Comments posted by meer81


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-2 1. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video Dubai Time-lapse - Random POVs

thumbs up if you live in Dubai :D
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0 2. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video Somewhere in Canada, someone has raised an army of Saint Bernards

it feels like a benchmark test for VGA cards :D
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+1 3. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video Motor Vehicles and Mother Russia 2012

0:28 horses keeping their heads down to avoid becoming a double whopper. :)
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0 4. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video The Portuguese Manowar

God's Creation.
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0 5. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video Coil Gun

does he have a youtube channel?
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0 6. meer81 commented 11 years ago on video cat vs super mario sound effects

if u do it quick enough then the cat might fly.
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+5 7. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video Footage from inside a plane with its engine burning during the flight !

what flight was that?
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0 8. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video traktor racing volvo terror

they could organize a drag-race/plowing contest at the same time.
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+1 9. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video Autonomous Flight Plane

Pure Porn 8-)
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-8 10. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Upward Lightning!

1400 years ago, the prophet Mohammad talked about this, he said that didnt you see how the lightning goes and comes back off the ground?.
Thank god for ISLAM, its the religion of science and reason.
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+1 11. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video Dubai Airport Flash Mob

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+4 12. meer81 commented 12 years ago on video 8.429GHz overclocked

i forgot AMD ever existed until i watched this
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-1 13. meer81 commented 13 years ago on video Drunk Walking With Style

no wonder drinking is not allowed in islam
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+1 14. meer81 commented 13 years ago on video French bulldog vs. Cat

Like a Boss