad: No, let's walk
Kid: Yes, here (pointing at the car)
Dad: No

The rest it's just Yes and NO 8-) 8-)
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+3 58. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Gay Marriage Speech

#11 that's why I used the word "judge" in my definition of discrimination to imply that an unfair treatment is given just based on the inclusion on certain group, regardless of the type, without taking into account your actions, in this case being gay does not instantly make you a pervert that should not be allowed to form a family with all the legal rights.

And I was not trying to talk about the origin of Homosexuality rather making the point that is not something that you decide to do with your life, gays are born not made, the fact that you grow up in a same sex parents family won't give you a sexual orientation or change the one that you have, furthermore evolutionary speaking is not against the benefit of our species, like many claim.

In my defense English is my second language so, probably the idea a was trying to convey was degenerated by my lack of knowledge about the language. :S :S
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+1 59. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Impressive Gay Marriage Speech

When you judge someone based on the statistics from a certain group that he or she belongs to, instead of his personal actions that is called discrimination, which under any circumstance should be permitted by the state.

One can't choose to be homosexual, it's hard wired on your brain at the embryonic stage of your life, since the percentage is the same on every ethnic group and hasn't neither increase nor decrease over time, that makes it an evolutionary trait that's neither advantage nor disadvantage for our species, or stated properly just a normal variant of our brain.

So unless you use religious arguments (which almost always are tinted with prejudice, intolerance and ignorance), you don't have a real reason to oppose something that is not a crime but a human right.
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+1 60. medicino commented 13 years ago on video why burgers looks so good at the pictures

What an anal retentive lying bitch!!!! :D :D :D just kidding.
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+4 61. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

#11 Just like Dr. Tyson have said: "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it."

Everyday the future looks more promising thanks to science and technology, and this is just beginning.
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+4 62. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Messing up with a 'bully'

Testosterone is a hell of a drug!!! :D :D
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0 63. medicino commented 13 years ago on video 40mm riot grenade

that's gonna leave a mark!!! :D
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+4 64. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Police vs. drifter

Action starts at 0:23
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+7 65. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Futuristic Japanese Cars

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #18 what a bunch of whinnies and ungrateful D-bags...pardon my french.
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+8 66. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Groovy dancing girl!

The bottom line is....I'd hit that :D :D
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+1 67. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Watson

Imagine this computer at museums or anatomy curses in med school...the future sure looks better everyday.
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+48 68. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Flight of the Bumblebee on 101 Bottles

That's waaay to much time on your hands...but it was awesome. :D :D
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+3 69. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Awesome Slow Motion

Dude cool, but you were in Vegas and this is the best that you got in slow motion? Stripper is the word; You may say that I'm a dreamer..But I'm not the only one. >:) >:)
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+11 70. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Naked Man With AK-47 Fires At SWAT Robot

#9 well actually is quite the opposite, unless you're carrying your gun fully loaded and with your finger in the trigger 24/7 chances are the thief would catch you off guard (unless you're the fastest pistol in the world).

You see most of the criminals use the element of surprise, and statistics show that having a gun does not make you less likely to get robbed just make it more likely that you get shot with your own gun or that you believe that you can solve any dispute cause you have a gun and that's a pretty sure way to get a Darwin award. 8-) 8-)
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+2 71. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Hornets vs bees

1:51 For me the best move from this amazing video, you can actually feel the intensity of the battle, and they resemble Black Hawk choppers hovering over a fortress. 8-) 8-)
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0 72. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Reporter Close Call

But what about the camera guy, he was watching everything all the time, and even if he was using a trypod, he didn't duck otherwise the reporter would have done it sooner. 8-)
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+7 73. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Happy Meal Commercial

Not cool giving Red Bull to kids.
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+4 74. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Entrance/Exit Skills

Even if he can actually beat me down, probably I wouldn't feel so much pain since I'll be still laughing MAO. :D :D
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+7 75. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Fukushima incident explained

How this can qualify as brainwash? probably #2 #3 and #4 were watching Jesus Camp video and got mixed up.

If its a real attempt to explain kids, is quite good they don't lie (sorry apocalypse lovers, so far no way can be compared to Chernobyl) yet explain it in a simple way so kids understand it but more important if they could get parents to stop watching those freak show promoters from the news, getting everyone nervous just to sell papers or increase rating. Official announcements is all that we need to hear, unless you're an expert and can actually help.

Probably #2 #3 and #4 would rather have their kids all anxious and fearful, not eating and having nightmares when they go to sleep. :S
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+6 76. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Freerunning World Mix 2010

This should be part of the X Games. :D
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+2 77. medicino commented 13 years ago on video A new Looney Toons animation

Yeah but today standards are totally different, some parents will complain that it encourages kids to engage in dangerous activities, PETA would say that gives an unfair image of coyotes and therefore encourages hunting, and of course it doesn't stimulates kids language development.
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+4 78. medicino commented 13 years ago on video SUV

Get some blank bullets and this would be a nice prank to pull on a highway >:) >:) >:)
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+3 79. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Red Bull BC ONE First Round

#11 That's exactly the only thing I don't like about it, amazing moves and good rhythm but trying to look bad ass and threatening to the other guy while dancing its absurd, no alpha male would use dance to defend his territory.
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-1 80. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Chinese Dance

Love it but kind of freaked me out a bit. :)
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+2 81. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Suspect jumps out of a moving police car!

And yet probably those cops will end up with a lawsuit, from that genius' lawyer.
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+3 82. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Bollywood Action Film

Although the plot is absurd, some of the CGI are pretty good and one or two action sequences are pretty cool, specially the ones with the snake.
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+2 83. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Fast Painting - can you guess what it is?

#2 thank god you didn't say toilet instead of tub. >:) >:) >:)
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+10 84. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Wrong Number

Don't you just love when someone knows you that well. >:) >:)
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+17 85. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Father-daughter song

Stressed out of proportion?, watch this video is impossible to finish it with a big smile on your face.
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+2 86. medicino commented 13 years ago on video About Conformity

#3 Sadly most of the people is like this, the best test available are the influence that pop singers and stars, politicians and of course religion have over all of us; and of course since this becomes your way of life your brain fights every attempt to wake you up by recurring to rationalizations to try to justify your actions.
I suggest to watch Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception in youtube.
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+5 87. medicino commented 13 years ago on video 7 Billion

We all could fit in L.A. that was pretty shocking to me, through technology and science we're going further that we ever imagined to get, that's why I don't buy the apocalyptic view of tree-hugers and fanatic religious people cause so far they have ALWAYS been wrong. 8-) 8-)
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+1 88. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Remote-controlled paintballing tank

Wanna know how I know this is fake....there can't be a chick soldier as hot as her 6:18 that can also drive a car 8-) 8-) except of course for Nikita.
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+2 89. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Golden Globes 2011 - Ricky Gervais Opening Monologue

I seriously thought that 2010 was his last appearance in US TV, but obviously not only his show last year did work but also they told him, can you kick it up a notch? This guy is amazing, takes on comedy and make it look so can see Tom Hanks trying not to leave his nice guy image when he came up the stage.
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+6 90. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Cami Secret. Custom cleavage.

So executive by day, slut by night. >:) >:)
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+3 91. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Rear View Of a Flying Arrow

Now I got to puke. :'(
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+4 92. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Don't Text While Driving

Sorry but I think there is something wrong with people like this, I have shown videos like this one to texting and phone addicts yet they continue with their bad habits some of them actually laugh stating that they're not stupid like the ones that crashed their many videos of accidents while drunk have you watched, have them changed dramatically the statistics? obviously something different has to be done.
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+6 93. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Video Games and Facing Controversy

James looks like Jesus, doesn't he?
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+3 94. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Young Ball Handling Talent

Not such a good idea to let the kid humiliate bigger guys, I would have teach him a little of self defense first.
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+3 95. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Googles Dark Side

Just another crazy conspiracy theory, which by definition is in itself an oxymoron, If you suspect it then no longer can be called conspiracy it becomes a plan. 8-) 8-)
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+7 96. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Insane crane accident New Zealand

How come they built Barad-dur and a simple bridge gives them trouble? >:) >:)
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+2 97. medicino commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Juggling Finale

I think that 2:25 qualifies as the solo part.
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+7 98. medicino commented 14 years ago on video John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

It's kind of ironic that he makes a joke about bad naming, while he keeps referring to USA as America (The continent from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego)....But he is totally right.
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+24 99. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Rugby Tackle

Man that's a pretty good quality shirt.
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+6 100. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Holographic 3d map

Witchcraft!!!!!!!!!! :D
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+2 101. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Particles

#7 and #15 lets make an experiment; you two take 10 kids and say exactly what you have written, and I take 10 kids and will show them this video, lets see who gets more kids to pay attention and grasp some of that knowledge. :D :D
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+9 102. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Lego ancient greek computer

Technology is in our genes.
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+1 103. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Biggest man on earth?

The abuse in steroids come from teens and young adults, pro bodybuilders have to use it since nature can't take you really far, but that doesn't mean they are cheating, they are working their asses off, steroids don't pump you up like magic, this guys really have the will to exercise like crazy...get in your head no single pro athlete is free of performance-enhancer drugs.
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+17 104. medicino commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Laser Eye Surgery

0:33 A Clockwork Orange came to my mind.
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+1 105. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Coldplay steals from Super Mario bro's

#23 very seldom a popular artist is a talented one...Just because a lot of people like something, doesn't make it good, it just makes it POPular.
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+28 106. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 3D without glasses

sorry but I can't stop laughing when I see that guy.
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+3 107. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Funny seniors

This is what paid all those expensive toys Orthopedics give to their children.
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0 108. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Greg Valentino

#3 It's like cheating right?, but then again who doesn't cheat at some level in any field? studies say that pretty much everyone cheat by a little even though most of them are openly against it; all high paid sportsmen and women use performance-enhancing drugs, watch Bigger Stronger Faster.
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+2 109. medicino commented 14 years ago on video MMA Fighter Intro Back Flip FAIL

For a second I thought the other fighter was coming to finish him....Man I got a twisted mind.
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+2 110. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Closer look

Probably the only real man at that party >:)
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+3 111. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Did u know

Yeah a video like this one would have made my embryology classes a least a bit fun.
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+3 112. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats

He is the reason why I started to watch TED video...he is the best example how science and technology are making us get better.
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-4 113. medicino commented 14 years ago on video An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle

T L D N W zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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+2 114. medicino commented 14 years ago on video AK-47 Fail

#1 I think he yells Bitch!!! but I'm not sure.
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+1 115. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Street Acrobats

at 2:32 I thought he was going to do the Chippendales trick again >:)
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+2 116. medicino commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Condoms

3:43 Finally I know what "electronically tested" means it's on every box but was too busy with my mind (and blood flow) in other area >:) ...artificial snake skin that saves lives \m/
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+2 117. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Hybrid Assistive Limb from Cyberdyne

They are spending the money in this kind of stuff unlike others who spend it on designing better weapons but at the end these are technology enhance tools so its up to anyone to decide its use.
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+3 118. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Time lapse of a baby playing

Low tech devices, and lot of room and no one interfering whit the play that's all a kid needs...cheaper, funnier and way more useful than Gymboree and stupid stuff like that (Just ask how many of the MIT people needed those and how many of the ones that used it are at MIT). :) :)
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+1 119. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Perimeter Marble Run RBS

It only lacks the Pythagoras Switch ending song.
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+5 120. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

Nope #3 Aspartame is the combination of two amino acids, which are the building blocks of every single protein in your body, it just happens that the sweetness of this combination is so high that the amounts required for the average drink are very tiny and therefore the calories they provide are negligible, hence they can be marketed as "zero calories" listen to #5 and if you swim in a pool of it, don't swallow. 8-) 8-)
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+3 121. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Operation Payback Representative

It was more Fuzz than action, wiping off my credit record that would probe me that they are something. :D :D
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+1 122. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Swat Team Prank

This is the scene from Superbad...."spread your sh*t, pussies on the pavement, fellas"
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+2 123. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Darwin Evolution

Can't get more simple that this.
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+11 124. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Horse in a car

Transportation Old school meets the new school.
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+2 125. medicino commented 14 years ago on video A Skate Regeneration

Nice, short film but...where can we watch the bloopers?
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+1 126. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The Greasiest Sandwich Ever

Mmmmh even using U.S. standards this really look greasy, but mouth watering (at least for me), lets send this to the food vs man dude to see if he can deal with it. :D
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+2 127. medicino commented 14 years ago on video How Toilet Paper is Made

#12 We can probably watch that in the deleted scenes from a Jackass Movie. :D
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+8 128. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 All Time Michael Jordan Dunks

He is without a doubt one of the very best athletes of the history.
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-2 129. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Do you own (stuff made by) slaves?

Whoooa totally blew my mind...NOT
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+2 130. medicino commented 14 years ago on video McLaren F1 engine test

#19 you couldn't be more right, to each to its own.
#2 I think he has some sort of in-ear plugs, one could not stand that close without trying to tamper the sound it hurts too much, even if you're deaf. 8-)
and #12 I think you're right, but since this is a test of the engine they are probably doing some extreme stuff so to find out how far it can go, so maybe those flames you mentioned shouldn't happen during a race or at least not so often.
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+1 131. medicino commented 14 years ago on video People are awesome

I think you're wrong #14 about 0:43, that's the kid from The Incredibles already grown up.....this should be named Testosterone greatest achievements.
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+1 132. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

Well I just see the Chinese team against the Japanese.
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+1 133. medicino commented 14 years ago on video How CDs are made

Our grandsons probably will laugh at the fact that we used this physical media for storing music, movies and games.
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+1 134. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Jon Gomm - drum sounds, basslines and melodies all from one acoustic guitar

Also check out Kaki King with her pink noise at TED, the intro that she gives is quite nice.
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+2 135. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Parkour dog

Monkey genes have been inserted to this dog. :D
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0 136. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Robotic curtain

Incognito striper girl at 1:15
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+4 137. medicino commented 14 years ago on video C-17 Airdrop 4 Humvees 50 Paratroopers

#3 Probably they reposition the plane taking into account where the cars already are, based on gps information...or just have to be done that way considering the difference of weight between the Humvees and the soldiers, and therefore a different distance of landing from the jump site.
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+33 138. medicino commented 14 years ago on video C-17 Airdrop 4 Humvees 50 Paratroopers

#3 Probably they reposition the plane taking into account where the cars already are, based on gps information.
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-2 139. medicino commented 14 years ago on video can u resist?

So this is a martial art that teaches you to take punches until the other ones get tired and leave you....Mmmm no thanks.
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+3 140. medicino commented 14 years ago on video world burping champion

Sorry I'm an immature pig, I just can't stop laughing and envying him...and can't stop wandering what about farts?
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+5 141. medicino commented 14 years ago on video TED Talk: Self-Teaching

This is a huge prove that Steven Pinker is right, we are not blank slates; even with the accents, we don't get them from our parents or family, but from our peers and classmates.
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+14 142. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Hard Sea

Damn it I got seasick just by watching this.
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0 143. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Skyscrapers 2009 - The World's Tallest Buildings

Hey #3 I think at 9:49 you can see Barad-Dur.
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+6 144. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 3 Brasilians and 1 ball

Lost my respect for soccer a long time ago, they spend too much time in the ground faking hits, than actually playing.
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+11 145. medicino commented 14 years ago on video All about pompom ...

Is this deja vu?, or it has been posted before...nevermind, is always funny.
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+7 146. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Take a closer look

Thank you, thats what I needed another reason to get anxious at an airport :'(
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+3 147. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Top gear - Bolivia

Trust me I've driven roads in Central America with cliffs and no pavement but this is insane, even going at 10 mph if you hit the brakes the car could slide, because of the loose tiny rocks and the humidity of the soil... nevermind if that scene was staged they had to cross the road anyway.
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-8 148. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Body Music

Somewhere the head of a Tea party member explodes every time someone clicks on this video. >:)
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+11 149. medicino commented 14 years ago on video (Gun) Size matters

How I wish to be just in front of her at 0:34, that would be my real dream. >:)
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+5 150. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Guy Screams For Mum On Slingshot

well no guy with shaved eyebrows should get in that might scream to the world how sissy you are. :D
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+1 151. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Pyro System 2.2

Just in time for the holiday's season.
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+5 152. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Freestyle Football Mad Skills Chick

I like how she juggles the ball all over her face. >:)
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+3 153. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Automatic Led Stair Lighting

Yeah the time when I'll need guidance to climb my own stairs is when I'm drunk, but then again the light won't cushion me falling down, most likely I'll end up with one of those light right at my face...and saying what was I thinking?
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+3 154. medicino commented 14 years ago on video crazy ninja girl

Only those with no balls can be as dare devils with Nunchucks as she is.
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+4 155. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Is It Possible: Super Human Elasticity

"she can equally bend both ways" that's all I needed to know...would you marry me?
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+5 156. medicino commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

Well medically speaking, homosexuality is just another variant of human psyche, as natural as being taller, or darker or thiner, it's 100% normal, look at the statistic of gay marriages and child bearing on those "environments" and most of heterosexuals couples should be ashame of calling them self parents. Gay people are not made, they are just born that way, discrimination is never justified.
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+6 157. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Shopping While Black - Social Experiment

It lacks the white thrash lady being thrown out of the store, just to see how the reactions would have been.
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+5 158. medicino commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

Well CrackrJak is right, reality can be more complicated that it seams, but statistics don't lie, they are just misinterpreted, minorities have a higher crime incidence in any country, that probably means that there must be certain common causes to those high numbers.
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+10 159. medicino commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

Man and they say racial profiling is a thing of the past...yeah right.
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+11 160. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Psychological experiment

We actually have a set of neurons for doing that, they are called Mirror Neurons, and we share those with many vertebrates. 8-)
Let be said this is just one of many variation of this kind of experiments and the results even now are consistently the same.
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+2 161. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Leopard Kills Baboon Protects Baby

Probably a midnight snack.
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+16 162. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Giant Gippsland Earthworm

Man, I thought I was watching a colonoscopy. :S
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+20 163. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Touch and eject

I'm not an expert but for me he waited too much before ejection. :S
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+1 164. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Swiss Top Secret Drum Corps

#19 dude shut up, you will get him killed for that :S ,
this is where Steve Gadd got the crazy army song inspiration.
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-1 165. medicino commented 14 years ago on video George Carlin - american dream

He was one of the greatest philosophers of our time.
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+5 166. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Casting by Helium

This is what real men has to do to sound like pop singers.
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+6 167. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Robot Ant

Awesome but I was kind of hoping for the can to be crushed or cut in half just to show how much pressure it can exert with its jaws.
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+3 168. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The DTV Shredder - All Terrain Segway/Stakeboard

How noisy it is? cause I don't think that it will be used for stealth attacks, that and the point made by #7.
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0 169. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Lion got mad...

That lion tamer has balls of steel
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+2 170. medicino commented 14 years ago on video how to pack your bag

is this the pilot of a new show? queer guide for the straight packer?
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+1 171. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Russian Systema hand to hand fighting masters

#28 can't agree with you more; you people can categorize it as you want but these guys would beat down any of us at any time, and probably they also know a little about firearms.
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+4 172. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous Drumming Skills

With all the time he spent learning this pattern he could easily learn real music, I hope that kids like him take advantage of this kind of games and realize how much potential they have...nowadays technology give us many ways to find out what could be our goal in life....\m/
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+1 173. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Predicting the future in 1964.

#19 try to listen to anything from Michio Kaku, he's the man.
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+7 174. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Experiences cross new technologies

Just amazing how technology improves every single aspect of our life.
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0 175. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Son pranks dad with fake MacBook.

He obviously knows why you'll love a Mac.
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+1 176. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Bill Dance bloopers

Man this is incredible, a natural born comedian, hard to catch one in the wild.
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0 177. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The wrong side

Beans are the fuel of the future man, they already are the smallest musical instrument.
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+7 178. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 3 Strikes and you're a Slave

Thank you #8 didn't catch it either.
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+4 179. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Mini cannon firing and destroying targets.

Why o why :'( did he have to destroy that poor Heiny, soo much beer spilled all over :'(
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+4 180. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Aimbot in Real Life

similar to the Mamoru Oshii movie Avalon....I hate aimbots.
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+4 181. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Rachmaninoff's Big Hands

Man I watched this video long time ago and couldn't remember what was its name, thank you Snotr, if we only had the option to save favorites that would be awesome, like in the iPhone app, can we pleeeease? :D :D O:) O:)
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+5 182. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The search for hidden dimensions.

Well #6 thats exactly why this is a theory, because they have data, they analyze it, test it, make hypothesis so they can come up with a possible explanation and thats a theory. So all theories begin with data, facts or proofs and more facts are looked for to ad more consistency to the theory or enunciate a new and better one.
On the other hand when you believe something and you look up for data to support your belief and you think you have found an explanation, sorry but calling it a theory its an error, if you create an institution around a set of beliefs then you call it religion.
WE DO NOT EVOLVED FROM MONKEYS, rather we share a common ancestor, like with a cousin with whom we share a common grandparent. 8-) 8-)
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0 183. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Roadtrain

we're fools, spin the totem, this is a dream, they are trying for an inception on us.
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0 184. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Another Double Front Faceplant Fail

Yeah next time just stuff your pants with a sock if you want to impress a girl, I'm guessing at least its less painful.
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+3 185. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Anthony Bourdain schooled by a 10 year old.

This is what he gets for trashing Rachel Ray, not that I care much at least he doesn't take it on Giada de Laurentiis.
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+1 186. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Say no to bouncers

roid-rage myth...busted
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+1 187. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 20 Parrot Tricks in 2 Minutes

#16 google Liquid Tension Experiment for you to see how retarded are those guys...Or just post a video of you playing the first riff of any of the instruments.
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+1 188. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Optical Illusion

WHat you didnt hear Mr. Tyson?, this are not optical illusions they are Brain failures
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+8 189. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Old age dosen't allow

100 ways to get a titanium hip.
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+2 190. medicino commented 14 years ago on video History of Nikola Tesla.

The problem with Tesla was that he transgressed the Law 9: Win through your Actions, Never through Argument; He just went against one of the big three of that time (Ford, Edison and Rockefeller) of course he got beaten down.
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+2 191. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Lego House

Did you see the Toilet Paper? maaaan that's gonna live a mark.
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+1 192. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Boxer destroys two park bullies.

Yeah but his weak point was his girlfriend, she was getting in the way even after that guy hit this scenario ladies should just step aside and let your man do the work or take the beat up, am I right?
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+16 193. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The Truth About Japanese Food

#(removed comment) please be kidding, and if you're not how do you press the space bar without opposable thumbs?
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+2 194. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Baby born with 12 perfectly functional fingers.

Just a random mutation making an audition for the great show of life. 8-)
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-3 195. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Alphajet and Mirage Aircraft

Yeah I don't know about you but watching a badass plane video with girly song about pushing her further, not manly at all....this is a video for recruiting women for pilot.
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+7 196. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Bugatti Veyron Supersport

Warp speed my ass this is insane; Mythbusters 1st and Top Gear host 2nd best job in the earth.
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0 197. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Shotgun Enthusiast Don't Need No Teeth

bad ass look for a wimpy skin head...he won't need that shotgun to compensate anymore.
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+2 198. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The 'real' simple life.

They are by far the most progressive Amish I've ever seen. :D
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+21 199. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Gummy Bear vs Potassium Chlorate

Oh, the humanity!! :'(
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+2 200. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The secret powers of time.

Philip Lombardo just like Steven Pinker and Hans Rosling are the best at explaining things so complex that most of us wouldn't even try to read.
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+3 201. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Cool Car chase

Man amazing and its all happening faster than the speed of sound, cause that's why we can't hear a thing right?
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+3 202. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Hello ladies, here's the new Old Spice commercial.

He can even walk on water.
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+10 203. medicino commented 14 years ago on video What happens if you flip a starfish upside down?

Just for a moment I thought it would give the finger sign to the camera guy.
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-3 204. medicino commented 14 years ago on video The Oogpister Beetle

#9 yeah I guess its just a coincidence like the patterns and the colors, and the place it hunts for food and the walking (just raising the lower part of the abdomen but not so much the thorax) and that lizard can totally kick that mongoose ass without imitating the beetle, probably too much glaucoma medicine from Sir Attenborough and too little experience as a naturalist.
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+2 205. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Rollable OLED screen

Minority Report its truly a window to the near future. 8-) 8-)
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0 206. medicino commented 14 years ago on video 10 Craziest Child Preachers

No #25 its not good, just a good phrase out of the whole freak show; intolerance, prejudice, ignorance and stupidity (all of which are religion's motto) shouldn't be encourage, this is child abuse, brainwash and these parents are just crippling their children minds; is fundamentalism at its moment of creation.
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+6 207. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Visible shockwaves from eruption at Eyjafjallajökull

This kind of thing just brings back to me the wise words of George Carlin in the youtube video called Saving the planet.
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+6 208. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Ricky Gervais - The Bible

#13 I meant the part from the stand up called "Politics", where he acts out what it would be like those two talking, which almost as hilarious as this piece from the "Animals" show.
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+5 209. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Flip flops. they are a hassle

Man this video has soo many layers:
the guy that passes through and pushes the flip flop towards him
the guy in the blue shirt to the left just watching him,
the chicks in the back faces,
the deep breath while he is in the floor just before standing up
the way he fight for picking them up just to throw them again.
and the im-so-wasted i cant put my flip flops on yet not so much for two thumbs up celebration.
:D :D
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0 210. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Japanese gameshow

I thought that by now "crazy" was implied when you use the phrase japanese gameshow.
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+1 211. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Whiny girlfriend ?

Does it come in black with blue stripes? can you put the seat in your car? :)
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+4 212. medicino commented 14 years ago on video No Pants Subway Ride 2010

They washed those seats after that, didn't they? :D
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-1 213. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Sarah Palin uses a hand-o-prompter

its not that people is attacking her all the time its just that she doesn't disappear from the Rep supporters media...I really feel kind of sorry for her, but then she opens up her mouth and i have to start laughing.
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+3 214. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Mad Brits

this resembles a lot the kind of show you get from les luthiers an argentinian comedy group with more than 40 years in stages all over latinamerica.
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+3 215. medicino commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

#19 I respectfully disagree with you, the road has the proper inclination since, its a curve, to provide enough adhesion to the pavement what happens here its some morons not only exceeding the speed limit but also performing stupid maneuvers at that velocity, he actually loses the control as soon as he enters the curve, look at the tires; the other car in the same lane was able to stop without drifting therefore it cant be the road...and lets be honest for our mothers whatever happens it will never be our fault. 8-)
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+15 216. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch? that a knife?
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+2 217. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Dance Monkey, Dance!

#23 ehhhh you contradicted the third and fourth line with the rest of your writing :'( .....which pretty much make a good argument for #21 statement :(|) ...ahhh logic such a powerful tool
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-2 218. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Wassup!

#(removed comment) dude anyone in this days that dare to call CNN "liberal" must be a-gun-totting-I-hate-evolution from the bible belt whom basically just swallow everything your pastor and Fox news has to say about the world.....

Yeah i got it too offensive and this is not bad. O:)
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-1 219. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Why women shouldn't play soccer

Just another case of roid rage.
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-2 220. medicino commented 14 years ago on video New SuperHero

#31 Dude not cool talking about Chuck Norris in that way....btw the sound editing is flawless.
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+8 221. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

I Can't believe it's not butter.
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+1 222. medicino commented 14 years ago on video Chump & Clump wait for the bus

Bromance at its best.
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+2 223. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Porn Buddies!

after how hard its not to laugh at a funeral this is one of the best moments. :D Jeff its like a combination of Phoebe weird wisdom and Joe stupidity....but waaaay funnier.
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0 224. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Ricky Gervais hosting the 2010 Golden Globes

this guy will never host the Golden Globes again...which its such a shame.
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+3 225. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Coca-Cola In Taiwan

Yeah this is a pretty common practice in most of the countries its quite convenient you know cause you're ridding the bus drinking your coke and you can tie a knot with the straw and save it for latter, its the same with fruits, pudding like desserts and anything that you usually US and EU citizens use a styrofoam container for. 8-)
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+6 226. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Dave Chappelle

This is the best sketch ever from Chappelle's Show, well only comparable to Rick James' saga.
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-6 227. medicino commented 15 years ago on video The world is getting more dangerous

Yeah this is what happens when millions of dollars are invested by the terrorist in developing new weapons, cause they are the ones spending all that money, aren't they?, now everybody gets even more scared and they get to invade our privacy just a little more each time.
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-3 228. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Best ever wedding entrance dance

Another video on the Baptasia saga isn't it?
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+2 229. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Pedophile Beard

so basically what #3 and #10 are telling us is that stereotypes are not a 100% representation of reality and suffering the attack of a sexual predator its not pleasant...but you did watch the video too, how do we know that you didn't laugh.... a fine example of Reaction Formation 8-) 8-)
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+16 230. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Top Gear - Bugatti Veyron vs McLaren F1 (Drag Race)

you can skip till 3:40 if you just want the race. 8-)
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+1 231. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Beatboxing skills

Dudes he is using polyrhythms.
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0 232. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Fake TV spot recordings in Mexico

yeah Venezuela you can see that in the amount of boob jobs...although Mexico is catching up in that matter and by the way we can be sure that the water wasn't cold.
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+3 233. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Sarah Palin book jokes

So sad how stupid wannabe politicians (regardless of the country) manage to convince people and even call for unworthy attention on them, you can't even think about comparing palin with Merkel, Thatcher, Hillary, Meir or Bachelet; she even gets more media attention and even calls "sexist comments" for every critic she gets...then again she deserves the credit for trying to fill the void in comedy that Bush departure caused 8-) .
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+3 234. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Copying Goes Wrong

1 guy 1 photocopier? he a friend of the jar guy?
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+3 235. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Wedding Girl Out Of Control!

Poor bride, but Drunk kind of good looking and a good pole dancer...mmmmh, it would be terrible to miss that chance >:) .
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0 236. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Jon Stewart owns Fox "News" Channel

This is exactly what Russel Peters talks about in his las stand up, they just put images without telling you anything so at the end you are the one who makes the the way #11 you're right but the things about health are coming to this: either you make a big change of course or you keep the same and more and more people will keep dying in the wealthiest country of the world even though you have all what it takes to heal them.
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+2 237. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Just Taking a Walk

he's a huge fan of Buster Keaton and Chaplin
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-4 238. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Cannibal Shark

Damn beautiful woman an the beginning. >:)
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-1 239. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Flexible OLED Display

Dudes!!! Minority Report really its the window to the not so far future...though I'm not so sure about the advantages of a cell phone screen that can get bended while you press it against your ear.
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+1 240. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Low-cost low-rider

Personally I prefer the Borat version..but i get it, this is specifically for the chicks
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+1 241. medicino commented 15 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

actually it's digesting the bacteria not only to kill it but also to have small pieces so antibodies can be created, thats why the macrophage only chases one...and by the swelling of the red cells you can tell it took quite sometime for this to happen.
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+2 242. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Lanlord & his wife goes crazy on a reporter

Mmmm a fox reporter getting beaten up :S ....the irony is that this time he was actually reporting the truth.
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+1 243. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Future designer laptop - Rolltop

it can be both the cpu and the power supply, maybe by using some kind of new ultra high speed wifi protocol and WItricity you could accomplish it, not sure about the rolling thing, i mean its not practical to keep rolling out and rolling in every time you want to use it(that sounded like im a veeery lazy person :D) the way the guy has like a major wedgie issue going on while he walks.
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0 244. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Funny police pursuit

It's the theme from the Benny Hill Show (yakety sax)...this video kind of remained me the one with all the illegal inmigrants getting out from a van
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+6 245. medicino commented 15 years ago on video How to wake up your girlfriend

She had a wedgie lol, nice prank but he could have poke her from under the blanket.
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-11 246. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

the shirtless guy is the hill billie from the simpsons right?
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-14 247. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Fighter jet compilation

Nice Vid kind of gay the music though
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+4 248. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Italian chewing gum

Actually is Argentinian, kind of old but good.
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-9 249. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Man vs. Kids

Dude when a white mom watches this he is sooo gonna get in trouble..
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+1 250. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Little Man

did you noticed that they are siblings?
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0 251. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Planet Earth

do you really need to watch that to realize our planet its beautiful or how short your memory is that you need this videos to remember it...careful with #15 i smell a fanatic.
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0 252. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Gotcha!

Ehh can you Cough for me please. 8-)
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-1 253. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Ninja skillz

He's sooo gonna die as a least not without paying for. :'( did you see how his jumpimg improved after removing the couple of splinters from the ground just by the end of the video.
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+3 254. medicino commented 15 years ago on video Hi Stefanie

This is the obedience to the Law: Bros B4 H >:) s